Your most dangerous food (mine almost got me shot)



  • lenarashminraj
    lenarashminraj Posts: 53 Member
    chocolates, Lindt truffles and cheese puffs:sad:
    even though i tell myself that "this is enough for today", i wont b thinking anything else till i finish it. 2 days maximum or a bag of lindt. and i will find an excuse that," let me finish the packet, then i wont buy it again"
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Definitely bread for me. I can live off bread for the whole day. I love them in different fillings and/or spreads.
  • TashTag
    TashTag Posts: 109
    Tortilla Chips and Guacamole. Nothing else. No Salsa or cheese. Just these two lovable delights. I swear my brain just stops when I start eating them as I can easily go through a whole bag. The way this gets me in trouble are the guacamole burps that follow. LOL very bad breath. Needless to say MFB lets me sleep alone on those nights. :) well worth it .
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    REALLY??? You honestly expect us to believe that???

    There had to be more than 300 calories in a slice of that pizza. My large thin crust with only pepperoni has 301 calories per slice. Something is off about this story.

    Other than that...great story!

    Don't you just hate it when they have buy one get one free offers? You have no must take home the second one...then...well we all know what happens then.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I got some cashew butter yesterday from Sprouts market. I believe this may be another danger item !! :noway:
  • teaganmayc
    Poutine. I could eat it for the rest of my days and be a happy lady!

    That and Hawkins Cheesies - only the Canadians will understand this one, but damn they are amazing!
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    No Timbits? :bigsmile:
  • teaganmayc
    Timbits are good as well - but I'm a salty girl! :)
  • hopelessandmad
    i have a weakness for instant noodles like top ramen. earlier i used to kid myself by adding lot of veggies and like recently when i discovered that everything has calories [d'oh] i looked at a packet of top ramen and my eye balls popped out and rolled down the floor. top ramen with cheese. jesus christ.

    i also used to be addicted to pizza. here you get this combo of 4 small non veg pizzas and i used to buy it and eat it all and that too in the night [yes i kick myself]. now i am all clean and eating oats and weigh like 50 kg but want to be 45 at least.

    but i still have a problem when i smoke up and then i get the munchies [after marijuana you get this craving for food because your body thinks you are starved] and then i eat almost everything. oh wait, i meant everything sweet and junk. like candy. candyfloss. condensed milk. sheeeeeet.
  • dakrzone
    dakrzone Posts: 6
    These have been very interesting to read. It seems like pizza is the clear winner. I was surprised to not see ice cream until I think the second page. That is my danger food as I have a major sweet tooth.

    I usually intend to just eat some but really me exercising control is eating a tub in two sittings. I have a texture thing with food and I love the creaminess of ice cream. I pretty much try not to bring it in the house especially not in flavors I prefer.

    Oh one of the most interesting dangerous foods I saw here was puffer fish! Is that really possible?! j/k
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Danger food:

    Runner up is peanut butter blends (they have chocolate, mint chocolate, mocha, etc)

    But currently it's chips. Kettle (brand) chips. After a long ride I want some. I shouldn't because 7oz bag in one day. Gone. But, they're SO good. . . Sriracha, Jalapeno, Maple, Salt & Pepper, BBQ. . . it's impossible to NOT eat them when they're around.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Wow you really really wanted that pizza. Thanks for the giggle!
  • gfrogel
    gfrogel Posts: 14
    My most dangerous food, by far, is sushi! I love sushi, it is God's gift to me. And it doesn't help that I live right behind a great sushi place called Nagoya! I have probably spent 1000 dollars there in all of my sushi expendentures! I once spent $60 in one sitting because I wanted to bring some home for later. What people will do for's almost embarrassing.
  • gfrogel
    gfrogel Posts: 14
    Yes! Sea salt and vinegar is my favorite! Whole bag gone in two days :'(
  • Pectinbean
    Pectinbean Posts: 62 Member
    Tortilla chips and dip. I won't stop til the bag is empty. One evening, I absentmindly ate over 1000cals worth of chips and dip after dinner! No more absentminded snacking for me. Planplanplan, tracktracktrack.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    And they just came out with these:

  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Yes! Sea salt and vinegar is my favorite! Whole bag gone in two days :'(
  • clarehd
    clarehd Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, this is a torturous topic. :devil: But ok.
    Mine is sweets of just about any kind, with ice cream or cake being the hardest to resist. When I stopped drinking 21 years ago, I substitued an alcohol addiction for a sugar addiction. As a lifelong lover of anything sweet this was not a gigantic leap.
    As I have gotten older, the pounds have been harder to shed. The eating habits have been harder to change. The exercise has been harder to keep up with.
    Thank goodness for MyFitnessPal. Just taking it one day at a time. :flowerforyou:
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Oh this reminds me of a "classic" Sean Cullen bit 'Food Choice' link
  • FutureMrsOxley
    I would have to say my danger food is cookies of any kind. i just cant eat one cookie I just keep going back for more. Im to the point where i take the cream out of the oreo so that the calories points would not be toooo much...... Its bad I know!!!