Brides on a Mission: Week 2



  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    For those who have already gotten their invatations would you mind sharing the website/place you got them from?

    I haven't gotten my invitations yet, but I plan on doing them myself. I bought a basic blank wedding card set at Staples and created my own cards from scratch using the templates provided by the invitation supplier's website. It might save me $50-100 in the long run, but I'll get custom invitations with my wedding paisley pattern colors that I wouldn't be able to get anywhere else.

    I'm going to start printing them next weekend, so I'll let you know how it goes.

  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    1. Weight loss: 4 lbs :love:

    2. Highlight of the past week: Starting the C25K program again. I downloaded a podcast to listen to that tells me when to run/walk. It is such a big help.

    3. Lowlight: We went to Disney this weekend (to watch family do the goofy marathon. Its a half marathon on sat and a full marathon on sunday.) That was fun and inspiring. But we ate out all weekend which put me over in calories each day.

    4. Style of dress: I haven't tried any on but the one I am dreaming about is this one.

    5. Saving ideas: I haven't started buying things yet but I am grateful to be reading everybody's ideas!

    6. Intense workout: Doing the whole Jillian Michaels No more Trouble Zones dvd. It has me panting after the warm up :laugh:

    7. H2O challenge: I did well until the weekend.

    8. Weekly wrap up: I don't expect to lose 4 lbs every week but it's a nice start! I hope I can stay inspired to keep up the good work.
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member

    I haven't gotten my invitations yet, but I plan on doing them myself. I bought a basic blank wedding card set at Staples and created my own cards from scratch using the templates provided by the invitation supplier's website. It might save me $50-100 in the long run, but I'll get custom invitations with my wedding paisley pattern colors that I wouldn't be able to get anywhere else.

    I'm going to start printing them next weekend, so I'll let you know how it goes.


    Are you printing them from home? Or are you having a company print them?

    I am thinking about making our wedding invites too.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Martha stewart has tons of templates on her website...and Michaels (I don't know if that's a canadian store or not) have TONS of wedding invitations...just print and paste:) that's my plan anyways...and the bride I'm a maid for also did that.
  • Ok so I finally figured out how to add the picture of my dress please see my post above.... for anyone else trying to figure out how to add a picture... use photobucket...etc ..... use IMG code ..... paste into board but change the capital IMG to lowercase img
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I know there are tons of wedding websites to check out...but this one was just emailed to me...and the lady that emailed it (she's from my home town) ordered her wedding dress off here, and it literally cost her $'s worth a look
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week

    Wow! You look gorgeous!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    1.Weight loss/inches lost: -1.4 lbs!! :) I actually think I lost a little more, I decided Saturdays will be my weigh in days but I snuck on the scale Sunday morning and lost about a half pound more. I didn't record so we'll see if it sticks!
    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): This was my first week at a new job and so far so good. It's pretty low key so far but I have stuck with my plan of brining my lunch. I am so thankful for some nice girls that invited me to have lunch with them whenever I have time. Gives me a place to hang out and kind of keeps me accountable.
    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): on Saturday I got a speeding ticket. That really sucked :( Put me in kind of a bad mood for the rest of the day. It's times like those (when I'm really down or stressed) that I struggle with my eating. Thats when all of a sudden you feel like none of it matters and want to eat whatever.
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): I have NO idea :) I guess that all depends on my body type when that lucky time comes around! **for those who don't know I'm not technically engaged yet LOL. I feel it coming, we've talked about it, but I'm in here getting a head start on being more healthy, getting and giving support!
    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: Don't worry about everyone else, seems like lots of people make this number 1 priority and spend lots of money they never wanted to. Whats important to YOU and YOUR FIANCE, that is what is most important. Would you rather have the wedding of the century or an amazing honeymoon? Would you rather spend it all for the wedding and honeymoon or be a little low key but still wonderful and have that money for a major purchase, like a house. Do whats best for you!!
    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: Take a class or meet with a trainer, makes me more competitive than I am on my own. It really helps me to have someone push me
    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): Great! I'm pretty sure I did it every day. I'm working on phasing pop out in the near future, at least cutting back. I've been making water a priority
    8.Weekly wrap up: All in all this was a good week. As I mentioned last week I'm really working on my outlook for this all and keeping things in perspective that I want to be healthier. Can be tough because I WANT to lose the weight. I want to keep making more healthy changes to spark that weight loss I want so much.

    Good luck everyone! I'll try to get on here and check comments in the next few days. :)
  • 1.Weight loss/inches lost: 5lbs! – I know this seems crazy, but my diet was a HUGE factor. (See wrap-up)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My weigh-in. Also, making it through a challenging spin class and pushing myself the whole way through it.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I had a really tough time on Saturday. The only thing I could think of was bread and chocolate. I didn’t cheat or indulge though. I want to get in a few weeks of healthy eating before I introduce anything like that back into my diet.

    4. Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): Mine is a drop waste. I thought I wanted a mermaid, but when I tried the drop-waste, it was a perfect fit for my curvy body. Strapless (and my arms are my trouble spot), beaded with feathers!

    5. Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: We are purchasing CZ rings from overstock as our wedding bands. No one will know that we cheaped out and we can replace them later with real ones when we have the money. I got a Tacori setting in silver with CZs for $60!!

    6. What do you do for a really intense work out: Kickboxing with the bag. Love hitting the bag and the combos with the different kicks really gets the heart rate up. I am always dripping sweat from that class and often have to break for water.

    7. How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): I was drinking 3 liters at least every day, except for over the weekend where I drank maybe a liter a day.

    8.Weekly wrap up: So, like I said – diet was a HUGE factor for me in accomplishing a 5lb loss in 1 week. I was eating cookies, ice cream and pizza and not depriving myself of anything. It got to the point where I was never hungry, but always eating. I finished an entire bag of Hershey kisses by myself driving around town – my secret indulgence. So, now it’s salad, chicken, hardboiled eggs, oatmeal, popchips, blueberries, applesauce, fish, sweet potatoes and I worked out hard 5 days in a row last week. Total change in my diet + 1 hr of working out a day + 3 liters of water a day and this is what happened! I feel the change in energy. I feel really good, but I will say that I am hungry a lot still. Hopefully my stomach will shrink soon and that will go away.
    I would like to comtinue to eat healthily this week and still get to the gym 5 times while continuing my water intake of 3 liters. I am looking forward to a slice of pizza with my Dad on 1/28 to celebrate my birthday!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    JayLee you're doing's hard to eat properly, especially when there's so much temptation around...good luck! I sort of wish i could tape the picture of my wedding dress to my fridge so I don't indulge, but my fiance doesn't want to see now I just don't buy junk lol but those crispy minis are killing me...i could eat 2 bags of those if i could...stay strong sista! and enjoy your pizza
  • Wow! You look gorgeous!

    Thank you so much...
  • Jaylee.... I know how you feel about the sweets. What i have started doing is giving myself one chocolate snack a day. Actually most the time I don't even eat it. I really like the Chex Mix treats or someone makes a granola slice with chocolate on bottom. they aren't very high in calories so I just eat it as a snack.
    My calorie counts per meal.... 200 bfast.....150 each snack ... 400 lunch ..... 300 dinner

    After living overseas for most of my life I learned lunch should be your biggest meal. I typically try to work out before lunch then my body burns most of it away.
  • 1.Name: Dusty Huffman
    2.Age: 24
    3.City: Waco, TX
    4.Occupation: Administative Assistant
    5.Wedding date: 9-10-11
    6.Fiancés name: Brandon Marshall
    7.How long you and your fiancé have been together: 6 years
    8.Heaviest weight: 210
    9.Goal weight and date: 160 - 9-1-11
    10.Favorite type of exercise: walking, and dance type workouts! Love to shake my booty :)
    11.Favorite healthy food: veggies!!! I love them all!!!
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member

    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): I kinda want a fitted one since i am working so hard to lost this weight, if you want to see here is a link of one that i really like: thumb/8376FM.jpg
    I also really like: thumb/8318FM.jpg

    Eaglesfan, I really love the second dress. Both of them look almost like a corset that cinches you in. I love the drama of the second one... all of the details are amazing. Did you try either on yet?*curious* I guess it depends what look you're going for... simple or fancy?;-)


    I haven't tried dresses yet, I am waiting until i lose more weight since my goal is so large and my wedding isn't until 2012. I know that I will know more once I am able to try stuff on. thank you I love the second one a lot too. I will be sure to keep everyone updated if i happen to try on or get a better idea of what I will get.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    For those who have already gotten their invatations would you mind sharing the website/place you got them from?

    I got mine from David's Bridal when they were having a 20% off invitations sale. It ended up being about $300 for the invites, envelopes, response cards and response card envelopes for 100 invites. Here's a picture (and I can't figure out how to make it smaller so that the whole thing shows... its chopping off the right side):


    Probably could have done them myself for cheaper but have too many other things going on right now and just wanted them done :-)
  • I went to a craft store such as Michaels and used coupons to buy my invitations then i got them printed by a local invitation shop I ended paying around 120ish! U can always print the invites at staples local print shop usually are cheaper! (or a friend who's good at it!) I hope it helps!
  • PS: When I went to a local print shop (all invitations) she printed on my response cards, invites, envelops wtc for 75! All I said was well Im not willing to pay over 100.00 for it lol.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    1.Weight loss/inches lost: Weigh in is on Friday morning and since that's so far from when these are posted I'll just do my last week numbers... so as of last Friday I lost 2.2 lbs! That was my total loss from before the holidays since this was my first official weigh in since before Christmas.

    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I ordered my wedding favors! Originally we were thinking about doing mini cupcakes but the cost was just getting too high so we ended up doing mini jam and jelly jars from Mrs. Millers Homemade Noodles company. We're going to personalize them with tags that say Thank you for coming and possibly a piece of fabric on top of the jar tied with a ribbon... I'll post pictures when they are done :-)

    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): CHOCOLATTEE! I can't stop eating it! I told my FH that if he doesn't take it with him to work tomorrow it's going in the trash. I have NO self control!

    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): Cosmobella 7387... it's a V-neck with a deep back and soft pick ups in the front. It has a bit of a dropped waist and is rouched in the middle. It's also this crazy light fabric.. one of my biggest concerns was having a dress that was too heavy to enjoy my June wedding!

    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: Haha I've been doing so bad at this... Everything I thought I would save money on I've ended up blowing my budget but you only get married once right (or that's the way it SHOULD be!) I did go with a venue that does the catering for you and I *think* that it was cheaper that way... And we booked our DJ, photographer and videographer through one company which definitely saved us money!

    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: Any Jillian Michael's video is intense enough for me! If I want to make them even harder I pick up my 8 lb weights instead of my 5 lb weights... kkillerr!

    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): I think I did pretty well. I'm usually pretty on during the week while I'm at work but then don't do so well on the weekends.

    8.Weekly wrap up: All in all it was a good week. Finally got past the 148 mark that I'd been lingering around since before the holidays. Feel like I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.

    And just a side note... I type a lot. My apologies. You should hear me talk :-P

  • And just a side note... I type a lot. My apologies. You should hear me talk :-P

    Kristin--I am the same way...I always type so much!!! haha we just have so much to share :happy:
  • I did great today on my fruit and veggie challenge! I had 2 fruit servings at B. Snack another 3 servings of fruit. L I had 4 servings of veggies and at D I had 2 servings of veggies!

    How is everyone else doing?!
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