Should I be offended?



  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    So today I went to volunteer at a local food bank. When we got there I had to go to the restroom so I went as the other volunteers were getting set up. When I got into the kitchen, all of the volunteers had been assigned positions and I was given the role of putting stickers on meals to show when they needed to be used/thrown away by. So as I grab the stickers and begin to perform my role, one of the coordinators calls out from across the kitchen that they need me in their area because it is a lot of manual labor and I was the biggest/strongest one there. I felt so embarrassed with them calling me out like that. Why should I be singled out and tasked with the harder/physical jobs just because I am the strongest? I feel like I have discriminated against because of my body. Should I call and complain?

    I think you should stop thinking so highly of yourself and being such a weeny. I don't know you, so I can't judge your character, but you sound like a very sensitive person. Maybe you should not be volunteering if you cannot handle the jobs they give you. You must be a newb. :flowerforyou:
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Ah, excellent trolling! That said, weak hearts and weak minds are easily offended.
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    My brain is in my body. At work, they keep asking me to do stuff that my brain is good at doing. They call me out on it all the time!!
    "Hey! You' know how to do this... come help us!" they say.... I'm tired of being discriminated against!

    [starts looking up # for HR]
  • Excuse_less
    Excuse_less Posts: 874 Member
    Why are you referring to serving your community sentence as "volunteer work"? ;-)
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    What is the strongest? Your body..... I'm still failing to see the glaring difference in the two analogies.

    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    you are an extreamly dedicated troll
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member

    Also, not worth the time, effort, and energy to be offended, especially if you don't plan on seeing this person again.

    don't give others that power over you.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    Get over yourself!
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    I don't see why any of these are ridiculous. Please explain?
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    For sure. That's strengthism. You were obviously discriminated against. I'd talk to an attorney.

    "Strengthism" You my friend, made me laugh. But it is a real issue. When you are big and buff(not something I am personally afflicted with) I wonder how many people think you are less thought endowed? Or would that be Brainism? I got that once. Guy said " Who knew there were intelligent bodybuilders". I said "D'uh?"
  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    You shouldn't be volunteering if you aren't willing to do whatever needs to be done. And if you have limitations then you should voice those in the beginning. And most people would love to be called out as the strongest. No one should be offended about being the strongest. You need to figure out your priorities before dealing with the public.
  • ldarlener
    ldarlener Posts: 79 Member
    So, let's get this straight.
    1. You VOLUNTEERED. And got a cushy job of putting on stickers.
    2. They needed someone to do a task.
    4. They asked you to do a task they thought you were capable of.
    5. YOU VOLUNTEERED!!!!!!
    6. You are offended because they asked the one that looked most capable of the job.
    7. YOU VOLUNTEERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
    8. You have spent how much of your time whining about it here?

    Maybe you should volunteer at a different type of place.
  • ninavdd
    ninavdd Posts: 18 Member
    It may be just weird because it's a bunch of strangers 'judging' your body figure. Whenever friends are moving, I ask if they need help, and they almost always say: 'Thank you, but it's not neccesary. We have enough strong guys helping. You could help us painting if you'd like". I don't take that as offensive. I'm not a strong guy. The moving will happen faster with some strong and big guys. Too many people will get in the way of each other any way.

    Especially in a situation where you rely on volunteers, you want the job done as fast as possible. It's only fair to everybody who is envolved.

    Edit for spelling (not my first language)
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    Simple answer.

    No, you should not be offended!!!!!

    It would have be ludicrous for them to ask the 75 year old woman who weighed 75 pounds to assist them with the heavy manual work. Just be glad you are healthy and strong.

    They only asked the person who best fit the need they had at the moment to assist.
  • wursula88
    wursula88 Posts: 6
    I just stumbled upon this and wanted to add a little tidbit.
    I believe what would be offensive would be the exact opposite. If your insecure about your body or being "out of shape"-- it would be getting pulled off a labor job to go sit down and sort silly things because you don't look up to par with being able to do something.
    INFACT, what they did would be flatter you. Strong-- IS NOT A NEGATIVE. Its actually a positive.
    There isn't even any offense to be taken on this. Just because your self conscious and insecure doesn't mean that everything is offensive that you don't like.

    If by chance they said, hey, big man over there(using as an example, nothing pointed at you, just what your talking about so I do not offend you).. come help with this because you seem the heaviest... That is offensive.
    Saying you are strong (when in fact we are on a fitness website) should have made you extremely happy if anything.
    Also, If you really had the gall to write a complaint about this or whatever you wanted to do, would be extremely unbecoming. Especially seeing as these people are probably volunteering their time, just as you were. You VOLUNTEERED to help them, and that would be you helping in whatever way that could be of service within appropriate means. Because you looked up to par with the task, they asked you for help. I don't think that's offensive, and if you were offended that is because of your own insecurity and body issues.
    I'm assuming it makes no difference as to what anyone is going to say anyawys but I thought I'd add another opinion for you to mull over.

    Good Luck :ohwell:
  • 280tofit2014
    Don't feed the trolls.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Strong people are always discriminated against.
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    If you're looking for someone big and strong to help you decide, don't single me out.