

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Thank you all for the well wishes.I love you all!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Feel better,just tired.
    Made a follow up with the gyn dr and taking it easy today.
    Ill go to Violet`s tonite and releive my daughter.
    HUgs jane:heart::heart: :heart:
    Welcome new ladies:drinker: :drinker:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    JB,such good news about your niece Mariah. Great Drs,loving family & many many prayers.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Just wanted to post my june goals and check off the ones I've accomplished. ;-)

    So here are my June goals:

    Post in this thread every day - Doing good
    Body Pump-2x's week - YES
    Shred and Abs 1x week -YES
    Cardio three times a week (Zumba and Kickboxing) - YES
    8+ glasses of water daily - Met or exceeded goals for a week and a half
    Zumba Training for certificate June 8 - COMPLETED
    Catch up to weekly study guides for ACE group fitness instructor certification test - On schedule
    Start Zumba mentoring program mid-june
    Start researching change to individual weight training - Put on hold
    Jacaueline in NYC
  • MaryLynnJohan
    Hello! I am the newbie on this page! The weight has hit me really hard! AND it hit mainly the middle...ugh!! I quite smoking 7 months ago..still wanting to smoke badly....grrrrr...so I substitute food for smoking..bad bad...I need to use physical activity in place of smoking...yeah yeah...so hard to get started! I have walked a few time in the last week, from here at work on my 1/2 lunch break...and I have a really bad lower back, so at this time good ol fast paced walking is all I can do...wish me luck..oh..and we just came out of a really cold & frustrating winter, I live in Minnesota...just couldnt be outside much at all..so I also had the bear/hibernation going on...ish
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Opps the pics didn't post. See this link for my original post w/ pics



    Today is my 52nd birthday. And my 492nd day of daily MFP logging. This has been one helluva year and I want to share it with you.
    Many people refer to their weight loss/fitness experience as a “journey”. To me, a journey is traveling from one place to another, with a definite starting point and a pre-determined destination. I prefer to think of this as an adventure. I am traveling through uncharted territories, unaware of the pitfalls I will encounter, nor of the surprises I will find. Hell, I don’t even know where I will be when I complete this adventure. I don’t know where it will take me.

    As I mentioned, this is the 492nd day of this adventure, my logging streak began on Monday, February 4, 2013. But the adventure actually started several months earlier. I joined MFP in October 2012 in order to lose weight for my upcoming wedding. My intentions were good but my follow through was lousy. On December 15, 2010, my husband of 10 years and I finally had our church wedding, renewed our vows and had our civil ceremony convalidated by the Catholic Church. When I looked through the pictures, I saw a very happy bride. A very happy, very fat bride. Over the years, I had gained about 100lbs. During those years, my husband never *****ed about my weight; he loved and accepted me just as I was. When I remembered all that we had been through and all the support he showed me over the years, I thought “He deserves more than a fat, unfit, dumpy and dowdy wife. He deserves a wife he can be proud of.” (Little did I know that he has always been proud to call me his wife.) Then I thought “Hell, I deserve to be more than a fat, unfit, dumpy and dowdy woman.” I was 50 years old and tipped the scales at 232lbs. My motivation for change was born. Something lit a fire in me. I wasn’t doing this for him; I was going to do this for ME. Because I am worth it.

    I started walking and being more aware of what I was eating. I logged in sporadically. I guess I saw a bit of progress; I was able to walk further and further each week. I was feeling better physically due to the light exercise, but I still wasn’t counting calories. I liked food too much to really consider a diet. But I wanted to change for the better. I logged a day of hypothetical eating – 2700 calories! No wonder I was obese! I had to change my eating habits. On 02/04/13, I started logging my food.

    I started eating 1200 calories a day, just like MFP told me to do. I felt so righteous eating Laughing Cow cheese on a dry English muffin for breakfast, a salad for lunch and small portions at dinner. I joined the local gym and was amazed when I was able to walk for 30 minutes straight on the treadmill. I was doing awesome! But I was also hungry, kinda miserable and definitely wanting the good food I was accustomed to.

    I started spending my time in the MFP Community. (MFP soon replaced FaceBook as my social media outlet). I started reading in the forums and found “In Place of a Road Map”. That single post changed my life! I learned about TDEE, BMR and a sustainable lifestyle. My weight loss strategy suddenly changed from a temporary diet to a long term way of life – one of eat a little less, move a little more. I also learned about the benefits of strength training, the wonders of C25K and the folly of raspberry ketones and detoxes.

    I continued to walk daily. In April 2013, I started waking early and was walking 3 miles most mornings and evenings. By my 51st birthday in June 2013, I weighed 207lbs, a loss of 25lbs in 5 months. By July, I was starting SL5x5 and learned what it felt like to be a bad-*kitten*. I started C25K and in October, I ran my first 5K in 44:01 minutes. By November, I added weekly 6 mile hikes with Cora, my blue heeler pup. On November 8, I weighed 199.8lbs – ONEDERLAND at last! The first six months of 2014 have resulted in another 23lb loss, for a total of 48lbs. I weigh 184.6lbs as of this morning. My body fat % is at 41.3%, down from 56.2%. My BMI is 31.6, down from 38. I have gone from measurements of 49-43-52 to 43-37-42.

    I get a thrill out of feeling muscles emerge from under that layer of fat! I even have baby guns!

    I still have much more to accomplish. I still want to lose another 20-40lbs more. I have yet to get consistent with my weight training (I’m praying that small spark becomes an unquenchable fire burning in me). I have yet to complete C25K and I can’t run yet (thanks to bone-on-bone knee problems). But I have gained the courage and confidence to post a pic of my booty for all of MFP to see – thanks to two special friends, you know who you are!
  • susanwair
    susanwair Posts: 78 Member
    Susan in Omaha NE

    Goals for June:
    Start strength training 3 x a week
    Stick to my calorie goals -even on the weekends
    Try not to get discouraged with this over 50 metabolism and body changes
  • susanwair
    susanwair Posts: 78 Member
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Just a quick note, my ab class went great, I had 33 people and wonderful feedback. 15 signed up for the 8 week course. Happy Happy Happy!

    JB Portland, Great news regarding Mariah, she is still in my prayers.

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • menogain
    menogain Posts: 8
    Hello! I am the newbie on this page! The weight has hit me really hard! AND it hit mainly the middle...ugh!! I quite smoking 7 months ago..still wanting to smoke badly....grrrrr...so I substitute food for smoking..bad bad...I need to use physical activity in place of smoking...yeah yeah...so hard to get started! I have walked a few time in the last week, from here at work on my 1/2 lunch break...and I have a really bad lower back, so at this time good ol fast paced walking is all I can do...wish me luck..oh..and we just came out of a really cold & frustrating winter, I live in Minnesota...just couldnt be outside much at all..so I also had the bear/hibernation going on...ish

    Good Luck! I am a newbie as of today. I gained about 15 pounds in a few months.....quit smoking, was menopause 8 years then had a bleed, long story short, hormone producing tumor on my ovary. Had both removed with tubes. I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow so I can't exercise yet. The tumor caused my belly to swell and I think put the weight on. The huge belly left after surgery but not the weight. Now I am surgically post menopause and even though I have been cutting back on carbs and sugar, I decided yesterday to get strict. I just want to get back in my clothes. We also had a rough winter here in Pa. Wish me luck too! :)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Went to the dr for my cholesterol recheck. Yeah it was down to 126 from 200! No statins for me!

  • Pamala28
    Pamala28 Posts: 18 Member
    Sylvia, I have been using MFP for around 3 weeks. I have lost 3.3 pounds. How long have you been using it?

    I told a colleague about it and she is using it. There is a Dutch version. It is amazing because dutch food is in the data base as well.

    Jill, I am so glad you liked Amsterdam. We did live there when I first moved from the States. Two of my three children were born there, as was my husband. I was born in Pennsylvania and grew up in Colorado.

    I am 61 years old.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Calliope, you and I could be twins!!!! I started my diet Oct 2012 at a starting weight of 232.8! I had a friend that described a helpful tool for weight loss called a destination map. When you plan a 'journey', such as a vacation that you have several steps. You have a destination but before you get to that destination you have to go through several small destinations on your map. You need to plan how far your gas will take you so you know where you will take a meal/gas stop rest, you may need to stay overnight somewhere and take a break. She recommends making a destination map for your weight loss, your final destination, all the different pit stops along the way. It would read something like this:

    Destination. I will label as G
    Pit stop A...10 pounds
    Pit stop B...20 pounds
    ETC, ETC
    Final Destination G... 135 pounds

    Now she takes it another step. She gives a reward at each destination. This of course would depend on your financial and marital status. Believe me, with my MS rewards sure have changed for me through the years. Each pit stop may have a reward like buying a new bracelet, getting rings resized, hair cut, hair highlighting, final destination not only would be the wonderful scale weight but a really nice reward.

    JB, wonderful news on Mariah. We all could take a few lessons from that young girl. You are all lucky to be part of her family.

    OK, I went to my annual appointment with my neurologist this morning. First I was surprised because she was already in the room!!!! They are a completely paperless office so she was either dictating the previous persons records or looking up my things because her head was down looking at her computer. I didn't sit down. She told me to go ahead and sit but I sit no I wanted her to see me. So I twirled around and she just broke out into a big grin. She was so proud. I did tell her that it wasn't because she kept on hounding me about it but because I finally decided I wanted to do it. I have all my medicines in a cake pan, they all fill an 8X10 cake pan, that's a lot of medicines and I just finally got tired of all of it. About my dizzy episode, she said that although my family doctor has decreased my medicines once during this wight loss that it might be time to do it again and either decrease or get rid of my light diuretic especially since my sodium is repeatedly a little low. Although I have increased my sodium in my diet it doesn't show in my lab works. She also has changed her veiw on MRIs to check on progress of the MS. She uses her mentor an MS specialist up at IU med center Dr Mattson. So her view now is that unless there is no indication for an MRI don't do it. Mine have not shown anything new in 17 years. That is also her view on the the medicines that have come out for MS. They used to all be given by injection but there are now some pills. She says if it isn't broke, don't fix it. I don't have any side effects with mine, it doesn't bother me to give myself my shot. As an obese women I had plenty of skin to go through to get a shot in my muscle and I was an RN so I never had any problem. So I walked out with no changes at all, except less money in my checking account. I called my family doctor and he cut my mild diuretic in half.

    Enough talking for now, Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Joyce: awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Vicki GI NE - how good of you to keep good control of your medical records!
    Alison – 6 oreos is 250 calories – you can make that up! Don’t be too hard on yourself!! :smile: :smile:

    Jane – glad all is fine!

    Sdps – we are all there age wise, and for me at least I have found that accepting that this is a life long adventure and the loss will be slow has allowed me to find ways to have the things I love even if it is just a small amount.

    Joyce – I have done a bunch of white water rafting – it is my only high risk activity and the sports stores like REI sell water proof cases for phones/money etc… and all have a spot to put a carabineer in and then I hook that to the strap of my suit… now if that would work for the fitbit – I don’t know – but it would keep it dry!
    Glad the neurologist appointment went so well.

    Carol – thinking of you, I was missing you. :happy:

    Katla – I have to look into a solar attic fan, any chance you know what brand you have?

    Michele – CA has low humidity compared to FL 20-25% however those from AZ or NM will think that is humid… I don’t feel it; when I have visited the east coast in the summer I thought I would die.

    Hartland , jfauci, Janet, Kim , MaryLynn, menogain - welcome

    Sherry – love the goal To exercise out my emotions and not eat my emotions.

    Cynthia T60 – there is another Cynthia, a newer visitor ---

    Tere – I love thrift stores – even when I wasn’t losing I loved them – and when I am ready to replace a big part of my wardrobe I expect I will go to my favorite thrift stores first and then to the mall as that will make my $$$ go farther. :bigsmile:

    Nena – enjoy your beach vacation!

    JB – thanks for keeping us in the loop – So glad for Mariah and family !

    Gloria – you go! Adjusting to what we need at the time is what it is all about.

    Pamala- welcome, join in anytime – eating out is hard, and I don’t know about in the Netherlands but in the US most chain restaurants have the calorie counts online so you can just quick add calories, it doesn’t give you all the micros but better than nothing. Congrats on the 3 lbs!

    Yanniejannie - I prefer beige under light things, it is closer to my skin tone so doesn’t seem to show as much, but my skin tone looks a bit like I was swimming in a bottle of bleach! The sizing seems weird, 32 instead of 34 is ok but the cup size… maybe it was miss marked…

    Tigress – great idea to share a garden!

    Suzy – are you logging your food? Weighing and measuring everything? I know I am not a very good judge of size --- but even a few tablespoons of a calorie dense food (ie peanut butter) can add a bunch of calories. – I am thinking since is around the middle it is not just muscle verse fat

    Patty – 33 and 15 sign up for 8 weeks – that is super awesome amazing!!!

    MamaCindy – congrats!!!

    Well it took me forever to read and respond! after 2pm and I need lunch!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    MaryLynnJohan: Welcome to a great group. I understand that quitting smoking is just about the hardest thing a person can do. Congratulations on a major accomplishment! You seem concerned about exercise, so I’ll give my 2 cents on that. Walking is not the only thing a person with a crabby back can do. Some of our friends like to swim. I like riding a bike. Some people use a dedicated stationary bike in front of the TV. There are also trainers available that allow you to ride your outdoor bike in place indoors. We have one of them so I can use one bike indoors or outdoors. In the winter I ride on a trainer in the garage. That means I can pedal like fury and go-go-go while staying in one place and the weather is not a concern. In the summer I can go wherever I want. It doesn’t hurt knee or hip joints and supports my back. Good luck finding things that work for you and that you enjoy. Come here as often as you like. There is never a shortage of good will or opinions.:flowerforyou:

    Calliope: Happy Birthday! Happy 492! You are a poster girl for success. Welcome to a great group of supportive women.:flowerforyou:

    Menogain: Welcome to a great group. You have surely been through the wringer with your health. Come often for support.:flowerforyou:

    Mamacindy: CONGRATULATIONS on great cholesterol numbers!:flowerforyou:

    I’m getting ready for a haircut before dinner and a meeting after dinner, so wish me luck on both issues. The haircut is the second time this lady has done my hair & we’re working on getting it right. The meeting is likely to last for a LONG time.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla – I have to look into a solar attic fan, any chance you know what brand you have?

    Kim, DH bought the attic fan at Costco. It is model number 1012 TRS/HW on their web page. Go to the Costco web page and search for attic fans: It is made by the US Sunlight Corporation. The price quoted is $300.00.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Hi all!:flowerforyou:
    I was going to do a longer post tomorrow to celebrate 2 years on this weight loss journey, but I have had such a busy day that I haven't had a minute to compose anything and tomorrow we are off to London on the train to meet up with DH'S daughter #2 for lunch. Thursday will have to do.

    Today we headed off to visit the rose garden that we went to last year - three old walled gardens full of old roses and herbaceous perennials. Gorgeous!:love: The Constance Spry is a sight to behold - a climber with huge round pink blooms and a heavenly scent. We were almost drunk on the scents and the masses of towering blooms.
    Then we called in at our huge supermarket and I stocked up on things I can't get at the local shop - squid, sea bass, whole trout, veal escalopes, venison burgers and organic chicken breasts. I think I am sorted now for the visitors and any bbq we want to do.:laugh:
    When we got back I picked more broad beans and made a smoked salmon, asparagus, broad bean and half fat creme fraiche supper, with tagliatelli for DH and shiritaki noodles for me. Lots of garlic, scallions and chilli.:bigsmile: Yum!
    Then I started on a backlog of admin on the computer which took me over two hours.:yawn: But it's done, including printing out an offer code for the restsurant we are going to tomorrow. 40% off mains. I have the Leggere pizza which is 500 calories. Basically it just has a hole cut in the middle of it which is filled with salad!:laugh: But it suits me fine.

    So - my window saga! I won't go into it all, but the upshot of my long battle with the management company which has been going on since October to get a new window fitted to my rental has ended with them at last finding out that they had ALREADY fitted the window in March and forgotten to tell anyone.:explode: :angry: :grumble: :mad: My property managers must have known, but that info had somehow not been logged at their end either.:grumble: :explode: :mad: :angry: A general c**k up all round.
    I have put in compensation claims and am getting a small compensation from both parties which will repay my expenditure, but no way compensate for my stress over this.:sad: Still, my pride is intact that they have both admitted the apalling service. Phew!
    Now my tenant is leaving and I am having to repaint the inside of all the windows which have mould so yet more and more expense.:cry: I am negotiating my way to extending the lease so that I can sell the b****y thing!:angry:

    So that was my day. Some good, some lousy. Eating went ok. Went to yoga this morning and walked around a lot. So not bad in all.

    Must set the alarm for tomorrow so we can get our exercising in first thing.:bigsmile: We are hoping to go to an art gallery as well, but the friend we wanted to meet up with afterwards can't make it, so we might just come home. DH can't travel in the rush hour through claustrophobia. He really wants to see his daughter.:love::heart:

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Tuesday beautiful ladies. Hope everyone is having a nice day. So far mine is going ok. I weighed in this morning and up .2pounds, but really upset as had to use a different scale. The one I always use at the hospital is missing so went to another deptment and will start using that one.

    Allison--Thanks for the info I emailed fitbit and asked them about the pool.

    Jane--glad to hear all was well with your test. I know I had one when I was bleeding heavy and afterwards it was alot better and then stopped ever since.
    Can honestly say I do not miss them.

    Patty--Good Luck with your class tonight. will be waiting to hear all about it. Just read post about class. Proud of you.

    Sherry--Welcome. I also have been overweight my whole life. I remember in 5th grade I was 210 as they put a poster up in the hallway with everyones weight and height. I have 7 pounds to lose to reach 210. I am excited, 32 pounds and I will have lost half my weight. I never believed before I could do this, but with the support of this group I am doing it and it is a life stylechange.

    jb--Great news about Mariah. God does good work!!

    calliope610--Happy Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your story.

    Cindy--good work on the cholestero numbers

    Joyce--glad your appointment went well.

    Katla--Good luck with the haircut. Right now I am letting mine grow out and see what I can do different.

    I got my new hot pink fitbit band today. Makes me feel cheery. LOL. Well ladies have a nice rest of the day and know that we are in this journey together.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • jmsic
    jmsic Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a newbie, too. also in MN. at least the sub-zero temps and snow are gone for a couple of months.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Howdy ladies. I stayed home today instead of going to work…still have the sinus headache and sore throat, but I felt well enough to take a walk and lift weights. Did a little watering out in the garden, and that’s about all. DH is going to see Tanya after dinner to have a “come to Jesus” talk. Can’t wait to hear how that goes.

    Michele: are you still hauling that river rock around?

    Sylvia: I sure hope the bp gets straightened out soon

    Belinda: welcome aboard

    Joyce: why is buying bras so difficult!!!

    Katla: the optical-rectitis made me spit my tea out! OMG I laughed so hard!!!

    Kim: I can’t imagine not having AC but I bet you don’t need it all that much. Here it’s the humidity more than the heat, but we run the poor thing constantly after about mid-May through late September. Good job on the clothes fitting so well! It’s hard sometimes to figure out what to do with those relationships

    Cynthia: happy doggy birthday!

    Jane: what did I miss? Surgery? Oh now I see. I hope you feel better soon after the meds and the news comes back good.

    Alison: a cruise! I love crusing!

    DeeDee: when you find more time please pass some along!

    47Jacqueline: hope you got lots done on your book

    Patty: yes I do log every bite….or at least most of the time I do. You could try making a casserole and dividing it up into smaller servings and freezing them for later. That would cut down on your prep time.

    YannieJannie: insufferable! That’s a great word for it

    Anamika: happy birthday!

    Katla; I have a great catfish recipe…oven fried and spicy if you want it I’ll send it to you (or anyone else who wants it)

    Heather: I love farmer’s markets too!

    Tere: it’s so nice to see you posting again. Thanks for the good wishes!

    Rita: I’d be looking for a new doc also!

    Vicki: I count it as a nsv when you find a bathing suit you like and feel comfortable in! Good job!

    Pat: she does seem to respond better to dh, so that’s why he is going to visit her tonight. Interesting she doesn’t want him
    coming over to her place. She has never had us there,

    Sherry: welcome to the group

    Jb: sending best wishes for Mariah! That’s a tough road for such a little one!

    Gotta run; dinner's ready. I'll be back to finish in a bit Meg