What is your WHY?



  • JasonKnight85
    JasonKnight85 Posts: 67 Member
    • I'm losing weight to get a knee surgery my doctor refuses to give me until I'm in a healthier range.
    • I want to play ice hockey, or at least be able to skate without knee pain again.
    • I want to be around when my kids become grandparents.
    • Because I've become addicted to using my food scale.
    • Also addicted to exercise/lifting weights in general, maybe it's the endorphins.

    Edit*** And I agree with the poster above, lol.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Thank you. I appreciate your response. I hope that many people will see this. When I was in the Army, I exercised because I was told to, not because I wanted to. The years after, I didn't exercise thinking I would stay fir forever. Not. Now, I exercise because I want to and other reasons mentiioned in the original post. I wish I would have known my why back in my 20's. better late than never right? There is a nomination form I believe or something to have a post pinned or promoted. Feel free to submit this to that.

    This board should be pinned somewhere for newcomers because I really think THIS is the single thing that makes a difference in actually losing weight and sticking with it. You need a reason that is so strong will override your desire to sleep in or watch TV or sit on the couch or eat dessert. Once you have that everything else becomes relatively easy in comparison.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Very motivational post!!! Thank you.

    About 10 years ago one of my coworkers made a comment that she wanted to lose a lot of weight because someday she wanted" to be able to go buy pantyhose that weren't Queen Size". I laughed about it at the time but it has always stuck with me. She eventually got her WHY moment. Recently I pulled out of the drawer 4 pair of capri pants that I bought over 3 years ago that are a size 12. They were my "someday I'm gonna fit in these" pants. And they finally fit !!! I thought back to Edna and her Queen Size pantyhose comment & I laughed cause this was my WHY moment too.

    This post shows what motivation we can all share. Thanks to all for sharing!
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    First off, I want to say that I read this thread a few days ago and it totally made me reevaluate myself. I had been inconsistent, but now I'm back, all in, guns-a-blazing :laugh:

    My old why was just about vanity. I wanted to look better, because that's what you're supposed to do, right? Once I got halfway to my goal I started slipping, and it took until now to regain my determination.

    My WHY:
    - I'm a type one diabetic, and want to be as healthy as possible to avoid complications later in life.
    - I just registered for my very first half marathon, and want to be FIT when I finally compete in October
    - I can't even explain how much happier I am when I feel good about my weight. It affects my confidence, which affects how others perceive me, which affects my friends and family and my interactions with them. I'm still trying to make new friends in a new-ish city so this is a big one.
  • annemariemk4
    annemariemk4 Posts: 72 Member
    My Why:
    -To avoid health complications; family history of high cholesterol, diabetes (father,brother), thyroid issues, etc.
    -To control my anxiety is a positive way
    -I spent too many years half *kitten*'n the diet/exercise
    -To feel comfortable in my own body
    -To prove to everyone who thinks I cant, I can do this!!

    :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • GypsieFlower94
    Fantastic post! I love this so much!

    My whys: I got tired of waking up and hating, absolutely hating, the body I was waking up and living in. Tired of fooling myself into thinking that I don't feel that bad and didn't look that bad. Tired of using food and alcohol as a drug to cure my boredom and my self esteem issues.

    Instead, I decided I want to wake up and use my body to surprise myself, find out all of the fantastic things its capable of doing. I wasted the first 15+ years of my adult life being ashamed of it. I want to look in the mirror and realize that while I don't look perfect, and what I see is flawed, it's pretty awesome. I want to have a relationship with food that is about not JUST about enjoyment, but about fueling my body.


    my WHY: I want to be able to take a photo, and feel like I look good. I know that is bigger self esteem issue than just my weight, as I am skinny fat so you can't even really tell in pictures, but to me it matters.
    I hate being in a group picture and feeling like the biggest one there.
    I hate taking photos with my stick thin partner (lucky *kitten*, good genes) and feeling like an elephant next to him.
    I hate seeing the flab or extra weight, instead of a nice toned body.

    I also want the health benefits of being fit. I am tired of always being sick because I don't take care of myself properly. There is no reason I shouldn't. I have been given a life in a good economy, and a body that at it's best has made me the envy of many friends.

    I want that back. I want to feel good inside and out.

    Thank you so much for this post, this has really motivated me to stop half arsing it and actually stick to my goals.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Don't want to be weak and out of shape. I don't have any illnesses yet, but I wouldn't want them later either.
    Plus I want to look good and feel good.
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    bumping to read later :flowerforyou:
  • Goldilukes
    Goldilukes Posts: 45 Member
    What a wonderful thought provoking post!

    I have lost 53lbs since March 2013 taking me to a more ideal weight for my height of 137lbs. I have managed to stay good throughout with maybe 1-2 half week blips in between but I kept on going no matter what because I believed I'd be happier wearing prettier clothes, feeling more normal and having more confidence but after reading your post it has now become clear to me that my real "WHY" is because I feel for the first time in my life that I am not useless and I can do something good for myself and my life if I just believe in myself. I've had a very lucky life so far and have done a lot of good things but have never felt truly satisfied or worthy because I could never control my weight. Having that hang over me for 15 years did my confidence no good at all.

    I put all my failings down to being overweight and yet now that I am not overweight I will only have myself to blame if things go wrong so in a sense I am determined to not let myself down anymore.
  • sticky130
    sticky130 Posts: 101 Member

    This is a big WHY now for me, all my others have been the tiniest whys in comparison.

    In February I had a 4KG tumour removed from my abdomen, I found out one of the reasons it was so big was because of my size, I didn't even know it was there, tucked right under my rib cage, but that was before it was shrunk down to 4KG.

    Luckily it was benign, but it was the biggest kick up the butt I could have had, just a warning shot across the bows you could say, lol.

    I realised that I've wasted the 22 years of my life (I was slim and very very fit up until I was 20) I don't want to waste the remainder. My husband, even though I've been moaning about it for ages but it fell on very deaf ears, noticed that when I was in hospital how small my meals were, when I came home portions went down by half straight away, (he cooks) first step completed.

    My first mission was not putting on any weight at all whilst recuperating, which was pretty tough going, but as soon as I got the all clear from my consultant to resume activities, I changed my macros, started lifting heavy again 5 times a week, which I love, I get such a buzz from it :bigsmile:

    Trouble is now just had a bit of a pull and have to stop for three weeks, probably pushed just a little bit to hard!!!! :grumble:

    I really feel I'm in a good place now, been at it for six months now 18lb down so far, but about 10 inches lost in total so the longest I've ever kept at it. The goal is to be bikini ready for next summer, so watch this space.

    Good luck with everybody, and may all your WHY's be big ones!!

    p.s. Just remembered, my lovely Mother said not to worry about the scar at my age, (42!!) it's not as if I'm going to wear a bikini or anything similar!! Well here's to proving her wrong!!
  • Elektrolyfe
    Elektrolyfe Posts: 151 Member
    -To relieve stress
    -To be in the zone
    -To Become strong
    -To prove others wrong (Had an ex that made the comment that Asians can't get a muscular bod, I hope she is eating her words)
    -To be an inspiration to my friends who think that their "Ethnicity" will limit their full potential and most of all for them to STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND JUST LIFT or do something healthy.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    I am a 41 one year mom to two disabled kids. They will probably never be able to live on their own and will need me for many years to come. I have family history of strokes,heart disease,obesity etc..All the females in my family have either died in their late 40's/early 50's or had a debilitating stroke by then. Unfortunately, it took me nineteen years to realize I did not want to end up like them and needed to stay healthy for my sons.Hopefully it is not too late to turn it around. :flowerforyou:
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    It's never to late. Every moment you take to make yourself better, that is a moment you gain on being around for your sons. We never truly know when our time is up here in this world, and we only have one body to live in so we have to make the best of what we got and take care of it the best we can. Were not like a car or piece of electrical equipment where we can just go to the shop and get a part upgraded or repaired and have it running at 100% from the start. So we have to rebuild and repair it from the inside out, then maintain it. Keep up the good work. I have faith in you.
    I am a 41 one year mom to two disabled kids. They will probably never be able to live on their own and will need me for many years to come. I have family history of strokes,heart disease,obesity etc..All the females in my family have either died in their late 40's/early 50's or had a debilitating stroke by then. Unfortunately, it took me nineteen years to realize I did not want to end up like them and needed to stay healthy for my sons.Hopefully it is not too late to turn it around. :flowerforyou:
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Has your WHY changed?

    About 1 1/2 months ago I typed up this post and have received some AMAZING responses. Some of you really took the time to think about why you are ding this for yourself. Many common denominators. What I really appreciated was how honest you were. Not just with us reading this, but with yourself. When you are honest with yourself, you have a better connection with your goals and desires.

    So here is the next question. Has your WHY CHANGED? Has it changed from when you first replied to this game changing, mind altering question? Did it change when you first read it, thought about it, and realized your why wasn't as strong as you thought.? Maybe your reason was a little more vain than you realized and that disturbed you. Or maybe vanity was your reason and that is what truly drives you. Whatever motivates you, hold on to it tightly.

    I can honestly tell you that my why changed. Maybe not in the past month. My deeper why will always be to avoid health complications in the years to come. But it has changed from many years ago. I just turned 37 yesterday, but still feel like I am in my late 20's. I went to the doctor about 2 months ago for what I thought was a sinus infection. Turned out to be just some kind of mild virus. But, when I went, the nurse had to ask me if I had been there before, because they could not find any consistent info on me. At first I was a little upset because I had been going there for 7 years. But then I realized, in the past 3-4 years, I have only gone maybe one to two times a year, and in the past 2 years, only once a year. They had changed their computer system at least twice in that time frame, so some data was lost or located somewhere else. So then I was happy, because that helped me realize that yes, I am making positive changes in my life. I am healthier, and therefore reaching my goals. My blood pressure was fine, they still use that crazy BMI to justify if I am under or overweight, which I still don' t understand why they use that, considering that I am at 16% Body Fat, but according to that I am mildly obese, and show no signs of any other issues. Years ago, Yeah, I wanted to look good, build big muscles, run faster and jump higher. I didn't care much for the other benefits. But now, I still want all that, but as a side effect of bettering myself health wise. I may not have 22" biceps, or 34" quads, or be the fastest 37 year old out there, but I am healthy. Everything else is just a bonus! :happy:
  • cbarrett64
    cbarrett64 Posts: 6 Member
    I just turned 50 a few months ago, and my why has to do mostly with my health. I suffer from degenerative disc disease and arthritis in my neck, which has been debilitating at times, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. My mom has high cholesterol, type II diabetes and high blood pressure, so I could see where I was headed.

    I was constantly hungry and always felt awful (tired, sluggish, no energy) and guilt ridden every time I went on a binge. I finally said enough is enough. I don't want to be on a zip log baggie full of pills, so I set out to change my eating and exercise habits. I still struggle with upper body exercises because of the neck issues, but I am determined to do what my body will allow.

    I started my journey in January and I am currently off all medications, my BP is normal, my cholesterol is normal and I am managing my pain through more holistic methods.

    The feeling of fantastic keeps me going, along with those size 6 Miss Me jeans I want to fit into.
  • Linda_wright75
    Linda_wright75 Posts: 29 Member
    THIS!!!! • I want to feel comfortable in my own skin
  • nj_roxybikini
    Great question Linda!

    Only I can control my own fate and it's about time that I took control of my health :smile:

    ~ Nadine
  • smithcentral
    smithcentral Posts: 25 Member
    I felt myself dying and decided I wanted to live.
  • tgraves9875
    tgraves9875 Posts: 16 Member
    Great post. My thinking has kind of been aligned to that "What is your Why?" lately. I'm almost 40 & have never really been that overweight. I've accepted what I look like but realized my new M.O. was to come home from work, pour a glass of wine, make dinner & then pretty much couch it till bed time. I just cared for my 67 yr. old uncle till he passed from smoking related cancer. My kids were so close to him and I think about how much longer he could have been with us had it not been for bad habits. Not only that, but now I don't have that wine & I take my kids to the pool or for a walk at night instead. While I'm trying to improve that part of my life, I figured it wouldn't kill me to lose those last 15 lbs. as a secondary goal :)
  • lanthiriel
    lanthiriel Posts: 18
    I am only 26, so it freaks me out that my "why" is medical. I went in for a routine eye exam and discovered that my optic nerves were swollen. I had no other symptoms, no headaches or loss of vision, but he optometrist wanted me to see a neurologist immediately. I was switching jobs and put it off. When I finally made it in, he ran me through a group of tests and basically said, "I'm 99% sure that it's pseudotumor cerebri." And of course all I heard was "tumor." Turns out, not a tumor. Rather, my fat is stopping my body from being able to absorb excess spinal fluid. Doesn't seem like a big deal right? Except that left untreated, it could make me go blind.

    The neurologist wanted me to get an MRI and a lumbar puncture just in case it was something in the 1%, then I'd have to be on medication that could leave me with a numb/tingling feeling in my limbs. I started crying and he said, "You probably wouldn't need to lose that much weight. If I could give you a pill to make you lose 15 pounds, I would." So I made a deal with him. I would start a weight loss program and come back in three months.

    I started exercising and taking a hard look at my eating and I realized something: I was fat. I knew that the number on the scale and inside my jeans had been going up steadily for the last few years, but it never really registered that I'd gotten fat. I moved to Alaska last and was up for adventure, but I couldn't keep up with the local hiking clubs and never bought those cross country skis I swore I would get. All of the signs that I wasn't healthy were there, but I'd been ignoring them. The real kicker came when I was talking to my husband about all of this and he basically told me I'd gotten past the point where I was physically attractive (trust me, he's not a mean guy. We're just very honest with each other!).

    So now even though I started losing weight because I'm too cheap to get an MRI and too terrified of needles to get a lumbar puncture, I have a new set of WHYs. They still include naturally resolving my pseudotumor cerebri, but also:

    - Being able to walk up the stairs at work without having to catch my breath
    - Not being embarrassed to put on a swimsuit
    - Being able to engage with the outdoors however I desire (hiking, skiing, kayaking, you name it!)

    It all boils down to that I don't want to have to live my life as a fat person. I'm tired of my poor eating habits and lack of fitness stopping me from being who I want to be. Like a lot of people have said, I want the inside to match the outside.

    Sorry for the novel, but it feels good to get it out!