
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    That it's terrible for your health and absolutely, completely unnecessary to lose weight and look good.

    Any evidence on that?

    well i suppose the jury is out on it being unhealthy, but its certainly not necessary to eat this way in order to lose weight
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Gym and food can get expensive!! : P

    I lost 15 pounds in six months. No gym membership required, I exercised at home. As far as food goes, I pretty much ate the same food just less of it. Pretty easy, nothing special involved.
  • Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    Atkins and most of the ketogenic diets are not high protein diets. How about educating yourself before you post something.

    What's the fun in that.

    Surely it's better to get all your information from Dave down the gym and then base your opinions on something from that.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    That it's terrible for your health and absolutely, completely unnecessary to lose weight and look good.

    Any evidence on that?

    well i suppose the jury is out on it being unhealthy, but its certainly not necessary to eat this way in order to lose weight

    I don't think the jury's out! I think people have educated themselves about how to do it correctly and the science has proven LCHF healthy.

    Is it more healthy than just eating in moderation? That's where the jury is out IMO.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member

    Atkins and most of the ketogenic diets are not high protein diets. How about educating yourself before you post something.

    What's the fun in that.

    Surely it's better to get all your information from Dave down the gym and then base your opinions on something from that.

    I gave up when I saw him talking about eating fruit to cleanse the toxins in another thread. :huh:
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    Atkins and most of the ketogenic diets are not high protein diets. How about educating yourself before you post something.

    What's the fun in that.

    Surely it's better to get all your information from Dave down the gym and then base your opinions on something from that.

    I gave up when I saw him talking about eating fruit to cleanse the toxins in another thread. :huh:

    But fruit does doesn't it? Or am I thinking of my liver!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    You're overthinking it. If 1600 is what MFP gave you, you should try to eat your exercise calories back. If 1600 is your deficit as calculated from your TDEE, you should not eat your exercise calories back.

    As for your macros, protein is really the only one that shouldn't vary much based on your choice of diet and rather should be calculated based on your lean body mass and your exercise routine. You don't need to do anything special like Atkins in order to lose weight. Just focus on tracking what you eat as accurately as possible, tracking the calories you burn and hitting your calorie/nutrient goals as best you can. You can fine tune things (e.g., adjusting a particular macro up or down) as you go.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    What is your height?
    What is your goal weight?
    What is your ED history?
    What is your thought process behind wanting information on such a restrictive eating plan?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    my take on IIFYMM is very simple.

    I really only have a protein goal. As long as i hit that, im perfectly happy. most of the time the fat and carbs are split pretty much half and half, sometimes one intake is considerably more then the other. in the long run, its not going to make any difference unless you are already a diabetic.

    when i get to work, i log what i had for breakfast, then i'll log major protein sources i plan to eat for the day until i get close to my protein goal.

    I eat according to the plan i logged, and i eat whatever i want with the left over calories, not paying any attention to whats in them.

    In other words, once i know i'm going to hit my protein goal, i just make sure i don't exceed my calorie goal. i'll ususally get about 300-500 calories that i save for the end of the day when i want to munch on something while i watch tv. its usually in candy bar or ice cream form
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member

    But fruit does doesn't it? Or am I thinking of my liver!

    It's a common mistake. I mix those two things up all the time myself. :laugh:
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    That it's terrible for your health and absolutely, completely unnecessary to lose weight and look good.

    Any evidence on that?

    Ok, and here begins the episode of Law & Order. bum-PUM!
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    My brother did it last year, lost 70 lbs and is maintaining well. If it is something you can do and think you can stick with it, then go for it. If not, don't bother. Like me, I rather just count calories.
  • Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    You're overthinking it. If 1600 is what MFP gave you, you should try to eat your exercise calories back. If 1600 is your deficit as calculated from your TDEE, you should not eat your exercise calories back.

    As for your macros, protein is really the only one that shouldn't vary much based on your choice of diet and rather should be calculated based on your lean body mass and your exercise routine. You don't need to do anything special like Atkins in order to lose weight. Just focus on tracking what you eat as accurately as possible, tracking the calories you burn and hitting your calorie/nutrient goals as best you can. You can fine tune things (e.g., adjusting a particular macro up or down) as you go.

    Yes i am in no denial that maybe i am over thinking it.. I really dont want to be though.. I just want an eating plan i can follow for my goals rather then me always over thinking about what im going to eat and being stressed out if i have already run out of my fat and carbs for the day and im left with just protien and im not sure how to fit it in. Like i said i seem to run out of my amounts and im left over with a bunch of calories i am unsure how to eat. This is why im admitting that yea i am completely new to this but i want this to work for me.. i just need some help on figuring it out.
  • Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    What is your height?
    What is your goal weight?
    What is your ED history?
    What is your thought process behind wanting information on such a restrictive eating plan?

    Want to message me?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    log your protein ahead of time. then you'll know you get what really matters. the rest you can play with. seems like a low stress solution to me
  • Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    my take on IIFYMM is very simple.

    I really only have a protein goal. As long as i hit that, im perfectly happy. most of the time the fat and carbs are split pretty much half and half, sometimes one intake is considerably more then the other. in the long run, its not going to make any difference unless you are already a diabetic.

    when i get to work, i log what i had for breakfast, then i'll log major protein sources i plan to eat for the day until i get close to my protein goal.

    I eat according to the plan i logged, and i eat whatever i want with the left over calories, not paying any attention to whats in them.

    In other words, once i know i'm going to hit my protein goal, i just make sure i don't exceed my calorie goal. i'll ususally get about 300-500 calories that i save for the end of the day when i want to munch on something while i watch tv. its usually in candy bar or ice cream form

    Thats a great idea. - I KNOW PLANNING AHEAD DOES WORK. I am just not sure how to do it. I know you will tell me its simple but i dont buy the grocerys i never know whats for dinner and I am always out running around never knowing where i will end up. i dont have a 9-5 job where i know exactly what my day will be like. For me every day is different. I never know what to expect and thats where it becomes impossible for me to control my eating!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    What is your height?
    What is your goal weight?
    What is your ED history?
    What is your thought process behind wanting information on such a restrictive eating plan?

    Want to message me?

    No ... but I'd like you to provide the information to everyone. Such basic information is needed to give you any informed feedback. Height makes a tremendous difference when discussing a 125 pound teenager wanting to lose more weight. Maybe your goal weight is healthy ... maybe it isn't. You started a thread about Atkins, a restrictive diet, and one about binge eating/bulimia/anorexia with the span of five minutes.

    So many threads started with so little information provided for MFP users to provide you with informed, intelligent feedback.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Thats a great idea. - I KNOW PLANNING AHEAD DOES WORK. I am just not sure how to do it. I know you will tell me its simple but i dont buy the grocerys i never know whats for dinner and I am always out running around never knowing where i will end up. i dont have a 9-5 job where i know exactly what my day will be like. For me every day is different. I never know what to expect and thats where it becomes impossible for me to control my eating!

    Just stay within your calorie goal and try to do your best to hit your macros or at least try to come close. Log your food as you go throughout the day and try to make choices that fit your remaining nutritional goals. If you're a bit higher on fat one day and low the next, don't fret about it.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    my take on IIFYMM is very simple.

    I really only have a protein goal. As long as i hit that, im perfectly happy. most of the time the fat and carbs are split pretty much half and half, sometimes one intake is considerably more then the other. in the long run, its not going to make any difference unless you are already a diabetic.

    when i get to work, i log what i had for breakfast, then i'll log major protein sources i plan to eat for the day until i get close to my protein goal.

    I eat according to the plan i logged, and i eat whatever i want with the left over calories, not paying any attention to whats in them.

    In other words, once i know i'm going to hit my protein goal, i just make sure i don't exceed my calorie goal. i'll ususally get about 300-500 calories that i save for the end of the day when i want to munch on something while i watch tv. its usually in candy bar or ice cream form

    Thats a great idea. - I KNOW PLANNING AHEAD DOES WORK. I am just not sure how to do it. I know you will tell me its simple but i dont buy the grocerys i never know whats for dinner and I am always out running around never knowing where i will end up. i dont have a 9-5 job where i know exactly what my day will be like. For me every day is different. I never know what to expect and thats where it becomes impossible for me to control my eating!

    well that does through a monkey wrench into it.

    if really think about it though, there maybe more ways to take control of the situation then you think.

    if you are not buying the groceries, thats the main problem. but perhaps you could have a conversation with whomever is and you can come to some kind of understanding. unfortunately the protein items tend to be the more expensive groceries.

    I eat basically the same thing for breakfast every day (mostly because i really can't cook). oatmeal with protien powder in it, or three whole eggs. I also only rotate between 3 different lunches that i bring to work.

    it sounds boring as hell, but i do really enjoy those meals. if you did it like this, i'd see 3 benefits:

    1) eatting same/similair breakfast and or lunch then you will be less stressed about your nutirent intake because you've been doing it before and came in at your goals. this will eat up at least a third of your total calories

    2) if a decent chunk of daily meals are the same each day, then its much easier for the grocery shopper to keep a steady supply of food that will help you maintain your goals.

    3) you'll get to the point where you don't even need the calorie counter, you know what your go to meals will be nutrient wise. Your fun foods may very likely come from a wrapper, so it would be easy to make sure you stay on track calories wise without consulting the data base. probably you'd still want to log, but it would be less vital.

    if you do not have a steady scheduel (9-5 job) then it is more challenging to have the food you need when you need it. but that will come down planning ahead mostly.