Can't get out of weight loss mode



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Thanks for sharing, I too feel this way, it took me 3yrs to lose 115 lbs and now I am terrified of gaining back the weight. Also 3 yrs is a long time to be in weight loss mode, it just feels so scary to increase my cals, sorry I am not more help, but I feel the same way
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Ahhhhhh thank you so much for the support, sometimes all I really need is for someone to tell me to snap out of it. I am extremely OCD in every part of life, so it makes sense I'm the same way about my diet. For me it's all about control, and if I weight myself and see I've gained even the smallest amount I beat myself up over it. But I know it's wrong, so I know I can change it. I just need to learn to let go a little.
    This is how many eating disorders start - because of a desire to control. However, it's the disordered way of thinking that's actually controlling the person.
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    I too kinda had this problem, beginning when I started going into maintenance mode back in June. I'd make out my meal and exercise plan for the week and it seemed like I was constantly logging in every day before each meal to make sure that I was getting the exact portion that I had logged in the plan and worrying about whether I'd had enough of xyz for lunch, dinner, etc.. Finally, a few weeks ago (ironically, after I first saw this thread), it got to the point where I was finding it more or less mentally exhausting and started to realize how obsessive it really was. What did I do? I stopped logging anything and it has helped me immensely.

    I looked over my diary for the previous few months and got an idea of what I'd been eating everyday to maintain and just stuck with it. My biggest problem was that I was thinking about it too much. Even with everything logged in advance, I still felt the need to double-check before I prepared my meals. It becomes an obsession with hitting a silly number and like some of the other posters have mentioned that can spiral into something more serious like an ED. It's not hard to see how, either. I think a person could eventually restrict and worry about calories so much that they end up getting stuck in a rut that gets harder and harder to get out of. The same goes for body weight, too.

    MFP and similar sites are great tools for losing weight and learning good habits about proper portion sizes and such, but after you've lost all the weight you want to you can take what you've learned and apply it to maintaining. If you're like me, and eat the same types of foods everyday IMHO logging is not necessary and in my experience can lead to being too worried about hitting that "magic" maintenance number. When you grow accustomed to eating and documenting everything you eat, it can be hard to get out of that mindset.

    So, my advice to anyone coming out of weight loss mode and moving into maintenance? After you have a good idea of what you need to maintain, stop logging your food. It would also probably be a good idea to cut back on how often you weigh yourself, too, as that can be another number to needlessly fret over. Your weight is going to go up and down, this is natural.

    If you're not comfortable enough to stop logging cold turkey, consider weening yourself off of it. Maybe only log breakfast and lunch and leave dinner open or only log your snacks and leave everything else open. It's not a bad thing to think about food choices, but thinking too much about anything is not good. Just relax.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I was in a similar boat, so I switched to TDEE, which is working great. I used the IIFYM calculator to set my initial goal, then tweaked the number so I don't lose or gain. I weigh myself daily, but don't let the number on the scale bother me... I am a numbers geek, so I like to see how my weight varies, but I would only be worried if it started trending either up or down.

    I feel more free just having one target every day and not having to worry about adding exercise calories, especially since I do more strength training lately and it's harder to estimate those calories.

    I still weigh my food and watch my portions, but now it is more to try to meet my macros while staying in my calorie goals.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    slowly up your cals from what you were eating to lose to what you need to eat to maintain. eating that much more at once can cause bloating and fullness.
    stop weighing. seriously. i am in recovery for an eating disorder, and the only reason i have been somewhat successful so far is because i have stopped weighing. initally when you eat more you will gain until your body adjusts, then you will lose those few lbs that were gained.
    not sure how much you were eating to lose but for me, i was in the 700/800s with my eating disorder. no way in hell could i start eating 1200 or more calories at once (my tdee is about 1650 calories). so every 2 weeks i upped it only by 50 calories. not a lot but enough where i didn't feel uncomfortable or bloated.
    seriously though just stop weighing. continue good water intake. eat tasty foods. stay within your macros and you will be fine. up it slowly to adjust and after that easy sailing. best of luck!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    You're not alone because I struggle with this as well.

    The psychological effects is more overwhelming than managing the weight. Keep in mind that maintenance is like trying to the needle to an exact speed on the speedometer... there will be fluctuations up and down but as long as you stay within a comfortable range then you will begin accepting the process. :smile:
  • Coley1980red
    Coley1980red Posts: 3 Member
    You're not alone because I struggle with this as well.

    The psychological effects is more overwhelming than managing the weight. Keep in mind that maintenance is like trying to the needle to an exact speed on the speedometer... there will be fluctuations up and down but as long as you stay within a comfortable range then you will begin accepting the process. :smile:

    THIS is brilliant. Extremely well said.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    It is scary and tough when you enter the maintainence mode of your weight loss journey. I've been in maintence since around April of this year. I have played with what calories I need to eat and what exercised cals burned cals I need to eat back too. I got as low as 124 for my 5'4" height but since I up'd my cals from 1200 to 1490 and eat back some of the burned exercise cals I am usually at 130-132 range which is fine with me. I go up/down a pound or two daily. I do weigh myself every morning to keep myself in check. Some might say that isn't good but for me I need to since not weighing is what got me to the 270 pounds I used to weigh. I will continue to log all food, water, exercise and other things in MFP. I realize I will have to do this for life since in the past that is what also got me in trouble after loosing weight. I will quit logging food or tracking calories and the weight crept back on.
    I have never with held any type of food from me since starting my weight loss journey but practice portion control. If I want some ice cream I will have it but will only eat 1/2 cup not 4 big scoops like in the past. I feel there aren't any "bad foods" but eating in moderation and portion control is the key.
    Good luck!

    Thank you for sharing this - I got to goal today and am freaking out on what to do next!! Reading this thread has helped me to realise I am not alone. I also lost weight by practicing portion control and I must trust myself in that I have learned what that needs to be, I have been doing this for nearly 400 days after all!! And I will also need to continue weighing myself every day as that is what got me to 240lbs - not weighing myself and kidding myself.
  • LisaYon
    LisaYon Posts: 22 Member
    Someone might have already said this but it's simple. Wrap your head around the fact that you will need 5 lbs for fluctuation. Give your self a safe zone window of lbs. you know what to do to get if off if need be.
  • Christi132
    Christi132 Posts: 67 Member
    Great idea about the 5 lbs safe zone. I try to keep my safe zone to 3 lbs.
  • I totally can relate! I was 198lbs this time last year in 2012 and initially was shooting for 150lbs which quickly turned into 135lbs. I finally reached 135lbs and have added in some eating that I don't normally do and still workout, but in the past 2 days alone I've gone from 133lbs down to 131lbs and haven't done a great job of eating enough food because I've been busy or tired. A lot of people have told me I've done a great job, but a few family members tell me often I've lost too much or don't need to lose anymore. I never thought maintaining and trying not to keep losing would be such a challenge-__-
  • I'd recommend ramping up the workouts (start going to new classes, try Insanity, try martial arts, weight lifting, etc) and switch from "calorie counting" mode to just doing a sanity check before you eat something as to whether there is a healthier substitution. That way you can eat badly on occasion and go out drinking with your buddies and your metabolism should be able to just compensate as long as you have significantly more good days than bad days.
  • IanBee93
    IanBee93 Posts: 237
    When you're at your healthy weight, you should have a 5 pound range. Meaning you stay within 135-140, without gaining over 140. No one stays at the exact same weight...
  • LaDaGra
    LaDaGra Posts: 1
    Hearing you talk is like hearing myself! Lost 80 lbs. from Dec 2011--May 2013, and wanted to lose more--but I've been struggling to just find a balance to maintain! The obsession you're discussing with counting calories and weighing in is totally my life. The fear of re-gaining is absolutely paralyzing.

    I saw my doctor a few months ago and she was fearful that my mindset might cause a "full blown" eating disorder--even though I already know I have disordered eating--and I am also obsessive over things just like you are. I started seeing a counselor a few times a month, which as been really helpful in establishing balance. I know counseling isn't for everyone--but my underlying anxieties really manifested themselves in my weight gain (OVEREATING) and then, in my weight loss (OVER-OBSESSING). If anxiety was a trigger in your weight gain, and you're still experiencing it in your weight loss, consider talking to someone. I'm telling you--it's been helpful. I can see how crazy my obsessing is when I'm more mindful of it and someone else discusses it with me and helps me reflect.

    Things I've done to help myself stop obsessing include: weighing in once weekly, taking measurements (so that I know a few pounds are not "real" fat gain if the scale goes up), and trying to breathe and realize it's not worth it. You've come so far--I hope you (we) find balance soon!
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Congratulations on ur loss! U look fab! In for the advice as am in the same boat.
  • 79kimmy
    79kimmy Posts: 45 Member
    It is scary and tough when you enter the maintainence mode of your weight loss journey. I've been in maintence since around April of this year. I have played with what calories I need to eat and what exercised cals burned cals I need to eat back too. I got as low as 124 for my 5'4" height but since I up'd my cals from 1200 to 1490 and eat back some of the burned exercise cals I am usually at 130-132 range which is fine with me. I go up/down a pound or two daily. I do weigh myself every morning to keep myself in check. Some might say that isn't good but for me I need to since not weighing is what got me to the 270 pounds I used to weigh. I will continue to log all food, water, exercise and other things in MFP. I realize I will have to do this for life since in the past that is what also got me in trouble after loosing weight. I will quit logging food or tracking calories and the weight crept back on.
    I have never with held any type of food from me since starting my weight loss journey but practice portion control. If I want some ice cream I will have it but will only eat 1/2 cup not 4 big scoops like in the past. I feel there aren't any "bad foods" but eating in moderation and portion control is the key.
    Good luck!

    This is totally me! And I am scared to death to start maintenance mode!!
  • 79kimmy
    79kimmy Posts: 45 Member
    It is scary and tough when you enter the maintainence mode of your weight loss journey. I've been in maintence since around April of this year. I have played with what calories I need to eat and what exercised cals burned cals I need to eat back too. I got as low as 124 for my 5'4" height but since I up'd my cals from 1200 to 1490 and eat back some of the burned exercise cals I am usually at 130-132 range which is fine with me. I go up/down a pound or two daily. I do weigh myself every morning to keep myself in check. Some might say that isn't good but for me I need to since not weighing is what got me to the 270 pounds I used to weigh. I will continue to log all food, water, exercise and other things in MFP. I realize I will have to do this for life since in the past that is what also got me in trouble after loosing weight. I will quit logging food or tracking calories and the weight crept back on.
    I have never with held any type of food from me since starting my weight loss journey but practice portion control. If I want some ice cream I will have it but will only eat 1/2 cup not 4 big scoops like in the past. I feel there aren't any "bad foods" but eating in moderation and portion control is the key.
    Good luck!

    This is totally me! And I am scared to death to start maintenance mode!!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I'm in the same boat, so I can't say I have advice but I understand everything that you are struggling with because I'm fighting the same battle.

    Same here...
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'm in maintain mode (for 3 days now, womp womp) and I can't make myself eat all my calories either. I did use some full fat dressing on my lunch salad, so I'm getting there. I might even try start drinking skim milk instead of almond at some point, so I just have one milk in the fridge.

    Anyways I'm anxiety ridden about it too.