Group LLC Holiday Challenge!



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Platoon you are welcome to join us. look like you are doing Ok.that is a good diet to follow. keep in touch with us and let us know how you are doing. youccan eat anything but the white starchy stuff, Not bad.

  • Good Morning all!

    Welcome Platoon!

    I was up by 5:30 this morning, energetic and ready to go! Busy day today and I will be keeping the grandbaby this afternoon, so better run get all my stuff done before she gets here. It's all about chasing her around once she arrives. LOL

    I'll check back on y'all later -- -have a great ON PLAN day!! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will be gone the all this morning.
    Can't think of a thing to take to snack on in case we ar running late/ I think I will take a roll ham sl with fat free cheese. that will do it. See you guys later.

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Hi platoon! Hope you'll still around and join in every now and again! It's always nice to have a fresh face! And yes, a low carb lifestyle is totally sustainable! :drinker:

    Have a great morning Marie and catch up with us later!

    Sounds like you have a busy day sassysouthern!!

    I HATE my scale today. It is :devil: I went up 3lbs. this morning for no reason that I can see, unless TOM is really going to be a wench and cause major water retention. Trying to appease my body today by drinking lots of water and tea. Stupid freaking things that make us women gain weight. :angry:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Saverys_Gal have you tried lowering your sodium intake when Tom is around???? I have noticed when i lower mine it helps me not gain a lot of water weight!! Don't let those 3lbs get you down you know you have been eating right and working out so my guess it's just Tom.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    It may be sodium-since I've upped my cals and carbs my sodium has gone up too, not above the daily amount, but still higher than what it used to be. So it may be that my body is rebelling against that. Who knows!! Our bodies are so very complex, especially when it comes to TOM.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am back! My menu for today.


    oatbran cereal, coffee

    roast beef with no cal and bo carb BBq sauce 1/2 c greek yogurt. Love that stuff with some splenda and some lemon juice

    Supper more of the same

    snacks too.

    Got to get my groer store lisst ready for tomorrow is grocer shopping day,
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I'm trying my hand at "Primal" Almond Pancakes tonight... I think I've got all the right ingredients. I'm sooo excited... I think mostly because I love pancakes, and the thought of giving them up for this lifestyle made me cringe. But now that I can have my [pan]cake, and eat it too makes me ECSTATIC! :-) If you'd like the recipe, message me.

    Next time, I'll try Coconut pancakes!

    BTW - please friend me. I could surely use some low-carb buddies! :-)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Yum! I love roast beef! My picky hubby hates it though. :noway:

    Let us know how the almond pancake go, Monique!! I haven't had pancakes in ages; I'm definitely curious as to how these stack up against the real thing! :smile:
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Will do! :-)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Anyone have a good London Broil recipes????? I want to try something new instead of how i make my london broil....
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Let me start off by saying I'm hard-headed. I always have been, and I always will be. Never been one to strictly follow directions... and I question/challenge everything.

    That said - no matter how bad I botched this recipe, the pancakes were DELICIOUS! :-)

    Here is the recipe that I chose to follow:

    Almond Meal Pancakes

    1 1/2 cups almond meal or flour*
    1/2 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract
    Blueberries (or your favorite fresh fruit)**

    Combine all ingredients, portion out onto a hot griddle and cook until golden brown.

    * Almond meal is simply ground up almonds with their skin on. Almond flour is made by first blanching the almonds to remove the skins prior to them being ground.
    ** You could also mash up a banana and mix it in the batter to make them Banana Almond Meal Pancakes

    (Compliments of

    My mistakes: From the start, I chose to disregard the cinnamon, substitute the coconut milk and vanilla extract with almond milk and banana extract, respectively. I also used EVOO instead of a lighter-flavored oil. Don't do these things. A few other recipes also suggested a teaspoon of honey. (I didn't have any.)

    MY pancakes were not sweet at all, but they were fluffier than I expected, and had that slight crisp that I love from the hot oil.

    I cheated, and had one fork full with maple syrup, the sweetness of which caused me to forget that they were made from almonds. :-) The texture of the pancake was very similar to one made with all purpose flour.

    Out of pure laziness, I divided the battered into 4 very large pancakes, and ate one. My diary reflects one fourth of each item.

    Overall, I would definitely recommend this recipe to someone who wants little to no carbs, but still wants to enjoy a pancake or waffle from time to time. I would say, don't be hard-headed like me; follow the recipe. :-)
  • Hey Everybody! It's been a really busy day for me, and I also kept the grandbaby about 6 hours so got plenty of exercise chasing her round! LOL It's so good to come here and read all of your postings and see everybody on track, and sharing recipes (and the look SO good)! Glad to be a member of such a supportive and motivating group!! So....thanks!

    Getting ready now to do my nightly facial routine, drink my hot cup of detox tea, and read a little. Then, it's off to bed. Hoping to sleep past 5:30 AM in the morning....:bigsmile:

    See you guys tomorrow morning!! :wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I crash toninght. I just had the "wants" so I ate. naufhty me.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Yummy! Those pancakes sound really good platoon, even if you "botched" them!!! Kinda wishing my bagel for breakfast was pancakes now...:noway:

    Hope you get some extra sleep sassysouthern!! :smile:

    We all have those days Marie! Pick yourself back up today and get right back on track! :flowerforyou:

    @ tammietifanie: I'm not sure about london broil. It's not something I cook at all, so I can't give you a new recipe. Anyone else got a new spin on preparing this???

    How is everyone doing this morning?? It's hump day! :bigsmile:

    I got in one kick butt workout last night; I :heart: Leslie Sansone!! I've dropped one of my 3lbs. gain...thinking it's a funky combo of bloat and constipation. :sick: I hate being a woman some days! So I'm just going to keep pushing on through it and hopefully it will drop off here in the next few days.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hi my Lovely Low Carb Gang!!!

    Guess who????? its me, aka July24Lioness. I am back and I have started a local Low Carb Support Group here at my job.

    I am coaching 3 people right now and think I have recruited the manager at McDonalds close to my house!!

    I am going to get her going with either Atkins or the Primal Blue Print (I have given her both books to read), take her shopping and start walking with her at our local park!!

    I am excited to begin truly helping others in their journey!!!
  • Happy Wednesday!! I'm up early again this morning, full of energy and ready to go!

    Marie: you've done so well -- just pick yourself up and get back at it! you know you can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Tammie: I am just no cook at all, so I can't help with the london broil question. Sorry!

    Saverys: Great job on he kick butt workout! Speaking of working out...I gotta get back to Snap Fitness SOON!!! Like TODAY!!! :bigsmile:

    Grokette: the coaching sounds awesome .... always nice to help others!!

    Time for my morning protein shake, then it's time for my morning RE9 facial, shower and off to run errands and get the day started! Y'all have a great day!! :wink:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Good morning my lovely losers! :wink:

    Cora, I'm sure you will be a wealth of knowledge to those you will be coaching!!

    Yummy protein shake sassysouthern! Yeah, I've been loving my kick butt workouts here lately-I feel like superwoman afterward! :blushing:
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Hi Everyone, Seems like you are all doing pretty well. Those pancakes sound good, Platoon! I haven't tried to make any of the recipes using almond flour and all those other things. I need to give it a try to change things up a bit.
    I ate some microwave popcorn last night because I just needed some crunch. It really wasn't bad and I'm sure won't make too much of a difference. Trying to keep up with the exercising, although I have a cough and it makes it hard then. Happy Wednesday to all!
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