Confused about diet soda (coke, pepsi etc)

jamsieboi Posts: 11 Member
I drink a ton of the stuff, normally 2 litres a day at least.

With it being diet and low calorie can you drink the stuff and just log it. I have seen lots of conflicting information some saying it's fine others saying it's not good for you even the diet or low sugar.

I did drink the normal stuff for a long time which probably contributed to the weight gain. I don't really drink tea or coffee and their is only so much water I can drink.


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I'd try and phase out of diet soda into water and flavored water if necessary. Don't go cold turkey and you don't have to give it up completely but two liters a day is insane dude.
  • Glens_Life
    Glens_Life Posts: 32 Member
    If your losing and drinking diet soda. I say go ahead and keep doing what your doing. Water is best. I dont drink diet soda but I just dont like what aspartane does to me.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I only rarely drink coffee, and occasionally tea. I never smoke, and only have a rare glass of wine. The caffeine I get from my diet coke is the only thing that keeps me from committing rage crimes against humanity. It's my only "vice".
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member

    I have yet to see a science-based argument against diet sodas.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Your basically drinking chemicals, that aint good for you.
  • jamsieboi
    jamsieboi Posts: 11 Member
    I guess either way drinking that much soda probably isn't great for you, going to try some flavoured waters and try to reduce to a few cans a day rather than bottles.

    Thanks for the replies.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member

    I have yet to see a science-based argument against diet sodas.

  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Diet Pepsi is much better than Diet Coke
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Diet Pepsi is much better than Diet Coke

    How so?

    OP, I don't think diet soda's are harmful at all - that said, 2 litres does seem a lot of it to drink every day - I would maybe cut back to 1/4 of that and try to drink more water instead.
    No need to cut it out entirely - just perhaps cut back to a more moderate level.
  • hotsungirl
    hotsungirl Posts: 107 Member
    Absolutely agree. Go read what brain surgeon Dr Jack Kruse says that aspartame does in the brain and how it messes with your metabolism.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Diet Pepsi is much better than Diet Coke

    How so?

    OP, I don't think diet soda's are harmful at all - that said, 2 litres does seem a lot of it to drink every day - I would maybe cut back to 1/4 of that and try to drink more water instead.
    No need to cut it out entirely - just perhaps cut back to a more moderate level.

    Take the Pepsi challenge. You will see.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Diet Pepsi is much better than Diet Coke
    No no meant diet mt dew is better than diet coke!
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    the only thing better than diet pepsi would be NO pop at all . Go out and by a soda maker and add fruit and veggies to the water and citrus fruits it's the best as its just carbanated water with fresh ingredients .Without all the add chemicals and artificial sugars
    Diet Pepsi is much better than Diet Coke

    How so?

    OP, I don't think diet soda's are harmful at all - that said, 2 litres does seem a lot of it to drink every day - I would maybe cut back to 1/4 of that and try to drink more water instead.
    No need to cut it out entirely - just perhaps cut back to a more moderate level.

    Take the Pepsi challenge. You will see.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Absolutely agree. Go read what brain surgeon Dr Jack Kruse says that aspartame does in the brain and how it messes with your metabolism.

    Could you post up some studies? I would love to read them.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I agree, diet pepsi is better than diet coke. If you're filling up on 2L of the stuff though it must be having an flow on effect, eg you're not drinking enough water or you're so full of fluid you won't feel hungry for actual food. If you drank it in moderation I'd say a can a day would be enough. Though it has no calories it also has no nutritional value at all.
  • Chronicle113
    Chronicle113 Posts: 205 Member
    I quitted soda like last year. One of my resolutions. If you need a filler other than soda or tea, how about those natural fruit drinks such as Bolthouse Farm. Diet soda perk is it doesn't have any calories but the downside is it takes its toll on your kidneys. There's so much your kidneys can filter from your body.
  • Cathy360
    Cathy360 Posts: 6
    Try to reduce the amount of diet soda intake slowly with trying lemonade or flavored water to avoid having headaches. You can even experiment with flavored teas (iced especially for summer). Diet sodas can cause you to be dehydrated , slow weight loss, and have no nutritional value with large amounts of sodium which are all great reasons to eliminate or reduce your intake. Best of luck!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Diet Pepsi is much better than Diet Coke

    How so?

    OP, I don't think diet soda's are harmful at all - that said, 2 litres does seem a lot of it to drink every day - I would maybe cut back to 1/4 of that and try to drink more water instead.
    No need to cut it out entirely - just perhaps cut back to a more moderate level.

    Take the Pepsi challenge. You will see.

    am too lazy to google and I don't drink enough diet soda's to participate in any challenges.

    Can someone please summarise what this Pepsi challenge is?

    * or do you just mean it tastes better?

    I actually drink Pepsi max, diet coke and coke zero, about 4 or 5 glasses a week in total, and I just drink whichever is available, the difference in taste is minimal to me.
  • WendylovesSteve
    WendylovesSteve Posts: 7 Member
    I would just try to cut back. I have had Type 1 diabetes since I was 11 and if I wanted soda, the only option was diet. At that time, there was no Diet Coke only Fresca and Tab. I have done some pretty extensive research on all of the sweeteners - saccharin, aspartame and stevia. While, I still drink about 1 sometimes 2 sodas per day, I have cut back because I believe it stimulates hunger. Nothing is better for you than water. I used to hate drinking water but I like it now that I add lots of lemon to it. Diet soda also contains excitotoxins. Not to freak you out, but here is an interesting article about excitotoxins. <; I wanted to share this info. with you b/c I found it to be very eye-opening and knowledge is power. Good luck!