So many people with respectively high final GWs....



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I see it a lot with women, especially. For example, a 5'4" female starts out with a weight of 350 pounds, and her goal is to get to 175 pounds. That's still obese! I see this a lot where people set goal weights when they are probably underestimating their potential! I understand people want to set realistic goals, but why go so far when you only just a little more to go before your REAL moment of victory? The "healthy" range! Really, if you've set a high final goal weight, consider the fact that with a little more time, you can do even more than that! All it takes is a little more time.

    Are you these people's personal trainer or doctor? If yes, address this to them directly. If no, GTFOOOPGW.

    *figure out that initialism

    Get the F out of other people's goal weights? :D

    Step right up folks, we have a winna!

  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    It got moved from Motivation and Support - since so many found it demotivating and the gifs started, I guess this was the only place thety could think to put it? :drinker:

    really? was it? this just confirms my suspicion that it was meant well!
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    bump so I can finish reading this later tonight I am only on page 6 lol
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

    so tell me, what should mine be as a 5'11 female?
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    OP- You mentioned in another thread that you don't think 1100 calories is too low and that some days you only eat 800.

    Tell me again why you are asking about other people's GW when you clearly need some help with your relationship with your own self. You have given dangerous advice and have shown that you are not healthy yourself in your own calorie intake. You also mention in your profile that you are insecure. It seems to me your are projecting those insecurities onto other people. Please focus on your own health, then you might better understand why people set goals the way they do.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    OP- You mentioned in another thread that you don't think 1100 calories is too low and that some days you only eat 800.

    Tell me again why you are asking about other people's GW when you clearly need some help with your relationship with your own self. You have given dangerous advice and have shown that you are not healthy yourself in your own calorie intake. You also mention in your profile that you are insecure. It seems to me your are projecting those insecurities onto other people. Please focus on your own health, then you might better understand why people set goals the way they do.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    It got moved from Motivation and Support - since so many found it demotivating and the gifs started, I guess this was the only place thety could think to put it? :drinker:

    really? was it? this just confirms my suspicion that it was meant well!


    It was moved OUT OF Motivation & Support because it's stupid.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    This thread appears to be going just as the OP planned.

    Well done, OP!

    ^ Me being all supportive and stuff.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Yay for a whole topic filled with bullies. Hope ya'll feel proud

    Oh you.

  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    It got moved from Motivation and Support - since so many found it demotivating and the gifs started, I guess this was the only place thety could think to put it? :drinker:

    really? was it? this just confirms my suspicion that it was meant well!


    It was moved OUT OF Motivation & Support because it's stupid.

    Motivational or not it backfired. it's like when that guy wrote that aricle about the fat woman at the track. Sometimes people who are well intentioned end up being inadvertant jerks. Intentions don't change that.

    What's the quote? "The road to Hell was paved with good intentions."

    Poor wording ruined it. If they OP ever took the time to come back they could have defended it.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It got moved from Motivation and Support - since so many found it demotivating and the gifs started, I guess this was the only place thety could think to put it? :drinker:

    really? was it? this just confirms my suspicion that it was meant well!


    It was moved OUT OF Motivation & Support because it's stupid.

    ^^^ Yup... thats true...
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It got moved from Motivation and Support - since so many found it demotivating and the gifs started, I guess this was the only place thety could think to put it? :drinker:

    really? was it? this just confirms my suspicion that it was meant well!


    It was moved OUT OF Motivation & Support because it's stupid.

    Motivational or not it backfired. it's like when that guy wrote that aricle about the fat woman at the track. Sometimes people who are well intentioned end up being inadvertant jerks. Intentions don't change that.

    What's the quote? "The road to Hell was paved with good intentions."

    Poor wording ruined it. If they OP ever took the time to come back they could have defended it.

    Neh... trolls don't come back to defend their asinine assumptions and thoughts.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    It got moved from Motivation and Support - since so many found it demotivating and the gifs started, I guess this was the only place thety could think to put it? :drinker:

    really? was it? this just confirms my suspicion that it was meant well!


    It was moved OUT OF Motivation & Support because it's stupid.

    Motivational or not it backfired. it's like when that guy wrote that aricle about the fat woman at the track. Sometimes people who are well intentioned end up being inadvertant jerks. Intentions don't change that.

    What's the quote? "The road to Hell was paved with good intentions."

    Poor wording ruined it. If they OP ever took the time to come back they could have defended it.

    Neh... trolls don't come back to defend their asinine assumptions and thoughts.

  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I've recently UPPED my goal weight to 75kg/165lbs.

    I did that because I figured it would be a reasonable goal AND if I was unhappy with my body when I got there, I could lower it.

    Oh. And I wanted to annoy you.

    Why do you even care?
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I see it a lot with women, especially. For example, a 5'4" female starts out with a weight of 350 pounds, and her goal is to get to 175 pounds. That's still obese! I see this a lot where people set goal weights when they are probably underestimating their potential! I understand people want to set realistic goals, but why go so far when you only just a little more to go before your REAL moment of victory? The "healthy" range! Really, if you've set a high final goal weight, consider the fact that with a little more time, you can do even more than that! All it takes is a little more time.

    Some people prefer to do it in little chunks.. like I'll get down to 175, celebrate, then set a new goal.
    It's less intimidating than thinking about the whole amount you need to lose.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Funny, I'm 5"4 and my goal weight is 176lbs!! It's like the OP is talking right to me. Let me explain the reasoning behind my current goal weight

    Well, back when I was 24, I was around 180lbs and...

  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Funny, I'm 5"4 and my goal weight is 176lbs!! It's like the OP is talking right to me. Let me explain the reasoning behind my current goal weight

    Well, back when I was 24, I was around 180lbs and...

    It's all good. You do what works for YOU and that's what matters. :flowerforyou:
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    My starting weight was 452 lbs. I am currently about 424 lbs. In honor of this thread, I am going to make my goal weight 350 lbs, not even the horribly obese 175 lbs, but the starting weight of your example... 350 freakin lbs.

    Judge me.
    <slow clap>

  • jocomoso
    jocomoso Posts: 13 Member
    I agree, I think negative posts like hers should be removed.... at least the people on here are trying to lose weight... don't poo on them for it!! silly cow!
  • jocomoso
    jocomoso Posts: 13 Member
    love it!!! :-)