Your most dangerous food (mine almost got me shot)



  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    French fries and wheat crackers...I can house a whole box of crackers in one sitting. I love dry, salty, crunchy things.
  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    Chocolate cake with whipped peanut butter icing & ice cold milk...Jesus take the wheel!
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    Red Velvet anything!!
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Pizza for me, too.

    It doesn't help that my gall bladder disease makes eating pizza hard. Something about the combination of cheese, the dough, and tomato all in one meal. Last time I ate pizza, I had two slices... and I ended up bloated to all heck, on the floor, crying.

    But it was some dang good pizza and I have no regrets. :laugh:
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    peanut butter
    i can eat a jar in a week without trying

    if i was trying, i could probably eat two in a day

    Peanut butter, too. I go through a jar in a week quite often. Sometimes less than a week. If I could have peanut butter at every meal, I probably would. :drinker:
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Macaroni and cheese and pizza. I can't stop eating either of them until I've eaten it all so I just don't buy it or keep it in the house anymore.

    My local Cici's has a macaroni and cheese pizza. It almost felt sinful to eat, but it is so good. :laugh:
  • zombiesalad
    zombiesalad Posts: 123 Member
    Fresh bread with olive oil or butter. I can finish off an entire loaf.

    As for actual danger foods... Anything involving onion because I am allergic.
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    Nuts. I can sit there and eat them all day and go way over my protein goal :)
  • LynndaMaree
    LynndaMaree Posts: 88 Member
    LAUGHING MY *kitten* OFF. NOW THIS IS TO FUNNY ROFLMAO LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Wheat Thin Tomato Basil crackers.

    I had gallstones and ignored my doctor's advice on having my gallbladder removed (I believe that doctors strive for money and are willing to either put a pill in you or remove something from you!). I thought if I watched what I ate, no chicken wings or greasy stuff, that I'd be ok. Well that idea seemed to work however, I love crackers and I thought that Wheat Thins would be ok for me, WRONG!! I ignored the pains, the vomiting and thought that a few Tums would help the heartburn! I ended up at the Doctor's office with a stone blocking my ducts and backing up into my liver and causing a liver infection. I also took Cipro for the first and only time in my life and found I was allergic to my first yeah my love of crackers almost killed me!!

    I ended up having that surgery the following week and began my healthier lifestyle not too long after.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    with anything on anything topped with anything.
  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    PASTA! Specifically macaroni and cheese or chicken alfredo. There is the absolute best Italian restaurant by my moms house called Roma Cucina and I can not eat there anymore. I ALWAYS order the chicken alfredo. It is a HUGE bowl or deliciously sauced alfredo noodles with copious amounts of chicken....I can eat the ENTIRE bowl and want more.

    I will eat macaroni and cheese until I can't fit in another bite and if there are leftovers I will wait till my stomach "settles" enough for me to stuff the rest in...oh my gosh I LOVE macaroni and cheese


    I have learned to control it to a point but I still don't want to tempt myself beyond what I can handle so I just say no lol.
  • lessbounce
    lessbounce Posts: 250 Member
    Homemade quiche (of any description) I only make it if I've got guests I know will eat it all.
  • TangieRenee97
    Mine is anything sweet. Anything. See, I have a tendency to get up in the middle of the night for a snack. I won't over do it, but a handful of this, a handful of that, it's self sabotage, that's what it is. Last night it was a small handful of raisins and an even smaller handful of dark chocolate chips. But had there been Little Debbie cakes in the house, or Nutella or leftover brownies or cake in the fridge, that would have been it. I have pretty good self control most of the time, until I wake up in the middle of the night looking for something sweet. If it's here, then I eat it. This is why I shop like I do and when tempted in the store to buy something I am trying to stay away from, I literally walk away (sometimes talking to myself lol) "Walk away.. just walk away." If it don't make it here then I can't eat it at 5 am when I wake up starving.
  • bill4316
    bill4316 Posts: 6
    Peanut butter

    Mine Too

    Peanut Butter MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • Metalstar
    Metalstar Posts: 2
    Pizza is my Kryptonite for sure lol
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
  • meluhneekay
    Oh gosh. So many danger foods for me. Let's see...

    - Chik-Fil-A waffle fries
    - Chili-cheese anything (fries, nachos, hot dogs, etc.)
    - Pasta of any kind
    - Most breads except for the super dark varieties
    - Cashews
    - All chips (I'll polish off a family size bag in a sitting)
    - Jimmy John's italian night club sandwich (ate four of those babies in one day once upon a time)

    Also, one restaurant in particular, Sarku Japan, is a "danger place" for me. I don't allow myself to go there anymore. When I worked at the mall I'd eat lunch (and sometimes dinner) there almost every day. A double order of chicken teriyaki and fried rice. And don't get it twisted, one order would have filled me up just fine! It just tasted soooo good, but I'd always end up kicking myself later when the cramps set in.

    Also, I go through phases of having a super sweet tooth, and then going months not wanting sweets at all. But when I want them, I realllly want them. When I'm craving sweets on a grocery shopping day, I find it best to avoid the pastry/bakery section all together. Otherwise, badness. Badness all around. :grumble:
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    Potato chips. Any kind, but sour cream and onion are my favourite.