

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Well now that the holidays are officially over - had my last holiday party on Sunday - I see that everyone has a new determination. I really really enjoyed myself over the holidays and weighed in Sunday night at my heaviest every. That kicked me in the butt and I am seriously back at it.

    I bought a new book called the Carb Lovers Diet. That is certainly the one for me. I followed it religiously yesterday and this morning I am down 2.6 lb - after 1 day - I know I know it was just the sodium water weight from the over indulgent weekend but I am back to what I was before the Christmas holidays. I was not hungry at all.

    There is a 7 day fast loss plan and then a 21 day follow up. They say you can lose up to 6 lb the first 7 days and then 2 lb thereafter.

    Here is sample day 1

    Breakfast - 1 banana (a bit under ripe because the carbs are more resistant that way) and a fibre 1 chewy granola bar.
    Lunch - 6 inch whole wheat pita stuffed with bell peppers, 4 oz of chicken, 1/2 cup of spinach and lite vinagrette.

    Supper - Salmon and Parmesean potatos. Nuke a potato - cut it in half and sprinkle 2 tbs of parmesean chees over them. Return to oven or microwave until melted -bubbly, 1 4 oz salmon filet on a bed of mixed green and 1 cup of chopped tomatoes with balsamic vinagrette.

    Snack - 8 oz of greek yogurt with 2 tsp of honey and 1/2 cup of uncooked rolled oats.

    All so delicious and I was not hungry at all.

    So hopefully I can keep it up. I find if I lose a lot the 1st week it tends to motivate me to continue.
  • mrsanderson404
    woohoo...personal celebration....I got to move my weight ticker this week!!

    Baby steps y'all....baby steps....but I'm loving my new attitude...went to the grocery store and was not even tempted!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I can't get warm today, despite rushing around like something not right.

    DD took the twins to hospital yesterday for Teddy's appointment with the consultant regarding the surgery he'll need on his hand. They won't do anything until he is six months old and have said that they will not be able to extend his fingers at all, but at least hope to separate the ones that are fused together. I'm pretty certain that he will adapt and be able to do anything he wants with the part of his hand that is remaining. DD is trying to keep upbeat, but is definitely distressed by it all.

    I've been a little down myself for the past couple of days. It always happens at this time of year as it is the anniversary of my final miscarriage - 22 years ago. It's crazy, but I am still haunted by each and every one of the miscarriages I had (I lost 10 babies in total, including twin boys at 4 months). I realise that I was extremely lucky to have my 3 children, but the pain still shadows my memories.

    My heart valve replacement surgery will hopefully be postponed until March. I have to go for a few more tests before my cardiologist will agree to postpone, but fingers crossed that it will be ok. To be honest, I'm not in the right frame of mind for further surgery right now.

    Time for me to hit the treadmill before DH gets home from work.

    My thoughts and love are with you all.

    Amanda x
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Barb- that is absolutely great that you had the pizza and beer and still lost the 2 lbs. Even if you don't loose anymore in the next couple of days, that's still good news.

    Rhonda- glad to see that you are ready to tackle the healthy life style. You will receive a lot of support here. Though I will tell you, I am somewhat like your father- I reward a good day with a couple of hershey kisses.

    Smwert- Regarding the 7 day fast loss plan- Even if I followed it to the letter, I wouldn't loose 6lbs in 7 days. If I was lucky, it might be 2 or 3.

    Mrs. Anderson- congratulations on moving your ticker! Nice job.

    One thing that I have found is that my metabolism has really slowed down as I keep getting older. I have pretty consistently been sticking to 1200 calories and exercising 5-7 days a week, and I have been loosing ever so slowly. I am not complaining, because over the past year since I have been on MFP, I have lost 34 lbs., (25lbs. in the 6 months before that) but I still have another 16lbs to go till I get to my goal. I guess I get frustrated when I wear my HRM to a spinning class for 60 minutes, work very hard, and burn 450 calories, or go to zumba for 90 minutes and burn about the same. Then I see other folks on the website that exercise for 60 minutes and burn over 700 calories. OK, it is what it is, and I can only deal with what I have, but I feel better after venting!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Hi all.....well here I am in dear ole GA...had been stuck inside with ice and snow!! Everything is slush right now but colder weather coming in and any and all moisture on the road will be black ice by in the morning. We have already been told to think about coming into work maybe Fri. or Sat. Hubby and I both had a bit of cabin fever. We called all our older neighbors and our daughter who is stuck inside with our grandson. Made a mega grocery list with everyones needs and drove the 6 miles to the grocery store. Made our deliveries and are back home safe and sound. With our country roads it took several hours to accomplish that, but cured our cabin fever, we checked on the neighbors and everyone has what they need for the next few days when ANY travel will be trecherous at best. At least this time the power has stayed on! My problem when the weather is like this....I really want my coffee and hot tea instead of water. Guess I could be doing worse......
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Been stuck in the house all day. Ventured out only long enough to takes the dogs out so they could take care of business.

    Hubby went to work yesterday but we have very icy roads here so he didn't make it in today. We live just outside the city limits so we always get our roads plowed last. My son went over to his friends house and is stuck there. I'm sure he's happy about that since they are certainly more fun than we are.

    I fixed a new recipe that I didn't like today and there are loads of leftovers. I'm hoping hubby will eat it up. It was a food network recipe that was in their "healthy section". Skillet Beef Stroganoff. It has carrots in it and I just didn't like the sweetness they added. That was just wrong.

    This has been a hard day for me. Cabin Fever I guess.

    I did the WATPs dvd this morning but haven't gotten much else done. Just cooking, dishes and a load of laundry.

    Looking forward to watching "Biggest Loser" tonight.

    Well I come back later to see if any of you had an exciting day!

  • ksnj2
    ksnj2 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello there! I'm 50+ looking to lose 30 pounds (for good this time) ....... looking forward to giving and getting support and motivation and simply moving in the right direction!

    I'm married to my firefighter husband and have 2 children. My son is 22 and lives at home while working construction and my daughter 20 is a junior in college and will be leaving next week to go to school in Paris, France. We live in New Jersey, lots of family and friends nearby and therefore we do quite a bit of socializing (a.k.a eating and drinking) with them!!

    :flowerforyou: Nice to "meet" you all!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Debbieanne – I envy you having a hill in your yard. I hope that your grandchildren have a blast.

    Mrsanderson – Gratz on the 3 pounds that is awesome! Baby steps? Have you seen What about Bob?

    Amanda – blessings on you and your twins with your medical issues.

    To all of you having bad weather - May your feet stay as warm as possible and may you all get safely where ever you need to go during the weather.

    All newcomers - This is a very warm and friendly bunch of ladies. You will find friendship, good advise and a friendly ear to help you on your journey.

    Yesterday I did circuit machines for 20 exercise minutes. Hopefully, this will be come a habit again as it was last year before the holidays changed up my schedule.

    I think January may be one of our chattier months. I can't believe how many posts we have already and the month isn't half over yet. Anyone want to make a bet on when we hit 500 posts?

    Have a great evening everyone,

  • mrsanderson404
    Darlis....what a doll you are for taking care of everyone...I'm sure they appreciate it...stay warm!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Ladies and Newcomers!

    All of the new posts are interesting.

    It is snowing here. There are travel advisories out for tomorrow. So, it will be at home for me. Dh said he drove in blizzard conditons coming home. We have had sleet too.

    Darlis, Debian, Frogmama, Mamacindi, (hope I spelled all of these correctly) and all the newer ones~~~welcome. This forum and MFP have helped me.
    There are a great bunch of personalitites on here. It's fun to read and I feel when I can do that I am not eating.

    Eating~~hmm..well Christmas and New Years has been hard for me to overcome but I feel I have finally came back to where I was in early December.
    I hope to just keep plugging away. :drinker: :drinker: :tongue:

    All the "old-timers":wink: will tell you one day at a time or one baby step at a time...and it looks like they know what they are talking about so I make every effort to think of that when I struggle.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    There is a lady that posts on MFP who had lost, I believe I am right, 145 lbs. She is on before and after -fitbie.com. Her last name is Cannon. She is a great inspiration too. There are many people on here to help and I hope a year from now I can say that I have accomplished some of what I am trying to lose.:smile:

    Have a good one:flowerforyou:
  • debieanne
    mark and i love the movie what about bob that movie is so funny. so who else is getting this storm. we will not be going anyplace tommorw. good house cleaning day and putting away christmas things.watching the biggest loser i can not watch this show muchnthe way they get put down just bothers me to much. its hard what we are doing motivation and good support. ok i am tired so i am settleing down everyone with bad weather be safe everyone have a good night debi(momof10)
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    As some of you know my biggest challenge is getting in the exercise I need with my health problems. My water aerobics have been cancelled because of the weather.....but I managed 10 mins on the elliptical tonight! This is amazing for me because sometimes my balance is so off that I can't even stand on it!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I got sick today. sore throat and swollen glands. I was only able to get and hour on the tread in so 4 miles. I also did my squats, crunches and pushups. I hate feeling yucky cuz I eat bad stuff to try to feel better. (even with a sore throat) oh well. :noway:
  • scottrell4
    scottrell4 Posts: 2 Member
    Great that you were able to get on the eliptical. That machine is a life saver.
  • scottrell4
    scottrell4 Posts: 2 Member
    I know what you mean, if I start off with a big weight loss I'm much better at keeping myself going. My first instinct upon reading your post is to run out and get the book. I did so well on the south beach but have gained my 20lbs back. Now it's time to truly loose them and keep them off.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    My name is Rhonda and I will be 50 in July of this year.
    So I am taking responsibility for my own health and going to eat a healthy diet exercise, and lose these 50lbs. I'm in it for the long haul this time.. Will you help me?
    Of course we will help you, Rhonda! This is a great and very supportive group of friends, and we are just tickled to add you to our family.

    Long day today and I need to get to bed. It is too darn cold out - wind chill is currently 15 below, and I am glad to finally be home. Good night all, I am going to crawl under the comforter with a book.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have only a few minutes so I can get to bed on time.

    we have icy roads but I was able to drive to a friend's house and to the dog park......if it weren't for wanting to take the dogs to the dog park, I could probably be OK with being trapped in the house but the dogs would drive me crazy if they couldn't get out.....the cats keep asking to go out, then they see how cold it is and want to come back in.....I wonder how many calories I've burned getting up and down and letting the cats in and out :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: debieann, it took me a long time to build up to 10,000 steps a day but wearing a pedometer helped me be more aware of what I was doing.

    :flowerforyou: Rhonda, welcome to the greatest group of women......we are in this for the long haul and will be here for you....I have learned so much from these women and gotten so much encouragement...you are so right about taking responsibility for your own health

    :flowerforyou: ksnj, I hope we will hear from you often and get to know you better....you'll learn a lot here about how to socialize and not overdo with bad food...:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Darlis, you are so great to shop for everyone.:bigsmile:

    I hope all you snowbound people have a better day tomorrow.......my line dance class may end up being canceled because the teacher lives on a road that is even steeper and icier than my road and she doesn't drive on ice :sad:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Well, if I make this quick, I can maybe get to bed by 11 (as long as I don't log on to one of those blasted computer games!)
    Some of you use DH - is that dear hubby?

    Wow, some of you are having really crazy weather. It was only cool and overcast today but enough to make me want "comfort food." My "DH" makes an awesome grilled cheese sandwich. But I did my 3 mile uphill walk and that saved me on coming in under calories.

    Annette - speaking for myself and what I've read on other's posts, it seems to be regular attention to getting back on track. I think when we do that long enough, we can then stay on track.

    Barb - good for the two #. I normally don't trust that for myself because it seems that I go up 2 just as easily.

    Welcome Rhonda - even when I don't post much, I log on just to continue to be inspired by all these gals, especially the wgt loss tickers. Like frogmama, I think my metabolism has really changed since menopause.

    Darlis, that was brave of you to venture out! I think exercising in general helps with balance.

    Congrats MrsA. I'm still waiting for mine to move. It did move -- UPWARD -- during the holidays. I don't really want to get on the scale in case it has not moved. Also, I don't really trust my scale, although I calibrated it according to the wii weigh in.

    Amanda - hope the kiddies will be ok. My MIL had valve replacement and she is doing fabulously -- so when you are ready, I will cheer you on.

    Hi ksnj, I'm originally a Jersey girl myself. Still have a lot of family there. I'm shooting for 30 lbs too.

    Robin, hope you feel better. When I'm sick, it's one of the only times I lose wgt without effort, cuz I don't eat at all. But your ticker still looking good @ 25 lost! I'm sure you'll be back to your "iron women" workout in no time...

    All of you who are snow and ice bound -- be safe.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Ladies,
    It's 2:20 am and I am wide awake. I know some of you are probably up anyway because of where you live but this is not good for me. This is a vulnerable time of night. I always enter a granny smith apple on my diary for these kinds of times. Sometimes, an apple will help me to sleep ...don't ask me why..but I did read that somewhere as a tip for a bedtime snack.

    Barbie you are brave to get out on icy roads for your dogs...and your sanity:laugh: I'm not that brave. I had so many health problems the last 2 years I suppose I don't want to risk injuries from a wreck. I think it makes a difference if you are practiced at it.:flowerforyou:

    We have had some nasty weather here. I have to say that I love the snow and how everything looks covered over with the white crystals.

    Darlis-10 mins on an eliptical is admirable, indeed. :flowerforyou: I can do 30 or more on a stationary bike or treadmill but an eliptical where you are moving up and down and your arms -whew! the gyms elipitical where I go is a huge machine and I can barely go 3 consecutive mins. The therapist will only let me do 3 mins...I am working up to more. So, you go girl!:flowerforyou:

    Joylaut--good to see your posts:flowerforyou: DH is Dear Husband:bigsmile:

    Debianne--I like reading your posts...I like reading all the new ones...it adds fresh ideas and enthusiasim to the forum.

    Robin -hope you feel better...there is no telling what kind of workout you will be doing when you are:laugh: :tongue: I can almost lose weight just reading about it.

    Jeannie-It's good to read about your family life. Your family is important to you:flowerforyou: That's always admirable.

    Karlene--Hope you are having a good day.

    Amanda-I hope whatever is best for you works out with your surgery.:flowerforyou: I think it's great that DH is so supportive of your weight loss and its great to see a couple happy these days!:flowerforyou: I hope your long awaited twins are growing and happy.:flowerforyou: I am sorry you lost so many babies....that would haunt anyone.:brokenheart: My daughter-in-law had 3 miscarriages and had a baby girl to die. That is a rough thing to experience for the mother and all the family. She has 3 beautiful children now...they are the sunshine of my life, too.:smile: I admire, that during your daughter's pregancy and your anxiety in the waiting for them to get here, you were able to keep a focus on your weight...that was a tough one. Usually, that kind of stress is what throws us off track with our eating.

    Wizzy -I noticed you were jogging...wow. I don't know if I will be able to do that again in my life..but I haven't counted it out. :bigsmile:

    Mimi-veggie queen--miss you hope you are having fun whatever you are doing!
    Krackle-Barb-Laura....Hi to all of you! Hope things are going well for you too...

    Michelle...miss your "chatter" about all you do every day:flowerforyou:

    I'm starting to yawn, a bit...maybe I can go to sleep.

    Hope everyone has a good nights sleep and sweet dreams whoever and whereever you are...be careful if you have to drive to work on ice and snow............
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    ps...welcome Rhonda, Annette, kottrell, Ms. Anderson, and wow! I didn't write the other one down and can't remember it:blushing: I'll get you next time, dear.

    Mary..it's always good to see you...on here...there is something "calming" about you:flowerforyou: