What do women really want from a relationship?



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    1. Loyalty
    This is very important to me. I want a man to be there in the relationship WITH me, wanting and needing just me. If he feels the need to find someone else because I am not providing him with what he needs and wants, by all means, find someone else. I don't want to stay in a relationship full of lies and deceiving ourselves that we're good enough for each other. I've seen so many relationships in my family and friends that are built on lies, staying together just because even if the husband is seeing someone else. Sure, he goes home to the wife every night but that's not my kind of loyalty. Usually, people stray away from their current relationships because of 80%, 20%. Which means that they are only getting 80% of what they want and need from their current partners and when someone comes along presenting the 20% it looks soooo much better than it actually is because that's what you're lacking but in reality 80 > 20 but you get blinded by what you're not getting.

    2. Respect
    Often times as the relationship ages, the couple gets comfortable with each other, sometimes too comfortable and they develop some attitudes or show their true colors that was never seen early on in the relationship. I truly believe that you should treat someone with respect as you want to be treated. Sure there will be shouting and fighting but hitting a woman is a huge NO NO in my books. Also, respect to each others' privacy as well as values and differences.

    3. Trust
    I guess this goes well with the above. Trust is essential in a relationship. A relationship full of lies and deception isn't really that appealing. Sure makes a good TV show but in real life, no one wants that drama. I want someone who I can fully trust my heart with. I don't want to be always on my toes wondering if he's cheating on me or doing something else other than he says. Trusting someone fully is hard. To have someone you don't have to doubt for one second, that would be amazing.

    4. Effort
    Sure I can trust you, you respect me and you're loyal but you don't make much effort with the relationship then ehhh. It doesn't mean that since you're officially together, that you've finally caught the fish then you can relax, let everything go and just let everything take its course. I believe that effort is required to making a relationship work. Effort every day to make each others day better! Effort of being there and making time. Effort of being each others' person. Effort to care about what is important to each other.

    5. Passion
    Wanting and needing each other! Especially during intimate moments. Lol having that feeling of just being with that person and being more than enough. Just that sense of security and assurance you get when you're with each other and wanting to protect each other and just I don't know LOVEEEEE! Like when you think about that person throughout the day you just smile and be thankful that you are in each others lives. Sometimes the passion fades overtime. I believe it could be ignited though! Also, I think sex is a huge part in a relationship. I want to be sexually compatible with my partner! Like... really really compatible. :laugh: Our sexual levels should be more or less the same.

    6. Sillyness
    I want to be able to laugh with my partner. Having a sense of humor is important to me! Having fun and just being our silly selves. Having inside couple jokes and being able to share something without being judged. Being weird together! Just enjoying each others company.

    I think that a person should be fully complete, whole and content with themselves before you get into a relationship. One shouldn't let someone else complete them. And then when these two wholes come together, they will complement each other and form a new whole, a new relationship. But... that's just me. I could be approaching this wrong, but so far that's what I want in a relationship.

    Oh, and he should love pizza. That is all.

    I love this - couldn't have put it better myself.
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    Respect, admiration, a best friend really. Someone to have lots of fun with and be someone you can constantly turn to for love and support :flowerforyou: I have a boyfriend who is doing a pretty good job of that right now. No plates being thrown at each other or anything anyway. Oh and I have to add in loyalty. And someone who is up for 2am pizzas after a night out. The last one is a requirement.
  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    sex everyday

    and then again after the gym

    so only twice a day??? we need to adda third or four session in there each day too
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Still looking for all night long. Haven't found one that could keep up.
  • XLombardX
    XLombardX Posts: 23 Member
    Respect, to be treated as an equal. An equal partner in decision-making. Affection, emotional intelligence, ability to communicate feelings, especially love. A lack of passive aggression, I hate that *kitten*. Physical attraction, a high sex drive. Having the courage of his convictions, not being too cowardly to discuss issues.
  • _Lovely77_
    _Lovely77_ Posts: 993 Member
    Security, loyalty, respect, love and honesty is all great and should come easily in a marriage? Easier said than done though but really what a girl wants in a relationship whether married or just dating is to be dated. Complacency brings nothing but trouble.
  • JT_Texas
    JT_Texas Posts: 9
    1. Loyalty
    This is very important to me. I want a man to be there in the relationship WITH me, wanting and needing just me. If he feels the need to find someone else because I am not providing him with what he needs and wants, by all means, find someone else. I don't want to stay in a relationship full of lies and deceiving ourselves that we're good enough for each other. I've seen so many relationships in my family and friends that are built on lies, staying together just because even if the husband is seeing someone else. Sure, he goes home to the wife every night but that's not my kind of loyalty. Usually, people stray away from their current relationships because of 80%, 20%. Which means that they are only getting 80% of what they want and need from their current partners and when someone comes along presenting the 20% it looks soooo much better than it actually is because that's what you're lacking but in reality 80 > 20 but you get blinded by what you're not getting.

    2. Respect
    Often times as the relationship ages, the couple gets comfortable with each other, sometimes too comfortable and they develop some attitudes or show their true colors that was never seen early on in the relationship. I truly believe that you should treat someone with respect as you want to be treated. Sure there will be shouting and fighting but hitting a woman is a huge NO NO in my books. Also, respect to each others' privacy as well as values and differences.

    3. Trust
    I guess this goes well with the above. Trust is essential in a relationship. A relationship full of lies and deception isn't really that appealing. Sure makes a good TV show but in real life, no one wants that drama. I want someone who I can fully trust my heart with. I don't want to be always on my toes wondering if he's cheating on me or doing something else other than he says. Trusting someone fully is hard. To have someone you don't have to doubt for one second, that would be amazing.

    4. Effort
    Sure I can trust you, you respect me and you're loyal but you don't make much effort with the relationship then ehhh. It doesn't mean that since you're officially together, that you've finally caught the fish then you can relax, let everything go and just let everything take its course. I believe that effort is required to making a relationship work. Effort every day to make each others day better! Effort of being there and making time. Effort of being each others' person. Effort to care about what is important to each other.

    5. Passion
    Wanting and needing each other! Especially during intimate moments. Lol having that feeling of just being with that person and being more than enough. Just that sense of security and assurance you get when you're with each other and wanting to protect each other and just I don't know LOVEEEEE! Like when you think about that person throughout the day you just smile and be thankful that you are in each others lives. Sometimes the passion fades overtime. I believe it could be ignited though! Also, I think sex is a huge part in a relationship. I want to be sexually compatible with my partner! Like... really really compatible. :laugh: Our sexual levels should be more or less the same.

    6. Sillyness
    I want to be able to laugh with my partner. Having a sense of humor is important to me! Having fun and just being our silly selves. Having inside couple jokes and being able to share something without being judged. Being weird together! Just enjoying each others company.

    I think that a person should be fully complete, whole and content with themselves before you get into a relationship. One shouldn't let someone else complete them. And then when these two wholes come together, they will complement each other and form a new whole, a new relationship. But... that's just me. I could be approaching this wrong, but so far that's what I want in a relationship.

    Oh, and he should love pizza. That is all.

    Thank you! This is a great response. I knew there would be a variety of responses from women of all ages and I wanted to get opinions from all women.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Both parties should be whole in themselves. I'm not buying the "other half" crap; you have to be okay enough by yourself and have the means to lead a life as a single until you die, because when you start clinging on others you get problems. But if you can stand on your two feet by yourself, yet know when to reach out and for what, you're golden.

    Living with me means there's no maid at home. My work or school stuff is as important as his work or school stuff. We share household management equally and there's no discussion about it, no nagging, no complaining; I'm not his mother but his partner in life and he's no ten-year old who has to whine any time something needs to get done; just do it in five minutes rather than whine about it for a quarter and then do in five. Sometimes we might slack a bit, but that's a mutual agreement arrived at in peace and quiet. Sometimes one has to do a bit more to help the other, but it all evens out in the long run. I can't stand the expression "he's helping out"; what? He's a full member of the household and as such expected to do his half. Whatever that half is can be discussed; if he really hates a particular task, I'll cover for him, and expect him to act the same for me.

    I hate pathetic quarrels, pathetic yelling, pathetic aggression. He has a brain capable of rational thought and a mouth capable of adjusting speech and sound; don't yell at me, talk to me. Go punch a bag at the gym if you're frustrated enough to want to yell at someone, don't yell at me, I'm not a barf bag. I never yell at you for nothing and if I'm exploding, **** hit the fan in epic proportions for me to reach such a primitive state of mind without having been able to control it properly.

    As you can see by now, none of us can speak for all the other women. It's a subjective thing, hence the "I". Anyway, I think partners have the other one's back. You know their weaknesses, secrets, vulnerabilities and you never, ever turn against those just because you can. Your job is to cover for your partner when someone else on the outside attacks those spots. It's called loyalty. Respect. Honesty.

    Love and sex are byproducts, because the foundation is in order. They are needed, but if there are cracks in the trust department, neither one will ever be very good.

    I'm very very low-maintenance and don't ask for much in regards to materialistic things. We all die one day and can take nothing of it with us to the other side, so the legacy is in how we treat others, what we learn and what we pass on to others. A partnership in the context I described above focuses on the connection between two people and it doesn't fix problems with more bought crap, but it's about experiences, maybe travelling together if the bank account looks fine enough, and just being together. I can't wait to be at a better size for adventure travelling and hope my potential second time around will be better than the first experience of a "marriage".
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Honesty. No cheating. Communication. Good sense of humor.
  • eleanoraus
    eleanoraus Posts: 33 Member
    Make me laugh, make me come, make me food.

  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member

    ....has nobody said that yet? :D
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    A leader but also my partner. My fiancé knows when to work with me side by side and also knows when to take over cause I just can't handle anything else. I like that he challenges me too. And the fact that after 5 yrs and we still have no kids I appreciate we have a lot in common other than children. So good communication is one too.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member

    ....has nobody said that yet? :D
    Well, on the previous page I said I really don't ask for it, I'm low-maintenance. And I do have a pay check of my own, possibly better than yours. Since you're frank enough to bring money up for discussion.
  • eleanoraus
    eleanoraus Posts: 33 Member
    Make me laugh, make me come, make me food.

    so like a penis cake will do?

    The penis cake is apparently my perfect man.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Make me laugh, make me come, make me food.

    so like a penis cake will do?

    The penis cake is apparently my perfect man.

    ..but is it...ah...hard enough to be fully satisfying?
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    Thank you! This is a great response. I knew there would be a variety of responses from women of all ages and I wanted to get opinions from all women.

    I'm 26, just in case you needed that info. Lol
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    This is not a gender issue, it's a human issue...I think you should just ask people when you are in a relationship what their expectations are. Not all women are the same.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Sex, food, and booze?

    You must have read my mind.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Make me laugh, make me come, make me food.

    so like a penis cake will do?

    The penis cake is apparently my perfect man.

    ..but is it...ah...hard enough to be fully satisfying?
    well we can fix it for your request..........hard enough to keep form but soft and tasty enough to be put in the mouth. =)

    In that case..I approve. Continue with the Penis Cake.


    will Penis Cake still love me in the morning?