Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    Hello EVERYONE!
    I would love to be friends with each and everyone of you. I started my journey 11 months ago and was at my heavest, 286 pounds. I was ALWAYS tired, felt like I was 90 years old, depressed, could not sleep and every part of my body hurt. I could not not do anything without being out of breath. I finally got to the point I was feeling so sick and rotten I went to the dr. I was given my wake up call. I was told I have fatty liver disease and with a fatal liver disease in my family I took that very seriously.
    I began my journey. I use this site religiously, exercise routinely and eat healthy. I decided to stop killing myself.
    As of today I have lost 93 pounds! I don't just feel like a new person, I am a new person. I have gone from a size 24 down to a 12 and that is starting to get big on me. My pain is gone, I sleep again and I am no longer depressed. I feel like I am living agian.

    There are days when I don't do so great but the difference is this time I don't give up when I make a bad choice. I just get back at it!

    YOU ARE SO WORTH THE EFFORT AND HARD WORK. YOU CAN DO THIS!! If I can do this all of you can!!! TRUST ME!
    I hope to get some friend requests!
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    BTW, I just got back from Colorado and went hiking in the mountains with my family! Serious hiking!! A year ago I could not have even thought about doing that, it would have killed me. Not now! I kept up with my family and had a great time!:bigsmile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    BTW, I just got back from Colorado and went hiking in the mountains with my family! Serious hiking!! A year ago I could not have even thought about doing that, it would have killed me. Not now! I kept up with my family and had a great time!:bigsmile:

    Awesome!!! Congrats!! So inspiring!! Both post are very inspiring Molly! Keep up the good work!
  • akalei
    akalei Posts: 34
    Me. I have 100+ pounds to lose.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I have shared a couple of things with this group now, and if you don't mind I would like to share something else. I was reminded of this, and how it felt, after reading that MzMolly went hiking and a year ago she would never have thought of it.

    Every October my husband and I go on a vacation somewhere, different every year. In October I was at 70-72 pounds lost and 9 months into my journey.

    We went to CA, this last year, and we had tickets to a Chargers football game. Well, by the time we got towards the parking lot all parking was taken and we had to look in surrounding areas. My husband was getting more and more frustrated that we were getting farther and farther away from the stadium when we came across this complex that had parking and he wasn't going to take it. I asked why not and he said it was too far away and that he was going to back track and see if he could find something else closer, by chance. I told him to park in the complex and lets get with it, we had a game to get to.

    Well, we were about a mile and half away and as we started walking I put it in high gear! I had my walking shoes on, I had my HRM on, like always, and I was ready to get into that stadium. I booked it and left my husband in the dust! About half way there, he was huffing and puffing and he looked at me and said, "A year ago you would never have even considered doing this!"

    I didn't say anything but internally I was smiling and I thought to myself, "You're darn right, now move it!" hahaha A day very similar to that will happen to each and every single one of you. Keep working at this, every day, and remember that your goals are attainable.

    Something else that I did during that trip, that I have not done in YEARS! I put on a bathing suit and three times that week I went in the pool, where we are staying, and did 30 minutes of laps, as exercise. Me, in a bathing suit, not that it looked great, but a heck of a lot better than the year before it would have, but me, swimming as my exercise for the day. I liked it so much that as soon as the weather is nice, again, I am going to get to a pool more to swim!

    One piece of advice, that I have realized just myself, recently! Try to change up your exercising! I know it is winter, but try to find some different things to do. If you can find two different things to do, do one one day and the other the next day, then back to the first and so on. Two reasons! You do not want to get bored by doing the same thing every single day. By getting bored you can easily slip into an excuse as to why you don't want to exercise. The other reason is because the more you exercise if your body gets used to the same thing, every day, it will not lose as fast because it knows what is coming.

    I have stairs in my house and I used the bottom one with a kettleball to do stepping and arms, at the same time, on one day. Elliptical another day, Wii zumba another day, walking another day. When it's nice I will be on my bike again. I also live in ND and we have A LOT OF SNOW. There is a vacant lot across the street from me with tons of snow mounds. I bundle up and go walking through those snow mounds. You get such an intense workout and it is so good for your legs trudging through the snow. So try to change it up a little every day.

    You will all make it! Keep the ultimate goal in mind and use your support system.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I have shared a couple of things with this group now, and if you don't mind I would like to share something else. I was reminded of this, and how it felt, after reading that MzMolly went hiking and a year ago she would never have thought of it.

    Every October my husband and I go on a vacation somewhere, different every year. In October I was at 70-72 pounds lost and 9 months into my journey.

    We went to CA, this last year, and we had tickets to a Chargers football game. Well, by the time we got towards the parking lot all parking was taken and we had to look in surrounding areas. My husband was getting more and more frustrated that we were getting farther and farther away from the stadium when we came across this complex that had parking and he wasn't going to take it. I asked why not and he said it was too far away and that he was going to back track and see if he could find something else closer, by chance. I told him to park in the complex and lets get with it, we had a game to get to.

    Well, we were about a mile and half away and as we started walking I put it in high gear! I had my walking shoes on, I had my HRM on, like always, and I was ready to get into that stadium. I booked it and left my husband in the dust! About half way there, he was huffing and puffing and he looked at me and said, "A year ago you would never have even considered doing this!"

    I didn't say anything but internally I was smiling and I thought to myself, "You're darn right, now move it!" hahaha A day very similar to that will happen to each and every single one of you. Keep working at this, every day, and remember that your goals are attainable.

    Something else that I did during that trip, that I have not done in YEARS! I put on a bathing suit and three times that week I went in the pool, where we are staying, and did 30 minutes of laps, as exercise. Me, in a bathing suit, not that it looked great, but a heck of a lot better than the year before it would have, but me, swimming as my exercise for the day. I liked it so much that as soon as the weather is nice, again, I am going to get to a pool more to swim!

    One piece of advice, that I have realized just myself, recently! Try to change up your exercising! I know it is winter, but try to find some different things to do. If you can find two different things to do, do one one day and the other the next day, then back to the first and so on. Two reasons! You do not want to get bored by doing the same thing every single day. By getting bored you can easily slip into an excuse as to why you don't want to exercise. The other reason is because the more you exercise if your body gets used to the same thing, every day, it will not lose as fast because it knows what is coming.

    I have stairs in my house and I used the bottom one with a kettleball to do stepping and arms, at the same time, on one day. Elliptical another day, Wii zumba another day, walking another day. When it's nice I will be on my bike again. I also live in ND and we have A LOT OF SNOW. There is a vacant lot across the street from me with tons of snow mounds. I bundle up and go walking through those snow mounds. You get such an intense workout and it is so good for your legs trudging through the snow. So try to change it up a little every day.

    You will all make it! Keep the ultimate goal in mind and use your support system.

    Tracie, thank you so much for sharing your success with us. It really inspires me. I can't wait to do the things that I used to do. I will be able to run and play with my kids without having to sit down every minute or so or be out of breath. I want to do that before they grow up and move away. One day at at time is my motto, I know that I didn't gain the weight overnight and it won't come off that way either.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good for you! I am realizing my sodium is super high and I really need to change that.

    Thank you. I have to be careful or I will go over on sodium. So, I keep track of it on my food diary. Sometimes I still go over.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Welcome to MFP! Slow and Steady wins the race. Success is never giving up and picking yourself up every time you fall down.

    Thank you. Yes slow and steady wins the race. I have been on mfp for 2 years. I started here on January 1, 2009 and lost 52 pounds using this site but then I let life and stress get in my way and gained it all back plus 3 pounds. I deleted my account b/c I was so discouraged and then I came back in September 2010 and lost 7 pounds but I decided to come back on January 1, 2011 and I had gained the 7 pounds back during Christmas. I am not going to dwell on the past though b/c all I can control is today and the future. I will do this and if I fall down I will pick myself back up and get back on it.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    My goal is to lose 163 pounds by my 35th birthday (August 2012). I'm taking it 8 pounds at a time. Many blessings to you as you work towards your goal!

    Welcome Kim!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hello EVERYONE!
    I would love to be friends with each and everyone of you. I started my journey 11 months ago and was at my heavest, 286 pounds. I was ALWAYS tired, felt like I was 90 years old, depressed, could not sleep and every part of my body hurt. I could not not do anything without being out of breath. I finally got to the point I was feeling so sick and rotten I went to the dr. I was given my wake up call. I was told I have fatty liver disease and with a fatal liver disease in my family I took that very seriously.
    I began my journey. I use this site religiously, exercise routinely and eat healthy. I decided to stop killing myself.
    As of today I have lost 93 pounds! I don't just feel like a new person, I am a new person. I have gone from a size 24 down to a 12 and that is starting to get big on me. My pain is gone, I sleep again and I am no longer depressed. I feel like I am living agian.

    There are days when I don't do so great but the difference is this time I don't give up when I make a bad choice. I just get back at it!

    YOU ARE SO WORTH THE EFFORT AND HARD WORK. YOU CAN DO THIS!! If I can do this all of you can!!! TRUST ME!
    I hope to get some friend requests!

    Thanks for sharing your story with us. It inspires me so much!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Me. I have 100+ pounds to lose.

  • Leesa22
    Leesa22 Posts: 73 Member
    I just stumbled upon this thread and I too have 100 pounds to lose. I have lost some. Then I gained some back and then I left MFP for awhile but now I am back. My ticker says 99 pounds but really it is closer to 105 I want to lose, putting down 100 seem a tad daunting to me.
    Tracie your stories are of such inspiration.
  • neonshock
    neonshock Posts: 23 Member
    Hey guys, Ive added a couple of people and I would love to have more friends! I never speak to anyone on MFP as I felt a little shy I guess....
    I've done really well so far but now I am starting to find it hard not to cheat etc...Please friend me and kick my *kitten*!

    Some amazing stories in this thread!
  • Beccaxx
    Beccaxx Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all!
    Im Becca,
    I have read a few post on here & i need some motivation to help me lose weight, this looks like the sort of place i can find this. Iv been overweight since i had my first child at 19 & i'm 30 now, iv tried hundreds of diet related products & plans some with gr8 success in 1997 i lost 10st but after a few hard family issues i started to gain weight & 4 years later i have put it all back on plus another 4 stone & some with no success.
    Now iv been told by my doctor that if i don't do something about it now i will not live to see my 40th birthday (harsh i know but i think i needed the kick up the butt lol). Im going to be having gastric surgery over the next few months i have my first appointment on the 18th Jan, i know that the consultant is going to say i have to lose some weight before i can have the op so i'm starting now!.
    I currently weigh 153kg & have been using MFP on my iPhone for a long time with a few brakes lol, i would love to lose around 100kg over a few years this way i will keep it off for good.
    Hope iv not bored you all with my long introduction!! I would appreciate any help & support from you all.
    xx Becca xx
  • krasay
    krasay Posts: 23
    Well folks, I hope you will welcome me to your group. I will be 45 on the 29th of this month. When I started on MFP I was looking into Bariactric surgery and the Dietitian from the center recommended this site to me. I weighed 357 pounds in November. In preparation for the surgery they wanted me to lose 10 - 15 pounds, I lost a total of 25 pounds. Surgery was on Dec 28th. I had the by-pass done (RNY). I hope to lose down to 200 pounds by the end of this year. My final weight goal is 185 lbs.

    Happy New Year,
  • kirbyjbj
    kirbyjbj Posts: 40 Member
    I, too, have 100+ to lose. I started off great last June, losing weight the first two weeks. Then NOTHING for two months! Got discouraged and came and went on here sporadically.

    Then something happened this week: I became serious about getting this weight off. It wasn't a New Years resolution or even a conscious decision. We were in Wal-Mart and I walked by a display of Slimfast. I sighed and said, why not? I won't say this past week hasn't been hard -- my stomach growls at least twice a day -- but I've stuck to the plan and lost 4 pounds I put on over Christmas and another 2! Something about the structure of the diet is what I needed.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the motivation and support I can get! :)

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hope all of you are having an incredible weekend! My weigh in day is tomorrow morning so wish me luck!
  • Beccaxx
    Beccaxx Posts: 27 Member
    Gud Luck Hun xx:smile:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Welcome everyone!! I am so glad to meet each and every one of you. We can help keep each other motivated. I will weigh tomorrow for the 1st time since I have started back. I hope to see some results and I believe that I will.
  • Ready2lose4ever