

  • Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    What is your height?
    What is your goal weight?
    What is your ED history?
    What is your thought process behind wanting information on such a restrictive eating plan?

    Want to message me?

    No ... but I'd like you to provide the information to everyone. Such basic information is needed to give you any informed feedback. Height makes a tremendous difference when discussing a 125 pound teenager wanting to lose more weight. Maybe your goal weight is healthy ... maybe it isn't. You started a thread about Atkins, a restrictive diet, and one about binge eating/bulimia/anorexia with the span of five minutes.

    So many threads started with so little information provided for MFP users to provide you with informed, intelligent feedback.

    Ok - Fair enough-
    I am 5ft10
    My goal weight was 115 (but that would be underwight which i find strange because i do have a bit of a belly - i just need to gain muscle and turn my belly into a lean flat stomach) So i am not so much worried about weight as i am about my measurements.. I have a 300 calories defict right now.
    My ED history started a year ago where i was undereating and over exercising which made me starved whicih led to - over eating / over excersizing and purging.. Now i am just trying to find my way back to a mental normal state with food.
    I am educaing myself with these different diets because i would like to be a nutritionist or fitness trainer in the future... And i am also trying to see what works for me and my understanding my body.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Sorry everyone if i started some "bickering" that was not at all my intention... And i want you all to know i am NOT a troll... I am just trying to figure this out for myself.. I was curious to get some opinions on this diet..

    Right now i am at 125 pounds
    I have a 1600 calorie diet
    30% carbs 30% fat and 40% protien
    I also workout everyday but i dont log my workouts - and i notice a lor of people dont - Should i be? Should i be adding more calories?
    I JUST started doing IIFYMM and i think its a great idea but i find it diffucult for me to be able to eat ALL my calories in one day without going over one of my percentages...
    I just dont know if i am doing this right and i am in desperate NEED of help.
    I feel like i just need an eating plan for my goals that i can follow without being so stressed out all the time about what to eat. I really am driving myself crazy.

    What is your height?
    What is your goal weight?
    What is your ED history?
    What is your thought process behind wanting information on such a restrictive eating plan?

    Want to message me?

    No ... but I'd like you to provide the information to everyone. Such basic information is needed to give you any informed feedback. Height makes a tremendous difference when discussing a 125 pound teenager wanting to lose more weight. Maybe your goal weight is healthy ... maybe it isn't. You started a thread about Atkins, a restrictive diet, and one about binge eating/bulimia/anorexia with the span of five minutes.

    So many threads started with so little information provided for MFP users to provide you with informed, intelligent feedback.

    Ok - Fair enough-
    I am 5ft10
    My goal weight was 115 (but that would be underwight which i find strange because i do have a bit of a belly - i just need to gain muscle and turn my belly into a lean flat stomach) So i am not so much worried about weight as i am about my measurements.. I have a 300 calories defict right now.
    My ED history started a year ago where i was undereating and over exercising which made me starved whicih led to - over eating / over excersizing and purging.. Now i am just trying to find my way back to a mental normal state with food.
    I am educaing myself with these different diets because i would like to be a nutritionist or fitness trainer in the future... And i am also trying to see what works for me and my understanding my body.

    Actually at 5'10 and 125 you're flirting with underweight right now. Netting 1300 calories is probably too little for you. I'd recommend forgetting weight loss and focus on exercise for body recomposition.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    He died of an heart attack when he was quite young. - not a good advert

    Actually he died of a head injury. It helps to research, rather than spout misinformation to try to scare people out of an eating plan you don't understand.

    Yep. And he wasn't 'quite young' either. My how the myths spread like wildfire. Google is your friend.

    Sounds to me like there's been confusion with Jim Fixx, who wrote The Joy of Running and started the running boom in the 70s. He died of a heart attack (but he'd been in bad shape before taking up running and improving his health). I guess I'd need to search to see how old he was.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member

    Ok - Fair enough-
    I am 5ft10
    My goal weight was 115 (but that would be underwight which i find strange because i do have a bit of a belly - i just need to gain muscle and turn my belly into a lean flat stomach) So i am not so much worried about weight as i am about my measurements.. I have a 300 calories defict right now.
    My ED history started a year ago where i was undereating and over exercising which made me starved whicih led to - over eating / over excersizing and purging.. Now i am just trying to find my way back to a mental normal state with food.
    I am educaing myself with these different diets because i would like to be a nutritionist or fitness trainer in the future... And i am also trying to see what works for me and my understanding my body.
    Actually at 5'10 and 125 you're flirting with underweight right now. Netting 1300 calories is probably too little for you. I'd recommend forgetting weight loss and focus on exercise for body recomposition.

    Agreed, particularly since you started a thread about your ED too. I am 5'10" and though our frames are likely different --- 115 is very low for our height. It only worries me because of the ED thread, and how it doesn't sound like you totally have it under control. I mean no offense, but as someone who recovered from an ED, I do worry about your goal.

  • Ok - Fair enough-
    I am 5ft10
    My goal weight was 115 (but that would be underwight which i find strange because i do have a bit of a belly - i just need to gain muscle and turn my belly into a lean flat stomach) So i am not so much worried about weight as i am about my measurements.. I have a 300 calories defict right now.
    My ED history started a year ago where i was undereating and over exercising which made me starved whicih led to - over eating / over excersizing and purging.. Now i am just trying to find my way back to a mental normal state with food.
    I am educaing myself with these different diets because i would like to be a nutritionist or fitness trainer in the future... And i am also trying to see what works for me and my understanding my body.
    Actually at 5'10 and 125 you're flirting with underweight right now. Netting 1300 calories is probably too little for you. I'd recommend forgetting weight loss and focus on exercise for body recomposition.

    Agreed, particularly since you started a thread about your ED too. I am 5'10" and though our frames are likely different --- 115 is very low for our height. It only worries me because of the ED thread, and how it doesn't sound like you totally have it under control. I mean no offense, but as someone who recovered from an ED, I do worry about your goal.

    So what should my goal be? I am confused VERY confused. I have a tummy yet i am under weight? I need a lean stomach with muscle and i need to know what my goal should be to achieve that.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    So what should my goal be? I am confused VERY confused. I have a tummy yet i am under weight? I need a lean stomach with muscle and i need to know what my goal should be to achieve that.

    if your underweight, with your stated goal, i'd set my MFP goal to maintenance, log exercise, eat back exercise calories


    do cardio if you enjoy it and make sure you eat back those excercise calories
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    Eat at manitenance or 100 cals a day over maintenance. Get 100+ grams a day of protein, and start lifting heavy things. Look at Strong Lifts, New Rules of Lifting or Starting Strength. What you want is muscle- not weight loss
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Agreed with above, you need maintenance or more. If you have a belly that bugs you and you're underweight, you need strength training, not a caloric deficit.

    Check out the OP pic, her "after" photo is 3 lbs heavier than her "before" and her belly disappeared.
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    I did the Atkins for about 3 months and did drop quite a lot of weight. However, I felt totally awful on it, tired and headachey and constipated. I think that eliminating any food group from your diet it probably not a good idea (unless you have to for medical reasons). I just find a calorie controlled diet where I try to balance it well nutritionally plus some moderate exercise works well and is far more adaptable in your life (eating out is a nightmare on Atkins). It's not as quick but in the end it is far more sustainable and more likely to help you keep the weight off.
  • Eat at manitenance or 100 cals a day over maintenance. Get 100+ grams a day of protein, and start lifting heavy things. Look at Strong Lifts, New Rules of Lifting or Starting Strength. What you want is muscle- not weight loss

    Thats VERY helpful
    Thank You
    This is the advice i need and am looking for!!!
  • Agreed with above, you need maintenance or more. If you have a belly that bugs you and you're underweight, you need strength training, not a caloric deficit.

    Check out the OP pic, her "after" photo is 3 lbs heavier than her "before" and her belly disappeared.

    WOW!!! THANK YOU!!
    This is EXACTLY my problem
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Agreed with above, you need maintenance or more. If you have a belly that bugs you and you're underweight, you need strength training, not a caloric deficit.

    Check out the OP pic, her "after" photo is 3 lbs heavier than her "before" and her belly disappeared.

    WOW!!! THANK YOU!!
    This is EXACTLY my problem

    Worrying about body fat and muscle ratios rather than numbers on a scale does wonders. You could eat healthy amounts, remain at (or maybe gain) weight, and target what you perceive as problem areas all at once. It's a better course than your current fixation on restrictive diets and losing more when already underweight.
  • fat2fit4good
    fat2fit4good Posts: 154
    I just started Atkins again. I did it a few years ago and it sure works to REALLY kickstart your weight loss. The problem is you have to ease your way into eating some carbs after the strict induction phase (nuts, some fruits, some whole grains in moderation), but instead a lot of people lose the weight during induction, claim victory and then go straight back to cereal, toast, pizza and bread. If you do that, you wasted your time. Doing that simply switches your metabolism to its old ways with a vengeance, insulin levels spike, hunger pangs return, etc.. doing this is probably worse for you than not doing any diet at all. I did this, and I paid for it.

    I plan to use the induction phase to kickstart weight loss and *****slap my metabolism into burning some of my plentiful fat deposits... then slowly ease my way into phase 2 for a while. I have never had a sweet tooth, so eventually I'd like to just get all my carbs from salads, fruits, nuts (no bread, pasta, sweets, etc...)

    I feel fantastic (after some initial greasy gaggy disgusting days...), and the weight is coming off quick. This is really encouraging so far. Wish me luck!!! and feel free to add me if you need low carb buddies! I hope to have a good "after" picture to add to the monstruosity currently on my profile that smacks me on the forehead everytime I log in!!! :-)