30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187

    Thanks to both of ya'll!! I managed to finish Level 1 Day 2 and I can already notice my endurance growing!! I can't seem to get the push ups though....is there another exercise i can do that is similar? And it's not that i can't do them because they are hard...just that i can't do them right!! Does anyone have any advice for figuring it out??

    Thanks! And good job to everyone!!

    Angelsandwolves - most women have a really hard time doing the push ups because we don't have the upper body strength that guys do. I struggle with push ups too.

    Make sure you are keeping your neck straight by looking at the floor. You don't want to get a neck injury. Also, keep your back straight. You essentially want to keep your spine in perfect alignment to avoid hurting yourself. It isn't a big deal to leave your knees on the floor.

    If you find that you just cannot physically do this type of push up at this point in your level of fitness, there is another move.

    Stand in front of a wall but away from the wall enough so that you can place your arms straight out in front of you, palms flat on the wall. You can slowly bend your arms to allow your body to come in towards the wall and then slowly straighten your arms to go back into your original position. So it's a vertical rather than a horizontal push up.

    When you do get stronger though, you need to try to do the horizontal push ups.

    Good luck! You're doing great!:flowerforyou:

  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    I'm having a typing problem today. OK Progress Report. The Push Ups Weren't so Horrible today. When My Right Leg was in front I managed to touch my Left Knee to Ground every Lunge. I Totally saw on the 1st set of side lunges that I was bringing my Hips and Knee forward. I THINK I Managed to Correct this on the 2nd set by Keeping my Butt slightly sticking out the entire time instead of standing up. I Still TOTALLY Suck at the Anterior Raises but I do every single one they do. Love to feel My Tummy getting HARD

    QUESTION: How many Cals are you managing to burn after Only Doing 30DS??? I Have a Cheapie Wrist HRM from Walmart and check my HR 11 times during the workout and wanna make sure I'm not overclaiming
  • I will have to do my day 5 later tonight, have a paper to write :(

    Anyway, anyone here already shed some pounds? My scale still hasn't moved yet (if any it actually went up a bit) but today one of my friends said I look slimmer which of course made me happy! :D)

    I've lost about 2lbs, but that could be due to getting back on the healthy eating bandwagon after the christmas/new years pig out I endured
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    Awesome Idea on the Wall pushups Debbie!!! To work your way to Horizontal you can bring your feet further and further away from the wall OOPS Forgot to say That Today Was Day 5 of Level 1
  • Amcantar
    Amcantar Posts: 43 Member
    I loooove this DVD!! I had done Tony Horton's Beachbody "Sweat" dvds in the past and they were great, but long, and to tone you had to do a totally different video for ANOTHER 40 minutes, yikes! I love the mix of cardio and sculpting, and how short the circuits are! It keeps me interested, and right when I feel like I'm going to die she switches to something else and it's a great change. Jillian is tough, but I really like this DVD. Plus, before this I was just doing Yoga, and now I burn about twice the calories in the same amount time x3

    I guess I've been on MFP for about 2 months now, but I don't get out on the forums much, so I just thought I'd pop into this thread :) I started "Shred" on Jan 1, but today was workout number 4, lv 1 for me

    :) Keep working hard everyone!!
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks DebbieW!! I have been trying all day to figure out something I could do to get the same workout(essentially)....I am gonna try this out on my next set and see if it helps me get the form down. I also noticed that I am bending my knee out past my toes during the side lunges(i think that's what they are called)....so i gotta work on that as well cuz i don't need a knee injury...lol...

    I really appreciate all the advice!! And since my last official weigh in two weeks ago, I have lost 15 lbs!!! :)

    Is there anyone who does the 30DS twice a day? Would that be harmful or could it help? I know it's probably not a good idea for me since I am just starting out, but I was just wondering!
  • Amcantar
    Amcantar Posts: 43 Member

    Is there anyone who does the 30DS twice a day? Would that be harmful or could it help? I know it's probably not a good idea for me since I am just starting out, but I was just wondering!

    I actually do each circuit twice, one right after the other. Once circuit one ends, i hit the "back chapter" button on my remote and it goes right back to the beging of Circuit one, right after the warm up. The DVD is set up really nice for that. So, 6 circuits, aprox 35 minutes of workout. Yes, it is hard, but I would recommend it if you want some extra kick and you feel okay! :)
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member

    Is there anyone who does the 30DS twice a day? Would that be harmful or could it help? I know it's probably not a good idea for me since I am just starting out, but I was just wondering!

    I actually do each circuit twice, one right after the other. Once circuit one ends, i hit the "back chapter" button on my remote and it goes right back to the beging of Circuit one, right after the warm up. The DVD is set up really nice for that. So, 6 circuits, aprox 35 minutes of workout. Yes, it is hard, but I would recommend it if you want some extra kick and you feel okay! :)

    I had thought about doing the whole 25 mins then starting over and doing what i can....i figured I could probably make it to like 30-35 mins or so. I am wanting to kind of like double up each day to maybe make it to my goal quicker....or at least bring my stamina up some!!
  • I just did my day 1 tonight. still fresh with sweat :) I have owned this DVD for over a year, and in that time I don't think I've ever made it more than 5 continuous days. I'm planning on breaking that this time!!

    I'm participating in a biggest loser competition with a bunch of my girl friends. Yesterday was weigh in and we'll go 12 weeks! I'm excited about the accountability on such a grand scale. I hope this is all I need to get to my goal. I've gained about 10 pounds since November!! And the crazy thing is, is I knew it was happening, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking "well, Jan 1 is right around the corner, I'll deal with it then!" DUMB!! I'm sure some of you can relate!
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Day 5 - DONE! - and feeling stronger every single day!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Okay, so far not been able to commit like I had intended.:grumble: It is driving me nuts!!!! :angry: No IF's AND's or BUT's I'm doing it tomorrow. I will be a bit behind the mojority of you all, but I'm not going to give up. Please keep me motivated! I really enjoy exercising, just find other things to do (laundry, clean office... you name it) seems everything this week has just been crazy. Anyway, enough rambling...I will be shredding tomorrow!!!:drinker:
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    Okay, so far not been able to commit like I had intended.:grumble: It is driving me nuts!!!! :angry: No IF's AND's or BUT's I'm doing it tomorrow. I will be a bit behind the mojority of you all, but I'm not going to give up. Please keep me motivated! I really enjoy exercising, just find other things to do (laundry, clean office... you name it) seems everything this week has just been crazy. Anyway, enough rambling...I will be shredding tomorrow!!!:drinker:

    No shame in missing some!! It seems the only reason I get to exercise is because I let my laundry...dishes...etc pile up for a little bit....*hangs head in shame*....but when I am done exercising I get so much energy that the house ends up getting cleaned anyway!!(most of the time....lol)

    You can do it!!
  • Day 5 completed....and dare I say, I think it was a little easier!

    Hope everyone keeps at it!
  • I'm in. I'm just about to go do Day 6. It gets easier every day.
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Just got done with Day 4 Level 1. Today was busy! I was dragging a bit, I am thinking a combination of didn't have as much water today, got extra exercise through out the day, and I did it an hour later than usual.....I was really just wanting to go to bed, but because of MFP I knew I didn't want to miss! So huge thanks for helping me get off my rear and moving it for a bit!
  • Finally done with day 5 and I agree...it gets easier each day!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Okay, so far not been able to commit like I had intended.:grumble: It is driving me nuts!!!! :angry: No IF's AND's or BUT's I'm doing it tomorrow. I will be a bit behind the mojority of you all, but I'm not going to give up. Please keep me motivated! I really enjoy exercising, just find other things to do (laundry, clean office... you name it) seems everything this week has just been crazy. Anyway, enough rambling...I will be shredding tomorrow!!!:drinker:

    Good morning fellow shredders!:happy:

    Just finished Day 6, Level 1. Whew!!:bigsmile:

    I'm really excited. Today is "casual friday" at work which means I get to where jeans to work today. So, I put my jeans on this morning, not having worn them since last week. I did them up......easily!!! :bigsmile: Wow! My belly isn't straining against the zipper and button. So exciting!!!

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day. Even if I don`t drop weight, I`m still going to be happy for the fact that my jeans fit .:bigsmile:

    ebh1024 - Don`t be too hard on yourself. Things get in the way, it`s called "LIFE".

    Just keep trying to think of strategies to help you get back on track.:huh:

    Here are a couple of my strategies:

    I set my alarm clock to get up earlier.

    It works for me better than trying to work out later in the day when "stuff" gets in my way and side tracks me.

    I also have a heart rate monitor and HIGHLY recommend everyone to wear one.

    You can put your HRM on when you are doing those other activities that take your time away from Shredding.

    You would be amazed at how many calories you're burning when you're doing laundry, housework, cleaning the office etc. The other bonus, you get to record those burned calories into your exercise log. Bonus!

    It's also VERY important for us women to monitor our own heart rate :heart: as it is harder to detect when a woman is having a heart attack.:brokenheart: Women don't always present the same symptoms that are typical for a man.

    Have a great day all you Shredders! You're doing great!!:drinker:

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    is it OK i join in? i know I'm kinda late in the game. i did level 1 last night for the first time. wow! this is a great DVD. I'm sore today though
  • Day 6 completed this morning -- it was tougher to get through than last night, I don't think I was fully awake!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 5~Level 1 complete. For some reason I had a little difficulty with the first cardio session today. The jump rope section started to hurt my knees a bit so I had to rest some and I had to rest a little with the second set of pushups. So I did not make it through the whole session without stopping but I can see some improvement with endurance. I am actually starting to like situps *gasp* I never dreamed I would ever say that because they have been my enemy for so long. I think I have moved on to the frenemy stage with them. Weigh in tomorrow so hopefully it has helped.

    By the way does anyone else have issues with their eyes tearing up when you are working out. Starting to think it may be that I am not breathing correctly.
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