How often do u all weigh in?



  • InevitableButterfly
    InevitableButterfly Posts: 340 Member
    weekly, naked, Friday mornings. :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If I'm trying to lose I weigh in daily. Weight can fluctuate so much that I might be up a pound or two even if I was down a week before.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but only log a loss after it's stayed that way 3-4 days. Otherwise, I log every Friday, gain or loss. That keeps me accountable to myself.
  • I weigh in the morning after I use the restroom, strip down naked, exhale, and step on the scale. I also weigh at night. This helps keep me focused on cravings. Some say I'm a slave to the numbers, but for me, it works...:bigsmile:
  • mjwilley
    mjwilley Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh in every morning. It helps me see that what I have eaten the day/days before has an effect on my weight the next day or so. I find it very helpful, not stressful. I can then alter what i need to in a timely fashion.
  • MikeLAdams
    MikeLAdams Posts: 40
    I weigh in daily, but under the same conditions: in the early morning, after I'm done in the bathroom, and before any food or water. The daily variations can be up to 3 pounds, which helps me determine if I am suddenly retaining waste, getting dehydrated, or both. I've been working out 60+ minutes a day and consistently under my calorie goal for a 2 pound/week loss, so if I suddenly gain or lose 3 pounds, that's my body's way of saying it needs some water, fiber, or calorie adjustment.
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    Does anyone else feel like weighing in daily helps them stay on track better than weekly?? I know it's "a big no no" but I feel like I am more accountable if I do it that way.
    I weigh myself daily, but only update my check in when I've actually lost the weight.
  • JBfoodforlife
    JBfoodforlife Posts: 1,371 Member
    I weigh in daily also, at the same time... but dont get crazy if the numbers are up or down... I know where I should be headed just by my logging... I dont have a schedule of when I check in, I just do it when its a number I want to see...
  • ilovemyjoey
    ilovemyjoey Posts: 1 Member
    Every day, making sure I have the same amount of clothes and it's the same time in my routine. Having a daily check just keeps my on track throughout the day. I expect to have minimal change, sometimes even up as just daily body changes. I have a withings wifi scale that automatically updates into my phone which is nice. It does weight but also body fat so even if my weight goes up I can see my body fat to keep it relative. Studies have shown that more frequent measures can help you resist temptations throughout the day which is a huge issue for me.
  • shannong311
    shannong311 Posts: 59 Member
    Lately because I have not been tracking(just coming back now) I have been weighing in almost daily just to make sure I'm not going overboard.
  • Bjamino
    Bjamino Posts: 51 Member
    I started off doing it daily but now once a week or every 10 days.

    If I need to reign myself in then I'll go back to daily if need be!
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    I weigh in each and every morning.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Does anyone else feel like weighing in daily helps them stay on track better than weekly?? I know it's "a big no no" but I feel like I am more accountable if I do it that way.

    To each their own. Weighing daily may not help some and may in fact be detrimental psychologically. I personally weigh daily when possible (aka at home) which works out to about 8 months of the year. I don't weigh when at our vacation home or co-op.
  • steen1121
    steen1121 Posts: 3 Member
    I currently weigh myself M-F. I only record my Monday morning weight. When I first started to monitor my weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle I only weighed myself once a week. I became obsessed with the numbers on the scale., so it was once a week until I developed a healthier relationship with the scale. :)
  • stopdropandstay
    stopdropandstay Posts: 16 Member
    every single day. In the morning, right before i drink water. It's a bit neurotic, I won't lie.
  • KatMicNYC
    KatMicNYC Posts: 20 Member
    I weigh in on Tuesdays with my Withings wireless scale which seamlessly syncs to my smartphone app as well as MFP, it will automatically post in your feed if you have lost but if you gain weight it will not. If anyone else has the Withings and wants to do a Tuesday weigh in please friend me.

    I like Tuesday since it gives me Monday to get back on my weekday schedule and potentially exercise a little more to make up for any weekend feeding slips or water weight gain.

    I used to weigh every day or every couple days but it's starts to seem silly with all the fractional ups and downs due to water retention, even the weekly number isn't perfect reflection. I read somewhere it takes 3 weeks to really see true up down or flat progress results.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    In maintenance - so I weigh a couple times a week or so (for sure on a Wed since I'm on a challenge with friends and we keep each other accountable), but I track the whole bit from my scale every couple of weeks to see what's trending with hydration levels, body fat %, and bone density, as well as weight and get the #'s down in my planner.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    I weigh weekly as the daily fluctuations mess with my mind.

    Haha, I weigh daily because the weekly fluctuations mess with my mind, lol. Seriously, weighing daily allows me to know the trend, if it's going in the right direction over the course of a few days I'm happy.

    I am strangely very encouraged by all I am reading on this thread. I am steadily losing, but some weeks I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why I lost so much the week before, then nothing some weeks, then a little bit, then alot. I just tell myself that as long as I am seeing a downward trend, it is ok. Reading all the posts has helped me to not be so worried about it. :)
  • 6amjava
    6amjava Posts: 2 Member
    I weigh in each morning...only way to keep in check:smile: