

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,320 Member
    Picked up this on a MFP blog:

    If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want will be the sacrifice.

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Heather UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,772 Member
    Hi ladies! just got caught up with reading your posts!

    I am bleary-eyed from reading so many food labels! It appears there is little I can purchase from the grocery store that is premade or packaged. Cooking from scratch is how we will become compliant with migraine sons food restrictions. I didn't realize how much I had come to rely on packaged foods! Just things like chicken or beef broth ... loaded with msg! They tell me it will get easier. He's had one significant headache this week, but otherwise just dull ones ... and the significant one he got through without an IV ... so maybe things are looking better.

    Had to laugh at the hair highlighting stories ... last time I highlighted my hair was about 24 years ago when my oldest son was 4. I took him with me to the beauty shop and he was sitting in a little chair off to the side while the hairdresser pulled my hair through the cap. Oh that did hurt! Anyways, we weren't really paying attention to him ... but when she turned my chair and I was facing him ... he started crying. Poor little guy was inconsolable ... he was convinced that she had ruined his mommy ... since all he saw was this terrifying woman with her hair sticking out at all ends. I never did highlight my hair again.

    Sylvia .... my oldest son has significant heart issues and hypertension as well. While the cardiologist usually initiates bp med changes, he always wants us to see a nephrologists as well.

    Have a great weekend.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,649 Member
    Heather - Wow, what a D Day story; and such an honor to all of us that you told us your story. The egg and sperm that made us deserve one type of respect:happy: and for the people who parent us we give love:smooched: – and when those are the same 2 people – wow. But congrats for taking what life gave you and making a wonderful reality of it. ((((hugs to you))))):smile:
    Beer traps for snails/slugs are so great – you know they are gone, and happy! :drinker:

    Sue – glad you came though the storms - thanks for sending thoughts this way I am ½ way through the day of graduation and am coping well – fate/good karma/god is helping.

    Pat – You will overcome!!! Just keep hanging in there!

    Judy – you can lose that 30lbs! by losing pound 1 and then 2 and then 3… checking in here with everyone has helped me so much.

    Gloria – I am :frown: sad no weight has come off, but I am sure you are stronger and healthier. A break may be the perfect answer! Have a great time in FL, I bet your friends will be saying “wow it is so great to see Gloria” and not notice your weight at all.

    Cathy in NS - That’s the spirit – just one day or even one morning or afternoon at a time!

    DeeDee – so sorry to hear about your DS ! I am not normally a headache sufferer but have noticed that now that I am eating less I get them more, and when I up the water I don’t get them – I am thinking that the extra liquid in the extra food made a difference…

    Jen - Quick books – I hate it – it is a good program and not that hard; but I own my own small business and Quick books means a day at my desk!

    Joyce - I wanted to do the doughnut thing too – but Krispy Cream is 50:laugh: miles away… Although I did seriously think about it.

    Sandy – good to hear from you…

    Ginal59 & Jeanette – welcome!

    Barbie – good for you to bring your own snacks… I am trying to get better about that. :smile:

    Meg – steps are a great start back to exercising… sometimes we just need a break…

    Katiebug - Counting down 20 hours to retirement – how exciting:laugh:

    Eileen – great profile pic

    Brenda – Love the new mantra!

    Cynthia – geraniums are so pretty on balconies!!!

    Jacqueline – it takes a while to get to know all of us – losing weight is a calorie deficit; and it sounds like you are making good, small steps – the small steps mean you can keep them up! :flowerforyou:

    Michele – I need the banana recipes! Especially the bundt cake :smile: :smile:

    Beth - it will get easier! And you will learn little tricks – like the plastic jars that peanut butter come in (ask a friend to save them for you) will be a great 3 cup freezer container for home made broth when chicken is on sale or if I get a turkey I make broth with just the bones, water and celery – it is really boring but perfect for anything! I freeze it and then season it when I defrost it.

    So thanks for all the support ladies - I really felt it this morning; and will do one more round of challenges early evening. My God daughter (who calls me auntie Kim) graduated from high school this morning and it was a ticket only event - they "forgot" to get me a ticket - when my niece found out she called her friends and I got a ticket! did not get to sit with the family - who cares! but as it turned out I sat 3 rows from the front in the exact center! I had the best seat in the house. The family that had the tickets had won them in a silent auction, and spent $10,000 for 8 seats; their very elderly nursing home bound grandma passed away a couple of weeks ago and I got that seat. Thank you Grandma! Only that row was auctioned off all the other rows were free and a random draw on who got what. So there is a party tonight, and I would like to skip - but my niece wants me there - and this is for her.

    On a food note - I made tandoori chicken - thanks Heather! so I took the info Heather shared, some recipe info and morphed it into a chicken on the bbq - I cut up 4 lbs of skinless boneless chicken breast, into pieces that could go on a kebob - so 2-3 bite size pieces - then put the marinade on them overnight, put them on the skewers and on a really hot charcoal BBQ cooked them - YUMMMYYYY so the marinade - I dumped all of this into my blender and pulverized it - 2 tablespoons canola oil, 4 oz. white onion, 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, 1 tablespoon paprika, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 teaspoon ground coriander, 1 teaspoon gram masala, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1/2 cup non-fat plain yogurt. - the folks that came over had never had it and loved it too... lots of spices but not hot, just flavorful.

    off to change and go to the party.

    thanks all
    Kim - in N. cal
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,774 Member
    watching the Belmont,busy busy day today, we ran errands this morning, then came home and mowed the lawn, before all that did my race walk.. my left foot is starting to bother me again..
    we are going down to the shore tomorrow and take the electric car, we are going to stop for breakfast, and charge the car, so we will have to walk almost a mile back and forth to the restaurant.. that will work it off

    going to put the water bottle back in the freezer,ice my foot before we go anywhere, but got 17,000 steps in today:bigsmile:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Jen and Kim, tell me about Quicbooks. Once I retire, I am ging to have some consulting opportunities.i am going to be setting up an LLC and a web page. Quick books has been recommended to me since I'm going to need something that will allow me to invoice systems for my services. I use YNAB for home budgeting and have a minimal working knowledge of excel. Should I get the one computer version or the cloud version? How hard will it be for me to figure it out? I have already opened a separate checking account for the "business" so I can use it to pay for the LLC, a laptop, the computer program, and my professional memberships.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I got my fitbit flex today!!! It's on the charger right now. Now I have to figure out how to use it. First off, how do you get the darn band closed? My fingers aren't strong enough. Hubby managed to do it, but just barely. Can I do it in the loosest holes and then just slide it off and on?

    We went shopping in Joplin tonight and I got two pairs of Capri pants that are Petite XL. They aren't tight at all, and I might have been able to fit in a large but I was scared to push my luck. I LOVE being able to shop in the regular size department! I suspect though, that the fitting rooms at Penneys have trick mirrors that make you look skinnier than you really are though, so you buy more. At the checkout I actually teared up a little, because I didn't go to the large size department.

    I got my fitbit at Kohls, and they wouldn't let me use my 30% coupon on it! but I got $20 in Kohls Cash and a $10 mail in rebate, so it wasn't too bad. I'm a little sad that I need to use the large wristband, but maybe someday I can switch to the smaller one.


  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Had a beautiful day today...lots of sunshine, a few breezes, low humidity...loved it....walked this morning...didn't do any of my stretches or floor work....I had chores to do and hubby's book work to get to and the pool was calling my name....my sister came for lunch and then we spent the afternoon on the pool deck chatting and reading...very relaxing and when she left I actually cleaned the house...who knew that's the motivation I needed:wink: ...

    Quick books...I pretty much learned it on my own..there is a tutorial with it that I used from time to time, but have found the program fairly intuitive...it may depend on how comfortable you are with trying new programs. We do not have the cloud program...DH is overly concerned about someone hacking into our small business records...makes me crazy...doesn't want me to use the internet on that computer even though we have a firewall...I guess he thinks our business is worth millions...maybe he should look at the books once in awhile.:laugh: ...

    I am so happy I am back at mfp...I love the support and reading about what everyone is up to...my life is fairly calm now with DS back in the us, DD is on her own and with a great guy, DH is working hard but finally giving himself permission to take some time off for fun and I have settled into my job with new employers...took 18 months to settle...it's not great but the pros outweigh the cons...

    Have a nice evening...hugs and high fives...am keeping the struggles and challenges in my prayers:flowerforyou:
    Jen in NY, hoping for another sunny day tomorrow!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    Sylvia - whenever we have a big storm, I usually sleep right thru it too. For me to wake up from a storm, it has to be BAD. How neat you have family in Switzerland! Yes, my girlfriend from high school married a guy from Switzerland and moved there. It IS a beautiful country. They were just saying, tho, that it's also one of the most expensive countries to be in.

    Well, the guy from the Internet co. hasn't come YET, but I'll put the vaseline under my nails and on my hands, then put latex gloves on and maybe take my work goves outside and start picking up the stones and putting them back on the pile

    The guys to fix the internet were just here. We got a new modem! that's exactly what Vince said was the problem.

    Juanita - I was surprised to find that you can't eat or drink while driving. I don't think that's too distracting, just popping something in your mouth. But I guess that's my definition of "eating" whereas other's definition would be having a hamburger and having to be careful that it doesn't drip or pop out of the bun.

    Well, I came in fron putting rocks on the pile and decided to start making the oatmeal raisin cookies for rummikub Tuesday (I'll freeze them), that's going to get them here. And sure enough, the minute I walked in the house, they called to say they were on their way! Right now I have chicken breasts in the oven for dinner during the week. Even tho they left and I could go in the pool, I don't think Vince would be able to handle the chicken. Really, it's just checking to be sure that it's at the right temp and taking it out of the oven.

    Sue in SD - I like your serenity prayer

    Cynthia - "hurting people hurt people". I wonder if that's why Bryan is hurting me so?

    Beth - I'm constantly amazed at how many foods contain MSG in them. Do you have to watch your son's protein also?

    Kim - I was overwhelmed also by Heather's DDay post. You put into words what I couldn't. Thanks. Sounds reasonable to me that you got extra water in the food so upping your water intake helps with the headaches. Things have a way of working out. Glad you got such a good seat at the graduation

    Sylvia - congrats on getting your fitbit flex! Sorry, I don't have one so can't help you with any of your questions, but I know lots of ladies on here have one and can help you.Those capris -- wonderful NSV! Why wouldn't Kohl's let you use your 30?% off coupon? They are usually so good about letting people use them.

    Went to lector at the mass tonight, had to go to WalMart, then came home, had dinner, made these light salmon fritters for during the week. I think they'll be pretty good. Then Vince and I went outside, I vacuumed out the spa and we just sat by the pool. Now I'm in here.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, isn't it wonderful how God works things out like that. Grandma's family grieved her death but He saw a puspose and you got a wonderful seat.

    It is just so wonderful to come here any time of the day and read the things all of you are doing. It is just so inspiring to see so many active and health minded women.

    Judy, it has taken me 18 month but I have lost 58 pounds. It has not been easy at all. At our age it isn't like what you see on The biggest loser or read in so many testimonials of those 'great' weight loss programs that you pay for. It comes off one ounce at a time. Right now it is coming off about 1 pound every 6 weeks so these last 30 pounds will take a couple of years!!!! But it will be worth it.

    I am so looking forward to seeing my nuerologist next Tuesday. When she comes in I'm going to stand up and twirl around and just see the look on her face. I just hope she is as proud of me as I am of me.

    I don't know when I recorded it but right now there isn't much on TV so I watched Marley and me. I loved it the first time I watched it and I think it was even better now especially after reading all of the stories of the elderly parents of you ladies and hospice care and death and dying, just everything. I don't know, just everything came back, my Mom in hospice, my MIL dying last September, my Dad dying in 1998, just everything. Anyway I had a good crying session. I think we all need that sometimes. Maybe it has something to do with me getting back in church and being so happy there.

    Love your jokes Sylvia, good luck with your doctor, wish we could all write petitions to get you in sooner. Wouldn't that solve a lot of problems if people would just listen to us??

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening to everyone,

    Busy couple of days! Can't remember what I posted about last; have read everything but it's pretty much a jumble. Last night was folkdance; end of the season so we all took food...............I did a "Michele" and provided grapes and sliced apples, both of which went over quite well! Thanks, Michele! This am I volunteered for the running club at the finish line for a 1 mile and 5K, then met a couple friends for lunch at a Molgolian place
    I had just veggies and hot and sour soup. Then a nice nap. Tomorrow is the monthly gym breakfast at Golden Corral.

    Kim............I am so happy you lucked out on that seat!!! Hope the rest goes smoothly..........deep breaths. That chicken sounded wonderful. I do have a great banana bread recipe I need to send you when I have time.

    Sylvia............Interesting look at stress!

    Heather..........What a DDay story! Very moving.

    Watched the Belmont and gave DD the report, she was still tending horses herself and they have no tv anyway.

    Time for shower and bed; or at least some reading.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Today was a gorgeous day here and low humidity, my dd came up from Va today so
    we went out for breakfast and a late lunch, so I was able to keep calories down by only
    having 2 meals. I also had my grandson Joel from 1:00 until hubby got home around
    7:00 so I handed Joel over to his pop pop and went to a nearby park with walking trails
    and I hiked for an hour. I enjoyed it so much, the trails wind around a creek and the
    birds were very active I could've stayed there much longer but it was getting dark under
    all the trees and the park closes at dusk. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful and I'm
    planning on doing a 2-3 mile hike on the Appalachian trail.
    Brenda from Md
  • susabeannee
    susabeannee Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm not so new here as I've been playing with My Fitness Pal for over a year or so, but I just now got serious....my goal is to track activity and food every single day. So far, world record, 4 days! LOL! I've also just started posting on the message boards, so...I thought I'd give a quick intro.

    My name is Tammy and I am 51 years old. I am married to Joe and have two girls, Susannah and Sarah, ages 21 and 18, and a son-in-love, Jamal. Susannah and Jamal are expecting my first grand child in October. We're all very excited!! I work as a hotline coordinator (volunteer coordinator, advocate, etc) for a domestic violence and sexual assault hotline for a family violence unit in our county.

    I have struggled with weight most of my life. At 47 I weighed the most I've ever weighed at 233. I was diabetic, asthmatic, and pretty much dying. Long story short, and for a lot of reasons, I had gastric bypass surgery, which was the best thing I ever did. It was NOT easy, but it was definitely worth it. The lowest I've weighed since was 128, but I kind of evened out at 134. I've been seeing some weight creep back on and I am here to nip it in the bud!

    I have learned a lot over this journey about myself, about nutrition and health, and about what weight loss can and cannot do for your life. As I said, I have a grandbaby on the way, so I am trying to get as healthy as possible so as to be a fit, able to keep up grammy tammy.

    I look forward to meeting each of you, and I'll try to post regularly but I am not always good about it! But I'll try!! :)
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello lovely ladies. I'm back (again!). I've been miserable of late after being disappointed by someone close to me, (perhaps I made the pedestal too high?) but have decided to ditch the negativity that was eating me inside & sort out the things I can affect like eating properly & exercising.

    So resetting everything today & starting anew.

    Off to catchup on this months posts. Have a fab day all.

    Geri in England
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Kim: what a great niece you have! Glad you got to be there.
    Sylvia: you really have to pinch hard. You’ll get the knack of it, and it will get a bit more flexible with time. I put two fingers between the band and my wrist, and my thumb on the outside, and pinch hard.

    I got all the geraniums in on the balconies, but I had miscalculated and had to go back for more! Luckily the garden center is just around the corner. My back was bothering me the whole time, but I did get some movement in. A good thing, too, because I blew it last night on the calories. Will do better today.

    Hope everyone has a good day,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I wore my new fitbit to bed last night and rushed to the ipad this morning to see how I did. It says I slept 6 hours and 55 minutes, woke up twice and was restless for 13 minutes. I can't imagine how it figured all that out, but it sounds about right. Last night after I figured it out a little bit I announced to hubby, "I'm going for another walk!" Unfortunately the dogs thought they were going too. They were so sad, but I wanted to walk fast, without stopping to sniff every rock, weed or mailbox. The fitbit said I walked 3/4 of a mile, which is just about right. I'm going for another extra walk this morning too. I think I'm going to LOVE this fitbit!

    This afternoon I'm going to a clay club meeting which includes a pot luck lunch, so I'm cutting up a watermelon to take for that. I'm putting it in a big soup tureen that I bought on my Minnesota pottery trip, so I can show it off.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday!

  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning All;
    I forgot to post this months goals..will do later...the weather here is so gorgeous esp. after so much cold winds blowing for awhile...I am back to eating regular foods again so I have to try doubly not to gain the weight I lost :noway: :noway: ..was a hard way to lose it but it still felt good that I did....my GS's were here yesterday having lunch...my DD is working this wknd...she is working 2 jobs and it is starting to take the good out of her..her health is not good...a few years ago she found out after some tests were done that her one kidney doesn't work....so her body is trying to work with only 1 kidney plus she is diabetic...she is on some high dose concoction to help her body work ..... I hate to see her wrk 2 jobs...but I have no say in it..it is just my job to worry.... we took the boys out to the stores after lunch.... the youngest likes marbles...then we took them home and we stayed awhile to play with Jonah the youngest...marbles of course..
    They stay alone there when DD works and when her boyfriend is gone somewhere..he wasn't there this wknd he had to go out of town to a job his company sent him too.....I am not comfortable with them being there alone..the oldest is 14 this year so he does great looking after his brother...but I always worry if this or that may happen :noway:
    I believe it is time to do my Leslie Sansone exercises...I enjoy her walk workouts....Everyone have a wonderful day :flowerforyou:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning,

    Just thought I'd stop in for a few minutes before another lovely day begins. Hubby will be off to work soon, then I'll fire up the vacuum and have a go at this house which has been gathering dust in a fast hurry. I do a little each day, but being in the garden is so much more fun! :tongue:

    Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the garden, harvesting 100 bulbs of garlic and enough spinach to feed an army. The garage smells like a garlic factory :noway: I'll process the spinach for the freezer this morning, then will have to go harvest the other row that's ready. Good grief, I grew too much. I'll give some away. :bigsmile:

    I'm still not feeling up to par, but getting a little better each day. Busy time of year tending the gardens, planting 2nd crops, harvesting spring greens, and getting the last flat of summer flower seedlings in the ground. My exercise right now consists mostly of gardening, and of course getting my dogs out for a walk or two every day. I do lots of shoveling, lifting, hauling, hoeing, raking, bending, squatting and walking, but I forget to practice good posture! Pulling the shoulder blades together helps a lot, I just have to remember to do it! :blushing:

    Update on Mariah: :heart: They didn't find any cancer cells in the preliminay reports from the spinal tap and bone marrow biopsy, thank goodness! Here is the update her mom wrote on Friday: "Port placed..check! Bone marrow biopsy...check, g-tube placed..check, spinal tap..check, port placed on her head..check! Two surgeries and countless tests this week and last.......and now we are home. Mariah is recovering well and being a great sport about everything. Meet with oncologist next week to talk about plan for chemo. We are in operation #giterdone mode!!!"

    Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday!

    :smile: jb in beautiful Portland
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,320 Member
    Just got back from the Farmer's Market. Walked off a few calories as we went by train and the market is 15 mins walk from the station. I had slready done my machines, but not my strength training.
    Really enjoyed it - it is supposed to be one of the best ones in the whole country - and we bought loads of organic meat, some runny (:bigsmile: ) goats cheese and masses of local asparagus.:bigsmile: So now I've got lamb stesks for a bbq, shoulder of pork fof a big, freezable cider stew, and goat meat for a sweetcorn curry, which is surprisingly delicious.:smile: We have lived here three and a half years and it is only our 2nd visit.:embarassed:
    I had a buffalo burger for lunch, docking myself 430 cals, and DH had a pork pie, which he pronounced delicious!:bigsmile:

    The weather is glorious here. Sunny, but not yet too hot. I am still in my long sleeved black and white, so haven't quite swopped seasons.:tongue: I do have a problem with summer clothes as I have to wear an arm sleeve for my lymphodema and then I get one brown arm and one white one. I find it easier to wear long sleeves unless it is a heatwave and then I stay indoors!:laugh: I used to hate the summer when I was fat, but I hope it will be better now. I still have a real problem with shoes as I need orthotics so sandals don't really work if I am going to do any walking about. Hence I tend to wear the same thing all year.:laugh:

    Sylvia - so happy for you with the capris. What a great feeling.:flowerforyou: I found it took quite a while to get used to the "new me" and had no idea at first what suited me or what was in fashion as I had been wesring a "uniform" of baggy black pants and a bright top for years. Now I'm still in a "uniform", but the pants are skinny! ! ! !:laugh: By the way, thank you for the compliment about my cooking, but I believe it is the other way round, because I cook everything from scratch I can keep more of an eye on the calories, with less oil etc. That means I can eat more bulk for fewer calories. :happy: I don't think I could go as low sodium as you, though I know I ought to cut down. Of course I don't eat dinner party food every day - most of our meals are simple and I eat much less carbohydrate than DH. Tonight we are having left over goulash from a stew I cooked weeks ago and DH is having tagliatelle and I am having shiritaki noodles. Accomanied by our market asparagus with lemon sqeezed over and a lump of butter for DH. I have to keep feeding DH up or he loses weight to a scary extent. Cake every day for tea for him. I have something with fewer calories, but I do need something or I go hypo.:laugh:

    This pm I will make kipper pate for DSIL'S visit and for our friends next week. There will be a choice between meat and fish pate along with a little pickled salad and my granary rolls. The meat pates are ones we brought back from France in jars, one Rillettes and one Foie Gras. I think that will be a sufficient starter. My friend next week doesn't really like meat, apart from chicken. Apologies to anyone who objects to Foie Gras.:embarassed: :embarassed:

    Thank you for the feedback on my D Day story. It's hard to know whether to put stuff like that out there or not.:ohwell: Next Wednesday is the second anniversary of my weight loss journey and I intend to compose a little history. It might interest the new people, even if most of you have heard it before.:tongue::wink: :laugh:

    Love Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

    PS - jb - sounding good for Mariah!:flowerforyou: Big hugs!:heart:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: you could try giving the dogs time to do their thing, read the pee-mail etc. first, and then get to stepping. They might have to get used to that at first, but they'd probably accept a new routing without too much trouble. Just an idea.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Oh dear - I haven't been here for awhile. Lots to catch up on.

    Finally got the garden planted between the rains... Frost warnings the last couple of nights so had to cover up the tomatoes and the many bedding plants....

    Goals for June
    Walk, walk and walk.

    I sit at a desk most of the day - 4 days a week.

    Long weekend in May I attended my great Aunts 100 birthday party. What a lady...still lives by herself, and pretty sharp.
    SECRET to her success.!! she goes for walk every morning. And "pure Luck and good genetics" So....she is the second Great Aunt to live to be over 100...I better get walking and hope my pension makes it that far. LOL :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Lilly in Saskatchewan