your worse or humiliating experience when fat?



  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    everytime I put on my wetsuit to go surfing. I'm not the oldest guy in the line-up, but I'm the heaviest.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    I was in 6th grade, and this girl asked me every single day if I was pregnant.

    Or when I only wanted to wear a specific sweatshirt and pair of jeans everyday because it's the only thing I felt comfortable in, and one guy confronted me in front of the whole art class about why I wore the same thing every day.
  • Everburg16
    Everburg16 Posts: 101
    Oh man, too many instances.

    Probably the worst was going to dinner with my boyfriend (now hubby). There was a bit of a wait to get seated (lots of people there), so we sat down on the benches nearby. I didn't know that MY bench was broken already, so when I sat down, the bench COMPLETELY broke and I fell to the floor along with the remaining bench, in front of all those people...and I was wearing a skirt, which conveniently flew RIGHT up to reveal my panties. No one offered to help, they just stared in silence. To be honest, though, looking back on it makes me laugh AND we did get free dinner! LOL

    The most painful, though, was trying to ride a rollercoaster...they couldn't get the bar down and they stood up and announced in front of everyone, "Miss, you're too fat to ride this ride. We're going to have to ask you to leave." And then I had to stand up and leave in front of all those people. Yikes.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Being barked at by a group of guys that happened to be friends with a guy I liked (who although he did not participate, he didn't try to stop them either).

    Breaking up with my low life ex who refused to work once we moved in together and cheated on me, only to have my father tell me that there was no longer any hope for me bc nobody likes a fat girl.
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    My most humiliating experience wasn't public, but I was still mortified.

    At my heaviest in 2010, I was 287, and I was flying to my parents' for the holidays and I had to go to the bathroom while I was on the plane. I didn't fit the toilet and tried to sort of hover above and ended up peeing on myself and some on the toilet and floor. I cleaned it and myself up, but I was shaking and in nearly in tears when I returned to my seat. I was sure someone was going to ask me why I'd been in the bathroom so long, or that I had gotten some on my skirt and would smell like urine and someone would comment on it.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    1. I wasnt heavy as a child, but I was as a younger teen. My friend and I were working at a fundraiser car wash. We ate lunch at a nearby burger place. Two guys that were with us ate with us and we were having a discussion about something like attractiveness or something. My friend was teasing one of the guys because he liked her. As we were walking back to the car wash, the one that liked my friend was "complimenting" her (but really putting me down). He said I like you because your thin and not and looked right at me ......... his voice trailed off. I spoke up after looking at him in shock and said "fat like me". He said "you said it not me" as if that excused him from being an Ahole. This one sticks with me.

    2. As a teen, eating a hot dog in my car on the way home as i hadnt eatin lunch that day,, guys in the car next to me--- "mmm yum,, moooo"

    3. In the last few years same experience as others with not being able to ride the rides I wanted to,, being told before I could even get on the ride that I was too big. The people behind us chewed out the ride attendant though, so that was good.

    4. Recently, I work downtown, so there are alot of homeless. There were two guys and a girl together. Older people, all three of them. The guys were waving at me, I was wearing an outfit that I look good in and apparently they agreed. The girl then yells (apparently jealous) " yeah all you need to do is put a little more wieght on that body and it wont be so bad" not sure what she meant but it puzzles me.

    All of these things stick with me and I think most of them have contributed to my weight. My self esteem has never been very high, but now it is and I am accomplishing my goals of getting healthy!!!:happy:
  • weatherlady
    weatherlady Posts: 13
    I have two, a couple years ago (actually when I weighed less than I do now) I had this man ask me on two separate occasions when my baby was due, this is in front of my old Commander, and both times I said "I'm not pregnant I'm just fat." Afterwards both times, I cried. Another time was when I was a little heavier than I am now, a drunk "friend" said I used to be pretty, but now I'm fat and ugly and everything thinks I am going to fail. I balled after that. He has since apologized, but it has still stuck with me.
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    I hate when friends who are smaller than you call themselves fat/chubby/chunky and then feel awkward because they notice the current audience and then they try to back pedal and start saying something like "I mean...ugh...I know I'm no where as big as I shouldn't." This has happened SOOOO many times I've lost track. I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO USING THE WORD FAT/CHUNKY/CHUBBY! There are many variations of overweight. Don't bring me down with your own body **** talking!
  • iamceez23
    iamceez23 Posts: 23
    Three instances:

    1. I was trying out for cheerleading in hs...I wasn't extremely fat, but not skinny either. I guess I was in denial though, because I was considered obese by others. I did make the squad though- because they needed one more extra person, I got in by default. But after the announcements were made at a school assembly of the new team, a few of the mean boys in my grade walked by, snickering, and one quoted Bring It On: "How'd you make it on the squad? In cheerleading they throw people in the air...and fat people don't go as high". Everyone that heard laughed and I actually quit the squad before I truly started.

    2. I went to a play with a few friends after school. We were sitting and enjoying conversation when I heard a creak. My entire chair, snapped, wood literally flew everywhere. Everyone in the building laughed at me. Even my friends at the time, (strangers now) laughed. I was so embarrassed. I got up and quickly walked away, and left, calling my mom for a ride.

    3. In theology class, we had a potluck. Everytime we had class potlucks, I opted into not eating anything. I hated drawing attention to myself. I was pressured and I went up with another friend who was probably a good 280lbs at the time and me 200...and we started getting our food. People in the class were moo'ing, laughing, making rude comments, and being ignorant. I even heard someone say "ohh the fat a$$es are up there, good thing we ate first. they are going to eat like its the last supper". I just wanted to cry. But what's worse than being the fat kid? The fat kind who cries :/
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    I'm sure there have been a ton, either real or imaginary but two situations stick out in my mind.

    One Christmas at my in-laws my mother-in-law was talking about how eating off small plates leads to eating less leads to weight loss, etc. Later that afternoon while setting the table for Christmas dinner I was sitting in the den with some other family members and she comes in with a small saucer and holds it up and says "Jess, this is the size plate YOU should be eating off".

    This one is STUPID and just ridiculous that I even still think about it, but it had a profound effect on me...
    One night in college, me and two of my friends were sitting on a bench in front of a dorm. A few floors up some dudes opened the window and starting essentially flirting and saying stuff like "why don't you girls come up to our room?" and then one said "we aren't talking to the fat one on the end!" I was the fat one on the end. The WORST part about situations like that is because the situation is so childish and moronic that if you break out in tears you look like you actually gave a **** what these d-bags thought of you which just makes you feel worse about yourself because you feel like a fool for caring. Oy.
  • k8325
    k8325 Posts: 19 Member
    I was a Jr in college and it was a really warm spring day. I had screwed up the courage to put on a pair of shorts (I honestly don't know how I even had a pair of shorts because I wore nothing but jeans since I was a teennager...even in the full heat of summer) and sit out on the campus green to prep for a final. As I was sitting I heard a fellow student say, "I mean I know I'm bigger, but I would never go out in public like that" Didn't wear shorts again for 10 years. After I lost about 30 lbs heading into the summer (weighing in at about 200 and an xl, size 14, maybe?), I vowed that I wouldn't wear any thing that went below my calves. A summer or dresses, shorts and capris and I started to be more comfortable with my body and it was in total defiance of that stranger. Looking back, she must have been such an insecure child to feel the need to compare like that. Now, I actively make it a point not to compare like that, even in my head.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I freaking cracked my wooden toilet seat. I was 269 lbs. at 5 ft. 9, sat down to tinkle, and it just... broke. It was truly an "Oh, HELL no!" moment. I'm just thankful it was my own and didn't happen at a friend's place!
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    I was 9 years old, my mom made me stand on a scale every single day so she could see how much I weighed, then she'd tsk tsk tsk at me and tell me no one was ever going to want to marry me if I stayed so fat -_- thanks mom

    Amazing, I'm actually a fairly self confident person :tongue:
  • hanwyz
    hanwyz Posts: 37 Member
    I had an ex a few years back before I went to uni.... I was 18, and a normal weight (could still fit in uk size 8 dresses), just with what weight I did have on my stomach. I also stand really awkwardly drawing attention to me stomach. His parents *forced* me to take a pregnancy test, insisting I was about 3 months pregnant. I knew I wasn't but they kept saying I was. When I took the test and it showed I wasn't, they were like "oh, ok, well you need to lose a few kg then, why don't you start weight watchers with us?" And apparently they had all been talking to each other at the ice rink that morning, including the friends of the family who had first commented on it...

    I also had my current boyfriend call me podgy and large. This was before the car accident that caused most of my weight gain. Yes, I wasn't as small as I would have liked, but again, I was size 10ish. And anyway, I was technically a healthy weight and he was technically overweight. Ugh.... Now he knows not to comment, as he will get blasted... I just wish I carried my weight in places other than my stomach...
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    GOOD GOD Almighty...........are you people serious? People, family? Friends? and no names have actually said these things to you? What the heII gives ANYONE the right to speak to another person in this manner? OMG Ive lost all hope in humanity just reading these things. I cant recall ANYONE EVER speaking to me in this manner....or at best Ive never heard it (or Id be in jail for assault)

    I feel so incredibly bad and embarrassed for all of you. My heart hurts just imaginig how y'all had to have felt faced with rude obnoxious disgusting foul mouthed ill mannered people. PLEASE know we arent all like that.

    (Ive been welllll over weight most of my adult's been a struggle but one Im coming to terms with more each day and Im glad to be here to share with y'all)
  • madusm
    madusm Posts: 27 Member
    I have had too many :/

    1. My parents would always make fun of my weight. My boyfriend and his parents came home before our wedding. My dad said things like "My daughter doesn't know cooking. She knows how to eat!", "My son looks better than my daughter". I was really devastated that day.

    2. My mom would always comment on the clothes I wear. She would say "Don't go around flaunting your bulges to everyone".

    3. My husband and I went to get a massage on our honeymoon and the lady there asked me if I was pregnant.

    4. My friends and I were deciding to go on a road trip. We were deciding to pack light. And my friend told me that his wife has smaller clothes and hence she will have a lighter bag than me. He was apparently "just joking"!

    But I have a husband who is very supportive and loves me. I am more confident now. And more importantly I am a good human being because I don't insult/ humiliate others for the way they look.
  • HappyBlues
    HappyBlues Posts: 94 Member
    One more thing, a "look" can be worse than words. At some point, I quit keeping track of my weight. I think I hit somewhere near 250 lbs on my 5'5" frame, before I came out of my funk. The "look" was common, when my husband and I would go out to eat. He does not have a weight issue. I felt the "look" of disapproval no matter what food choices I made. Who knows the "look" I am talking about?

    Yep. I think the look is worse then any comments made.
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    When I was young, my family called me "flaco" when I obviously wasn't.
  • jgsimon1
    jgsimon1 Posts: 61
    @eddieeats I hope it was in that moment you broke up with her. She sounds like a horrible human being! Gah it made me furious reading your story. All those ladies in class including your ex-gf are *kitten*. I wish you luck in your weight loss journey!

    Talk about "Mean Girls"!!! There is NO excuse for their behavior!!! Please accept my apolgies on behalf of women everywhere......we are not all hateful, disgusting human beings like that!!!

    I wish you the best in your weight loss journey!!!