30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Day 2 of 30 day Shred is done . I was sore doing it and sore now,lol, but I know it will get better, I just have to stay focused on the end and hopefully I will see results. I hope there is exercise on here for snow shoveling,lol.
  • amyadell
    amyadell Posts: 46 Member
    22minutes, to be exact! 2min warm up, three 6min circuits (3min strength, 2min cardio. 1min abs.... repeat x3). Then 2min cool down and we are DONE!!! Woo Hoo :)
  • Hi everyone! Is it too late to join your group? Technically I started the shred last Wednesday... I did it Wednesday and Thursday but could hardly move Friday. (We had a death in the family so weekend workouts didn't happen. Too much emotional stress did a toll on me) BUT, I'm ready to get back at it!

    How do you y'all do this every day?! LOL. I need motivation. I have to admit though, even though sore I felt great last week.
  • Completed day 1! Had to modify the jump roping and some other stuff due to a bad knee that I have now. (don't remember my knee hurting as a much last time I did this). But, I'm going to stick through it. Going to add some more cardio with it today by getting on the treadmill or the elliptical and then doing the workout.
  • cel_v2
    cel_v2 Posts: 10
    Completed L1-D1 last night; had to modify some of the moves as it was hurting my knees. But managed to finish by having one or two 5 seconds break. I felt a bit nauseous towards the end. Very sore/stiff this morning, hopefully tonight will be better!
  • I started this last week, and still on level 1, so I'm in! I am keeping track of calories, and a little discouraged I haven't lost more than the 3 pounds. Maybe I am getting more muscle, than burning fat? Either way, I am going to keep with it!!
  • Gosh everyone must be in way better shape than me! lol I made right before the cool down and couldn't manage to pull off the last jump rope. I sat down drank some water and ended up having to lay on the floor with my pants off, nauseous, headache, light headed for 10-15min. Took awhile to recover and didn't get any house work done. lol My HRM watch said I burned 160cal but idk I couldn't get it to read my HR 1/3 through cause I was sweating under the watch and it wouldn't read my HR.

    Anyone else get nauseous, headache, light headed? I did everything modified but those jump ropes are killer. It's kinda hard to modify that. It's been about 3-4yrs since i've been active. Was 155 when I graduated HS in 05' and am 176 now(was actually 150 about 6wks postpartum after baby #2 born dec 09). So not sure if maybe I just overexerted myself or what.

    Hi! I don't think that you're alone feeling that way. I think that, while 30 DS is doable for all fitness levels to some extent, it helps to have eased back into working out prior to starting. I've been consistently back into working out for almost two months. I really think that helped me. That said, like I mentioned in my earlier post, I still had to take some five second breaks and do some of the modified exercises. Don't feel badly about modifying or taking those breaks. Soon, we'll realize that we don't need as many breaks and then none at all. Even though it's recommended to stay at each level for 10 days, there's no shame in staying there a little longer if we have to. :smile: You tried it (and there's kudos for that) and you finished it--that's what matters. Also, make sure that you've had something to eat and that you're hydrated. I was tempted to do this before breakfast, but I remember in the past that when I tried to workout on a completely empty stomach and little water, I felt like I was going to pass out/get sick. Not saying to do this immediately after eating; that could make us sick, too, but we should at least have had a snack an hour or so before. :smile:

    Awesome job! We can totally do this!!! :happy:

    Thanks Val! I did eat breakfast and lunch and then waited a couple hours. I think my failing point was that I only had a glass of milk with my lunch before the exercise. At least I hope. I would hate to have to go through that with every exercise till my body gets used to it.
  • Anyone else get nauseous, headache, light headed? I did everything modified but those jump ropes are killer. It's kinda hard to modify that. It's been about 3-4yrs since i've been active. Was 155 when I graduated HS in 05' and am 176 now(was actually 150 about 6wks postpartum after baby #2 born dec 09). So not sure if maybe I just overexerted myself or what.

    I modify the jump ropes by jogging instead of jumping. That helps me on the first circuit and then I find by circuit 3 I'm able to jump. The only time I get lightheaded is when i stand up after doing the chest flys, so I just try to get up slowly.

    Definitely feeling my calves this morning but excited to do my workout when I get home from work!!

    Thanks! I think if I do that i'll be able to get through the whole thing! I'm gonna have to do that this afternoon!

  • Don't worry so much if it's hard at first....that's what I keep telling myself. I always thing that this should be easier...I mean, how hard are jumping jacks? Well for me....they're hard! LOL. And I can't do a real push up....not even modified... so I do wall push ups for now.... but we can do this!

    I think it's hilarious that Jillian actually says, "If you think you're going to die..." then do the modified moves. So there....it's meant to be hard. LOL!
  • tquinn424
    tquinn424 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in. Started Day 1 last night!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 DONE!
    I'm sore but not like the first 2 days. I am feeling GREAT!

    Keep up the awesome work everyone!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I'll be doing day three this evening - after day 1 the soreness didn't set in until later the next day, but day 2's workout actually made it feel better. I'm hoping for the same this evening!
  • perfect i'll start this wednesday
    oh shoot i just saw this if i would've known i would've gotten the dvd this week-end now until wednesday i won't have a car, maybe i can still be in the group and start on wed the 12 and finish 30 days later? would taht be ok?

    Buckwheat38 - absolutely join in when you get it! We'll all still be on Level 1, just like you!

    Good work today everyone - I've enjoyed reading your posts. Sounds like we'll all sleep well tonight. :wink:
  • DinahD144
    DinahD144 Posts: 13 Member
    I just finished L1D2 and feel SO much better than I thought I would!! I was really sore from yesterday and dreaded starting the routine. By the time I got to cardio on the first round, I thought I was going to die---I didn't feel that way until round 3 yesterday--so I thought I may not be able to finish. I pushed through it and by round 2 I had more energy than I started with!! It feels so good to feel the burn and know I'm making changes in my body!
  • I just found my way back to this site. I have the dvd--and attempted it today--level 1. It's a work in progress. May I join in even though I am a day late?
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 done! I definitely woke up sore, especially my shoulders, chest, and quads. Ow! I actually did more push-ups this time, though, and felt better by the end of the workout. I didn't get through every single rep of the last ab workout. I'm shooting for it next time! Still room for improvement, but I'm happy I made it through the first two days. I'll have a ton of snow to shovel tonight/tomorrow so I hope my sore muscles can take it!

    Keep it up, everyone!! :smile:
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    I just finished L1D2 and feel SO much better than I thought I would!! I was really sore from yesterday and dreaded starting the routine. By the time I got to cardio on the first round, I thought I was going to die---I didn't feel that way until round 3 yesterday--so I thought I may not be able to finish. I pushed through it and by round 2 I had more energy than I started with!! It feels so good to feel the burn and know I'm making changes in my body!

    thineme2 - Well said! I hope every who is reluctant to jump right into day 2 reads this! Way to push through. You should be very proud.

    mrsrock - Yes! Jump in! We have quite a few people who either started earlier or later than Jan. 10th!
  • MrsKAddy
    MrsKAddy Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a little late. Is it too late to join the party???
  • chelyy
    chelyy Posts: 3
    Ok im so mad i was sick yesterday so i couldent start, today im going to do it. So sorry im causing a delay. But im still here!
  • I was SOOOOOOOOOO sore today but I pushed through and did Day 2...WOOT WOOT!!!!

    I have to modify the cardio part but I do something to keep my heartrate up

    Onto day 3...tomorrow, and I think its a snow day!
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