Group LLC Holiday Challenge!



  • Look at all of you staying on plan over the weekend!!! WAY TO GO!!! Let's get it done!! :bigsmile:

    Got home around 1:30 AM -- we lost 26-23. VERY strange game. The first half was were losing 20-0. NOT like us at all, as we had only lost one game all year. 2nd half the guys came up with fires under their butts and scored 23 points! Final was 26-23. We could have tied it up in the last 30 seconds...but our coach made the strangest call. We were about to kick a field goal to tie it up, and our kicker (who is awesome) PASSED the ball to the endzone for a score - he's NEVER passed the ball before...what a stupid call. Anyway...two games left and we need to when ONE of them to get in playoffs. First of those 2 games will be very very tough against a team we have never beat. So...... I'm a nervous wreck! :tongue: Our crowd stood the whole 2nd half, and none of us have voices left today!! LOL

    Gotta go get things done and get ready for my ALABAMA game in a couple of hours! Love my f'ball! I'll check back later...have a great Saturday.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning to you all, I am getting weak in my foods.for some reasons i woke up feeling so hungry and wanted bicuite and Jelly. It is going to take every oz of my will power to resist. temtations today.. Will go make me a big glass of crytal lite orange drink to see if that help. This is the first morning I have felt like this. Better go get my oat bran. Wish I knew how to make an oatbran muffin.Think I will try to look it up Talk to you guys latter

  • No I don't Nicole, but I will check next time I see it...
  • Calie: I always have more trouble on weekends too, but doing pretty good. STICK WITH IT!! You are doing so good!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I made it thru breakfasst. not exactly on plan but still pretty good. I made a muffin way too much oat bran but other than that if was all on plan.

    Muffin recipes:1/4 c oatbran
    1/4 egg beaters
    2 t splenda 1 t chocoa powder
    mix and bake at 4oo degree for 15 minutes i cook mine in a spray chicken pot pan. Pretty tasty. or at least it satisfy me for what I wanted this morning.
    Was it all down with crystal lite orange drink. and a cup of coffee.

    For lunch deli ham , cottage cheese

    Supper,,, Roast and cottage cheese.

    Snacks greek yogurt.
    Now Sammiy AND i ARE HEADED OUT FOR OUR WALK. and be ready for the rangers game and the cowboys game.All afternoon of tv.
  • It's so quiet in here this weekend! I do see CALIE though! Glad to see you are getting thru the weekend -- I'm with ya! Guess I'll check back tomorrow -- hope to see everybody back to kick off MONDAY!! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lost 2 lbs this week. Just what he said I will do. I will admit it was a tuff weekend. Had to fight it all the way thru. now i am straving for breakf sst.Thank Sassy for your support for the weekend. I would not have made it without you. Marie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!! :smile:

    Sorry I wasn't here to give support yesterday Marie! I wish we had the option to get emails every time a new post cam through on our thread. It would make it nice for the days when we're not near a computer!

    Great job on the 2lbs. drop Marie! You're doing fantastic! :bigsmile:

    How is everyone else doing today?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Severy_gal. Sassy got me thru it the bad spell. i had yesterday. Hope I don't have anymore of them. it is a very hard game losing weight. It is not an easy job. I hear Canada is having their Thangiving today . Seems so early. I have a dear friend getting up this morning to cook a big dinner I don't cook anymore so its is up to my girls to do it. But we all pitch in and help. Their is always food I can have so I am not worried about it. I will make me a crusstless pumpkin pie which I can have on my veggie day.
    All the fall leaves are looking so good now up north. Ours have not turn there ugly brown yet.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • YEA MARIE!!!!! You are really getting it done!!! I know you're glad you made it thru the weekend is hard, but worth it!! :flowerforyou:

    My battery died in my scale, so I'll get another one when I run out to do errands. Feels strange not weighing. LOL I'm on track and doing well though. I didn't take all of my supplements over the weekend...that's the only thing I didn't do right....just off routine, but back to it today. Drinking my Fizzle tab energy drink now. Will be heading to Sam's Club in a few minutes, after I finish packing up some Arbonne samples to mail out.

    Lookin' like Fall here too!! So pretty!!! Virbrant colors -- love it!! :bigsmile:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I plan on making a crustless, no bake pumpkin pie here soon myself!!

    Ugh. I'm just so down in the dumps today guys. It's not affecting my eating or wanting to work out or anything. I'm just cranky, angry, tired. It's part PMS (TOM is due this week, and yeah, I know it seems like every time I post I'm on TOM, but mine is every 2 weeks!), part exhaustion from not getting a good night's sleep in over a week and just stress. I'd forgotten how much job hunting sucks. I hate how some of these companies make you copy and past your resume in, attach it and then go through and fill out everything that's already in your resume!! It's pointless to sit and spend 35 minutes on one job application when my resume already says everything they're asking for.

    I'm trying to stay really positive, but today is just not one of those days.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :sad: :sad: Saverys_Gal.... I hope you feel better ! I hate days like that. I agree on the filling out all the information for the job and then having to send in a resume on top of it.. It's just extra work for no reason
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hi Everyone,

    As you have notice, I'm not a talker (or writer). It's a characteristic I have been working on for a long time, but doesn't seem to get any better at it. Despite my lack of "talking" I'm glad to see everyone is sticking in there and staying on plan.

    Marie, congratulations on the loss. Any amount is a success and I will be excited when I'm able to say I have started back loosing!!!

    Saverys, I'm sorry for your "mood" I totally understand and feel for you. I hope you feel better real soon. I know surgery is not for everyone, but I believe having my surgery almost 20 years ago was the BEST thing I could've done.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Great recipe for a Lunch or a Dinner

    3 cups fresh spinach
    1 sliced mushroom, sliced
    1/4 sliced red onion, sliced
    4 ounces grilled or broiled salmon fillet
    1 tablespoon crumbled feta cheese add to shopping list
    2 tablespoon fat-free red wine vinaigrette

    1. Place the spinach on a plate. Arrange the mushroom and onion slices on top. Top with the salmon and cheese and drizzle with the vinaigrette.
    Nutritional Facts per serving
    CALORIES 295.3 CAL
    FAT 14.4 G
    SODIUM 689.7 MG
    PROTEIN 26.3 G
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey good that we are all sticking together.

    saveryI I am surprized your dr, has ot wanted to do sugery. or something.. I had mine done long time ago. I had cancer an they removed all then. thats been over 25 years ago. no problems since.

    Vj good to hear from you. ansd that you are doing ok.

    Sassy, You are a busy girl. Tell me about your grandbaby? when did this happen.? They are so sweet.

    Mine are all grown and most are doing well but Have a couple of them that don't want to take responsiveabilty of themselve. think the the world ows them a living. have no rpet for the lsw either.

    my menu for today. this is cruise day. but for some reasons no appetite
    Breakfast: Scramble egg with non fat cheese
    lunch cottage cheese with sugar free jello.
    Supper roast beef with cabbage
    Snacks greek yogurt

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Nummy recipe tammietifanie! And I :heart: your new pic of your and your boys! It's so cute and you look great girl!!

    Menu sounds great again today Marie!

    Glad you checked in with us VJ! Even if you only say a couple of words, we love to hear from you! :drinker:

    Thanks for the support ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    As for why I'm having a TOM every 2 weeks and why the DR hasn't done anything about it: I came off of the pill in April of this year and have been told by my old and very trusted GYN that it may take my body 6 months to a year to sync and get normal after being on the pill for so long. My cycles have been totally out of whack since I came off the pill, so I'm very inclined to agree with her! So I'm going to give it a full year and if my cycles are still really weird, I'll be going in for my yearly and having a few things done; my old GYN thinks there is a good chance I'm having some of my mom's problem's, so we'll see!

    But TOM and major stress definitely do not go well together!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Thank you! :flowerforyou: It was yesterday at our favorite Pumpkin Patch!!!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Everyone seems to be doing ok. TOM stuff is not fun. Throws me off big time, and I'm too old for this! Can't wait till it is all over.
    I am fighting a bad cold and trying to deal with eating properly and exercising. I am off to work in a little bit. Hopefully my voice holds out! Happy Monday to all.
  • SaverysGal: Sorry you’re feeling BLAH! It’s stressful looking for jobs, and TOM never helps! I’ll be thinkin’ of you and hoping the very best for you!! :flowerforyou:

    VJ: good to see you pop in! :smile:

    Tammie: The recipe sounds great! Thanks for sharing with us. I’ll for sure give it a try. :bigsmile:

    Marie: Keep up the good work today! You’re shrinking!! :drinker:

    ProfJan: Hope your cold gets better soon. :smile:

    RES: WHERE ARE YOU GIRL??? :sad:
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Hi LLCers! I just wanted to say hi... I'm following a derivative of the paleo diet, which limits my carb intake to only veggies, fruits, and certain nuts. So far, so good... it's nice to see other people out there who believe that, with a little discipline and creativity, a low carb lifestyle is perfectly sustainable. :-) Good luck on your journey...
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