1200 cal/day girls! Let's share our diaries!



  • crsrchk
    crsrchk Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    If I eat more than the 1200, unless its earned back from exercise, I gain. That's how MY body works. Everyone is different.

    Some people's metabolisms do end up operating this way if they have eaten too low cals for too long. Really most of us are the same barring certain ilnesses or metabolisms that have learned to respond differenttly from too long at too low a cal intake.



    on the boards for a few of the very limited people who are actually different and one of them is even a temporary situation that can be worked up to higher cal goals.

    Don't suffer at low cal goal for longer than you have to from a lack of knowledge. The knowledge is all out on these boards for you to either 1) figure out why your body needs so few cals to respond and seek out medical treatment you might need or 2) figure out how to work up to higher cals for weight loss which will translate into proper nutrition while you keep your weight going down or at your goal weight when the time comes.
  • eschwab4
    eschwab4 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi m name is Elizabeth Schwab and I have had a hard time losing the weight I have gained, since my knee surgery last October. I hope this will help me with losing weight and staying in shape. Please add me if you want. I always love having some courage to keep it up :)
  • lisa8x9
    lisa8x9 Posts: 14
    My goal is 1200, but sometimes I'm over or under. So, not always perfect, but feel free to add!
  • Hi! You guys can add me. I am 25 y/o 5'3.5" and hovering around 167 :frown: I am hoping to some day be between 130-140. I have a larger bone structure and am very muscular so I think that would be an appropriate weight for me. I am really more concerned about how I feel/look then what my actual weight/dress size will be. I currently eat 1350 cals per day. On days that I lift I eat anywhere from 1580-1780. On days I run I stay close to 1350. I just started running so the cals I am burning aren't really worth eating back. My diary is open to friends only.

    Side note... If you look at my diary and view my mid morning snack and are like WTF? those ingredients are all being used to make a homemade smoothie. I am too lazy to figure out all the nutritional info to make it into a "recipe" :blushing:
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I'm tiny and my BMR (according to IIFYM) is a little over 1000 so eating around 1200 is perfect for me. My diary is open for the public to see~
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Make sure your NET calories are a minimum of 1200 calories. If you go below that your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to every bit of fat. I actually had to eat more to lose weight. 1200 is REALLY low . I eat 1400-1500 calories on my rest day and 2000 calories on workout days (net 1400).

    OH GAADDD MAKE IT STOP! No no no! No that's not how starvation mode occurs.
    Also to the OP and most of the people on here you really shouldn't be eating such a minimal amount of calories.
    Even I don't eat that and I'm 5 ft and lightly active. I lose a pound per week.
    OP you need to eat more - you will still lose weight but drastically cutting your calories is a sure way to gain them all back in quick time.
    Go here and calculate how much you should be eating; http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/
    I already entered your stats in and it said (based on you being lightly active) that you could eat 1641 calories per day and still lose over a pound a week - you could eat even more if you exercise more frequently.
  • Feel free to add me my goal is 1200 cal a day I usually dnt make it to there tho:)
  • jacquemo118
    jacquemo118 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a goal of 1,200 calories a day but I try not to go over 1,300. I also try to burn a minimum of 200 calories daily....and NOT EAT MY CALORIES BURNED lol! :laugh:

    Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • groenie73
    groenie73 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome to add me I am also on 1200 calories and need help and tips....from South Africa and new to Low carbing.
  • jessica_120214
    jessica_120214 Posts: 68 Member
    If I eat more than the 1200, unless its earned back from exercise, I gain. That's how MY body works. Everyone is different.

    Some people's metabolisms do end up operating this way if they have eaten too low cals for too long. Really most of us are the same barring certain ilnesses or metabolisms that have learned to respond differenttly from too long at too low a cal intake.



    on the boards for a few of the very limited people who are actually different and one of them is even a temporary situation that can be worked up to higher cal goals.

    Don't suffer at low cal goal for longer than you have to from a lack of knowledge. The knowledge is all out on these boards for you to either 1) figure out why your body needs so few cals to respond and seek out medical treatment you might need or 2) figure out how to work up to higher cals for weight loss which will translate into proper nutrition while you keep your weight going down or at your goal weight when the time comes.

    That's interesting because my calorie intake has been far from "low" for many years unfortunately. I will, however, search for what you suggested.
  • I did MFP in the past and I started to feel so great physically and mentally! I stopped doing it for a while and now that I've joined a gym (got a free membership from working there...having to go there everyday for work is such a motivator!!) I've decided to start it back up again! It put me on 1200 a day as well so we'll see how that goes :) just don't really know any ideas for meals/don't like to spend a lot of time or money cooking is the problem. Feel free to add me anyone who has similar experiences/interests/or who will be a great support in this journey!
  • EpicNurse
    EpicNurse Posts: 4
    Add me..159lbs, 5'6 @ 1200 calories/day..Not anywhere near perfect!
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    Hi there! I also come in around 1200 a day, sometimes less. I try to make it my best to exactly 1200-1300. I'm 5'8 and about 135lbs, trying to tone up and lose weight for my fiance, who leaves for bootcamp in 17 days. I'd like to get down to 120ish (maybe higher) by the time he comes home, so about 3 months. Anyone feel free to add me :) Motivation from everyone is great and I'll definitely dish some out as well!
  • XxAmiraxX
    XxAmiraxX Posts: 64
    add me o_0... 150 something, 5'8, 1200 calories/day, at least that's the plan, i'm trying though.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.

    Thank you for posting this! Even though the OP will most likely ignore it.

    Thank you for thanking her even though most people posting see "BMR" and have no idea what the number is or why they need to know it.

    I was waiting to come home before I was going to post something like this.
  • Dr__Girlfriend
    Dr__Girlfriend Posts: 100 Member

    Use the calculator on www.iifym.com

    The MFP calculators are awful. If you are 5'10" your BMR is much more than 1200.

    Could be doing yourself a huge disservice in the long run if you eat too little. Think about the nutrients alone, do you really think you are eating 100% of your vitamin A every day eating 1200 kcals, just as an example? It builds over time and you can end up malnourished.

    Anyway, use the calculators on www.iifym.com they are way more accurate.

    I can't work out due to an injury so I'm completely sedentary, I'm the same height as you and I'm currently cutting at 1680 with great success.
  • Jmtgetsfit
    Jmtgetsfit Posts: 2 Member
    IM 5'7.5 / 5.8" and im 207 lbs im trying to do 1000 calories. i was on a 800 calorie diet and i lost inches. i had to come off the diet because i was coming closer to exams and i needed food to keep me awake on my late night studies. now exams are over i gained 5 inches on my waist. its so depressing. so ive started my journey again. trying to do 1000 calories, exercise daily or at least 4 times. Feel free to add me :) my goal weight is 160
  • seaxx
    seaxx Posts: 21
    I have been eating 1200 calories a day for 6 months and have lost 16.5kgs as of this morning.

    For the first few months I didn't really have any idea what I was doing and I think I was eating more like 1500 a day.

    Well I have mastered the art now.

    Breakfast: cornflakes and skim milk (some people may not agree with this but it's a personal preference as I struggle to eat in the morning without feeling sick)

    Lunch: Turkey, avocado, baby spinach, carrot and tomato on a whole meal roll. (I either eat at subway or make it at home.)

    Dinner: this changes every night, I eat things like sweet and sour pork, chilli con carne, steal sandwiches with tomato chutney. Chicken korma curry. Fish and chips! It's all homemade, I customise everything and I really steer away from pasta, potato (only chips, occasionally, baked not fried)

    And as a treat every night I eat a low calorie Muslie bar, sometimes 2.

    That usually puts me at or under 1200 calories. If we go out for dinner (rarely now) I just order a salad or a semi healthy meal with a side salad and no chips! Sometimes I go up to 1300 calories but I just make sure I exercise a bit extra.

    Now that I know what I am doing, I have no problems. My friends cringe when I tell them I only way 1200 calories a day, but it's easier than they think! And I don't usually get hungry, but it's taken me a long time to overcome my food 'anxiety', I used to eat full packets of biscuits and chips and cholo late and lollies in one sitting, but I deffinetly don't do that anymore hahaha!!

    I have been a fitness pal member for almost 2 years and somehow didn't even know that about these forums until recently. Please add me! Also happy to help anyone with recipes!
  • Whtmask
    Whtmask Posts: 219 Member
    My goal is 1200 calories a day, but I eat back my exercise calories so it can be up to 1800 a day.
  • ariesflame
    ariesflame Posts: 82 Member
    Add me.

    I put more weight into the exercise part of my log, as that keeps me on track to keep going.

    Calorie wise I will likely listen to my body first but I hover around the 1200 level, and I leave room for going out days/working lunches and some social drinking.

    5'3 153lbs current routine is boot camp 4 times a week and bikram yoga 1-2 times a week.

    I like my curves and hope I don't lose them, but I also want to increase my fitness level.
  • jaynerebecca1
    jaynerebecca1 Posts: 21 Member
    My diary is public, trying to do 1200 a day. If anyone wants to add me so I can follow yours would be great! I am always looking for new ideas for foods!! :) Oh and I am looking to lose just around 8 pounds and started being really serious in the last few weeks but am going to try to keep it up for, well, ever if possible!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.

    Thank you for posting this! Even though the OP will most likely ignore it.

    Needed to be said imo. Hopefully won't be ignored.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    IM 5'7.5 / 5.8" and im 207 lbs im trying to do 1000 calories. i was on a 800 calorie diet and i lost inches. i had to come off the diet because i was coming closer to exams and i needed food to keep me awake on my late night studies. now exams are over i gained 5 inches on my waist. its so depressing. so ive started my journey again. trying to do 1000 calories, exercise daily or at least 4 times. Feel free to add me :) my goal weight is 160

    There is no reason to do this to yourself. Please reconsider your goals and keep your health in mind.
  • waix
    waix Posts: 6
    I eat about 1000-1500 a day.
    Add me!c:
  • ckilgore4
    ckilgore4 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm doing 1250 & seldom go over. Feel free to add me
  • matlab99
    matlab99 Posts: 7
    My diary is open to public. I am doing 1240/day.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.

    Thank you for posting this! Even though the OP will most likely ignore it.

    Needed to be said imo. Hopefully won't be ignored.

    They will realize its not working when they lose a bunch and then go back to eating badly and it will all come back...
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Not to be a mood killer, but the reason you "can't control" your snacking is because 1200 calories isn't nearly enough for you. At your height and weight, you could eat 1460 calories per day and lose a pound a week - and that's if you don't exercise. If you do some exercise, you could bump that up to 1650 and still lose a pound a week. If you work out a lot, it would be even more.

    Thank you for posting this! Even though the OP will most likely ignore it.

    Needed to be said imo. Hopefully won't be ignored.

    They will realize its not working when they lose a bunch and then go back to eating badly and it will all come back...

    You just described my life from the age of 16 to 24. Thankfully those days are over for this girl. :) It's nice to see the light...and eat more food, of course.
  • ishamodi95
    ishamodi95 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm doing around 1200 Cal a day too. How has your progress been? How many lbs have you been loosing every week?