

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend

    Juanita in sudbury
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Alison - where in NH will you be? Hope you have a great time!!!

    Bumping for later also

    Jill in western MA (and just a wee bit off the interstate)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to the new ladies.

    I hit my 10,000 step goal on my fitbit by 1:00 today! I went walking on a new trail here in town that was built on the old railroad tracks. It's a nice paved path just for walkers and bicycles. Very nice. It's the first time I've used it and it's been there about two years. The trail head is about 3 blocks from my studio, so I walked there to start. I turned back at 4th street which gave me about 2 miles. Next time I'm going to see how far it goes. I ran into a couple that I know and stopped to talk to them for a while. That was nice.

    I took a good look at my driver's license the other day when I gave it to a clerk and she said "this is you?". I'm going to try to post the picture here, along with one from yesterday so you can see the change. I know I have a long way to go, but it's progress, at least. The D/L photo wasn't even at my highest weight. I added about 40 pounds after that was taken. You can probably understand why I don't have many from later.


    I give up. I tried resizing it in photobucket but it's still big. Anybody know how to fix it?


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Marking my place before early dinner and graduation ceremony...
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone!

    It is a lovely day in Oklahoma. Yesterday was busy so I did not get to pop in here or work out. Some of you may remember we renovated our kitchen a few months ago, we finally ordered a new refrigerator and dishwasher yesterday. We should have them within a week. We ate at an Italian restaurant yesterday, a late lunch. Italian is dangerous for me because I love it! I didn't have much of anything for dinner, just a snack and my weight was back where it should be today!:smile:

    Today I did weights for back and chest, yoga, and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I was glad to have this afternoon to work on my current art project. This is a drawing in graphite, bliss! I usually listen to music and the birds outside when I am drawing, today I listened to Loreena Mckennitt. Just a wonderful afternoon.

    Sylvia, you are doing fantastic! The photo shows what a great job you are doing. Thanks for sharing.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome all new ladies.

    I hope everyone has a great evening.

    Cindy in OK
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Took my aluminum to the Humane Society, then went to Bi-Lo, then took the deep water class. After that went to play mahjongg then to Lowe's Foods for a few things then home to go in the pool.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do some challenges that I found on another forum.

    Joyce - I wouldn't frame the golf score card. I'm thinking that it would hurt Charlie too much. Maybe his Parkinson's did get in the way, and that would just be a reminder that he can't do what he used to do. I'm with you, I'd just drop it. It very very rarely (if ever) happens that I beat Vince in bowling, but when I do, I just don't say anything and drop the whole thing

    Heather - I'm with you about the freezer. I honestly wish I'd gotten the larger one. but oh well......I buy things when they are on sale and freeze away, I make things in advance (like you do ) and freeze them so that's one less thing I have to worry about.

    Cheryl - it does sound like your doc wanted to sell you things. Can you look for another doc, one who has your best interests and isn't interested in selling?

    Question for anyone who has a KitchenAid mixer - I've been looking at that "shield" thing and am wondering if it's any good. What has been your all experiences?

    Barbara - pull up a chair and jump right in! So glad you're with us

    jb - yes, focusing on the positives is great

    I never knew that ibuprofen contributes to weight gain! thanks for informing me

    Carol in NC - hope things work out the way you want them to about the job. How interesting which places card and which don't

    katla and anyone else - do you have any ideas for plants that require very little maintenance (the water they'd get would be the water mother nature provides) that maybe I can plant under the power lines? I just would like that area to look nice. We can't have bushes that grow tall at all. It gets full sun and sometimes the temps get into the 100's. I take the aluminum that the cat food comes in, any aluminum cans, and I saw that someone one time had put in the aluminum pie plates, but that's about IT. Our regular recycling place takes aluminum foil

    SnagTop - we love having you here! Come back often. Enjoy your weekend

    Christine - you've certinly come to the right place for some wonderful friends

    Adaniel - you joined by posting! It is possible to lose 50 lbs but it probably will take a while. Don't get discouraged. come back here for motivation.

    Sylvia - I love those "rails to trails" paths. We went on a bike ride on one in Jim Thorp (PA) and it was really lovely. Whenever I want to go for a walk, Vince always asks "can't we go for a bike ride instead, you always stop and talk to everyone". What a difference in those pics!

    I'll post this now so that I mark my place. Have a great day everyone

    Michele in NC
    who has chocolate bran muffins in the oven to freeze
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 440 Member

    I have the pour shield for my Kitchenaid Mixer and I really like it. It keeps me from getting flour, eggs and liquids on my counter.

    I also have a Rose of Sharon by my house that only gets what Mother Nature gives it. It is almost even with the roof of our garage now. It also has nice blooms in the spring and summer. Hope this helps.

    Cindy in Ok
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome all new Ladies.:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Yep, me too! :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: BUMP~~~!!

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy Friday!

    My cream and blue hydrangea is finally blooming as is my blue balloon flower! Making a sweet potato pie and a French coconut pie for the baby shower tomorrow later on. Finally remembered to pick up some peanuts with the weekly bag of bird seed. today for the birds. Absolutely POURING rain at the moment.

    Michele................Black or (Brown) eyed Susans come to mind; they are perennial, reseed themselves, don't require much in the way of water (or anything else, for that matter) and only get about 2ft. high. Dusty Miller should work too where you are. If you want something like a hardy rose there are ground cover low growing Knock-outs which require almost nothing and bloom, bloom, bloom but they would be a bit more on the pricey side.

    Katla...........Love the new pic...........how old is she?

    Anamika..........Thanks for the explaination of IGCSE. One of my DD's courses this spring was contemp. lit from around the world; wonder if they did any of the books/authors you are doing?????????

    Beth........."all that will be left is a grease spot"...........WOW!!!! Memories; this phrase was something I heard all the time growing up in Pa.

    Dee Dee...............I got about 5 hrs. last night but is was good sleep.

    Heather.........I've made scones, but they were DRY. Two freezers
    green with envy here!!!

    Barbie.........Got a good laugh over your 90 y.o. cousin and her pizza............spoke with my own upper 80's cousin today.

    Cheryl..............Welcome back..............post all the pics you want!

    Tere...............1st Landing. Had to look up your term bee martin to find out it is another name for the Am. Kingbird, a flycatcher.

    Carol.............Major congratulations to your son on his graduation. May he have much success and happiness in his life! Ypur "undercover" work sounds exciting!!! AND great news on the possible house sale price!!!

    Kim.............Honey moon
    of course I had to look that term up!!! Because of all the full moons, it is the most likely to glow yellow throughout the night................National Geographic actually called it "creepy"; doesn't seem creepy to me.

    47Jacqueline.........How long will it be until you can take your exam and be certified? Are you nearly finished?

    Getting more stormy.............going to post this before I lose it.

  • chezwhat
    chezwhat Posts: 11 Member
    mollywhippet--what amazing progress!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Just saving my place:bigsmile:

    Sylvia:smile: Woo hoo girl, you look fabulous:happy: !!! Congrats, your hard work has paid off!!!

    Carol:smile: Congrats to the boy child on his graduation:flowerforyou: , congrats to you as well, ask more for your house!!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Pop in often!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses: :glasses:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi everyone,

    While I’m not quite sure if I want a FitBit for myself (since I’m trying to avoid microanalysis at this time), I do plan to get one for my step father for Father’s Day. I know someone mentioned getting theirs at Kohl’s. Did they take the 15% or 20% off coupon???

    Hoping “cauliflower cake” tastes much better than is sounds.:wink:

    Very interesting info Anamika. Will be brushing up on my basic geography this summer because I was thinking Mumbai is in Africa and all this time I've been reading your posts with an African accent instead of an Indian accent :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:

    Tere, and all who mentioned/joked about. I’m afraid that I’m the type who would NEVER be able to give up eating all together. Perhaps hypnotism :smokin:

    Went to a pretty challenging Zumba class this morning. Aaron was done with school at lunchtime. We ran a couple of errands but he wanted to come home and chill.....with his games OF COURSE.

    He'll be visiting his new school on Monday morning when I go drop off the paperwork for a tour and to meet the principal. Hoping it gives him something to look forward to.

    Leaving for Florida on Wednesday morning (I kept thinking Tuesday but I counted wrong).

    Awesome "before" and "after" Sylvia.

    Boy the temp sure dropped here, it almost feels cold. Glad to have the AC back off and hoping for a good night's sleep. BUSY BUSY BUSY weekend ahead.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. Catch up with you later.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Sylvia Love your picture, My license has me at a higher weight than I am...and I'm sure I cheated when I put that down.

    The flooded floor saga continues. They want to dig a 6 foot trench through my new beautiful landscaping to replace a pipe.
    And the insurance won't pay for any of it. We are ripping out the carpet in one bedroom that is soaking wet. When we get back to a trip to Minnesota and Wisconsin we'll decide what kind of flooring to put in there. Kind of a disheartening week.

    But, the weather is beautiful. We've had the chance to visit with friends from out of state that we haven't seen for a while. We "get to" clean out a lot of junk that has just been stored in the damaged rooms. All in all...it's okay.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Cheryl (wessecg) – is your dr a primary care? He sounds like a sales guy….:noway:

    Tere - light calistentics ?LOLOLOLOLOL:blushing:

    Barbara in Byron – stick with it; log everything, measure everything, and this isn’t a short term diet it is a lifestyle change – some have done it via portion control, some by eliminating foods… we each are finding our own path.

    Jb – good thought about Gabriela…

    Carol – what a packed post! - lets see great job:love: being a listening ear for the grandmom who’s DGD tried to commit suicide; maybe your pastor and a counselor could work as a team. – Listening is what she needed and you provided it. Great Job - :happy: Teaching your safety class sounds great! And certainly needed! Your kids got a neat opportunity – and you can add that to your resume “driving the getaway car” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! What a blessing that the folks can be there for graduation, but lower your stress by hoteling it. :smile:

    Katla - great job on gardening in a small space!

    Snag Top, Christine, Adaniel – welcome

    Sylvia – great photo, you look really great – love the hair do! I wish mine had some body!

    Michele – DO not bother with the shield ! I have 3 kitchen aid mixers (my everyday one and the ones for classes) and one came with the shield I was really excited about it , but not after I tried it… just a hassle and depending on what you were making, you might have to take it off for a good bowl scraping and then put it back… Just read Cynthia’s post she has better success with hers than I did with mine! :flowerforyou:

    I gardened for 3 hours this morning, and then drove 1 hour to sign my name on some investment papers - that had to be signed in person...caught up here and now off to get some embroidery done. so much work -- it is feast or famine here a few weeks ago I was scraping by; now there are not enough hours in a day to get everything done!

    Smiles Kim in CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    evening ladies~
    Sylvia~ you look wonderful, what a great job... you go girl....
    Christina? from Ma. I am in Connecticut , and there are a couple of more people around New England here too.
    Jill- we are going to Moultonborough,N.H. it is on Lake Winnipesauki (sp)never was great at spelling sorry... for about 4 days then down to the cottage 2 miles north of Hampton Beach...for 4 more days with the granddaughter's...
    my DH was going to buy me tickets to see Keith Urban for my birthday ,but I didnt want him spending that kind of money.. so I told him not to...
    I stuffed myself this evening again... I dont know if im trying to self sabatoge myself or what...but am just having a cup of tea and will conk off ,I have to work tomorrow... we will be picking my DFIL and dad up to take them to an early dinner tomorrow for Father's day..