Group LLC Holiday Challenge!



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    *drools* VJ that cake sounds fabulous! *STEP AWAY FROM THE CAKE* :laugh:

    I need to try the MIM again, but with sour cream-it was always a little too dry before for my liking.

    Hope everyone is doing well on this Friday! It started out sunny here, but is now cloudy, windy and rather chilly!! I'd rather be at home curled up with a good book!

    So the job hunt is going very well! My phone and email keep blowing up! Now to sort through it all and find "the one"!
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Saverys, the sour cream makes all the difference. It is more enjoyable. I saw a comment on about the sour cream.

    I didn't get my walk in this afternoon. Will try again this evening.

    I joined the 100 push up challenge last week and realized today that I havn't completed one push up this week. I totally let is slip my mind (probably on purpose - subconsciously). Now I have to get my three days worth of push up completed by Sunday so I can get back on schedule for Monday. My arms are already hurting just thinking about it! LOL

    Hope everyone is having a great day and have a fantastic weekend!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    v j i Love those muffin. only i like to bake mine in the oven. I like to make up more at one time and bake in a 9x9 glass baking dish and cut into 9 servings. freeze well too. So good with your coffee. i usally used 1 c oF FLAX SEED MEAL AND ADJUST THE OTHER STUFF AS NEEDED. I RAN ACROSS ANOTHER WEB SITE WITH SOME LOW CARB BREAKFAST aND THEY HAVE SOME FLAX MUFFINS THAT SOUNDS GOOD.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Marie what is the other site. I am always looking for new low carb recipes
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i LOOK AT IT WRONG . IT IS LOW FAT BREAKFASTyou might fine something. if you do let me know have you been to TO Linda's low carb recipes? if not just type in Lindo's low Carb recipes in search. Marie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! :smile:

    Don't tell me I beat Marie over here this morning!! :laugh:

    Yesterday was a weird day - almost no appetite at all during the day: I had a latte, banana, some nuts and a small granola bar and lots of water. Then around 8:30 last night my stomach decided to roar, so I decided I wanted Chinese! Needless to say I'm really puffy today from it, but oh well. I am to the point now where I can have a cheat day or two in my week, and know that my weight will go up by no more than 3lbs. And I'm comfortable with that.

    Today was supposed to be my 14 month weigh in but I'm postponing it indefinitely: I'm doing really well with eating and exercising about 95% of the time but the stress and lack of a good night's sleep are really taking their toll on me and my weight dips between 151-153. So I think my goal here is to just keep on track with my exercise and good eating and not focus on my weight at all. If I lose, great, if I just maintain, than that's fine too!

    Sorry for writing a book on you guys, but this has been on my mind lately and I needed to share - my hubby doesn't really get it. :wink:
  • Hi there,

    I'm new to your group, but I'd like to join!

    A little about me. I successfully lost alot of weight on atkins (70 lbs, which may not sound so huge, but I'm short, so I lost about 40% of myself!). I did the real atkins, where you go through all 4 phases, eventually getting to a really balanced diet that focuses on healthy carbs and that isn't just about butter and bacon! I have kept 60 lbs off. But. I have started to really struggle. I can't get the last 20 lbs to come off and stay off. And it isn't just because its "hard to lose the last x lbs," but also because for stress reasons, my eating has gotten out of control.

    So, back to basics for me.

    My holiday goals are to get within 5 lbs of what I think my ultimate goal weight is by Christmas. And then to maintain that through the winter...the time of year that I find really hard to maintain my weight. I'm going to be starting Atkins induction tomorrow. And I'm committing to blogging it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome Itrotter. not much going on this thread today. we sort of hideing out on weelend.But we are very much alive on Monday.

    So glad to see you posting.

    I have had a lazy day as usally. Had hubby go pick me up a greek salad, Now I am wishing for a chcolate cake. Guess I can make me a flax muffin. wtih cream cheese.

    HAve a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the welcome Marie!

    Today is the first day of atkins induction for me. Which has been easy so far...probably because my liver is still full of glucose from the donuts I had yesterday....

    But I am committed to checking in every day, for 7 days. I'm doing induction for 7 days. I only have 15/20 to lose, so I think 7 days is enough. But I've always found induction to be hard, even for a short amount of time. So, I'm trying to gather as much support around me as I can! I don't necessarily believe there is any magic to it on a biochemical level, but I am a confirmed sugary-floury-carb addict, and I find that i need a period of abstinence to turn things around...especially after I've started making a habit of the deadly donut.

    I planned my meals out for the next few days and I'm having steak for dinner. I'm excited about it. But I've never made steak before. I know folks on a low carb forum might find it hard to believe, but I have never made a practice of cooking meat. I'm a beans and eggs sort of gal, generally. But I thought I needed something special/enticing to get through the first few days, so, I'm going to try my hand at steak.

    Wish me luck!

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Marie!

    Today is the first day of atkins induction for me. Which has been easy so far...probably because my liver is still full of glucose from the donuts I had yesterday....

    But I am committed to checking in every day, for 7 days. I'm doing induction for 7 days. I only have 15/20 to lose, so I think 7 days is enough. But I've always found induction to be hard, even for a short amount of time. So, I'm trying to gather as much support around me as I can! I don't necessarily believe there is any magic to it on a biochemical level, but I am a confirmed sugary-floury-carb addict, and I find that i need a period of abstinence to turn things around...especially after I've started making a habit of the deadly donut.

    I planned my meals out for the next few days and I'm having steak for dinner. I'm excited about it. But I've never made steak before. I know folks on a low carb forum might find it hard to believe, but I have never made a practice of cooking meat. I'm a beans and eggs sort of gal, generally. But I thought I needed something special/enticing to get through the first few days, so, I'm going to try my hand at steak.

    Wish me luck!


    I and welcome!!!

    There is "some magic" to low carbing on the biochemical level. There is a reason that you are a sugar / flour addict.

    Well everyone I wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone.

    I got home a bit ago from taking Koko to puppy school and sitting down to watch the Cowboys game, we have it recording.

    I will be studying for my exam this Saturday!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome tati! :flowerforyou: Induction can be rough the first few days, but that's what we're all here for!!

    Good luck Grok! :drinker:

    Just finished baking a loaf of pumpkin bread and banana nut bread, cooking dinner (ham steak, sweet potato and green bean casserole!!) going to carve pumpkins tonight (first time EVER!) and getting tomorrow night's dinner ready to roll (pot roast in the crock pot!!). Been a busy bee today!

    Have an interview tomorrow at 4 and expecting 2 phone calls to set up 2 more! YAY! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good luck Saverygal on your job searce/. Sure hope you land a good one.

    our cooking sounds so good. you have been busy.

    Well cora the Cowboys lost. Terrible just terrible.

    I have been way off track. Got to get back on. Went shoppping this morniing and got me a Texas shirt for the rangers. They are doing great. so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi everybody! I have to go catch up on all the postings!!! I've been so busy this weekend -- sorry for not getting here before now.

    My son's friday night varsity football game was amazing! We beat a team we have not beat in 24 years and we locked ourselves into the playoffs. My son had so many tackles, and he had 4 sacks. He had THREE consecutive sacks...1st down SACK, 2nd down SACK, and 3rd down SACK! It was thrilling -- the crowd was going wild!!!! He backed them up to a 4th down and 30! It was in the last couple minutes of the game so he saved the game by stopping them cold!!! He was all over the Tri-States news, and is up for TWO awards this week in the Tri-States -- "Hero of the Week", and "Athlete of the Week". I'm so thrilled for him. I was so excited on that 3rd consecutive sack that I almost fell over the stadium rail. LOL I was a MESS! If you're interested in seeing the news Sports show about him and his team, The Blue can watch it at:

    It's a 30 min. show, but they talk about our team after the 10 second commerical, you can fast forward to 2 minutes 40 seconds and that will be the Quincy High School Blue Devils. My son's name is Chris'll see him. They are now calling our town, Quincy, "Koogler Town". LOL LOVE IT!!

    Anyway, it's really later and I have a headache. I need to go catch up with everybody's postings and then Guess I'll get off the clouds and try to get some sleep. :bigsmile:
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hello to all,

    I have used MFP for a couple of months. In 07, I lost over 50 lbs via low calorie, low fat and lots of exercise. Then some family drama happened, and I let my weight go up by 20lbs.

    Today I started induction (day 1) and could really use some cyberspace support. When I was much younger, I lost a lot of weight with this program. Back in the day it was a 0 carb approach with ketostix. I have picked up the newer version (The New Atkins, for A New You), and look forward to seeing results. My current challenges are "family drama ie divorce", and being around family who push "off limits food".

    I have changed my nutritional settings to follow the program. Is there a way to further change my settings to reflect net carbs? I am also curious about anti depressants. In the book it says anti depressants can interfere with following the program. Has anybody found this to be true? And I noticed on MFP, that ketostix are not recommended. Does anybody still use ketostix? What stores sitll carry them?

    Thanks to all! MFP has helped in so many ways!
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    ooops - double post
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Monday ladies! Where is everyone?!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend sassysouthern!!

    Welcome mom216! :flowerforyou: You've come to the right place for support! I don't think there is much else you can change on MFP as far as your settings to help with a LC WOE; if you want to track your net carbs, try tracking them in the notes section of your food diary; I've found that to be the most helpful!
    As far as anti-depressants...they can cause weight gain in a lot of people; I know I'm one of them, although I wasn't doing Atkins at the time, so I'm not sure how the two would work together.

    Wake up ladies and get your booties over here!!! :laugh:
  • Welcome mom216! I'm new here myself and am on my second day of induction. So maybe we can support each other during this time. I have had great success with low carb, not only losing weight, but keeping it off. But, being human, I faltered. And stress doesn't help. It was stress (and a new relationship--trying to manage my eating with someone elses has been tough), that pulled me away from what I know works. But it's better to pull in the reigns with just a little damage rather than alot, so kudos to you for doing something before the whole 50 lbs came back!

    As for the anti-depressants, I'm not a doctor--and even if I were one, I don't know your clinical history. But I will say this. If *you* think you need the meds, stay on them. Some do cause weight gain, but mostly through giving you the munchies--and low carb is the best way to manage carb cravings. And even if the meds will make it less effective...that's not the same thing as not effective. Is an extra couple of weeks to get to goal more important then managing your mood? Probably not. And although this way of eating will help your mood, and you may decide you can do without the meds (and certainly docs give these things out like candy these days!), it's not something to do impulsively.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome MOM 216 glad to meet you. this is rather a nice bunch of girls here. I think the world of them.
    I am stuggle along on low carbs. But working real hard today to stay on track so far so good.

    Have a good day.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hello Everyone,

    Glad to see everyone checking in today.

    Welcome Tatiana and Mom216. This is the place to be for support and encouragement.
    Ok - I got off track on Friday. Remember the cake? - well I didn't stay away from it - I cooked it so I knew it was just absolutely delicious. And no - I didn't log it because I didn't want to know. Saturday was my daughters birthday and we went to one of our favorite restaurants. There, I ate a yeast roll. One roll could be counted as two or three because they are sooooo big. Yesterday i did okay. I fired up the grill and cooked some pork steaks and riblets and had a salad for dinner.

    I'm not kicking myself about my choices because it was what I wanted and I enjoyed it. Now I'm back on track.

    Sassy - it sounds like that was a great game. I love football. I would have been right there with you yelling and screaming. We both probably would have fallen over the railing as we're yelling "get him get him!!! lol

    Well, time to get back to work. Will check back later.
  • VJ--good for you for getting back on track. Although when you started talking about yeast rolls, my mouth started watering...

    And Marie, some days are easier than others . Good on you for hanging in there when it's hard.

    I'm almost done with day 2 of induction. I'm great as long as I'm eating--I'm a plain food eater anyway, so eating what I can eat isn't the problem. (my very first steak cooking experience was delicious! In case you were wondering...) but when I'm not chewing, my mind starts wandering. And starts wanting things. But I'm hanging in there. Tomorrow I work, so it should be easier as I'll be running around all day. I just have to get there!

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
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