So many people with respectively high final GWs....



  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    My initial goal weight was 199 and I never thought I'd make it there. From 280ish, it seemed like a really far-fetched goal. When I got there, I lowered it to 175 because that is "healthy" for my height, albeit at the highest end of healthy. When I got there, I decided to go for middle range of healthy. I've been maintaining now for over a year at 145-150 (I'm 5'9").

    If I had set my initial goal at 145 lbs, it would have seemed too daunting, and I would have given up before I even started. Each to their own. What worked for me wouldn't work for you because our attitudes are different. I would never judge you on your goal, and I'm a bit surprised that you'd judge me on mine. :huh:

    Same here. Setting a goal weight of 140lbs when I started would have seemed impossible, so I went for something that seemed achievable to me. And let me add it was a real victory when I made it! :flowerforyou:
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Isn't it important enough that they are here and have a goal at all?! They are coming here working on finding a healthier them? What do you care?

    At my heaviest I was almost 400 pounds. When I started MFP I was just over 300. I looked at the BMI charts and it said I should be between 129 and 165 or something like set a goal of 150. I literally picked a number out of the air. Having been overweight since childhood...I have no idea what a realistic goal even is. I've never been a 150 pound adult. Hell...I wasn't a 150 8th grader. I was well over 200 pounds all through high school. I could get to 150 and look sickly or be in the hospital with an ED. Or I could hit 175 (which would still be overweight) and would be just fine with the way I look. Well...I would've. I won't be ok with it now.

    When I hit 199 I was so excited and celebrated like there was no tomorrow. I had never been under 200 as an adult. How was I to know that it wasn't a real moment of victory. Back to the drawing board!

    My doctors, husband and family are all proud of how far I've come and my doctor thinks that I am great just where I'm at. I should tell him that you say that 200 is a relatively high number and still overweight and so not acceptable. Guess it's time to keep pushing for 150 even though I might not ever see that number.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I see it a lot with women, especially. For example, a 5'4" female starts out with a weight of 350 pounds, and her goal is to get to 175 pounds. That's still obese! I see this a lot where people set goal weights when they are probably underestimating their potential! I understand people want to set realistic goals, but why go so far when you only just a little more to go before your REAL moment of victory? The "healthy" range! Really, if you've set a high final goal weight, consider the fact that with a little more time, you can do even more than that! All it takes is a little more time.

    I started out at 223ish, and set my goal to 170, so I guess this could be directed at me. Why didn't I set my goal for 120? Why should I? It seemed daunting and lofty. And I still haven't hit 170, so I guess I *must* be doing something wrong. You know. logging consistently for over 2 years, developing a healthy relationship with food, discovering competitive powerlifting. Super unhealthy habits. LOL.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I set my goal to 145 when I started. That puts me just inside healthy on the BMI scale. I didn't think I would get there at first. After the first 20 I told myself I was going to lower it once I hit it. I'm at 144 now and I LOVE the way I look. According to BMI I could go as low at 115 and still be healthy but I would hate the way my body looked at that weight. Some people want to be tiny, some people are more than happy to be normal and even still there are some people who want to be big. To each their own. Do what makes you happy and don't worry about anyone else.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    Just wanted to share for what it's worth...I am 5' 6.5" and this was me around 180lb. I thought that weight looked pretty good on me! I was very healthy and active a this time, and I felt great about myself. For me 175 would be a very acceptable goal weight, and I hope to get there again once this baby is born.

    To each their own! More power to ANYONE who is looking to improve their health, no matter what their personal goal weight might be!

    Damn girl, you did look good. You must have great LBM. I'm your exact height and looked awful a full 10lbs lower than you when I was my highest. Get it girl (and congrats on the baby!).
  • kimacduff
    kimacduff Posts: 29
    I see it a lot with women, especially. For example, a 5'4" female starts out with a weight of 350 pounds, and her goal is to get to 175 pounds. That's still obese! I see this a lot where people set goal weights when they are probably underestimating their potential! I understand people want to set realistic goals, but why go so far when you only just a little more to go before your REAL moment of victory? The "healthy" range! Really, if you've set a high final goal weight, consider the fact that with a little more time, you can do even more than that! All it takes is a little more time.

    I understand what you are saying . But I have to agree with all these other posts. At least these people are going in the right direction. I also think you should focus on you. I'd just encourage the other people & not suggest what their goals should be.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    I'm not one to judge someone else's goals, personally. I think goals like cutting your weight in HALF or more is substantial and is a great goal to have. I think what you're not realizing is that our goals are constantly changing. Just because that's someone's initial GW, doesn't mean that when they reach it they won't reassess and figure out they want to do more. Or maybe they're totally satisfied with it, that's for them to decide.

    And what is a "REAL" moment of victory anyway? Can you really decide that for other people?

    ^^THIS! My first major goal is 200 that means I have to lose more than half of my body weight. I started at 412. I think 200 pounds will be freaking awesome!!!!! Thats why they say to set S>M>A>R>T goals! And when I get to 200 pounds I may make a new goal! But for right now I will work on this goal and be DAMN proud when i acheive it!
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    Please tell me exactly how this affects you? It's their body, and therefore their choice.

    Personally, i think that we should encourage people to focus on their health and their habits, much more than their weight. But regardless, you shouldn't be judging other's goals according to your standards. We all start in different places, and end in different places as well. What matters is that we're taking the journey together, trying to strive for health and fitness.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    OP hasn't deactivated yet? What a trooper... :laugh:
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I thought this was the site where you can be judged and its okay, since everybody judges one time or another. Plus we are all know it alls,lol. My bad.

    Next subject: (1) Did you know muscle weighs more than fat.
    (2) Am I in starvation mode eating 1199 cals. a day?
    (3) Do I have to eat back the calories I burn?
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    My starting weight was 452 lbs. I am currently about 424 lbs. In honor of this thread, I am going to make my goal weight 350 lbs, not even the horribly obese 175 lbs, but the starting weight of your example... 350 freakin lbs.

    Judge me.

    You are awesome!!!!! :drinker:
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I think It's because it's easier to look at the big picture that way. I am 5'9" and a half. and I've set my goal to 160. (larger end of normal. I may go on later to lose more, but right now, I can't picture myself weighing what I did before I had kids 130. Sound ridiculously tiny to me. But that's now. We'll see.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I agree. For me, sometimes people set "goal weights" that are ultimately high as more of a temporary goal weight. To be 350 pounds and set your goal weight at 125 may make you feel like you'll never get there if you lower the bar and expectations you have less pressure to live up to... once you reach that high goal weight..then it is easier to move forward and set a new goal weight that is even lower. Its like if you can only see the shore line from the'll aim for the shore, knowing that once you reach the shore you can then travel farther inland. Its better to start with small, realistic, incremental goals, than one huge long term goal.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    You look great at 180 girl! Better to look full and healthy than thin and dehydrated.
  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    and the dumb post of the day goes too
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member

    Just wanted to share for what it's worth...I am 5' 6.5" and this was me around 180lb. I thought that weight looked pretty good on me! I was very healthy and active a this time, and I felt great about myself. For me 175 would be a very acceptable goal weight, and I hope to get there again once this baby is born.

    To each their own! More power to ANYONE who is looking to improve their health, no matter what their personal goal weight might be!

    WELL SAID and you look incredible and so healthy!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Couldn't agree more. Perfectly stated :smile:

    Strong first post.

    You are rude!

    Not really. The way you originally put it, it looked like you were agreeing with the OP
    Welcome to the internet

    Well, even though it says I joined in 2011, this is my first week actually using the site so excuse me for not doing it correctly the first time. And by "welcome to the internet," if you mean a bunch of snarky, bullies who hide behind their computers to insult others than yes, I'm familiar.

    You're excused. I look forward to your very successful and pleasant experience on the MFP forums.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    I see it a lot with women, especially. For example, a 5'4" female starts out with a weight of 350 pounds, and her goal is to get to 175 pounds. That's still obese! I see this a lot where people set goal weights when they are probably underestimating their potential! I understand people want to set realistic goals, but why go so far when you only just a little more to go before your REAL moment of victory? The "healthy" range! Really, if you've set a high final goal weight, consider the fact that with a little more time, you can do even more than that! All it takes is a little more time.
    I think a goal of cutting body weight in half from a starting weight of 350 is very admirable. Nothing to be ashamed of or feel bad about.

    If the person chooses to keep going, more power to them. If they choose to maintain at the "obese" weight, do you.

    Adults can make the active choice to live with the consequences of their decisions. That's one of the benefits of being a grown up.
  • Idefinenichelle
    Idefinenichelle Posts: 116 Member

    Just wanted to share for what it's worth...I am 5' 6.5" and this was me around 180lb. I thought that weight looked pretty good on me! I was very healthy and active a this time, and I felt great about myself. For me 175 would be a very acceptable goal weight, and I hope to get there again once this baby is born.

    To each their own! More power to ANYONE who is looking to improve their health, no matter what their personal goal weight might be!
