1200 cal/day girls! Let's share our diaries!



  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    My average is 1200/day on a plant based diet... feel free to add me. :smile:
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Doing 1200 a day - I find I have more difficulty on days when I work out more because I allow myself snacks. "Just one of these, I have 500 calories left today, okay one more now I have 200 calories left for today..." Feel free to add me, I have about 55 more lbs to lose before I can try on wedding dresses (aiming for this winter) and another 30 after that before the October 2015 wedding!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.

    Thank you for posting this! Even though the OP will most likely ignore it.

    Or view the poster as a naysayer, party pooper, mean, etc.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.

    Thank you for posting this! Even though the OP will most likely ignore it.

    Thank you for thanking her even though most people posting see "BMR" and have no idea what the number is or why they need to know it.
  • widemajm
    widemajm Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me! My diary is view-able to my friends! :)
  • Sgrounds
    Sgrounds Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me. I want to lose 2 lbs a week, but am following the guided myfitnesspal goals, which have me losing only .8 lbs a week. I'm having a really hard time eating less than 1350 calories. I can meet the goal on days that I exercise but I'm having hard time eating only 1200 and getting enough fruit/veggies because on days when I eat mostly veggies I am hungrier. The days I can manage to hit the goal are days I eat a lot of protein and fat.
  • segastler
    segastler Posts: 207 Member
    My diary is set at 1310. It is open to friends only. But a fair warning! I AM perfect.

    NOT! I had orange leaf yesterday!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.
    1200 is appropriate for short and/or older women.
    You're snacking because you're actually hungry. Not that you have the munchies, or are bored...you're actually hungry and require additional calories.
    You may think "but if I eat more than 1200 I'll lose weight slower." Yes. This is true. You'll also be able to keep doing it as long as you need to, instead of giving up before you reach your goal because you can't stop snacking and it's too hard to sustain.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    <===short. Lazy, loungey summer with no planned workouts. Short term faster approach.

    Add me.
  • jgratton99
    jgratton99 Posts: 7 Member
    Actually this is great news!
    I had punched in my numbers and MFP came up with the 1200 cals/day rule.
    I am also doing 3 days/wk of weight training ( with my super stong hubby;) so I should get more cals in my on those days at least!
  • Crysty2010
    Crysty2010 Posts: 26 Member
    I aim for 1200 but usually end up at 1300 or so. Some days more, some days less. My diary is open. I'm 5'2 and have about 10 more lbs to go. Feel free to add me! Thanks and good luck everyone!
  • brimichaud
    brimichaud Posts: 22
    I'm at 1280 calories/day, though on the weekends I go way over. Trying to stay around this number as often as possible. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • kia_runs
    kia_runs Posts: 77 Member
    I am far from perfect. I'm in the 1200 calorie range. Feel free to add me.
  • Emmiee4269
    Emmiee4269 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm doing 1200 :) well im doing 1199( weird i know lol).
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.

    Thank you for posting this! Even though the OP will most likely ignore it.

    Or view the poster as a naysayer, party pooper, mean, etc.

    Just to give the other side of the argument..I've been losing on 1200 (Eating back some, not all of my exercise cals) Just do what works for you. I've tried the upping thing and for me it didn't result in any loss (nothing but gains - and I gave it 6 months) I'm also slightly taller than the OP. Again..just do what works for you.
  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    Feel free to add me. I was at 1200 a day, but just upped it to 1450. I find that I do better on weeks when I eat closer to 1400 calories a day than when I stick to the 1200. So I'm giving it a try for a few weeks to see what happens.
  • JessByrdy
    JessByrdy Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 26yo F
    5'5" currently 140# (started at 146#, goal is 130# .... prob not realistic)
    Calorie goal is 1220 per day :-/
    Looking for some new ideas :)
  • sheschemes
    sheschemes Posts: 67
    Feel free to add me. I'm eating at 1,200 and trying to do it the most nutritious & food-friendly way possible.
  • Tasseled26
    Tasseled26 Posts: 3 Member
    When I first started, I did 1240 calories a day. It wasn't enough. Constantly hungry, cranky and having guilty snack binges, I finally switched my settings from losing 1.5lb a week to just 1lb. Now my goal is 1460 calories a day and I feel very comfortable. The weight loss never really halted after the change, so I guess my body was comfortable too. Don't shortchange yourself, because you'll just hate the whole dieting thing and bounce right back to where you started. Of course you are the only person who will know for sure what the 1200/day does to you.

    I am 5'11" and started at 165lb.
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    I try aiming for 1500 but usually end up around 1200. Feel free to add me. I like snooping through diaries and feel free to do the same......it isnt miraculous, especially lately but I can always use more inspiration from others as well!