Should I be offended?



  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I guess it's better than being singled out for not being "strong enough". I get that -a lot- as a woman.

    I'd take being perceived as "big and strong" than "flabby and weak" any day.

    Find something else to complain about. Life's just too short.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The other day a man said to me in a line, "You can go ahead of me because you are hungry". Then later, he found me and gave me the coupon sticker that comes with the coffee. He said, "Here, I'm helping you out". Then he smiled and patted my shoulder very kindly.

    Does this mean I look homeless?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    common sense 101:

    singled out for something negitive = insult

    singled out for something positive = compliment

    Are these definitions posted somewhere so I know how to feel when I am being singled out or did you make them up yourself?
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Is this for real? I wouldn't mind being singled out as the strongest person in the room...isn't it a compliment?
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    You're offended because someone called you out for being strong.

    Would you rather it was the opposite, that you were called out for being weak?

    Take a good look at the people who are coming to receive that help you're volunteering for and you'll see what a real problem is.

    I'm offended because I was treated differently because of my body. too weak, too strong, too skinny, too fat? Is there really that big of a difference?

    hoping this is a troll.

    On the off chance its not... would it have made a difference to you if they asked for your help, and thier stated reason was 'because you are the strongest' and they made no mention of you body?

    not sure what could possibly be offensive in that case
    So if you have a group of athletes and one out of shape chubby person and you say......" come with me and do this job because you are the most out of shape" that's ok? Even if no mention is made of their body? I want to make sure I understand what you are saying.

    Of course you should be offended! As a fellow 'Mericun citizen it is your duty. But also: if you are tasked with the hardest work because you say you are the most out of shape of the group, they are doing you a favor! You are lucky they are not charging you personal trainers fees too, they really should. Put "I am speshul" on one of the stickers, apply it to your lapel so that you feel better about it and go do the hardest physical work!
  • I can't believe this poster is for real. "Singled out" ? You can't're not...are you serious?

    If it's computer work that needs doing, the person with computer experience is asked to help.

    If it's cooking that's needed, the one who has worked in kitchens is asked to help.

    If it's heavy lifting, the one who is the strongest is asked to help.

    That is basic logic. There is no earthly reason to be offended and I have to agree with those who called you a narcissist and told you to get over yourself.

    Equating other people being called fat or made fun of with you being asked to perform a task because you were the most capable one for the job is not only wrong, but offensive. You were not being oppressed or stigmatized. You were asked to do work. Work that you VOLUNTEERED for in the first place.

    Seriously, this is on the edge of being offensive because it belittles the other people who really ARE singled out for their body type or disabilities or what have you. Knock it off.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    The other day a man said to me in a line, "You can go ahead of me because you are hungry". Then later, he found me and gave me the coupon sticker that comes with the coffee. He said, "Here, I'm helping you out". Then he smiled and patted my shoulder very kindly.

    Does this mean I look homeless?

    That's what it sounds like. Did it make you feel any less? LIke you needed his help?
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    common sense 101:

    singled out for something negitive = insult

    singled out for something positive = compliment

    Are these definitions posted somewhere so I know how to feel when I am being singled out or did you make them up yourself?
    Surprised you didn't try to dig these off of the MFP Guidelines...
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I ALWAYS get offended when people ask me to sit on the suitcase so they can get it closed.


  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I guess it's better than being singled out for not being "strong enough". I get that -a lot- as a woman.

    I'm sorry that people do that to you.....It's not fair and it's not right.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I think a lot of people are too easily offended these days. Being asked to do something because you're strong is a compliment. And a man offering to help a woman carry something is trying to be a gentleman. They are not trying to be a jerk by asking for help or offering to help. :(
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I ALWAYS get offended when people ask me to sit on the suitcase so they can get it closed.



    oh gawd......the nightmares I'm going to have tonight.........:sad:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I think a lot of people are too easily offended these days. Being asked to do something because you're strong is a compliment. And a man offering to help a woman carry something is trying to be a gentleman. They are not trying to be a jerk by asking for help or offering to help. :(

    I offer to help men and women carry stuff all the time. And I would have been the first one to volunteer to do the manual labor if they had asked for volunteers. My issue was they way they singled me out and assigned me certain tasks based solely on my body.
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    yes. and i am jelly of your licking skills...i feel i have much to learn from you op
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    This is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT than other MFP users venting about how they are treated.


    oh really? How so? Please help me understand because it seems pretty similar to me. I'm not going to make certain analogies because I don't want this to get locked, but is increased manual labor a privilege? Is being called out and isolated because of the way your body looks a privilege? Which part should I be celebrating exactly?

    Volunteering is a privilege.
    Being able bodied is a privilege.
    You were not "called out", you were called over.
    You were not isolated, you were given a task.

    Your move.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Probably they were being kind in giving you a new job more suited to your unique abilities.

    Yes, ^this. B/C stickers iz too hard for jac.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    IDK, but I'd like to test this theory...for science.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    how far to page 6?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    This is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT than other MFP users venting about how they are treated.


    oh really? How so? Please help me understand because it seems pretty similar to me. I'm not going to make certain analogies because I don't want this to get locked, but is increased manual labor a privilege? Is being called out and isolated because of the way your body looks a privilege? Which part should I be celebrating exactly?

    Volunteering is a privilege.
    Being able bodied is a privilege.
    You were not "called out", you were called over.
    You were not isolated, you were given a task.

    Your move.

    I was called out and isolated based strictly upon my body. I agree that it is a privilege to be able bodied, and everyone else who is on here venting because they are treated differently because they are fatter, dumber, taller, shorter, etc.....they are all able bodied as well. I still fail to see the huge distinction about how one of these groups being treated differently is "FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT" than my scenario. Please help to explain that first and then we can debate other issues/thoughts as you see fit.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    common sense 101:

    singled out for something negitive = insult

    singled out for something positive = compliment

    Are these definitions posted somewhere so I know how to feel when I am being singled out or did you make them up yourself?
    Surprised you didn't try to dig these off of the MFP Guidelines...

    You are quick...