Body Beast Women's Group!



  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Hi all!!

    I've had the program for MONTHS but have just started it on Sunday. I'm currently not taking any supplements. Any suggestions?

  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hello ladies! I am back from vacation and full steam ahead. Seattle & Vancouver were beautiful, heck breathtaking even, but I am so glad to be home and back into my routine.

    Started the BEAST phase yesterday. Didn't realize how different Build was from Bulk since I hadn't done it in a ole man was it a killer workout. My chest and tris are screaming at me this morning. Oped for Build legs this morning instead of Bulk as I was too lazy to change out the DVD for one Bulk workout this week. Think I will just stick with all build or all bulk (depending on the week) as it looks like the only difference is the leg workout.

    Michele - I take Cellucor C4 or Super HD before my workout. I try to drink Scivation during (this depends on how long I have sat around drinking my morning coffee)

    Cristy - WTG on week 7. Almost done with Bulk.

    Ambrosia - I personally don't feel you get an more accurate reading using an HRM while lifting (that's what I have read anyway) Unfortunately, regardless of how hard we seem to have worked, the calorie burn just isn't there while doing it, but the burn does continue longer than after cardio.

    Jenn - Congrats! Enjoy your next few days will need it.. ha.

    Deb - I hope you are feeling better.
  • Welcome Michele! Glad you started!

    Thanks for your suggestions so far. I have been trying out the fitbit and it said I had 1500 calorie burn yesterday for the whole day. Apparently your burn calories when you breath.... We'll see how it goes the next few days. Getting ready to do Bulk legs today.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Did my first bulk workout today. Bulk Chest. Really enjoyed it and the fact that it was 30 Minutes! I have a question for all of you. What type of calorie tracker do you use? My husband just got me a Fitbit, but Im not impressed so far and do not feel it is accurate on my calorie burn. Do you think a heart rate monitor is better? Or something else? Just want my calories on my workouts to be accurate. Thanks!

    I have both a FitBit and a HRM, but they both serve different purposes. The FB is great at tracking steps taken throughout the day and TDEE. However since BB workouts are not walking workouts a HRM will tell how hard your heart is working during your workout, the FB is pretty useless at giving you any data for your lifting workouts. If you go back to the original thread, page 19 or 20, I did a more detailed write up on one versus the other.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome Michele! I take the Scivation Xtend pre- and intra-workout. It seems to help with my energy levels. Post workout I add gelatin, D-ribose and sometimes bee pollen to a protein shake for recovery. In addition I take a boatload of vitamins and supplements. Let us know what you end up taking and how you like them!
  • Thanks for info. I looked up the conversation and it was helpful. I dont care much about steps as I am pretty active, but I do like the sleep stuff. I may return the FB and keep the HRM since Im most concerned about what Im burning during a workout. It is interesting though with Body Beast you have a continuous burn throughout the day, not just during the workout. I did legs yesterday and Bulk arms today. Bulk videos are pretty tough so far!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Today I subbed beast cardio for P90X KenpoX. I like that program (even made me consider doing another round of P90X, I quickly got back to my senses) :bigsmile:
  • Cant beat the original P90x. great work on getting it done!
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    I am back from my work trip and started Bulk today! It was awesome. I love the shorter time. It went by soooo fast!!!

    Ambrosiaspear, I have a Fitbit, HRM and a BodyMedia. They all have benefits. I actually focus on the Fitbit more since I have a desk job and I am eating at a fixed calories number at the moment.

    I am taking AminoX and L-glutamine during/after my workouts which I like. I bought C4 but have not started it yet as I have heard it can cause bloating.???

    I promised myself that I would not do a full "weight and measurement" report until 30 days in but I lost 6 pounds during build and am so thrilled I have to share!!!

    I hope everyone is doing great. I can't wait to see what results I get from bulk!!!
  • Hm, I take C4 and can't say it causes bloating... I love the stuff. I had to buy a new tub this weekend and bought "Mystery Flavor." I swear it tastes like Peaches and Cream, because it gives the water a milky look. I actually really like it! I've been enthusiastically responding to Sagi during my workouts this week, it's hysterical. LOVE BODY BEAST!!

    I'm interested reading everybody's reviews of the FitBit vs. HRM. I almost bought FitBit a few weeks ago but didn't. Are they taking it off the market?

    Post workout I'm still using the P90X R&R, I might switch that up when I run out just for the pure sake of trying something DIFFERENT.

    Finished week 7 yesterday. ONE more week of the bulk phase to go! I went out with the family yesterday and noticed in pics taken of me that my arms and neck/collarbone area have gotten thinner. I'm starting to recognize myself again and nothing beats how good that feels. :)

    Happy Weekend to ALL!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!!! Sorry I've been missing for a bit.

    Hubby and I went up to our cabin this past weekend; it was a nice getaway! Felt great to just relax and take in mother nature!

    I am in my 4th week of X3 and these "recovery" weeks always get me because as much as I know I need it, I also want to really workout and burn some serious calories! lol I may just get in some extra cardio here and there. I might even do Beast Cardio!!! I kind of miss it.

    I'm glad to see you all doing good and pushing hard! Love to see how the group is growing too! Lots of strong ladies! :bigsmile:

    On that note, I'm headed down to my basement gym to push play!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    This Beast phase is kicking my *kitten* big time! Last weeks build now this weeks about muscle confusion!! DOMS is in the house!
  • jensurr
    jensurr Posts: 23
    Hi Ladies, sorry I haven't checked in in a while. Happy to see you are all still going strong!

    Way to go gmansmom, 6 pounds lost is incredible!!

    I have beast arms today and I'll do total body tomorrow and that will wrap up the Bulk phase for me!! Moving on to the BEAST phase :happy:

    I have reached my initial goals at this point. I still have two weeks until my event that I've been working towards. After that, I'm going to start playing around with my calories and maybe do less cardio to try to build more muscle. I'm very lean at this point and have good definition, but I've always wanted more muscle!!!

    Have a great Friday ladies!!

  • Sure is quiet in here...hope you are all well!

    I finished the Bulk phase today! I can't believe I have 4 weeks left of this program. Time has FLOWN and I love it. I'm really zeroing in on nutrition and hope to have some good results when I'm done. My back is slightly sore from yesterday, so I'm thankful for the rest day tomorrow.

    Stay beastly!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    WTG Christy! I have a 1 1/2 weeks left total. If I didn't take off those 2 weeks for vacation I would be finished. I plan on doing the 21 day fix after this, then another round of Beast.

    You did the work Jenna. Congrats!!

    The Memorial Day weekend didn't stop me from exercising. I actually did a 25 min jog on the treadmill Sunday, then hopped on the elliptical for another 5 (not the biggest fan) finishing with a 10 min spin. Felt pretty good.

    Yesterday was Body Beast Build Chest and Triceps

    Today was Body Beast Build Legs. (Yea I gravitated from the program a bit. All build or all bulk depending on the week)

    Hope everyone is Beasting UP!
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I haven't checked in for quite some time. It looks like everyone is doing great overall! I'm currently dealing with tendinosis flares, especially in my elbows & shoulders, so I need to cut back drastically on any arm involvement. SO frustrating, since I'm in week 3 of the Bulk phase, and feel like I've gotten stronger. The one thing I've noticed is that I've gotten "fluffier" around my midsection, but haven't gained any weight. I finally stopped losing, after continually increasing my calories, though--which is good, since I would like to gain. Everyone on the FB BB4W group tells me to be patient about the "fluffing", though, and that many of them experienced the same thing in Bulk. So, I'm sticking with the 50pro/25/25 macros for now, and trying to have faith that things will all come together in the Beast phase, and that I'll lean back out. This is my second round, but in my first, I didn't follow the macro suggestions. I just feel like a balloon right now! My scale says I've put on muscle & have had a 1% increase in BF, but no significant weight changes at all. I know those scales aren't particularly accurate, but I think it's probably correct...I should get the calipers out. Any of you who have done previous rounds, what was your experience with "fluff" during Bulk? Did you lose it in Beast? I'm just getting a little paranoid. LOL
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I just did my 30 day weight and measurements and I am soooo excited. I have lost 10 pounds and 15 inches in the first 30 days. I am soooo happy with my results. My upper body is really developing however, I am not really noticing much change in my lower body. The tape measure and the hubby says the lower body is coming along but I will be glad when I can see it!!

    jensurr - congrats on finishing bulk. What do you think about beast so far? Being lean and defined sounds awesome to me!! I hope you can hit your goals for your special event and then keep moving forward!!

    healthyfitwell - (Cristy) - how are you liking beast? I know you are so proud to finish bulk!! How is the nutrition going?

    Kel7298 - ONLY 1.5 weeks left!!! JEALOUS!! How are you feeling about the program? Are you reaching your goals? I have also been doing a lot of elliptical / treadmill work. I am trying to tone these darn legs up!!

    eating4me - I am really sorry about your pain. You are trying to take care of your body and it is fighting against you. That stinks. Getting stronger is the goal so I am glad you can feel that. I am not following the diet so I can't comment on it but I am sure you will lean out soon. If not, I am sure you know what you need to do diet wise to get back on track.

    So happy to hear from everyone! Keep being a total BEAST!!

  • Hey there! I was out of town for a few days for the holiday camping, so I missed some workouts and now trying to catch up by doing doubles this week. Its rough! I am in Week 6 now and did Shoulders this morning and feel much stronger! I went up in weight for everything.

    eating4me- I have also experienced this "fluffier" feeling. I have stayed at exactly the same weight and I went off the Creatine because I felt bloated. That helped a little, but still feel that feeling. I am hoping to also lean out in the next few weeks. I have been following a pretty good diet except for the last few days with camping. Keep at it!
  • Hi, I am new finishing last week of Build. Will do one week of Bulk then going on a Mission trip. Unable to work out but will be very active serving families like mine with a child with cancer.

    Question: When i get back would you re do the first week of Bulk or even go back and do a week of build and continue on? Suggestion would be great.

    I do take the BB supplements and love them. Same weight but seeing a lot of definition.

    Lost 90lbs prior to BB and want to fill up with some lean muscle.
  • pdhb1985
    pdhb1985 Posts: 1
    Hi, I am just starting Body Beast for the first time and into it two workouts. I am just wondering how you all log your Beastette workouts in MFP? I am not gonna work my bootie off and not get any exercise credit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.