Santa Barbara shooting



  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    I just want SalemBambi to know that I support her statements on this topic.
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Ihatecoldsoup Posts: 186
    Criminals are going to get guns no matter what bans/restrictions you place. They are criminals, their hobby is to procure illegal items.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    My son goes to UCSB and I even know the apartment building where Rodger lived quite well. Thank you. And, yes, I blame guns. Hell yes I blame guns. The fact that you can say "Well, yeah, deaths happen all the time that are not caused by guns" does not exonerate our lax and irresponsible gun laws. The is a stupid argument. I am quite sure the parents of the two girls shot outside the sorority -- killed very rapidly and easily, without the slightest chance of defending themselves -- and the father of the boy who was just buying a sandwich would agree.

    Interesting, prior to the gun control act of 1968 anyone could buy a firearm through the mail or walk into any hardware store and pick up an old military rifle or handgun out of a barrel full of them and pay the money and walk out the door. But prior to then a ‘mass shooting” was nearly unheard of, if guns and their ‘ease availability” are at fault today how does one explain that?


    every single mass shooter has been on them, and lots of them. But big pharma lobbies and lobbies to keep this on the DL.

    Curious. You state this as if it is a fact you know to be true. I am wondering how you know this? Aren't your health records protected from release to the public by the HIPAA laws?
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,407 Member
    My son goes to UCSB and I even know the apartment building where Rodger lived quite well. Thank you. And, yes, I blame guns. Hell yes I blame guns. The fact that you can say "Well, yeah, deaths happen all the time that are not caused by guns" does not exonerate our lax and irresponsible gun laws. The is a stupid argument. I am quite sure the parents of the two girls shot outside the sorority -- killed very rapidly and easily, without the slightest chance of defending themselves -- and the father of the boy who was just buying a sandwich would agree.

    There are too many gun laws in California as it is and they are not enforced. I blame law enforcement and State mental health, and the parents. There were warning signs, action could have been taken but it wasn't.

    Sure, hindsight is twenty-twenty. That's the cliche because it is true. Easy to see the signs after the fact. Not so with the present. The present is never so transparent and predictable.
    Better to restrict or get rid of the guns. Another gun is not a shield for the innocents and potential, and actual, victims and never will be. Dodge City was not the safest city in America because everyone had a gun to defend themselves. It was actually the most violent and deadly.
    Time to say our children -- your children, my children, Santa Barbara's children, Newtown's children, Columbine's children, Sparks', Nev., children, etc. -- are more important than unrestricted access and ownership. Seems the lesser price to pay...

    If more gun control is the answer to a 'safer city" please explain Chicago or Los Angeles...

    Precisely. Laws are punitive to criminals, not preventive. However, access is the issue, and again, even if access were restricted, it creates a black market for it and thus, more crime surrounding it. My personal opinion it that it is a societal issue that glorifies criminal activity. If people were embarrassed to be a gang member or drug dealer, you'd have less of them. As for the ones who do the mass shootings, I wonder what kind of stuff they were on, because I don't think this is normal human behavior in a civil society during peacetime.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
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