Group LLC Holiday Challenge!



  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hello everybody!

    Welcome back Tammi - Hope you are feeling better!

    Tatiana - hang in there - I too have zero motivation to get my butt to the gym. ARRRRGGGGH!!!!!:noway: Then I think about summer, sleeve-less tops, bathing suit etc - Even just the thought of trying these items on...:noway:
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Everyone, Yeah the motivation is kinda low, the weather is freezing. Call me wimpy, I don't run when there is ice, nope no way, But, that doesn't mean I can't put in a DVD or go for a walk, gotta do somethin. Anyway, the challenge is still on...I'm seven pounds away from 190 so, its reachable. Go Team Go----Zano
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Good morning!!!

    Go team!!!!! The bad news... my weight bounced up a couple of pounds when I added back in the carbs, the good news - I know this works for me:happy: I won't make my mini goal for Sunday - but that won't stop me:wink:
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    Hellooooo....I am beginning a low carb/Atkins today. I have been on this site before and really liked it a lot, but it seems that the low carb things works better for me for whatever reason.

    Since I have posted on the Group LLC thread, will it now appear in My Topics so I can come back everyday? Also wondering if you post your food each day and just count the carbs?

  • Pragmatica
    Hi fellow low carbers! I have lost over 135+ lbs doing ketogenic low carb since October 2009. I am in the homestretch and trying to drop 20 more pounds and go from there.

    Please feel free to add me to your friend lists and ask me questions. I feel like an expert now because I have helped so many people on this site, as well as friends and family!
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Lowcarbers, Well down a couple at 195 lbs yahoo!

    Great job Pragmatica, I wish I were on the homestrech, ...thats ok....the journey is suppose to be just as fun as the goal!

    Welcome Elfie9863, glad your here...Keep postin, we have a challenge (choose your weight loss) before valentines day.

    Mom216, I know about bouncing, the good news is ..keep posting, I know your gonna get there.

    Everyone, have great day....Zano

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • tatiana_13
    Welcome Elfie and Pragmatica! And Elfie...yes. This thread will now show up in my topics. And good luck with induction.

    And congrats Zano on your weight loss! That's awesome. Its nice to have positive feedback when we're making lifestyle changes.

    I hope everyone starts the week out strong!
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hello my fellow LLCers!!

    I'm still here. I'm not much of a talker (writer) however, I do read the posts.

    Welcome to Elfie andPragmatica!! We are glad you have joined our great group!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm down 7 lbs since we started the Valentine Day challenged :bigsmile: Yipppppeee for me!!

    Zano - congrats on your loss! I know it is a great feeling!!
    Pragmatic - look out. I'm sure I will be hitting you up for some info. I will also add you to my friends list.
    Mom216 - I understand about "bouncing." I think my scale has truly lost its mind. I wanted to throw it out the window this morning!! lol Some days it just doesn't want to cooperate!!!:laugh:
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    UGGGG....Ok..I know is just the second day, but I feel pretty queasy this morning. I did eat my eggs tho, and am downing the water. Hope this passes by soon....

    Nice to know you are all out there. I sometimes feel like I am so on my own with this.
  • tatiana_13
    Congrats to you too VJ! Go team, Go!

    And to Elfie. I found that if I could *just* get to day three, it got better. Day 2 is the worst. You've used up all the extra glucose you had stored from before that's when your body starts sending you the signal VERY LOUDLY, "hey! I need some carbs! Gimme!" But sometime during day 3, your body starts to do the changeover of what it is using for fuel. So stay strong!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Elfie Hang in there!!!! The first few days are hard but after that it becomes much easier and your body will be use to not having high carbs... Make sure your eating 6 times a day and drinking tons of water it will help your body adjust better.

    How's everyone doing??? Seems like we have lost a few people over the months ! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    OK....I am determined to hang on...but I have to say, this is just the WORST headache I have had in years and I feel sorta...sea sickish...ewwwwwww...still drinking the water tho. Thanks so much for the encouragement...It's almost not much longer for THIS day. I haven't had much to eat at all..just can't get it down. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!!!!

  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Elfie,Induction can be rough, but it gets alot better. Your doing well just keep going.
    Team, The good news is that I'm on a negative spiral down, the bad news is that it feels like a snails pace. The weather here is way to icy in the morning for running, looks like its the tread mill. Little goals are the key, so for me 190 by Valentines Day would be GREAT. Have a terrific day...Zano
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey hey, still alive......honey and I have been maint. our weight, I am up 5 down 5......was off LC for about 2 months, back at it as of this week, bought all good stuff at the grocery store....lets see if I can get down to 200 lb by my birthday in May....what do ya think.

  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    Helloooo much better today. You were all right,,,and I so appreciate the encouragement. It really helps! I slept ALMOST 12 HOURS last night, wow....that's huge for me. Felt much better this morning and was starving. Ate some scrambled eggs and hoping for a much better day than yesterday. (Can't really be worse). Seriously, have NEVER had a headache of that sort. Sorta scared me. Anyway...forging ahead and glad I stayed with it. Really do appreciate all your comments.
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    Just thought I would share this that I sent to another post....

    AWWWW...Megan...what a bad begginning. I totally's my day so far...

    Snowed another 3 inches, get out the shovel and clear driveway. Still could not get out had to beg sleazy neighbor for help. Ug.
    Carefully drive up huge snow covered road to feed ungrateful snotty horse. Spilled coffee on the way.
    Greeted by ungragteful snotty horse who decided to stroll out of his fence and was way up the driveway goofing around.
    Gratefully, such he is such a food *kitten*, recapture was not an issue.
    Fix fence in 10 degrees...swear loudly...resist urge to beat Mr. Snotty Britches (not really...well..umm...the thought was there)
    Slip n slide home again . City Street Plow had tipped over the garbage can, which was sitting outside since yesterday, being Garbage guy never did show up.
    Curse loudly and gather up smelly garbage, eyeing neighborhood dogs trying to "be friendly".
    Finally, home again. My wiener dog has eaten part of my beautiful sheep scin chair cover...arghhhhhhhhhh.
    Clean up little puffs of stuff all over and for Wiener Boy to have ammends for yelling...
    He is under bed and has barfed all over my duvet cover onto my down comforter.
    As you can notice, for some reason my computer is now not typing in ma e....or s in...AWWWWWWWWWW......


    In spite of all that...still a better day than yesterday...give such hope for tomorrow!!!!:laugh:
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hey Tammie and Sassie,

    You have been missed!!! Welcome back!!

    It seems like we have lost a few and have gained some. Hopefully those that left will be back soon.

    Elfie - glad to see you are feeling better. :smile:
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    QUESTION? I have a gym membership which I haven't started yet. After the totally bad and creepy day on Induction - Day 2, and feeling not totally good today either...I am wondering if I should give it a week and start next Monday? Just not sure. I do sometimes just forge ahead full speed then get feeling crappy and abandon all. Not wanting to do that now. Anyone have a suggestion?
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hello to everybody!!!!

    Hmmmm thinking about the scale and the numbers bouncing up and down - makes me wonder when the scale is doing that - what silly/comical things have you all done to the scale.....

    I have moved mine around the bathroom in an attempt to see the number I wanted...
    I have stripped down to my birthday suit - thinking my "clothes" were the problem
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hello to everybody!!!!

    Hmmmm thinking about the scale and the numbers bouncing up and down - makes me wonder when the scale is doing that - what silly/comical things have you all done to the scale.....

    I have moved mine around the bathroom in an attempt to see the number I wanted...
    I have stripped down to my birthday suit - thinking my "clothes" were the problem

    I have kicked it, threw it in the corner and like you have moved it around the bathroom to find the "right" number and I always step on it wearing my birthday suit!! lol