Study: People lost more weight drinking diet soda...



  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    This research is questionable at best. You have to ask yourself if the study is truly objective. Did a lobby group for the soft drink industry fund it? Did a soft drink company themselves fund this study? If the answer is "yes" to both, then throw out any validity.


    As has been stated several times, funding does NOT invalidate the results of a study.
    Don't really care since I don't drink it, but I find it funny when people dismiss studies by the funding source. Dismissing by funding source alone is usually the first sign that someone doesn't really understand the science involved

    You're correct. Funding does not invalidate scientific results, but one should at the very least be aware of the fact that a study was funded by a group that has a financial stake in it. This should be enough reason to scrutinize it more. Besides, this is one study. It needs to be replicated and reviewed by the scientific community and debated. This study only brings up the possibility that diet pop may be okay and possibly be part of the solution to the larger problem of obesity.