
  • Hi - I am not quite 50 (48) but would love to join your group - I need all the support I can get :):flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi skinnyb,

    We will give you all the help we can.

    Just a quick post for me. I need to give hubby a haircut before church.

  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Good Sunday to all,

    Today we are experiencing day 3 of an old fashioned prairie blizzard. We shovelled driveway 4 times yesterday, but this AM, there has to be a foot deep snow to shovel again!

    A dear aunt passed away early morning on Friday. The funeral is on Tuesday but I do not believe I will be able to attend as it is a 6 hour drive to the funeral. Not wise to drive the highways in this weather and our weather generally moves east to the area where funeral being held, so I anticipate this blizzard weather system heading that way.

    So I will write the eulogy for my father. He is now the surviving sibling from a family of nine. I want to be there for my father but writing a eulogy for him with have to due. I know my aunt would be okay with the decision not to travel in this weather: she was a prairie girl too!

    Sending out hope for a healthy day for all,
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to Bevhart, YPortia, Frogmamma, and any other new comers I might have missed. We are a chatty bunch and sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the posts.

    It is so good to see so many old friends posting again after the holidays. You have been missed.

    Robin – Gratz on walking more than 10 miles every day. Your hard work will pay off soon.

    Chiclet – Hang in. Things will get better with your mom, just don’t let her wear you down. She may be thinking if she gives you a hard time, you will give in. But, giving in is not in her best interests. I go through the same thing with my parents. They alternate giving me a hard time about things that are good for them. Have a glass of wine and take a nap. Everything will look better.

    Michelle – have a safe trip.

    Mac – You have the right to brag a little! 102 pounds plus all your racing is a lot to be proud of and brag about.

    Mrs. Anderson – a new scale will help you. Gratz on getting one

    Amanda – I think it is so cute that you are taking lessons for swimming and bike riding. I admire you for learning new things. I’d make a joke about teaching an old dog new tricks, if I could think of one. Lol You make me want to be brave and try new things too.

    We have played musical computers this weekend. We all have different ones to better suit our needs. Hubby got my superduper laptop, DD and I got OK new ones and DS got DD's old one. Our one desk top is now a server. This new one is giving me a nervous breakdown!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We had a spectacular day yesterday….we left the house at 5:30 AM and got home at 7:30 PM and were in bed by 9PM. Since we were going to Seattle we were able to take the ferry so I got a nice 20 minute walk each way and that, along with a walk at lunchtime, allowed me to get 10,000 steps for the day….I didn’t get to go to the dog park or to ride the exercise bike or dance in front of the TV so my exercise was less than usual so even though my eating wasn’t too bad (Subway at lunch and a Kashi roasted vegetable pizza at dinner) I was about 700 calories over at the end of the day.

    :bigsmile: Yesterday the Seattle Seahawks were playing a game in the football playoffs and no one thought they could possibly win. During our meeting there were people checking the score on their smart phones and sharing the information with us. We listened to the last 5 minutes of the game on the car radio as we drove toward downtown Seattle to get on the ferry. As we drove past Qwest Field (the site of the game) the game had just ended and the streets were filled with happy fans. Many of them were walking toward the ferry (it’s less than a mile walk) and the ferry was filled with excited fans so while we were taking our walk on the passenger deck we were surrounded by the after game excitement of all the fans dressed in their Seahawks shirts, hats, and jackets.

    :bigsmile: Today it is snowing. We took the girls to the dog park about 10:00 and they played with three other dogs until everyone was exhausted. Since it is our Isagenix cleanse day, we are now settled at home to relax.

    :flowerforyou: Elizabeth, I was thinking about you recently and wondering where you were….I am so glad to hear from you again and hear that you had a good visit with your family even if your eating wasn’t the healthiest

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, you continue to do a great job with your mom…..say the Serenity Prayer and take care of yourself…..we can be your support group…..you don’t need a car to meet with us

    :flowerforyou: Joy, I’m just like you…..one thing that motivates me to exercise is that I can have an extra treat with my extra calories……for awhile that treat was Kashi cereal with yogurt until one night I found myself eating the cereal right out of the box so now there is no Kashi cereal or yogurt allowed in my house….the next treat was peanut butter, but the same thing happened:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, you are a perfect person to share with Chiclet because of your personal experience…I’m glad your dogs came home safely…..yesterday morning we let the cats out when we got up and they usually come back in 30 minutes or so, but Bernie still wasn’t home when we left at 5:30…..when the dog walker came at 10:30 Bernie was begging to come in and this morning he wouldn’t go out at all

    :flowerforyou: Robin, your exercising is inspiring

    :flowerforyou: Mrsanderson, the longest journey starts with a single step…….starting to exercise a few days a week is a great idea…..those of us who are crazy compulsive exercisers started out just doing a little and built up to where we are now…getting a new scale is a great idea

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I’m glad to see you back and on track again

    :flowerforyou: frogmama , your outdoor adventure in the snow sounds like fun

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, congrats on learning to write a bike...biking, swimming, along with losing a lot of weight....you are amazing

    :flowerforyou: skinnyb, welcome to the group……if you are looking for support you have come to the right place

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, I am sorry to hear about your aunt and applaud your decision to avoid the dangerous drive…writing the eulogy will be a great contribution to your family without putting yourself in danger

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, using a different computer is a challenge….I wish you the best as you adjust

    I'm sure I have missed someone but you are all in my heart......my life is better for having you all in it
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    An evening hello...hope you all had a good weekend. I don't know where it went. Well sort of know -- drove to see my best friend from college, an hour away, on Sat and spent close to 12 hours with her. There's nothing like old solid connections. We ate at Garlic Joe's and I could not resist the garlic bread. It was amazing but at least I only had one piece.

    Keeping it short today. One of my resolutions was to get to bed early on work nights instead of staying on the computer. I already blew it every night last week. Not just fb and mfp, either....true confessions -- I'm addicted to some computer games :embarassed:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    Have lost 2 lbs since last week's weigh in!

    We are supposed to get another winter storm today. Not looking forward to that. Husband is supposed to go back to work today and he works the 2nd shift. The ride home will be icy.

    Had to stop a minute to let whiny dogs out to pee. I went out with them and intended for them to stay where I could see them but no, they have minds of their own and ran down the hill where it's dark and I couldn't see them. I hate to be out there clapping, whistling and yelling when it is still dark. (I'm sure the neighbors don't appreciate that) But thankfully they came right back!

    Community College classes start for my son today so I need to get off here and get him out the door.


  • goo morning just popping in to say hi heading to the landry mat going to walk around the block a few times while landry is washing and drying hope everyone has a nice morning debi(momof10)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joy, last week we decided to turn the TV off at a 9 so we can get to bed early.....we used to think we could watch TV until 10 and still get to bed at 10 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, glad your dogs came right back....ours have no idea about boundaries and cannot be allowed out unsupervised.....Bernie, the cat decided to go out again this morning and still hasn't come back....the dogs keep going to the sliding glass door to look for him :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: debianne, before MFP I used to bring a book to the laundromat and sit and read while the laundry machines were going, now I walk everywhere while I'm waiting for things like the laundry or car repair

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the cleanse day went well and my weight is down this morning (mostly from a day of liquids but also a great relief from the all the bread and sodium the day before)........today I will eat my usual healthy food with lots of veggies and water:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Morning all, a beautiful day here in the chilly midwest.

    Karlene, prayers for your family. How wonderful that you can write the eulogy. You have found a way to be of service to your family and honor your aunt even though you can not be present.

    Read all the inspiring posts, such a treat!!!

    I have done 2 workouts today so far, I think my next one will be hauling in the firewood. Excercise applied to need.

    Onward and upward, Alice
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Good morning all! In the middle of a snow and ice "event" in the deep south. At least my power is still on! I don't know for how long though because we having freezing rain and sleet all day today. We have 8" of snow with at least a 1/2" of ICE on top. No one is going ANYWHERE......snow is one thing....ICE is sooooo much worse!

    No work for at least today and tomorrow! Celebrated with a homemade brunch with hubby and ate almost 1/2 my calories for the day!!! Guess that's okay since it was brunch! I will be making good choices for the rest of the day!!

    This weather makes me hurt, so some light housework will be it for my exercise for the day! Take care all!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Monday morning, everyone.

    Welcome to all our newbies!:flowerforyou:

    There are a few lazy snowflakes coming down here this morning. I doubt that it will amount to much other than slippery, messy roads and sidewalks! I may try to walk in it in a bit, though, anyway.

    Well, I got a call from my supervisor and I go back to work on the 31st. I'm glad because I don't like not having something to do everyday--I love my job and can't wait to get back to it!

    I had a bad day yesterday and made some really bad food choices. I have decided to stick to mostly vegetables and lean protein today and maybe tomorrow, also. NO simple carbs or sugar (my downfall and I usually stay away from them!).

    Time to get my exercise in and get my day started.

    Have a great day, all!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi all! Sorry to hear about all of the bad weather many of you have been having. Usually that's us in Buffalo, NY. I am getting tired of the cold, but we haven't had any major storms since early December. I guess I should be thankful for that. I hate to go out in the cold but I am going to try to get the dog out for a walk tomorrow.

    I just returned home from zumba class and I have a hard time going right to bed, but it is almost 9 and my alarm goes off at 3:30 a.m. Off I go to bed and only allowing 15 minutes of reading.
  • Just started last Wednesday, i have gone over my calorie count a few days but overall have done good. i need lots of encouaragement i always start off fine but stop after a month or so. then i gain more then i lost. last year was really bad because my husband was sick and i was always at the hospital and still tryingto workand take care of two grandkids.
    if i can get through that i lose weight. my husband is recovering and able to watch the kids some nights so i can go to health club. i made three days last week. i will continue to try to make three days. my knees hurt to bad to walk or treadmill. right now all i can really do is aquacise an sit ups in the bed. if i keep going i know it will get better soon.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Annette,
    All of us started somewhere just taking it one day at a time and taking baby steps to create new habits and behaviours that helped us reach our goals. Even if you can't get to the health club you can do something to keep yourself moving...I walk up and down the hall a lot when it's raining or too icy outside.......just move a little more each day, post your food, and learn a little more each day about healthy eating.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and check in with the ladies on this thread....they changed my life and they can change yours :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: darlis, housework is a great way to get two things done at once (chores and exercise):bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: frogmama, I hope you got a chance to read at bedtime....that is one of my favorite things to do and it helps me fall asleep.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: pmjsmom, I have to stay away from simple carbs and sugar all the time.....they always create a bad outcome for me.:cry:

    :flowerforyou: Alice, hauling firewood sounds a like a great way to burn calories.......unfortunately we don't have a fireplace :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: the cats and dogs want me to go to bed but we're watching the BCS football championship and the game won't be over for awhile :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: so there goes my plan to shut the TV off at 9 PM
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning

    :frown: Now I'm back at work, I don't seem to have as much time to post, but I do try to catch up with everyone by lurking/reading posts most mornings if I have time. :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers

    :flowerforyou: Barbie you have inspired me to "keep moving" I have no excuse now - even though the weather has been horrible this winter - there is nothing to stop me from walking up and down the stairs, in the hall or marching on the spot whilst watching tv. I must admit since starting back at work, I've not done too much of an evening, usually fall asleep on the sofa, wake up and go to bed. I sometimes think the less you do, the more tired you are.

    :ohwell: I'd better get a move on, need to be at work on time today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: lots of archiving of medical notes to do, as well as normal stuff.

    :flowerforyou: Love and hugs to all :flowerforyou:

    Viv xx
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Foolishly forgot to put my comforter in the dryer, so up late waiting for it to dry. Like Barbie, I watched the BCS game, and watched as the Ducks came from behind to tie up the score in the last 2 minutes, only to have victory snatched away by the last play of the game--a field goal by Auburn's Tigers.

    Tonight (Tuesday) we have been told to expect freezing rain and a little snow, but on Wednesday it is supposed to get into the 50's and for the next several days, you can have any kind of weather you want--as long as you want it to rain a lot and stay above freezing. LOL

    I am supposed to drive a friend (who can't drive at night) to an evening wedding tonight, but if the freezing rain comes as promised, I already told her not to plan on attending. The ceremony is about 15 miles east of here, and the further east one goes during this type of weather, the worse it gets. My dog breeder friends live about 70 miles east of me, and their area is expecting 4-6 inches of snow and a boatload of freezing rain on Wednesday.

    Hope everyone is staying warm and dry. I know that many parts of the US are experiencing much worse weather and for much longer than we are going to have. Barbie (who is north of me in the Olympic Peninsula) has already had at least 2 significant snow events in her area this season, but I have only had a dusting of snow.

    I was down 2 lbs. this morning, but since I treated myself to a small personal pizza for dinner and a Michelob Ultra during the game, I am not expecting to lose again tomorrow.

    Take care, everyone. Have a good week.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Cindy - Congratulations on loosing 2 pounds! That is an exciting way to start off a new year.

    Annette - Welcome!

    To all- many you have a good day filled with good food and good tasting water! I will try to get back on later to respond to more of you individually.

  • 9:20a.m.

    good morning. well here it comes they are saying over a foot of snow this time we are a small town have have been in the middle of all the big storms the past few mths but this time its our turn. the children are so excited they are having a day of i already have grandchildren who want to sleep over we have a small hill on the side of our home so the just love to slide.
    welcome all new mfp friends you have come a a great group here.
    i am started my morning out real good today i am going to try and do the two mile walk dvd. does anyone count their steps is really10, a step i thought i was doing good until i started to be accoutable for how many steps i take an boy was i surprise that i don't walk a lot its only been over 5000so now i find myself walking in place more when i am cooking cleaning doing dishes .
    ok hubby is coming in everyone have a nice morning and welcome to new friends debi(momof10)
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    My name is Rhonda and I will be 50 in July of this year. I have been playing around with my weight and exercise my entire adult life. Then it seems a few years ago the weight crept up and stayed. I would try for awhile to eat healthy and exercise continuously only to see no results, so I gave up and have spent the last year half-heartedly trying to lose the weight. I stumbled across MFP when I got my new phone a few months back and started logging my food for a while but never looked any further until yesterday.

    I spent several hours familiarizing myself with the website and reading many of the posts. I could certainly use some friends to walk along with me in the goal to get fit and lose all this weight once and for all. My biggest fear, is that I will continue to let my weight be out of control and not move my body and in twenty years, if I am still alive, I will be moaning, groaning, and have the health problems that my father has (I seem to have his physical characteristics more than my mom), Of course, if he loses two pounds, he rewards himself with a trip to Hardees for sausage gravy & biscuits or a candy bar (he has diabetes now--but still he eats this way),

    So I am taking responsibility for my own health and going to eat a healthy diet exercise, and lose these 50lbs. I'm in it for the long haul this time.. Will you help me?
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