Group LLC Holiday Challenge!



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I hope you get to feeling better soon profjan!! I love popcorn too and have never noticed it having any effects on my weight loss. Such a great snack!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks girls, i think I am going to ride along for awhile. my diabetic doctor has moved her office closer to my house and she has a diet class once a month. i will sart going to. i called just now and they just had a class yesterday. so i just missed it this month. i have not been able to attend one for it last abou 3 hour and don't sart till 3oo Pm and he office was so faraway I HATED TO TO HAVE MY HUSBAND DRIVE ME OVER THERE AND HAVE TO COME BACK AND PICK ME UP.But now no excuse it is less than a mile away from me so no problem I knew I needed to go. I am going stayed lowcarbs for my blood sugar has been just great. But not as shrict as the Dukan Diet. That diet was getting so boring.

    Have a great day., all
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I hope you get to feeling better soon profjan!! I love popcorn too and have never noticed it having any effects on my weight loss. Such a great snack!!

    Air popped popcorn is on the list of foods for Phase 2/ 3 when you get to the part of adding grains in. I think it allows for like 3 cups of air popped popcorn in the Atkins book (2002 edition)
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Marie: My blood sugar is also better on low carb...and I stick to low sugars too for the added benefit. You'll do just fine even if you don't go as strict as Dukan -- you got a great start now so just keep your focus!

    I am just stopping by to say HI! I have to run errands and start up more laundry, so I'll check back.

  • SassySouthernGirl
    Quiet in here tonight! Thought I'd pop in and say hello before grabbing my cup of detox tea and my book! Might check back later if I don't fall asleep! Have a great night! :bigsmile:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    HAPPY THURSDAY!! :flowerforyou:

    Woke up before 6 ready to go! Already did some laundry, cleaned kitchen, had protein shake, did some training online, and packed up some samples to mail. About to go do my morning facial routine, shower and go run some errands. Started my 7-day detox drink today ....doesn't taste bad at all so won't have any trouble sipping on it throughout the day. :drinker: Anxious to see the results after 7 days!! :bigsmile: Need to get a battery for my scale. Feel like I'm shrinking but have no idea where I am. Maybe I'll pull out the measuring tape to see how my waist measurment is doing!

    I'll check back later to see how everybody's doing!! Any big plans for the weekend??
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good morning Sassy!!!

    My hubby is buying a motorcycle this weekend, so that is what we have planned and I am starting puppy school with my boxer this weekend. So Sunday's for the next 6 weeks will be tied up for at least an hour............

    I am combining the HCG plan with the Primal plan and it seems to be working well for me............
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!!!! Hope everyone is doing well !

    Sassy what detox drink are you doing? Tom is coming around the corner and I always like to keep my water weight down so maybe a detox during that time will help me out a little bit...

    Only 2 weeks left until Halloween :noway: I have already made my goal plan on how to stay away from me kids Candy :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I got my book today on the Sukan diet. now I am out of the mood. I am just going to count my calories and filled out my food chart each day to see What I am doing wrong. I can see right off the bat my fiber is way to low. So I will be working on that.

    I feel great today. Like something been lifted off of me.

    Have a great day everybody. Do what works for you.

  • SassySouthernGirl
    Marie: I TOTALLY agree with you. Everybody is different -- we should all do what works best for us without judgment from anybody -- our progress will speak for itself!! Just keep focused and keep up that great determination you have.

    Grok: The puppy school sounds like so much fun. Too late for my is 6 and one is 8, but they're pretty good dogs -- but more like people. LOL

    Tammie: The 7-day detox drink I'm doing is again an Arbonne product. Once I got so hooked on the RE9 skin care line by Arbonne, I became a consultant for a great discount. So I've been trying their weight loss line as well as their spa line ...still have products in my closet to get to -- I took advantage of a 50% for my first order and got all kinds of goodies! :bigsmile: Anyway...the 7-day detox drink is in their SeaSource Spa line of products. This is my first day, and I'm like you with TOM and bloating ... TOM is right around the corner for me so now is a good time to do the 7-day detox. I'll let you know how it works after the full 7-days. All it consists of is a cute little 1 oz blue bottle of the detox stuff that I add to the nice 32oz Spa bottle, mixed with 32 oz's in the fridge and I sip on it throughout the day. What I'm really excited about is my SeaSource mud body wrap ...haven't gotten to that one yet...but will soon! :wink:

    Well....gotta run ... one more load of laundry and some errands to run before the grandbaby comes over to stay with me today. you girls have a GREAT day!! :drinker:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well so far today! It is raining cats and dogs here today - what yucky weather!!

    I'm still holding onto those extra pounds that came out of nowhere, so I'm really not sure what's up with that. I've been diligent with my sodium intake and everything. I guess I'll just let it be for the time being.

    I had a job interview this morning; it was with a staffing agency but they have a lot of temp to hire positions and actually have an open position that seems like it might suit me very well, so I'm waiting for an email to set that interview up.

    I have a wretched headache going on from this weather. Blah. Don't think it's going to go away either!!
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hello Everyone,

    One of my goals for this month is to drink half my body weight in water which amount to approx 15 glasses of water. It has been going pretty well during the week, but on weekends - not so good. The downside to this goal is the constant running to the bathroom. I am soooooo sick of peeing that I could just scream. I have a Bubba Keg which holds 52 ozs of liquid and lord all of it wants to run through at one time. What happened to "time release" peeing?? I spend more time in the rest room than I do at my desk!!! Oops - gotta go. I'll check in later.

    BTW Platoon - those almond pancakes sounds delicious. I will have to try them and will follow the recipe as listed. I need something different for breakfast beside MIM.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Ok Everyone -

    As my daddy use to say - "I got a piece of hair across my *kitten*." Let me explain!!

    Last week, I realized that this week was Boss's Week so I got with my coworkers to plan a surprise luncheon for our boss on Friday (tomorrow). He has been hankering for some donuts for a few weeks so I thought it would be good to have donuts on Friday morning. As it would be - we are not having the luncheon - just cake - and one of my coworkers brought in the donuts this morning. Now mind you, I had already told them (coworkers) that I would not be eating any donuts because I was eating right and would not induldge. So yesterday, the person who was going to p/u the donuts asked me if there was anything that I wanted him to bring me from the donut shop. Again, I told him I didn't want any donuts. He asked again. I was like - WTF!!! Trying to be polite, I told him if they had any low carb donuts I would have one (we all know there is no such thing). Anyway - this morning he arrives with the box of donuts just as I was preparing my MIM. Again, he encouraged me to have one and again I said no thank you. My boss came into the kitchen and stated that I really wanted a donut and not my MIM. I assured him I didn't.

    Ok - jump to lunch time, donuts are still in the kitchen and I am heating up my veggies and salmon - WHY IN THE HELL ARE THEY CONSTANTLY ASKING ME TO HAVE A FREAKING DONUT?!?!?!?!? What part of no thank you do they not understand?!?!?! I have an overwhelming urge to smack the crap out of all of them but I will refrain.

    Ok - I'm okay now. Thanks for letting me vent.

    BTW - my veggies and salmon was absolutely delicious!!!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    *virtual hug to VJ* I'm so sorry!! My hubby used to do that to me sometimes when I first started that. I think people don't like to eat poorly around others, like they don't like to be alone! Like eating badly is a group activity! :laugh:

    I know we've all been in a similar situation at least once, if not more, so just smile, say NO, and inwardly cuss them out as need be. :wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    reall proud of you VJ. What is a MIM?

    <<<<<<<Hugs>>>>>>> Marie
  • SassySouthernGirl
    VJ....I'm right there with ya on all that water and peeing! LOL ALL night long ! But it'll pay off in the end. And, feel free to vent anytime -- that's what we're all here for ...SUPPORT and MOTIVATION! And GOOD FOR YOU on sticking to your guns about that donut! Some people don't have a You should be VERY proud of yourself!

    I'm here to say goodnight all. That little grandbaby was a mess today! Not happy about anything. Thinkin' it's teething issue. LOL Whew....she was somethin' else. And her mommy was a couple hours late picking her up --- found out she went home first to eat, change, and enjoy her Facebook. LOL Wow! Wish I could have had that opportunity when I was raising 2 kids alone. LOL stepson brings the baby 2 hours before he has to be at work, and the mommy picks her up about 2 hours after she gets off work. Thinkin' I may need to set some rules. LOL

    Anyway....all in all a good day. I got a bit stressed a couple hours ago and ate about 5 bites of lasagna that was in kitchen for hubby's and kids' dinner. Oh well. Sad thing is...I was NOT hungry at all -- the supplements I'm taking is really giving me energy and shutting down my appetite. Guess I still need to control my own emotions though. LOL Hopefully it won't do too much damage. Still need a battery for my scale to know where I'm at -- and TOM is lurking -- so maybe I shouldn't even weigh until after that. Who knows -- clothes feel way better though and I feel better...that's what's MOST important for all of be healthier and FEEL GOOD !

    Talk to y'all tomorrow!! What a great group we have here!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Ohhhhh I would love to comment on the people who try to get us to eat things we don't want to eat!!! I understand that people enjoy a party. But when we say "no thanks" it should be left at that. Then the questions start, and they try to encourage us to eat "just a taste" or whatever. For some reason that really annoys me! Now that I have that off my chest.....
    I wish everyone a good, healthy, fun weekend! Trying to keep up with my workouts and food planning. I am meeting a friend for dinner tonight and already figured out what I would have so I can be prepared. Good Friday to all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning. Up and atta'em this morning. Beautifull crisp morning it is too. head is kind of stuff up But sure it will get better Now to go and chart my food intake. Have a good day.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Good morning everyone,

    It is a beautiful day - the sun is shining and it is FRIDAY!!!

    Thanks for all the support. It is greatly appreciated. Now I need to find a whole lot of will power for today. Here's why.
    My contribution to boss's day was a cake - so last night I made an apple spice cake with homemade caramel sauce. It is one of my favorite cakes and it is quite delicious.

    So everyone send me your positive vibes to refrain - despite how loud that cake is calling my name!!! LOL
    reall proud of you VJ. What is a MIM?

    <<<<<<<Hugs>>>>>>> Marie

    MIM is a muffin in a minute or muffin in a mug. I found it off the Atikins site. It's a muffin made of flaxseed meal, baking powder and egg. Mix it up and microwave it in a mug (or bowl or any container to make a particular shape) for a minute and wha-la you have a muffin. I had to make adjustments to it for the taste. I usually have it for breakfast everyday.

    It you are interested here is the recipe:

    1 tsp butter - melted
    1/4 cup flaxseed meal
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1 egg
    1 splenda

    I add:
    1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 tbl sour cream (for moistness)

    I also eliminated the splenda and use 8 drops of Stevia

    I usually melt the butter in a coffee mug then add all the other ingredients except the sour cream. Mix well - then add the sour cream. The recipe calls for microwaving for one minute - but I microwave for 1.5 minutes. It is good and full of fiber - I think 35 grams. It can be toasted or used as bread for a sandwich. Sometimes I eat it plain or I'll add cream cheese.

    You can use different spices to create an endless variety of flavors.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    VJ150 Those Muffins sound so good!!! I can't have bread so making those out of Flaxseed meal is heaven to my ears :bigsmile: I have to go out and buy some more flaxseed meal so i can start baking more now since the weather is starting to get cold. I can't wait to try this recipe thank you for sharing :flowerforyou: