Should I be offended?



  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I ALWAYS get offended when people ask me to sit on the suitcase so they can get it closed.



    That doesn't look like me AT ALL!


    You're right! Needs more hair.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    What is the strongest? Your body..... I'm still failing to see the glaring difference in the two analogies.

    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    ...planes have weight limits. it's not just for people it's for your baggage, too.

    And? Do they give children or small women a reduced fare because they weigh so little?

    OMG, just lowered my cal goal to lose 2lbs per week just in case. I wanna travel at the end of summer. :wink:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    This is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT than other MFP users venting about how they are treated.


    oh really? How so? Please help me understand because it seems pretty similar to me. I'm not going to make certain analogies because I don't want this to get locked, but is increased manual labor a privilege? Is being called out and isolated because of the way your body looks a privilege? Which part should I be celebrating exactly?

    Volunteering is a privilege.
    Being able bodied is a privilege.
    You were not "called out", you were called over.
    You were not isolated, you were given a task.

    Your move.

    I was called out and isolated based strictly upon my body. I agree that it is a privilege to be able bodied, and everyone else who is on here venting because they are treated differently because they are fatter, dumber, taller, shorter, etc.....they are all able bodied as well. I still fail to see the huge distinction about how one of these groups being treated differently is "FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT" than my scenario. Please help to explain that first and then we can debate other issues/thoughts as you see fit.

    I re-read your OP.
    I was called out and isolated based strictly upon my body.
    No you weren't.

    Reading comprehension is not your friend. I was assigned one task sight unseen......Then based on looks alone (from across the room no less) I was switched with someone else to a different task. How the f else are you going to explain that.

    My reading comprehension is quite good thank you. Perhaps your writing could use some work.

    See, I missed the part where you talk about how they called you "muscle boy" and pointed and laughed. How some folks hid their face so they wouldn't have to look at you. Mumbled "Gross!" and "Disgusting!" and "You should get weak!" when you walked by. Then how they locked you in a room by yourself for your manual labor and only took time to open the door to throw rotten fruit at you.

    See how that wasn't there?

    I never said I was mocked or teased.....Only that I was singled out and made to feel uncomfortable. Just because someone is treated differently for being overweight or short etc.....doesn't mean they had to call them nasty names and lock them in a closet.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Am I 7!?
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    DANG IT!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    What is the strongest? Your body..... I'm still failing to see the glaring difference in the two analogies.

    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    ...planes have weight limits. it's not just for people it's for your baggage, too.

    And? Do they give children or small women a reduced fare because they weigh so little?

    Yes. As long as we weigh 50lbs or less and don't make a sound when they shove us in the suitcase.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't get you guys. People come on here complaining about being treated differently because they are fatter, thinner, taller, etc. and you are all.....Oh you poor thing.....That's so awful....They are insensitive jerks.....let us at em..............I come on discussing being treated differently because I am stronger and it's all some big joke. Why is it ok for one and not the other. Do I feel less because I am a strong man?

    This is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT than other MFP users venting about how they are treated.


    oh really? How so? Please help me understand because it seems pretty similar to me. I'm not going to make certain analogies because I don't want this to get locked, but is increased manual labor a privilege? Is being called out and isolated because of the way your body looks a privilege? Which part should I be celebrating exactly?

    Volunteering is a privilege.
    Being able bodied is a privilege.
    You were not "called out", you were called over.
    You were not isolated, you were given a task.

    Your move.

    I was called out and isolated based strictly upon my body. I agree that it is a privilege to be able bodied, and everyone else who is on here venting because they are treated differently because they are fatter, dumber, taller, shorter, etc.....they are all able bodied as well. I still fail to see the huge distinction about how one of these groups being treated differently is "FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT" than my scenario. Please help to explain that first and then we can debate other issues/thoughts as you see fit.

    I re-read your OP.
    I was called out and isolated based strictly upon my body.
    No you weren't.

    Reading comprehension is not your friend. I was assigned one task sight unseen......Then based on looks alone (from across the room no less) I was switched with someone else to a different task. How the f else are you going to explain that.

    My reading comprehension is quite good thank you. Perhaps your writing could use some work.

    See, I missed the part where you talk about how they called you "muscle boy" and pointed and laughed. How some folks hid their face so they wouldn't have to look at you. Mumbled "Gross!" and "Disgusting!" and "You should get weak!" when you walked by. Then how they locked you in a room by yourself for your manual labor and only took time to open the door to throw rotten fruit at you.

    See how that wasn't there?

    Wait, what? Did all this happen in the other thread? Link in PM's please. Anybody...anybody?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    What is the strongest? Your body..... I'm still failing to see the glaring difference in the two analogies.

    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    ...planes have weight limits. it's not just for people it's for your baggage, too.

    And? Do they give children or small women a reduced fare because they weigh so little?

    Yes. As long as we weigh 50lbs or less and don't make a sound when they shove us in the suitcase.
    This reminds me of going to the drive -in as a kid. Anyone else hide under blankets in the back seat for cheaper entry? NO? only me? okay...
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Too literal MyChocolate....

    That DIDN"T happen. Which is why he was not "Called Out" and "Isolated". As per his OP... he was asked to help lift something. Nothing more.

    .... AND WE'RE AT 7!! Home time.

    PS. Everyone wins the Troll thread!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    What is the strongest? Your body..... I'm still failing to see the glaring difference in the two analogies.

    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    ...planes have weight limits. it's not just for people it's for your baggage, too.

    And? Do they give children or small women a reduced fare because they weigh so little?

    Yes. As long as we weigh 50lbs or less and don't make a sound when they shove us in the suitcase.
    This reminds me of going to the drive -in as a kid. Anyone else hide under blankets in the back seat for cheaper entry? NO? only me? okay...

    Don't want to be accused of age-ism (or however you spell it). I went to a drive in with my aunt to see The Man With One Red Shoe... I didn't hide though, but I wish I had. All I remember is hair getting caught in a zipper and wanting to throw up. Man I was so grossed out!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    What is the strongest? Your body..... I'm still failing to see the glaring difference in the two analogies.

    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    ...planes have weight limits. it's not just for people it's for your baggage, too.

    And? Do they give children or small women a reduced fare because they weigh so little?

    Yes. As long as we weigh 50lbs or less and don't make a sound when they shove us in the suitcase.
    This reminds me of going to the drive -in as a kid. Anyone else hide under blankets in the back seat for cheaper entry? NO? only me? okay...

    Don't want to be accused of age-ism (or however you spell it). I went to a drive in with my aunt to see The Man With One Red Shoe... I didn't hide though, but I wish I had. All I remember is hair getting caught in a zipper and wanting to throw up. Man I was so grossed out!

    I'm so confused....You went to a drive in with your aunt......and hair got stuck in a zipper? Who's hair? What type of hair? Who was involved?
  • aprilkats
    aprilkats Posts: 34 Member
    Do you get offended when people compliment you on your weightloss/ 'improved' body shape?

    If not, then no, you really should not complain.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Don't feed the trolls.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    What is the strongest? Your body..... I'm still failing to see the glaring difference in the two analogies.

    Is it almost as ridiculous as someone not being able to ride a roller coaster because they are too short? Or buy an extra seat on an airplane because they are too fat? Or have to take the stairs at work because they are too short to push the top button?

    ...planes have weight limits. it's not just for people it's for your baggage, too.

    And? Do they give children or small women a reduced fare because they weigh so little?

    Yes. As long as we weigh 50lbs or less and don't make a sound when they shove us in the suitcase.
    This reminds me of going to the drive -in as a kid. Anyone else hide under blankets in the back seat for cheaper entry? NO? only me? okay...

    Don't want to be accused of age-ism (or however you spell it). I went to a drive in with my aunt to see The Man With One Red Shoe... I didn't hide though, but I wish I had. All I remember is hair getting caught in a zipper and wanting to throw up. Man I was so grossed out!

    I'm so confused....You went to a drive in with your aunt......and hair got stuck in a zipper? Who's hair? What type of hair? Who was involved?

    "the man with one red shoe" was a movie in 1985. I believe it was ? Darryl Hanna's? hair in ?Tom Hanks? zipper. I was pretty young so the idea of a woman putting her face near a man's crotch grossed me out. That is the ONLY part of the movie I remember. I was about 8.

    nothing weird with my aunt - sheesh.
  • You. Were. Not. Oppressed.

    You were not stigmatized.

    You were assigned a job based on your capabilities.

    If you can't handle that, stop volunteering.

    I.Was.Called Out.
    I Was assigned a job based on my body appearance alone.

    I have no issue with the work.....or the volunteering....just the way it was assigned and I was called out. Help me understand why it's different than someone being assigned the anchor on the tug-of-war team because they are fatter or the basketball/volleyball player because they are taller.......Or the lollipop guild in the school play because they are shorter.

    I would choose a tall person for basketball and a short person for a short character. I do not believe that is an issue.

    Choosing an anchor based on weight would be considered offensive because people who are fat are already an oppressed and stigmatized group who have to deal with societal discrimination on a daily basis. See the difference?

    You're as bad as people who make claims of "reverse racism". ugh.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Do you get offended when people compliment you on your weightloss/ 'improved' body shape?

    If not, then no, you really should not complain.

    I haz huge boobs. And i'm supposed to get offended when men compliment me on them....even though it's a compliment. And I should be udderly (:wink: ) appalled if I get special treatment at work for it. Like say if asked to be the secretary who sits at the first desk entering our office to greet people....just because of my looks, I'm supposed to be all "well I NEVER!" *gasp*! Cochinos! Because all the other women will be offended by it, so I'm supposed to be as well. Isn't that right?
  • pianomaria
    pianomaria Posts: 1 Member
    I used to be just like you! I always got offended and took things personally when people singled me out for things that were related to my body. I realized, however, that that's who I am - a big girl, and that I should embrace my body, be happy, and help others by using the things that I'm innately good at (strength). As soon as I realized that and made that decision, I became happy not only with myself and my body, but with the people that surrounded me as well. I don't think you should call to complain. Don't do that. Rather, be happy and honored for having been deemed one of the strongest. Don't take it personally; you were there to help. Whenever you get singled out for your strength, stand happy and proud of it, along with your head held high.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    "I thought you'd be bigger"
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    You. Were. Not. Oppressed.

    You were not stigmatized.

    You were assigned a job based on your capabilities.

    If you can't handle that, stop volunteering.

    I.Was.Called Out.
    I Was assigned a job based on my body appearance alone.

    I have no issue with the work.....or the volunteering....just the way it was assigned and I was called out. Help me understand why it's different than someone being assigned the anchor on the tug-of-war team because they are fatter or the basketball/volleyball player because they are taller.......Or the lollipop guild in the school play because they are shorter.

    I would choose a tall person for basketball and a short person for a short character. I do not believe that is an issue.

    Choosing an anchor based on weight would be considered offensive because people who are fat are already an oppressed and stigmatized group who have to deal with societal discrimination on a daily basis. See the difference?

    You're as bad as people who make claims of "reverse racism". ugh.

    You think tall people or short people aren't stigmatized
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    "I thought you'd be bigger"

    I wish it was the first time I'd heard that.... :cry: