30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Wow! This thread took off today! There are tons on of us starting tomorrow! So excited.

    For those who asked about rest days : This program is designed for 30 days in a row - but listen to your body! Jillian doesn't want you to have any injuries (and either do I)!

    The program works like this: There are three levels in this workout. Each level is done for 10 days before you progress to the next. The idea being you do Level 1 for 10 days, move onto Level 2 for 10 days and finish up with Level 3 for 10 days (you can do each level longer or shorter depending on your fitness level).

    I just bought 30 day shred today...and I wanna start it, heres where I am scared, I work as an RN on the 7p-7a shift, I HAVE NOT done ANY working out in a LONG time, is this OK to start with? I work Monday night then off til Thurs, will I be able to walk after I start? LOL

    Denise309 - First off, thanks for the congrats! Something tells me I'm going to have a very busy life ahead of me!
    I know those 12 hour shifts well. I'm currently on Mat Leave with my first but I remember what's the pain! Now as for the exercise pain...you may feel some especially if you haven't worked out in a long time. Since you work Monday night I think you'll be okay... The pain is usually worse on Day 2 (right in time for days off). But don't quote me! Good luck! Glad to have you.
  • ashleygrnt
    Ahhh!! I was going to start Monday anyway! Ok I'm in.
  • bsh81
    bsh81 Posts: 9
    perfect! i'm in. tried this video out two or three times over the holidays, but i'd decided today was going to be the day i started amping back up. so good luck to all my fellow shredders, and can't wait to start tonight!
  • LilSweetie785
    I got my measuring tape, weights, mat(not sure if i'll need it since my living room is carpeted), and 30ds dvd last night at walmart! I got soo lucky since it was the LAST copy. Must have been meant to be. lol I saw someone ask earlier where to get a measuring tape. They are with the sewing supplies by the needles and such. There was a 60" and a 120" at my walmart. Is everyone planning on doing there 30ds in the mornings or afternoons? I usually get our nephew we are fostering on the bus then lay back down for a couple of hours before our two kids (3 and 1) wake up for the day. I'm thinking I'll probably do mine after they have their morning breakfast. Can't wait to feel the pain! :laugh: Although I know i'll hate it when its here. lol :sad:
  • andreadawn1012
    andreadawn1012 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm definitely in!!! Another member and I were talking about starting a challenge with 30DS and starting it today! lol
  • cel_v2
    cel_v2 Posts: 10
    Would love to join! I fell of the wagon a bit over the holidays and need the extra support....and kick in the butt to keep at it!!!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Thinking I want to join. I bought this DVD when out Xmas shopping and I have lightly done it 2 days this year but with no motivation or enthusiasm...but like the accountability and support offered with this group. I also work the night shift so can guarantee that I wont 2 it every day but I work 3 days and off 4 and Im sure I can do it before my first shift so that puts me on for 5 days at least!!! I am also in another challenge and I work out at the gym so I am really determined to get back to pre"something" weight..I have no excuses!!! LOL
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    HI girl
    New here
    Congrats on Pregnancy #2, my friend had her girls 17 months apart and LOVED it

    I just bought 30 day shred today...and I wanna start it, heres where I am scared, I work as an RN on the 7p-7a shift, I HAVE NOT done ANY working out in a LONG time, is this OK to start with? I work Monday night then off til Thurs, will I be able to walk after I start? LOL


    Edited to add: I just watched the DVD and their is a girl doing the exercises modified for us beginners, I REALLY hope I can do this LOL

    I also want to add that I will be missing a day or 2 due to my work scheduel, if I have to work 2 days in a row I wont be able to workout the second day d/t not a lot of sleep and I will measure tomorrow night when I get to work and can get my hands on a tape measure!!!

    @ Denise309..I like you am a RN working the 7p-7a shift...and I think that although I will be extremely tired when I get in I am thinking that maybe I can wake up a lil early 2 get 30 minutes in...I know..easier said than done because I have tried it before and I never wanna get up any earlier than I have too...I have a question for night shifters??? When You come home in the morning and eat something...is that considered breakfast..even though you havent been to sleep, I always remember breakfast being referred to as breaking the fast of sleeping..so I think I am going to start considering it mayb dinner...I dont know..our lives our so opposite the regular world..LOL!!!
  • huizenm
    huizenm Posts: 74 Member
    I'm picking up the DVD on my way home tonight!!
  • raychill007
    raychill007 Posts: 55 Member
    OK, perfect timing, I'm back to MFP after about a 6 month break :-o so have a lot to make up for!
    Gonna start The Shred tonight too, and see how it goes - bought the DVD months ago, and tried it once but found that i was just making too much noise in my little bedroom, I've since moved rooms so I've got no excuse.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I did what I'll call a preview yesterday evening of level 1. I was using two 5# weights and had to use the "modified" version for probably half of the exercises :\

    Honestly, it wasn't as grueling as I anticipated, but I can feel it a little today! Hopefully after ten days of level 1 it'll be no biggie to advance...!

    ...and Congrats 911Girl!
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    i've been wantin to try this for a while
    think i shall get too it =)
    hope my lil 1 sleeps early so i can give it a go!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm in! I'll be trying it today after work. Good luck everyone!
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    Well that was not to bad....... I started L1 yesterday... And I have to say I feel really good today! I used 5lbs weight
    Tonight I have a step Aerobics, And I'll do L1 day 2, tonight...

    Has anyone ever started with L2 right from the beginning??
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I'm in
  • aghartley
    aghartley Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Decided to join the 30 day shred group! :) Bought the dvd yesterday and completed Day 1 this morning.....
    1 down, 29 to go! We can do this!
  • sandeev
    sandeev Posts: 44
    I'm going to look for the DVD tomorrow, so will start as soon as I find it. What's that "they" say, better late than never. My daughter and grand-daughter started it right after Christmas, and they are doing great ! I'll catch up to you kids later.
  • Zippy01
    I've got the DVD and will complete tonight, I'm in for the 30 day challenge...will be great to get some support!

    Good luck!
  • LeahAnn87
    Just finished day 1! I practically have it memorized because all the times I've started and stopped the Shred, I've never gotten past level 1. Doesn't make it any easier though!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Count me in! I know it works I did this in 2009 for 30-days straight. My B-day is approaching Feb. 6 so this falls right along that time frame. I also have the DVD which I love the workouts. I will add in running at least 3xs a week for 2 miles jog/run/walk.