heard disturbing convo about weight today

Today I was at a clothing store. I heard the employee working there having a loud conversation with her friend about her weight. Her friend said that lately she became so fat and became 100 pounds. And then the employee said that she has always been around 100 pounds and then she became 105 pounds and people were all asking her, "OMG what happened to you? What have you been eating?"

Makes me want to never leave the house again....no joke

I want to accept my appearance before losing weight....I don't want to feel ashamed and hate my body.......it's a real struggle and hearing these things just reaffirms that other people think I'm fat and "omg what have you been eating"


  • I heard a girl in the next fitting room over from me at Old Navy ask her friend to get her a size 0 because the 2 was "just too big" ... I almost threw a pair of pants at her ;)

    Personally, I don't see a difference between 100 and 105, and I'm amused that this person was saying "Oh I'm so fat!" but I guess it's all relative. Gaining 5 pounds IS a big deal, at least for those of us trying to lose weight.

    I wouldn't worry about other people, most of them have their own issues to deal with.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    What people think about you or themselves is really none of your business. Keep repeating that to yourself.

    When I was obese I had thoughts like this so I kind of get it but seriously that's just not how people think.

    My size 2 co-worker would make comments about how "fat" she feels and I would think if she's fat, what the hell does that make me, a huge tub of goo?! No, of course not. She knows she's not fat and she doesn't really care what size I am. She's just feeling bloated and self conscious and doesn't have enough class to keep her comments to herself. She's also never actually been overweight/obese so she doesn't really know what being fat means.

    None of any of that noise matters. In the end, all that matters is whether or not you want to change. If you're not happy with your shape, do something about it. Let this be motivation if you need to. Do NOT let it get you down or derail your progress - that's backwards thinking, no?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Going from the username, I feel like this is a new incarnation of MayaDaya/BrightCristal/the other 70 usernames this person has created...
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    I heard a girl in the next fitting room over from me at Old Navy ask her friend to get her a size 0 because the 2 was "just too big" ... I almost threw a pair of pants at her ;)

    Were they a size 0? That would have been nice of you =-)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    If I heard that I'd just laugh and think "silly girls" and move on.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I overheard a conversation once. It was none of my concern so I stopped listening and went about my business.
  • Vanillatwilight3
    Vanillatwilight3 Posts: 13 Member
    Its probably does seem crazy but any tiny bit shows when you are small. I'm on my normal average about 110 and I'm 120 right now... Its noticeable not just by me... Its been noticed by others... Well by the BF and actually as a compliment because he likes it and rubbing my stomach... but for me just the way I perceive things it's got me wanting to get back down to that. And actually as crazy as it sounds I had a little extra meat at 110. No I'm not crazy, women in my family are just that tiny. Heck my grandmother was 97 until after a few kids and I had an aunt like that but they looked healthy. Me at my lowest was 100 but I don't feel like I need to be that I was perfectly fine at 110... And maybe those girls are a bit dramatic but its also pretty hard to lose those couple of pounds even people who come from a higher weight always have trouble losing those last few.
  • I heard a girl in the next fitting room over from me at Old Navy ask her friend to get her a size 0 because the 2 was "just too big" ... I almost threw a pair of pants at her ;)

    Were they a size 0? That would have been nice of you =-)

    Haha! My ankles are a size 0 ;)
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    Personally, I distaste people who are either average or underweight making comments toward themselves regarding weight. Like what the heck ladies... I should be in 150's and I was in the 240's and I always think when I hear skinny mini's complaining how thet must think I'm so diguisting. It always made me feel huge and irrelvant.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I overheard a conversation once. It was none of my concern so I stopped listening and went about my business.

    What a novel idea!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Sounds like girls my husband and I would make fun of as I retold the story on the way home from shopping. "Oh em gee, I totally ate more than 500 calories today. I feel like such a cow!" Not that eating disorders are anything to make fun of...but we're bad people, so what the hell. I could easily squat those girls and I just started lifting a few weeks ago.

    Call it body shaming, but I've never met a 100lb woman I found attractive unless she was 5' or shorter. My 10-year-old niece weighs more than 100 lbs. If my husband saw a woman that tiny, he'd be thinking, "damn girl, eat a cheeseburger." I have no desire to be that small, so I don't think it would bother me to hear them call themselves fat. I'm 99% sure they were doing it for attention or to make themselves feel good. Ugh, women!

    Neither of those girls has a booty like mine, so they can have their thigh gaps and bikini bridges for all I care. :) Of course, that's just a saying - my booty isn't all that special.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Personally, I distaste people who are either average or underweight making comments toward themselves regarding weight. Like what the heck ladies... I should be in 150's and I was in the 240's and I always think when I hear skinny mini's complaining how thet must think I'm so diguisting. It always made me feel huge and irrelvant.

    When you are tempted to 'distaste' people because they voice concerns about their bodies, just think happy thoughts. And keep on trucking.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Personally, I distaste people who are either average or underweight making comments toward themselves regarding weight.

    how do you distaste someone?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I want to accept my appearance before losing weight....I don't want to feel ashamed and hate my body.......it's a real struggle and hearing these things just reaffirms that other people think I'm fat and "omg what have you been eating"

    noone was talking about you?

    even thin people have issues about their weight... maybe you just do you, stop worrying about other people.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Personally, I distaste people who are either average or underweight making comments toward themselves regarding weight.

    how do you distaste someone?

    Spit ;)

  • sgvdms
    sgvdms Posts: 33 Member
    Personally, I distaste people who are either average or underweight making comments toward themselves regarding weight. Like what the heck ladies... I should be in 150's and I was in the 240's and I always think when I hear skinny mini's complaining how thet must think I'm so diguisting. It always made me feel huge and irrelvant.

    They're probably not thinking about you tbh when they're talking about it.

    I complain about how I look now, I complained when I weighed 50 pounds more.
    If I gain 5 pounds now I complain as well, cos well when you're only 132 pounds, losing that 5, for me, takes forever.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    People like that need goat-sacked.

    My wife has a friend of the same nature. She's a very pretty girl, who weighs about 110 soaking wet, and she consistently says she needs to lose weight, starves herself, and works out 3-4 times a day.

    I personally tried helping her, but she's to young and has a clear mental problem that only a doctor can help cure / alleviate.

    Plus, I like women who are NOT 100-120lbs..... **** is disgusting to me. When I touch my wife or hold her I prefer not to feel bone.... ugh...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    When I tough my wife or hold her I prefer not to feel bone.... ugh...

  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Were you ever made fun of growing up for being overweight? I was and I find I project myself into other people's conversations all the time. When you've spent the bulk of your life literally being the topic of conversation in the cafeteria or on the bus, it's hard not to take comments that don't involve you as something more sinister and personal. I believe my mother called it being "overly-sensitive". These types of comments and conversations will continue to bother you as long as you keep up with invalidating behaviors and thoughts. Thoughts like, "I'm stupid or lazy or ugly or not good enough or those girls are right or only 100 lbs is beautiful." You have to learn to challenge those thoughts until they no longer hold weight. It's not easy. It takes consistency, patience, and honesty. The truth is there will always be people who look at you (and me) with pity and disgust, there are people who look at those who weigh a mere 100 lbs in disgust, but we don't have to look at ourselves in the same way they do. They know nothing about you or your inner journey, and therefore, their opinion should mean nothing to you. But I get it, when you don't feel great about yourself, it's easy to take someone else's word over your own because it's hard to convince yourself otherwise.

    I just try to keep in mind that everyone struggles with their weight and self-esteem. Even the most confident people have off days. I take the high road and try to be the bigger person (no pun intended, I swear). I don't degrudge someone for being smaller than me and I don't pity those fatter than me. I can't expect everyone to do the same, but this mentality helps me to not take everything people say so personally and allows me to focus on what I want for myself, not what I want in order to please strangers.

    BTW, and I know this may sort of contradict what I said above, but these two girls sound like they may be on the precipice of some major body dysmorphia issues, so for this specific instance I would definitely take anything they said to one another with a grain of salt. They don't seem to have healthy self images of themselves, so any judgment you may have perceived is, in a way, poisonous and inaccurate.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    When I tough my wife or hold her I prefer not to feel bone.... ugh...


    Yea.... fixed that. I type way to fast and make a lot of things sound / look mildly retarded.