

  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    It's a beautiful day here in Nova Scotia. I didn't stick completely to my June Goals over the week end but kept recording what I ate and that helped me from going completely overboard. We had overnight company so I had too many "refreshments" I am going to start my weigh ins on Fridays. (I think I used to weigh in on Wednesdays. I will go back to the pool later this week, DH is off and we are running errands and appointments. Getting ready to put our wood in for the winter so there's some exercise and the garden is just about done.

    I'm headed out to sit on the deck and do some rug hooking.

    Cathy in NS

    Goals for June:
    Eat more vegetables
    Walk at least 3 times a week
    Keep track of what I eat
    Try to think positive
  • OverTheHillAndNeedABoost
    Hi I'm new here started today, a bit late do you take mid June'rs -- My name is Over the Hill And need a Boost> call me OTH for short. I have some medical issues that cut me down when I make some kind of stride. I would love to be part of your group for help and support. Please feel free to drop by my page and pump me up. OTH
  • OverTheHillAndNeedABoost
    I am sitting here watching the Steve Harvey show and he had a woman who was 67, she was unbelievable she shared how she ate to look that way, and wrote a book called Soak Your Nuts by Karen Calabrese .. I'm going to do more research on her and her way of living and eating... Hope this helps you .. & me Success to U OTH
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Cynthia – our fur babies are so special!:smile: It is tough to not have the weight go at the rate we want! I would have a hard time with out some exercise calories, although I only eat a few of them – mfp has me at 1420! :drinker:

    Jane – keeping you in my thoughts

    Alison – yeah, this friend has lots and lots of cash flow;:happy: I think he got the expensive one and then added a custom paint job… I am glad to hear you and hubby talked – that is very positive.

    DeeDee – the morning always runs away from me too

    Jacqueline – the zumba instructor program sounds very involved.

    Patty – congrats on the class! So exciting!!! So I count every calorie – just log it all. I am not on any formal eating plan, although I do have a easy go to breakfast that works for me, yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of granola – all other meals are all over the board! I love to cook, and agree it is a challenge to eat alone, so at least one night (sometimes two) a week I have someone over for dinner – sometimes planned sometimes last minute – that means I “cook” at least twice and that gives me some leftovers and then I work from there – so last night was killer hot and I fixed a salad with all the bits of veggies in the fridge and ½ of a can of tuna - Also as Heather mentioned I put stuff in the freezer - I made a vegie chili, 5 weeks ago and weighed it in to single servings and it is tucked away - I love things like chili that I can serve in different ways - so chili as chili, chili on a salad with a few chips = taco salad; chili on a baked potato, chili over a corn tortilla and egg = huevos ranchero...:laugh: :laugh:

    Anamika – Happy early birthday!!!

    Katla – thanks –this one is going to take all the perspective I can find – our relationship has been toxic for a while – I feel like it is all her; but I bet she feels I have responsibility too… and the two times I tried to talk to her; she shut me out.

    Heather – we get a Camembert, that I like, but it is a white slice-able cheese not a super hard cheese but not runny at all… I think I have to plan a vacation to your house to just eat!

    Sylvia – I googled Maroilles too! And then googled buy in California and nothing!

    Tere – you have such a great attitude – I bet the 11 months will fly by and that by next Mom’s day you will be shopping for all new clothes! :laugh: :laugh:

    Rita – finding a new Doctor needs to be your top priority! What a mess if he doesn’t have a good filing system! :sad:

    Sue – have a great time!

    Cathy in NS – I use Friday as my check in day too; it just happened that way for me but it works really well – if I am down it keeps me motivated into the weekend – and if I flub up over the weekend I have a few days to get back on track.

    Well it is supposed to be over 100 today; I gardened from 7:30am-10:30 and was whipped! it was already 90 at 10:30am... I hate yes hate the heat! but came home starving and found a bag of snow peas in the fridge - and have eaten almost all of them just reading and typing to you all... thank goodness they are snow peas...

    happy monday
    Kim in N. Cal
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello, it's me again. I'm sitting at my computer waiting for an e-mail from a sales rep regarding a drafting job, and have nothing else to do so I'm surfing.

    I am on a mailing list for something called Book Bub which sends out notices about e-books that are on special (or free) and today's is one of the Donna Leon novels, Drawing Conclusions. I remembered that some of you said you like those books, so thought you might like this. It's for Apple/IPad/Iphone, etc and is $1.99. The deal ends June 15th. Here's the link:


    Oops, my e-mail just arrived, so I have to get to work.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Monday morning. :smile: I had started a post on Friday and then got busy and never got back to it. Had a nice, but busy weekend. DGD that is 6 spent the weekend with us as DS and DDIL went out to my mom's to help her with somethings. I did find a swimsuit and was happy I got to choose and it was not the biggest one they had. So yesterday we took several of the DGC to the new pool in Aurora. Had a nice time and it was only 73 out so bit chilly.
    A friend from our CMA group dropped off a bag of clothes for me and most were size 3x so have a bag to take to the church for their giveaway. I did find several nice shirts and pants in my size so have a few more things to wear.
    My trip to the skin doctor went ok. The spot I was worried about she said is nothing. But she did freeze 6 other spots.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Come often and get to know us and tell us about you. This is a great group.

    Kim--Hugs and hope things are better family wise. Congrates on the 2 pounds lost.

    Heather--Hugs and hope your friend does well.

    sue--glad to hear you have no major storm damage. Hugs for dealing with family things.

    judymari--just take it one day at a time. What part of Nebraska are you at? I live in Grand Island.

    Gloria--Hugs for you. Just take it easy on yourself. You are a spcial lady and people who know you know that.

    Cathy--Keep up the good work and One Day at a time is the best way. That is what I try and do.

    DeeDee-sure hope you are feeling better. So sorry to hear about son in laws accident. I agree people need to pay better attention. I wish there was a way that when the car is started no cell phone would work.

    Cynthia--For mysel I do not track my exercise in MFP, my fitbit does to that site. I just know I would eat them back and then some. This works for me.

    Heather--sorry to hear things with DNIL are not better. Feel sorry for the little one as they do not understand and just know that mommy is upset.

    Katla--you will have to post a picture of purse after DH is done. I just love purses and my DH just rolls his eyes as I get new ones about every six months.

    I too am part of the club that loses the weight and gains back that plus some. So logging my food and weekly weigh ins are part of my life now.

    Sylvia--when I first got my fitbit I had trouble with the band snapping. It has gotten easier. I like knowing how I am sleeping and doing better then I thought I was. I did order a hot pink band from ebay and looking forward to wearing that part of the time.

    jb--great news about Mariah. Keeping her and all of you in our prayers.

    Heather--that is one of the things I love about this group as we can post anything that means something to us. I so enjoy hearing about you and all you do.

    Lilly--what great family genes.

    Vicki--congrates on weight loss.

    Joyce--Please be careful. I have the fitbit on the wrist and I love it. I wear it 24\7 execpt when it is charging. I do like that I get an email telling me it is low and needs charging.

    Allison--are we not to wear our wrist fitbits in the pool? I wore mine yesterday and seems to be ok, But if we are not to I don't want to push it. I just wish there was better explainning about the use and care. Most the time I just wing it.

    Brenda--we all have things we have to deal with and to each of us they are very important, Do not be so hard on yourself.

    Jane--sending you prayers and good thoughts for today.

    Meg--Hope you are feeling better, Sorry about DD#1, but she knows how to get to you. Hugs and prayers to you and her. One time a friend and I went to a class about hypnoisi for weight loss. At the time I thought it worked and it might of if I bought the tapes and kept listening to them.

    Rita--how scary!! I am still fighting with the out patience center I had my colonoscopy at as they have in my record they found something and my doctor tells me he didn't. I talked to the doctors office again last Friday and he was calling them again. Acouple years ago my heart doctor put in my file that in 2008 I had a hysterectomy. I sure missed that one. Got that out of the file. A person has to watch out for your own records.
    well once again I am caught up with all the posts. Have a good rest of the day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
    Goals for June
    1. Log every bite--even on bad days

    2. Take it one day at a time, don't worry about tomorrow. REMEMBER GOD IS IN CONTROL!!

    3. be more aware of the people around me.

    4. drink more water--less pop.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    it is ok to wear in the shower, but after my first one pooped out on me, I dont even do that. but I wouldnt wear it to go swimming,
    If you go on the fit bit website there is a place where you can ask questions.. if that is any help.
    Anamika~ Happy Birthday!!!! mine is at the end of the month, and my grandaughters will be here:bigsmile:

    I just had 6 darn vanilla oreo's well that blows everything right out of the water:explode:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.Surgery went well.Dr didn`t se anything abnormal,think it`s hormonal.Took samples should know in a week.Got in at 747 out by 815,got to go home at 930.
    Everyone nice except for anesthesia dr.Insisted I needed a general even tho the dr and I agreed on twilight sleep.
    Don`t know what he gave me,but was so groggy.Now i`m just nauseated and tired and crampy.
    Have a good one.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Jane glad your surgery went well.:flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jane, glad you feel it went well! Take care of yourself.

  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 51 and finding negative changes going on in my body and I DON'T like any of them! Knee problems for one and not-to-mention weight gain is VERY FAST and weight loss is VERY VERY SLOW! Must eat less and less to lose! There is no comfort in food anymore...Only SUPER STRICT discipline to eat less and eat only the right things leaving no comfort - Only to fuel and nourish! It's sad... NOT giving up yet!! MUST lose 20-25 pounds... AGAIN!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Cynthia, thanks for info on the FitBit. I don't swim per se. I do splash around in the ocean with the grand kids though and I want to be able to be spontaneous with it. I guess I need to log into the FitBit site and get on their forums and see if anyone can help. We are not money strapped at all and I can buy a second one and buy the flex or whichever is the wristband. I would have to call Fit Bit though and see how to use both of them. I really don't want to wear a wrist band all the time even if it comes in some nice colors. My one just fits in my pocket and I don't worry about it at all, or I can put it in my bra. I am wondering if I can put it in some kind of water tight jip lock bag and put it in the bra top of my swim suit. I would have to test something in it first though. My shot for my MY comes with some little zip lock bags, small enough to fold into my swim suit top. I could put something in it, put the bag in water and then take it out and see if it is wet.

    Watching my new show I really like. I don't know why I never watched it before. So I am catching up on reruns and then next season watch the new season. Oh, the show is Criminal Minds. I love the interaction among the team members.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! Had a rough few weeks with life and home repairs culminating with a tummy bug today. I plan to begin anew tomorrow with as good of an attitude as I can muster. Hoping I won't have nightmares about home reno tonight! Gotta control what I can and let go of the rest.

    Carol in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Did 20 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 25 sec, pretty soon I'll be off to the extremepump class.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a 30 minutes to fitness DVD by Kelley Coffey Meyers.

    Belinda - welcome! Most people do state their goals for the month. But I'm not one of them. My goal would always be the same "feel good"

    katla - whenever I eat too much or even the wrong foods, I start to feel sluggish so that probably is your problem. I hope it goes away fast

    Kim - congrats on wearing those clothes to the graduation. Sure feels good when what was tight is now loose, huh?

    Cynthia - happy birthday to your doggie! What are you planning to do for him? Any special foods/outings?

    DeeDee - maybe at the end of the summer when we're sort-of done (we BETTER be done with the rock, that's for sure) you'll have to come down, see it and go in the pool. Hey, we can have a NC MFP get together!

    Jacqueline - congrats on getting the certificate. I know you'll be a great personal trainer. Almost all of the trainers at the Y here seem to be in the 20-30 year range. I really prefer to work with someone closer to my age, someone who understands (not just studied) about the changes our bodies go thru as we get older.

    Patty - I count calories. I feel that in this way, I can have basically any food, just in moderation and so that it fits into my calorie count. I feel that most food plans restrict you in one way or another. Weight Watchers doesn't, you can have basically anything but you need to include the points

    That horrific deluge we had yesterday, even tho it didn't last long at all, showed us that two of our drains are clogged. So Vince and I went out today to try to unclog them. We did EVERYTHING, put the power washer down the pipe, no go, pulled the pipe away from the drainspout (one had crud at the top but there must be more further down in the pipe), put this wire unclogger in the pipe, no go. So....a plumber is supposed to be here Wednesday. Afterwards, I went in the pool. Will get dinner ready. Mahjongg tonight.

    Made a strawberry shortcake cake for this one gal's birthday. I'd heard so much about Pioneer Girl from Jessica then from another friend of mine that I thought I'd give it a try. Followed the recipe to the letter, but I didn't like the way it came out so I made another cake. What I should have done was used parchment paper only on the bottom. Well, I put sugar on the strawberries last night, then this morning put them on the cake. The recipe says to freeze the cake to make icing easier so that's what I did. When I came home from exercising, I made the icing and iced the cake.

    yanniejannie - when they delivered the spa and took it over the house, it's upside down. It really did look like a flying saucer!

    Anamika - happy birthday!

    katla - I never heard of a solar attic fan. We had an attic fan when we lived in Stroudsburg and I loved it.

    Sue in SD - safe travels

    OTH - welcome. Love your photo

    Kim - is it humid by you? I don't mind the heat so much, but I absolutely hate the humidity. That's one thing that I do not like about FL

    Cynthia - when you said "my fitbit does to that site", what exactly did you mean? I never add in my exercise calories for the exact same reason you don't, I would eat them back (and many times it would be junk food) and then some

    jane - so glad things went well for you.

    Carol in NC - feel better fast!

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terewilliams: It took me over a year & a half to “release” my excess weight, so 11 months seems on the fast side to me. I wish you luck keeping the connection with your son. He could lose faster because he’s younger and male. I did average a pound and a half a week, but there were many plateaus and I didn’t show a loss every week.:noway: :flowerforyou:

    Rita: It is great to see you! I’m sorry your new doctor doesn’t seem to be organized. I’d be looking for someone else, too.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: I’m happy your surgery went well. After a good sleep the medications will probably be out of your system and I’ll bet you feel a lot better.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: This attic fan sits on the garage roof and is powered by the sun, even in winter. It is pretty great to be able to keep the attic cooler without running up our electric bill. The scary part was that they had to cut a hole in the roof to install it. We haven’t had any problems, though.:flowerforyou:

    I would like to respond to more people, but I’m too tired to do it now. Have a good evening.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • hartland45
    hartland45 Posts: 53 Member
    Love those cartoons, made me smile. I need to get back on track after 3+ [MS related] weeks in hospital, and this thread is a good place to start again with the weight loss plan.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jane Martin:smile: So glad you're home and everything is okay:flowerforyou: !!!

    Katla:smile: I had a few more security cameras installed around the house, now I have all of the back yard covered and the new patio I'm putting in will be covered. If the grand girls are outside playing, I'll be able to keep an eye on them when I'm inside:bigsmile: , makes me feel safer too!

    Anamika:smile: Happy birthday my friend:flowerforyou: !!! Wishing you a year of health and happiness!!!

    Michele:smile: Strawberry shortcake is one of my favorites....yum!!! Of course I don't think I've met a cake I haven't liked:laugh: ! I would love to come and visit you, just let me know!

    Carol in NC:smile: Hope you're feeling better today:flowerforyou: !!! Must be something in the water in NC, you, Michele and myself are renovating! Have you found a place you want to move to?

    Joyce:smile: Everytime I watch the Property Brothers I think about you, cute guys:love: !!!

    I'm on my iPad and it's annoying me something terribly this morning:grumble: ! so instead of getting more annoyed! I'll just stop for now! Painters will be here today:bigsmile: !!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful hot NC
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn all. Slept fine till around 5 am,so got up,made a huge mug of tea & read a few posts.

    ❤️ Katla,you might like this recipe. If there are more than a couple pieces of fish to cook,I use two skillets & less oil.

    ❤️ Jane,so glad all went well.Hate that groggy,yucky feeling after surgery.:ohwell:

    ❤️ Meg,all you can do is set rules important to you. I agree she seems to be trying her best to get your goat. Refuse to play her games.A lot of girls will listen to their Dad,so let him take it on.

    ❤️ Tere,good luck to your son.How wonderful for him to have a parent willing to walk the walk with him!:flowerforyou:

    ❤️Carol, "Gotta control what I can and let go of the rest." Is a life lesson ...........one it took me many years & tears to learn.:cry:

    ❤️ I also count calories.It's kind of 2nd nature now.Seldom go over,but tell that to my mountain. A plateu doesn't seem high enough.:sad:

    ❤️ Welcome to all the newbies. Good luck & remember,the more you post & tell us your story,the easier it is to know you.

    Pat in Ohio
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, Thanks for the replies to my eating plan questions. I really think I have to adjust my schedule and start trying to follow recipes and cook more. I also need to log.
    My first class is today, I'm nervous but excited. I really want it to go well. I've lost 80 lbs but still have maybe 80 to go so I'm worried that people will still look at me and see the weight. I bacame a personal trainer because I truly believe in exercise, not just for weight loss but for maintaining or attaining a better quality of life. I want to explainn that without going on or talking to much.

    Cindy OK, It looks like we eat some of the same things. I don’t eat oats or barley as I don’t really know how to cook the real stuff. I do a protein shake for breakfast every day, have for years. I need to learn how to cook foods that aren’t packaged and precooked.

    Heather UK, I do need to plan better, freeze meals and have them ready but I think my problem is that I don’t really knowing how to cook from scratch. My food doesn’t taste as good as packaged. My chicken is a prime example, it is usually dry and under seasoned.

    Kim N Cal, Thanks for the tips, I might just try having people over.

    Jane, Glad everything went well.

    Joyce IN, I love Criminal Minds, It freaks me out sometimes though.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Better get to work now,

    God Bless
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • sherryhall5076
    sherryhall5076 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All, I'm so glad I found this post. I'm 52 years old and have been heavy my whole life. My smallest pants size as an adult has been 18 and my largest was 28/30s. Back several years ago I lost a lot of weight and got back into 18s. Then I fell of that horse and went back up to size 24. Each Monday I started a new diet only to fall off by Wednesday. But a group of people at work started a Biggest Loser competition and said I would join. Since joining I have been fairly faithful to my eating (I've had a couple of days). I've lost approximately 14lbs. Weather permitting I walk to work each day. Not exactly sure how far but I can walk it in 25-27 minutes. I've also dusted off the bodymedia armband and have been using it to log my calorie burn. I used MFP on my phone but never looked at the website. I was so excited to find the forums and was looking for a group like this for older women trying to reach the same goals.

    Here's my goals for June.
    Walk 10000 steps a day.
    Eat between 1300-1500 calories
    Burn at least 2500 calories
    Try a new healthy dish at least once a week.
    To exercise out my emotions and not eat my emotions.

    I found this saying on a motivation app. I am hoping to keep this in my mind all month.
    Don't let life change your goals, because achieving your goals can change your life.

    Have a great Goal day!!!