Your most dangerous food (mine almost got me shot)



  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    Extra Cheddar Goldfish (If I open a bag it doesn't get closed until it is gone :grumble: ) I haven't bought a bag in more than two years.

    The other one is white cheddar popcorn. Something about the tart cheese combined with the saltiness, and that they melt in your mouth. I have been able to get this under control for the most part by weighing out a bowl and hiding the rest of the bag. Sometimes I break down and have two servings, but nobody's perfect!
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    In Tokyo, Shinjuku to be more precise, there is a Shakey's pizza that has an all you can eat pizza option. It's not a buffet table (like their other locations). You can keep order pizzas and one time I think I ate 5 or 6 "large" pizzas. In my defense, their large is a bit smaller than the US medium. Don't judge me, I don't do this anymore. :O

    Also, many places in Tokyo have all you can drink beer. Most of the time you can pay a little more and have them include liquor (whiskey,etc) also. Since there is so much easily accessible public transportation, you don't have to worry about a designated driver! :drinker:
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    Potato chips and dip
  • gretlarson
    gretlarson Posts: 52 Member
    Although I've never put my life in danger for it (aside from overeating it every time it is offered) pizza is my danger food. I can remember pictures of me when I was a baby with it smeared all over my face. For my 1st birthday, I was given pizza by a guy who worked at a local favorite pizza shop. I'm pretty simple when it comes to toppings. My favorite is mushroom and pepperoni with lots of cheese. My husband and I argue about this. He believes that there is such a thing as pizza being too cheesy. My son has now picked up this addiction. One time last year he told me he wished he could marry a pizza, have pizza babies and then eat them all. The one thing that is good about this is he likes our home made pizza the best so I can control what goes on it. Even though I don't agree with the too cheesy thing, I have cut back the cheese that I have been putting on the pizza. We have pizza every Friday and I have managed to even skip eating pizza occasionally. So I am doing much better with my control over pizza. Next to conquer will be a "fancy restaurant" AKA Chinese Buffet. I know I'm not at the point where I can go yet but my kids love it there so we will probably go sometime soon. I just have to go on a good day.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    In Tokyo, Shinjuku to be more precise, there is a Shakey's pizza that has an all you can eat pizza option. It's not a buffet table (like their other locations). You can keep order pizzas and one time I think I ate 5 or 6 "large" pizzas. In my defense, their large is a bit smaller than the US medium. Don't judge me, I don't do this anymore. :O

    Also, many places in Tokyo have all you can drink beer. Most of the time you can pay a little more and have them include liquor (whiskey,etc) also. Since there is so much easily accessible public transportation, you don't have to worry about a designated driver! :drinker:

    I would be such a drunk if I lived there.
  • butterytiger
    Wow, I guess that goes to show how far we are willing to go for our cravings. My issue has always been watermelon flavored candy, I used to eat three bags of watermelon sour patch at a time, glad I found homemade watermelon fruit leather!
  • jenniferv38
    jenniferv38 Posts: 44 Member
    Nutella....I can't bring it into the house. I will stand at the kitchen counter and eat it by the spoonful. It's like crack.
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    Must say I LOVE Subway chocolate cookies...I can eat a dozen if there's that many around...I only buy three at a time..but that's my downfall!!
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    Mine is a tie between oreo double stuffed cookies and jalapeno cheese bread. Before I started calorie counting, I could EASILY eat an entire packet/loaf all by myself in one day! I don't mean one of those small packets where it's just like 10 cookies or a couple bread sticks, I mean the larger ones you typically find in the grocery stores. :sick:

    To combat my addiction, I only allow myself to buy the small packets and only once in a great while.
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    My danger food is pizza too!! I know if I'm eating pizza it's gonna be an ugly day but I have started making mini pizzas on 100 calorie english muffins and I feel ok about that. It doesn't hurt that I lovee turkey pepperoni.
  • chellearellano
    I'm not gonna lie, is definitely worth a bullet.

    When we decided to move to NYC from Miami I made a list of pro's and con's. At the top of the pro's and rightly so, was all the AMAZING pizza I would be able to have in this city. And so, we moved. lol. This is not even a joke.

    Sunday is my "free for all" day, and that's the one day a week I partake in trying all the different pizza's this amazing city has to offer.
  • chellearellano
    Mmmmm Nutela (is the devil!) nom nom nom.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    dreyer's slow churned, no sugar added fudge tracks. i can't bring it in the house - it comes in half gallons and i can hear it calling me from the freezer when it's here. it's the only food i am capable of eating a half half-gallon in a sitting, and what a happy time that is. ah, how i missing it's gooey fudge stripes, tiny peanut butter cups and yummy vanilla goodness!

    still, i haven't risked being shot to get it!
  • Dragonborn79
    Dragonborn79 Posts: 161
    In Tokyo, Shinjuku to be more precise, there is a Shakey's pizza that has an all you can eat pizza option. It's not a buffet table (like their other locations). You can keep order pizzas and one time I think I ate 5 or 6 "large" pizzas. In my defense, their large is a bit smaller than the US medium. Don't judge me, I don't do this anymore. :O

    Also, many places in Tokyo have all you can drink beer. Most of the time you can pay a little more and have them include liquor (whiskey,etc) also. Since there is so much easily accessible public transportation, you don't have to worry about a designated driver! :drinker:

    Wow. If I lived in Tokyo I would be so fat and drunk people would think I was Godzilla's sister.
  • tiredstarling529
    tiredstarling529 Posts: 50 Member
    Mine is pizza, fried chicken, and I hate to say it: fast food. Good thing I rarely eat fast food now.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Cookies. Hands down cookies. Those suckers go down one after another. Especially oreos. Haven't bought cookies in years, that's how bad it is, can't keep my hands off of them!
  • Kakes2
    Kakes2 Posts: 3
    For me it's chocolate. I crave it EVERY night before bed. I never have it around any more so that helps a lot but before when I had zero self control, I would buy the extra large chocolate bars and eat those like nothing. Now I am able to control that craving much better, but it's still difficult. The key is to just not buy any and then there won't be any to eat. Aside from chocolate, I could live on ice cream. Sadly now I hardly ever eat it, but I am so much better off without it!
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    for me...


    love it...but I am highly allergic so it is REALLY flirting with danger when I fancy it.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
  • benaddict
    benaddict Posts: 1,381 Member
    Ritz crackers. I can easily eat a whole tube by myself in one sitting. The salty buttery goodness is just too much for me to resist. I actually have a package of them in the cabinet right now and periodically I go in the kitchen and look at the package. Luckily I'm doing a gluten-free experiment for fertility reasons so I can't eat them now, but I won't be gluten-free forever and then it'll be super hard not to eat all those crackers...