Lose 5 Pounds in June 2014 Open Group



  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    GW(June): 145
    Good luck everyone
  • Jules2886
    Jules2886 Posts: 3 Member
    SW: 215
    CW: 213.4
    GW: 203.4

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/03 Tuesday): 213.4 (TOM)
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost:

    Three things to look forwards to:
    - 4th of July beach trip!
    - outside grilling nights
    - pool time

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Ianuzified
    Ianuzified Posts: 22 Member
    SW: 202
    CW: 133
    GW: 120

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): n/a
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    SO happy to find this challenge :-D I needed this for some extra motivation !

    I am looking forward to:
    My half marathon and all the races I get to do this summer.
    Getting tan/going to the pool with my son.
    A blogger conference I get to go to.
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    @otacoku - I'll pray for you! You can do this!

    SW: 200+
    CW: 178.4
    GW: 173

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 178.4
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon)
  • stefaery
    stefaery Posts: 9
    This is awesome! We need all the support we can get -- feel free to add me!
    I just started the c25k running program today (for the 3rd time - ugh! I have commitment issues - This time it will stick, I'm determined!)

    SW: 180
    CW: 179
    GW: 174

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 179
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost:

    We all deserve to live healthier and be confident and happy with our choices!

    For Fun, I'm looking forward to... finishing C25k and starting the 10k running program!, My Birthday! and... watching all the cool movies coming out this summer!
  • angelzxy321
    angelzxy321 Posts: 1,019 Member
    SW: (Starting weight): 243
    CW: (Current weight -start of month): 206.6 - forgot to weigh on the 1st. This is my ending weight for May
    GW: (Goal weight for the month): 201

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 206.6
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost:

    For Fun: Tell us 3 things that you're looking forward to this summer!

    One thing I'm looking forward to is my planned 8 night cruise at the end of June. Also because of that cruise I'm not too certain I will make my 5 pounds this month but will sure try.
    Another thing I'm looking forward to is onederland :happy: . Don't have a goal for it but do hopes it happens some time this summer.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Im in!
    SW: 215
    GW:187.6 (for June only)

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 192.6
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost:

    For Fun: Tell us 3 things that you're looking forward to this summer!
    Looking forward to my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend next month, my birthday, and fun in the sun!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 157
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    To do this month: work out 5x a week, job hunting, not feeling down because of job hunting...
  • KaseyDH83
    KaseyDH83 Posts: 100 Member
    I am SO in!

    SW: 232.6
    CW: 212.2
    GW: 205 for end of the month

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 212
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost:

    3 Things for fun this summer:
    1.) My 3-year wedding anniversary in August
    2.) I'm down two dress sizes, so shopping for new summer clothes!
    3.) Vacation

    Good luck everyone!
  • otacoku
    otacoku Posts: 3
    Sorry I'm late on the weigh in! I couldn't find this >.< lol

    So here it is (from Sunday)

    ST: 135

    I've been exercising for about 20-30 minutes a day for 5 days a week!
    And I've been keeping my daily calorie count to around 1,200 too!
    I'm really excited because I feel healthier, stronger, and I know I'm getting thinner because I can feel my thighs aren't glued together all th time. Lol
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    May Total -11.5

    CW: 188.5
    GW: 175.0

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/02 Mon): 188.5
    6/09 Mon:
    6/16 Mon:
    6/23 Mon:
    6/30 Mon:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost:
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    SW: 185
    CW: 169.4
    GW: dunno - starting a new exercise routine, so hope it doesn't backfire on the scales, if it does...oh, well

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 169.4
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost: ???
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    SW 178
    CW 152
    GW 149

    Weigh in Dates: I don’t have a scale on Saturday. My weekly weigh in at my studio is Tuesday.
    6/3 Tues: 152.8 ( +.8 pounds)
    6/10 Tues:
    6/17 Tues:
    6/24 Tues:
    6/30 Monday:

    Otacoku: Great work putting together 5 weeks. Glad you you’re getting some results.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    SW: 232.8
    CW: 196.2 (on 6/03)
    GW: 193.2 (for month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/03 Tuet: 196.2
    6/09 Mon:
    6/16 Mon:
    6/23 Mon:
    End of Month (6/30 Tue):

    Total weight lost:
  • Siegeljanet
    Siegeljanet Posts: 31 Member
    SW: 202.4
    CW: 193.8 ( May 31)
    GW: 188.8 (for month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/03 Tue: 190.5
    6/09 Mon:
    6/16 Mon:
    6/23 Mon:
    End of Month (6/30 Tue):

    Total weight lost:
  • krissy8175
    krissy8175 Posts: 1 Member
    SW: 142
    CW: 140
    GW: 133

    Weigh in Dates:
    6/03 Tue: 139
    6/09 Mon:
    6/16 Mon:
    6/23 Mon:
    End of Month (6/30 Tue):

    Total weight lost:
  • sillymetwo
    sillymetwo Posts: 50 Member
    SW: 170
    CW: 169
    GW: 162

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun):
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost: 1 lb.

    Good luck everyone! We are in this together!

    For Fun: Being outside gardening, camping, fishing and enjoying the outdoors
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    SW: 248
    CW: 222
    GW: 217

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 222
    6/04 Wed: 220.2
    6/11 Wed:
    6/18 Wed:
    6/25 Wed:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost: 1.8 pounds!
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    SW: 255
    CW: 232
    GW: 229 (for the month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 234.4
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total Weight Lost: 2 pounds so far!

    My weight fluctuates around the same number for long periods of time, so I'm being conservative :)
  • theamorash
    theamorash Posts: 13 Member
    Okay, let's try for 5 in June!

    SW: 197
    CW: 134
    GW: 129

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (6/01 Sun): 134
    6/07 Sat:
    6/14 Sat:
    6/21 Sat:
    6/28 Sat:
    End of Month (6/30 Mon):

    Total weight lost in June: 0...so far...

    3 fun things: Celebrating my birthday, travelling for work to a super interesting summit, maybe starting at a new gym!