To all parents.....Should I give this lady a tip?



  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    I personally like weed and have no problem with it. But the daddy in me would not want my 14 year old daughter talking about it with her manicurist! I know, call me a hypocrite!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am mom, and while my toddler is not exactly having discussions about anything more worrisome than "night night" and "kitty cats", it is a normal parent reaction to feel the need to shield our children. There are much worse things your daughter can be exposed to. I would take the tip to her and not say anything.
  • notamoment
    notamoment Posts: 190 Member
    I think it's okay to discuss..... but not between a manicurist and her client, especially a young teenager. Given that medical marijuana is such a taboo topic, it is just not appropriate to discuss in the matter how casual of a place it might be.

    How is it taboo exactly? Its LEGAL.

    Cigarettes must be taboo as well.
    its not illegal everywhere....

    and medical marijuana is legal in many (most? not sure) countries

    :) reread that.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    Also, and I know this will piss some people off, but where I live medical decisions can be made by a fourteen year old with their doctor's suggestion. I'm sure there is an age limit for marijuana, but the doctor would inform her of that.

    I have been talking to doctors alone since I was 13 about my health issues, including recurring headaches, without my mother looking over my shoulder. She was happy to accompany me and talk about things, but she allowed me to try the things that were best for me. Weed wasn't something I wanted, but the doctor and I discussed it at several points.

    Would you be mad at her doctor for mentioning it?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    What would you do?

    First I would preheat the oven to 350 degrees, 375 for a dark no-stick pan. Combine the eggs, brownie mix, vegetable oil, and stir till well blended. Fold in the "special" ingredient. Spray the pan with a non-stick spray. Pour into pan and bake for about 35 minutes.

    You should use a double boiler pot and heat the special ingrediant to 120F for 45 minutes first, then add it to the mixture after straining the green leaf matter.
    This \m/

    Come on you guys, get real! Sautée the special ingredient in butter first,. :smile:

    Sauteeing isnt a good option because you need time for the THC to volatize (@120F) and dont want to burn the butter.
    that and you could end up vapourizing most of the thc out of the blend. boiling over water is the best option

    Yup, can then be used to drizzle over pasta, salads, chicken, or even frozen for later!
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    What would you do?

    First I would preheat the oven to 350 degrees, 375 for a dark no-stick pan. Combine the eggs, brownie mix, vegetable oil, and stir till well blended. Fold in the "special" ingredient. Spray the pan with a non-stick spray. Pour into pan and bake for about 35 minutes.

    You should use a double boiler pot and heat the special ingrediant to 120F for 45 minutes first, then add it to the mixture after straining the green leaf matter.
    This \m/

    Come on you guys, get real! Sautée the special ingredient in butter first,. :smile:

    No way, combine with butter in the crockpot and keep it on low for 8+ hours.

    Or you could just go to the store and buy your edibles. Oh you can't because it's not legal in your state? Pity...:smokin:
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I would be questioning why your daughter kept the tip money (i.e. to buy a dime bag.)

    Aside from the drug debate, my issue on this is that you made it an issue to begin with. The closed-mindedness of some parents with what their kids are subjected to is a bit naive and excessive. Your daughter knows about pot and has conversed in a lot of other issues that you may blanch at. While it MAY be unprofessional, a client/manicurist relationship is that of a confidant, but less money for the hour than a shrink would charge. Just because something is discussed doesn't mean your kid is going to partake in the topic at hand. Making a big deal out of this says more about you than that of the chick doing nails. I can't even imagine the bubble you keep your daughter in, but it's not going to be beneficial to her when down the road.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    If it were my daughter, I would probably also have a knee-jerk reaction that, "That's not appropriate." But then I would stop and think, what did she really say? She said that your daughter should talk to her mother about a prescription medication (ie, something she can't legally get without also talking to a doctor) that may help. There's nothing wrong with suggesting a teenager consult with her parents and doctor.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I think it's okay to discuss..... but not between a manicurist and her client, especially a young teenager. Given that medical marijuana is such a taboo topic, it is just not appropriate to discuss in the matter how casual of a place it might be.

    How is it taboo exactly? Its LEGAL.

    Cigarettes must be taboo as well.
    its not illegal everywhere....

    and medical marijuana is legal in many (most? not sure) countries

    :) reread that.
    haha *kitten*. your bolded letters mislead me
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    What would you do?

    First I would preheat the oven to 350 degrees, 375 for a dark no-stick pan. Combine the eggs, brownie mix, vegetable oil, and stir till well blended. Fold in the "special" ingredient. Spray the pan with a non-stick spray. Pour into pan and bake for about 35 minutes.

    You should use a double boiler pot and heat the special ingrediant to 120F for 45 minutes first, then add it to the mixture after straining the green leaf matter.
    This \m/

    Come on you guys, get real! Sautée the special ingredient in butter first,. :smile:

    No way, combine with butter in the crockpot and keep it on low for 8+ hours.

    Or you could just go to the store and buy your edibles. Oh you can't because it's not legal in your state? Pity...:smokin:

    Why buy when you can make it into a gourmet feast?
  • notamoment
    notamoment Posts: 190 Member
    I think it's okay to discuss..... but not between a manicurist and her client, especially a young teenager. Given that medical marijuana is such a taboo topic, it is just not appropriate to discuss in the matter how casual of a place it might be.

    How is it taboo exactly? Its LEGAL.

    Cigarettes must be taboo as well.
    its not illegal everywhere....

    and medical marijuana is legal in many (most? not sure) countries

    :) reread that.
    haha *kitten*. your bolded letters mislead me

    Haha i have that affect on people ;p
  • Alford96
    Alford96 Posts: 70
    My uncle was on medical marijuana for lung cancer. His were actually pills, no smoking or baking required. The chemicals that cause the "high" are removed from "MEDICAL MARIJUANA". (Medical, as in "under the supervision of a Doctor".) As the OP said, the manicurist suggested that she talk to her Mother about this as a treatment option. It's not like she offered to sell her a bag or something. to the OP, I can understand that this might be conflicting for you, no one wants their kids doing drugs, but I think that in this situation, the manicurist was simply suggesting that she look into what can be a legitimate treatment option (sans high) for extreme pain and was not suggesting recreational drug use.

    As for the tip, it really depends on how guilty you feel and how strongly you feel about the whole tipping issue. Me, If I happened to be in the area and could actually remember the person, I'd probably run in and give it to her. If not, so be it.

    edited for spelling
  • da_bears1008
    da_bears1008 Posts: 354
    its always good to take medical advice from a manicurist.

    people take medical advise from this lot here! :)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I would definitely talk to the owner of the salon and let them know what their employees are promoting.

    I'm not against MM, I just feel it's the parent's place to discuss it with their teens.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    What would you do?

    First I would preheat the oven to 350 degrees, 375 for a dark no-stick pan. Combine the eggs, brownie mix, vegetable oil, and stir till well blended. Fold in the "special" ingredient. Spray the pan with a non-stick spray. Pour into pan and bake for about 35 minutes.

    You should use a double boiler pot and heat the special ingrediant to 120F for 45 minutes first, then add it to the mixture after straining the green leaf matter.
    This \m/

    Come on you guys, get real! Sautée the special ingredient in butter first,. :smile:

    No way, combine with butter in the crockpot and keep it on low for 8+ hours.

    Or you could just go to the store and buy your edibles. Oh you can't because it's not legal in your state? Pity...:smokin:

    Why buy when you can make it into a gourmet feast?

    Only because it isn't very cost effective...and I don't like to cook that much.
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    I think it's okay to discuss..... but not between a manicurist and her client, especially a young teenager. Given that medical marijuana is such a taboo topic, it is just not appropriate to discuss in the matter how casual of a place it might be.

    How is it taboo exactly? Its LEGAL.

    Cigarettes must be taboo as well.

    Taboo doesn' t mean illegal. I'm not giving my opinion on it, just stating a fact. The same way talking about anything that divides a culture is taboo. Pot is a topic that divides people, as well as things like gay marriage, other drugs, smoking, etc etc.

    Most companies would probably prefer to keep such talk out of their workplaces and keep the focus on work (unless the company is actually ABOUT those things).

    I know taboo does not mean illegal, however to say medical marijuana, and gay marriage are Taboo subjects in a workplace or otherwise is a bit close minded. So if your coworker is gay and wants to talk about his wedding plans he shouldnt because it is "taboo" or if your coworker has a brain tumor and eats medical marijuana brownies for relief she shouldnt suggest anyone else do the same because it is taboo. I don't think that word means what you think it means...last i checked discussion about those two subjects in general is not prohibited anywhere.

    Yes, that is a bit close minded, I didn't say I agreed with it. But it's also about who you're working with as well. For example, I don't think my friend would go expounding to the Duggar family about how happy he is to be marrying his boyfriend. It would make it uncomfortable, and especially in a service based industry, you want to keep the customer happy and returning. That's what makes it taboo, I guess, in my opinion. The same way a straight woman might not want to bring up her wedding to her boyfriend in front of a gay couple where it's still illegal. It just makes it uncomfortable and isn't really proper for a client-employee relationship. Just my opinion on it, not saying everyone has to have the same as me.

    **Edit- I work at a chain restaurant so not the classiest place but I still think it should be discussed after work**
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    The manicurist suggested that your daughter talk to you about medical marijuana for her migraines. Your daughter then did, in fact, bring it up to you. Did the discussion that followed really center around the tip still in your kid's pocket?
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I wouldn't give her a tip and i'd call her boss to complain. She wants to be a pothead but it's irresponsible to be talking to a teenager about it.

    what a simpleton view
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Should you give a tip? Well, did she do a good job?