Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • bellatiamarie
    bellatiamarie Posts: 14 Member
    hello....i know i'm late.. but i would like to join this challenge! i need all of the motivation that i can get... especially to exercise. anyway... my goals for January are:

    1. lose 15 pounds (10 pounds down in a week just by changing the way I eat and doing a 7 day no food sun-up to sun-down fast with my church)
    2. exercise at least 15 times this month (haven't exercised one day yet)

    eta-- i'm 26 years old!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey everyone:
    I will update later; this is just to add bellatiamarie:

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 7 pounds! Weighing 163!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
    tjradd73-lose 8lbs, 80oz H20 per day, and cardio 3x per week.
    Mike (CaptainJim) lose 5-8 lbs, 3x (30-60 min) cardio per week, fit into size 32 jeans (I'm 34's right now)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue strength training 2x's a week and update the routine at the end of Jan, continue running training- increase to 5 min running intervals, 1 new healthy recipe a week, and get back in to yoga/stretching routine in the am and/or pm
    briar_rose: lose 5 pounds, exercise 3x/week, no potato chips
    mkingraham: lose 15 pounds by Feb 1., exercise 5/6 x a week with 3/4 days of strength training, eat breakfast everyday (a healthy one), two servings of fruit a day.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - DO NOT focus on the scale. Focus on changing my lifestyle by incorporating fruits and vegetables in my diet more, drinking my water everyday, planning my meals, working out 120 minutes per week, and getting back to C25k traning.
    LostAlyKat (Aly) : Be under 170lbs for the end of the month. Do weight lifting or strength 3 times a week, be active in some way every day. Get back into doing Yoga do a class at least 1 time this month. Write down my feelings more often.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 156. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Restart and keep up with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    seripha - exercise 5x a week for at least 30 minutes each. Try to eat at least 1 cup of dark green food every day and only 1 sweet thing per day. :)
    miss_amy: to lose 8lbs (38 total lbs), work out 5x a week for an hour & log EVERYTHING!
    Ngoat (nancy): Lose 5lbs, Drink more water, and eat healthier dinners!
    rai8759: lose at least 4 lbs (164 by 1/31/11); work out 3x a week idevelop a consistent weight training regiment and work my way up to 2x a week weight training; drink 8-10 cups of water per day; eat more veggies; track everything in my food diary!!
    Dteg: Scale to lose 5 LBs making under 140 for the first time in 5 years!!!! non scale: to eat more fresh food, eat in more often not going out as much anymore, excerise three times a week
    Allie7383- be at or under 155, eat more fruits/veggies, and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    katecampbell03- Lose 5lbs this month and make time to fit in a work-out before/during/after work
    pags221 - weigh 1.31.11 @ 123lbs / make it to the gym 21 days this month
    Allislefttogain - Stay below 120; run 70 miles; 64 ounces of (straight!) water daily; complete weeks 2-4 of Turbo Fire; try kale & brussel sprouts; strength train 3x a week
    tai_88 - drink at least 8 cups of water a day. I must drink at least 4 cups before i can have tea or my sprite zero; stop mindless/emotional eating; work out at least 4 times a week; log every day; continue the push up challenge; lose 4 lbs.
    spellbinder25 - (1) Continue with C25K, (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do strength training thrice a week, (5) Reach 142lbs by the end of Jan.
    KanCrav - I want to loose 5lbs by the end of January
    Silver180 - Stay smoke/fast food free, gym 3x/wk, stay under 2,000 cal/day, drink more water, lose 5 lbs.
    angels and wolves-scale goal: 169 by feb 1st; non-scale goals: continue 30DS everyday, drop a pnt size by feb 1st, give up soda and caffeine, and be able to run a mile.
    Nadine - Scale goals: 125lbs by my next half marathon in March. Non scale goals - successfully check off every scheduled run on my 1/2 marathon training program, thats 4 runs a week. Committ to practicing yoga at least twice a week (running injury preventer!!) Weight train twice a week. Cut fast food, make my own lunches and eating smartly - feeding my body what it needs to perform and feel its best, not foods that taste good but make me tired. My running time goals are in my signature :)
    Nita_Bita - Scale goal: to get between 130-135 by May. Non Scale goals - follow through with TurboFire and eat clean the entire time; document everything that i eat
    bellatiamarie lose 15 pounds; exercise at least 15 times this month (haven't exercised one day yet)

    Hi bella: I just wanted to throw in that I think your goals may be a bit high. For one thing, the first week is often much higher than what the subsequent weeks- the changes hit your body pretty big the first week and drop off pretty quickly. Adding in the fasting you’ve been doing, it seems likely your body will need a week (or maybe more) to adjust to 10lbs in a week. I’m not saying this to discourage you in anyway, but we are all about realistic, steady goals and I really don’t want you to lose steam after seeing the big number on the scale this week. If you do decide to reassess your goals, just copy and paste the list above with your changes.

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-awesome job! you are def on your way to being a runner again! wtg!

    Diamonds-HI! nice to see ya! great job on the loss :)

    Guam-me too!!! very excited, keep me posted :)

    Allis-feel better :)

    Seripha-don't push the workouts too hard! sounds like you already have some permanent damage and it'd suck to be even worse!

    Spell-great job on losing that holiday weight already! hope you feel better soon :)

    Melissa-wtg on the workouts! sounds like you are doing great!

    Bella-Welcome! is that 15lbs total for the month (including the 10 that you already lost)? if so great goal! and if not...i agree with Gonks, maybe a little high but regardless good luck to you!

    QOTD-on the days that i work night shift i get up at 215pm and leave the house by 430pm...on the days i dont work i usually get up at 630am to bring my son to school and then go back to sleep from like 8am-noon!!!

    AFM-well i ended up eating more last night (3am) and added those calories to today! and then i added in an extra workout to try to make up for it and kept todays calories under even with the food from 3am added!! tomorrow is my WI so we shall see if my plan worked!! and although i am disappointed in myself for the little "binge" that i had i still feel pretty good about how i tried to make up for it :)

  • Roobean33
    Roobean33 Posts: 104
    Hey all I'm back! I didn't log much this past weekend, and I KNOW I ate way too much of fatty delicious homemade food. Back to the grind. I joined a CrossFit gym (I was playing around with the idea for awhile and my brother raved about it all weekend so I decided to go for it) and I think I'm really going to like it. Also got some time on the elliptical today. So much going on here ladies!

    Meag - You are amazing! You are so in shape! I didn't realize how tall you were & a size 2! WOW! I'm jealous, but I know you earned it because you eat like a saint and are nonstop workout queen!

    TJ - Good luck on your WI and I hope your plan worked!

    Finn - My little runner! Not long ago you hated it. Or at least, wasn't sure you would stick with it. And look at you now! Proud of you girly! You'll look fabulous for your wedding and beyond!

    Spellbinder - Hope you kick that stomach bug. Good job today!

    Melissa - Another skinny-mini! Great job!

    QOTD- I work 3PM-11PM, but I stay up, even grocery shop after work. I'm usually awake by 9:30am. I workout, eat, shower, walk the dog and start the cycle all over again.
  • Roobean33
    Roobean33 Posts: 104
    double post
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone - Short-ish post tonight. Or at least as short as I can manage, given how tired I am and how much snow I have to contend with tomorrow.

    QOTD: My wake up time varies greatly, as do my meal times and everything else in my life. Some days it's 6:45am and other days it's 11am, depending on my work schedule and carpooling. It's incredibly hard on your body to constantly be screwing around with your clock like that, but that's life. Maybe once I get a normal job...

    Spell- Great job with C25K today!! Woooot! :drinker: Hoping you are feeling better though and your stomach has settled down...

    Aly - I'm around, but unfortunately pressed for time today :ohwell: But yea, I'm always lurking in the MFP shadows haha

    Melissa - Which other guys? Mine looked amazing when they came out of the oven, but they deflated a bit and didn't taste great. They are definitely edible but I'm not sure I'd make them again... I subbed out the 1/2 cup splenda for 2 bananas, and it was fine sweetness-wise but the whole thing ended up tasting like banana, and not nearly as chocolate-y as I would like. Also, the texture was nothing like brownies. Lies, I tell you! Great job on your 3 miles today. I only managed 2.5miles with a warm up and cool down period, because I was majorly pressed for time today. Hoping to make up for it tomorrow assuming the snow is somewhat cleared...

    bellatiamarie - Welcome! :flowerforyou: Good luck with your goals. Very ambitious!

    Roo - I am SO jealous of your CrossFit membership - I hope you really make the most of it and LOVE the classes! Be sure to give us a full update :bigsmile: And pssshhht I'm hardly a workout queen! I try to be but my gym-durance is lacking most days. Definitely felt like a big ol' FAIL today. Didn't help that I had 2 choc protein brownies lol! I guess it's good knowing there's actually nothing too bad in them... So minimal guilt should be felt, I guess. Thanks for your sweetness though - My tallness is exaggerated greatly by my wicked long gangly legs and short torse. If you look closely at my profile pic you can see one leg jutting up in front of my torso... I'm a freak, I tells ya! hahaha But at 5'7" and 125-ish pounds, I've still got a tummy :grumble: Sometimes it feels like you really can't win.

    Gonks - Where ARE you!?! Missing all your insight and wisdom, lady. Not to mention your overwhelming bad-assery. Hope works going well and you are enjoying celebrating with your cubical-mate :flowerforyou:

    AFM: Snowed like mad all evening while I was with the boy and driving home from his place was really awful. I am NOT going to be enjoying the commute this winter between our places... 35 mins on a perfect weather day but close to an hour in these conditions. At midnight, that's a really sh*tty drive. Thank goodness he's moving in April - at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel :smile:

    Ate alright today but no real "meals" - just a whole lot of snacking. Went over on my 40-30-30 diet for carbs and fiber... I am really trying, but hot damn it's hard. Was still under my calories, though, so I'll call it a success. My day was basically a major write off due to my interview and subsequently losing my car + being locked out of the house (thank you, Mom, for both of those). She took my car while I was being interviewed (happened to be in the same office building) along with my house keys (on my keychain), so while I could walk home, in a wind chill of -11C wearing dress pants and fashion boots, I had no means of keeping warm once I arrived... OH and did I mention, my mother never answers her phone? Yea. I left the interview at 1:45pm and she strolled into the house after 4:30 still having NO idea I was locked out all afternoon...ARGH! She really is oblivious sometimes. Thankfully I knew this already and managed to get ahold of my father around 3pm to let me in the house.

    So I lost about 1.5 hours of my day - meaning I had to really stretch it to get my run in, and only managed 2.5miles before I had to call it quits. Very frustrating. I keep letting myself down with this 1/2 training and I am feeling really awful about it. I know there are things I can't control, but I really need to just buckle down and get it done. It's really important to me and so I need to prioritize. It's definitely a major goal for Jan now.

    Anyway, that's all I've got. The interview went great. Brownies turned out OK. And tomorrow's a new, very very snowy day. Hoping to get in a 30 mins tempo run, whatever that means :laugh: Crock-Pot Salsa Chicken tomorrow for dinner. Should be tasty and soo easy!

    Peace y'all
    Meag :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow. Totally NOT short at all :huh: FAIL!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Ok everyone: I’m going to do my best. Today was an intense day of work (everything we needed to get done before the storm in case we can’t come in tomorrow) followed by my long run (which was actually scheduled for tomorrow but, again, storm) so I haven’t been on like at all today so I’m going to try to catch up to everyone, if I can.

    Mon- I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really eat strange things. I guess the closest would be the squid sushi appetizer, which is a little chewy but otherwise tasty
    Tues- All manner of different times, it really depends. I need to be up at 7, to be out of the apt at 8. Mid-running days I wake up at 6, staying at the boy’s it’s 6:30, Long Run days it’s 5. So I’m all over the map. Generally though I would say I’m up pretty regularly at 6.

    Meag: Since you have no team affiliation, you can be a Red Sox fan :Happy: Jus kiddin, but you know, I gotta throw out the recruitment pitch here and there. Tom is actually a dreaded Yankee fan which my family gives him no end of difficulty about. And you can tell Tyler that he should look into some graduate programs- I bet some colleges will give you transfer credits in Acting and Fine Arts, for having played that much soccer :smile: I kid, I kid! No but really…
    As for snacking, have you thought about planning in a “snack meal”? You often have some extra cals at night, and a craving to snack- maybe your body is telling you something and it wants food later at night and mentally planning for that will help? I’m not sure as I get so unhungry these days at like 730, but that’s what it looks like to me.
    Wtg on the Size 2 pants (I’ve missed so much updating from you!) and it ROCKS when the boy is totally sweet in such unexpected ways- and your boy always goes right past expectations!

    Allie: WTG on signing up for a ½ mar! I’m doing the training but have been too much of a weenie to sign up for a race yet… I’m totally lowtech in running stuff- until winter hit I even ran in just a cotton T and sweatpants from high school. So my socks are just…well, socks. I find that my upper body is much more important in keeping comfy when I run, but I am by no means expert, having never tried the special socks but I am cheap and an example that maybe they are better kept for when you get to higher levels or more competitive?

    Angels- I use “” to plan out my distances. It’s not as easy as Meag’s phone app or as useful as HRM, but it’s free (can you guys sense a theme in my opinions?). Great thing about C25k is that you can always restart or redo some of it. I must have started and stopped like 3-4 times and I don’t even have a kid! But it’s a great, simple plan and you can always come back to it.

    Finn- the Dresses are beautiful. I love it when a plan comes together! I was also SOOOOO freaking proud of your run the other day (I saw, just didn’t have time to keep up)

    Tai- Good to see you again!!! You did a great job on your goals! Esp considering it was December. And yea, I will bore the crap out of anyone who will sit still long enough about baseball. It’s genetic.

    Jill – you make this low-tech committed girl want an HRM sooo much! I hope you are feeling better.

    LauraTx- Great loss ! you must be stoked!

    Guam- I am so jealous. Tom and I are actually planning to hit both the grapefruit and cactus league someday, but right now it’s more about saving than spending when we can help it. Also- Family weddings can be totally stressful enough without trying to account for calories, I’m sure you did fine!

    Skip- I would personally wait to run until it warms up a bit- I’ve found it really hard to do any walking/run combo in the winter…but I too am a bit of a wimp. But if you can get out there, I would say do it! If it’s over 30 degrees its actually quite pleasant.

    Insky- Great loss and welcome back!!!

    Aly- if WW worked for you, there’s no reason you shouldn’t go back (and can’t stay here with us too!). You seem to be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to do it this way, but if you know WW works for you, than I say go for it.

    Seripha- I hope you are feeling better! Good luck with the 10k!

    Spellbinder- glad you’ve gotten past the holiday weight and that your trainer is so awesome!

    Roo – Good luck with the 10K!

    I started this post yesterday night, but was so tired I just put the computer in sleep so I could finish when I got up. Now I’m running late-ish for work (which I will def have. No snow day for me. Yay for MLK day on Monday tho) My update tho needs to be short and sweet. @Skip, this one is for you: Will the real slim shady pls stand up, oh wait no she can’t her legs died when she FINISHED HER 8 MILE RUN LAST NIGHT! Woot. Double exciting because last week I had to walk the last .2 mi of my 7 miler.
    So yea, got the run in. physically wiped out. Gotta go get my fanny out the door now.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. A vendor at work has been making my days very complicated and stressful, so much so that I had to take it up with the Senior VP. Needless to say I was really busy! Luckily I dragged my bum out of bed and did spin first thing in the morning so I didn't have to worry about getting my workout in. I was so sore from my bootcamp class on Monday that spin was definitely harder then usual (especially since we did a hill workout OUCH!) so this morning I took it easy and just did 45 minutes of walking on the treadmill. I hope that it gave me the opportunity to stretch out those muscles and give them some sort of break. But tomorrow morning is another bootcamp class and spin again Friday morning. Do any of you also have the love hate relationship with working out?

    I love it after I do it, and I even love the thought of it, but some times I just really hate it! But so far I have been successful in my goals of 5/6 workouts a week with 3/4 days of strength training and I want to keep it up!

    Now I am going to do my best to reply to everyone, but I have a feeling its not going to happen so a preemptive apology to those I miss!

    Gonks- 8 miles!!! AWESOME!! The thought of running for 8 miles is beyond me, so major props to you. And when you had to walk the last two of your 7 miler, just the fact that you didn't say forget it I quit and you still finished the distance is awesome!

    Meag- Don't get yourself down about not being able to get in your entire run yesterday. Sometimes life just gets in the way, but letting it bother you too much will just make you feel worse and worse and what good does that do? You still went out there and did something instead of just saying well I don't have time to do what I planned so forget it- so I say great job!

    Allie- a 1/2 marathon is amazing!!! One of my friends is a marathon runner and frequently does 1/2 marathons- I just can't picture it so you've already impressed me by signing up :)

    Angels- google maps has a pedometer function that allows you to track a trail and it tells you the distance. You can put in exactly where you started from and since it gives you the picture as if you are looking at the ground from above, you can really track exactly where you ran and what the distance was. I have used this many times when I have gone on hikes or taken trails that I haven't traveled before.

    Cait- I love your whole weekend plan!! It sounds awesome and I am sure your guests are going to love it. I know it was difficult to get to spend time with everyone and its especially hard when they come from so far away and you want to really see them. So I know that your guests will absolutely love and appreciate the extra time they get to spend with you and your future hubby!

    I know several of you talked about signing up for 10ks! awesome and way to go! I have only managed to do a couple of 5ks so far, but maybe one day I will be able to up my distance!!

    I know I missed a bunch of people but thats all that I can remember right now and I gottta get back to work. I hope everyone has a FANTASTIC day!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Angels - I love to run new routes on my long runs because I find it easier to stay the course and push through when I don't quite know what's around the corner. If it's relatively unfamiliar terrain, and I still don't know the landmarks super well, I can't really know how much farther I have to go before the end. I find that mentally this is really helpful. So, pre-run I always hit google maps pedometer function (as Megan suggested) and plan out a route that is 0.3mi or so longer than my run, since I know that their mapping system isn't entirely accurate and I'd rather run a BIT farther than not quite make my distance mark for the run. Then, when I run I keep my GPS locked in and track myself that way to compare. It's usually a few tenths over my distance goal but I am OK with that. It's accurate enough! :bigsmile: Good luck!

    Gonks - Sounds very hectic. Grats on getting the long run in though, girl. 8 miles?!?! Where's your 1/2 plan, huh!? You're kicking my *kitten* :tongue: I thought we were running 6 miles this week... Grrrrr :laugh: Ah well - sounds like a fab run. Super proud of you for finishing strong! All you ladies are making such awesome strides with your running. I am loving it!

    Megan - Love/hate with working out for sure. I love how I feel afterward but about 80-90% of the time I am fighting a mental battle not to give up mid-workout and call it a day. Yesterday, obviously, I lost. With 6 mins left on the treadmill I called it quits. Thankfully I usually power through and talk myself back up. Take it day-by-day for sure... It can be tough!

    AFM - Checking out the gym schedules today and trying to find some classes to compliment my running. I want to do more strength but I just cant get motivated for lifting right now. My body is aching. I am going to try and get my push-ups in today... I havent been following the weeks properly with the push-up challenge, but if I can get the weeks done at my own pace I figure its better than just quitting the challenge all together. I am definitely getting stronger.

    Having the boy over for dinner tonight and my brother (whom I have a very tumultuous relationship with) is coming home last minute for a funeral tomorrow. Should be a tense night. A whole lot of shoveling and a 3mi run on the agenda today. Screw tempo running today - I am just running easy and not worrying about it. I need a break :ohwell:

    Meag :heart:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Gonks - Sounds very hectic. Grats on getting the long run in though, girl. 8 miles?!?! Where's your 1/2 plan, huh!? You're kicking my *kitten* :tongue: I thought we were running 6 miles this week... Grrrrr :laugh:

    Re: my 1/2 plan-- I'm kind of just making it up. It's a bit of a bastardization of the Hal Higon Novice and that really hard 10k program that I had started but never quite finished. I figured that was good for accounting for my n00b runner status but also for giving myself a challenge for most of my workouts. This is the plan I drew up the week leading up to christmas, to give myself guidelines for getting through January.

    As you can see- 6 m is on the schedule, just not til next week. The long run plan is this:

    6.2 "race" next week
    9 - wk of 1/23
    10- wk of 1/30
    8 "race" - wk of 2/6
    11- wk of 2/13
    12- wk of 2/20
    13- wk of 2/27

    March I haven't completely figured out but I figure 13, 11, 12, 13. But we'll see when we get closer. My mid range runs aren't quite as far along as I would like them (only at about 3.5 instead of 4) but it'll get there.

    Good luck with the fam situation. Def let your run be all about comfy you time. You deserve it.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning Peeps! Or good afternoon/evening or whatever time it is for you :)

    Meag- Good idea on the easy run for today. Half marathon training is tough and listening to your body is the most important thing to do right now. Take is easy when you need to. I am totally feeling you on finding more strength. At least I am doing the push-ups 3 times a week. I am hoping I can wake up early tomorrow so I can do NMTZ since I have been struggling with strength this week and always. I hope things go good tonight with dinner, family can be tough love sometimes.

    Gonks- My mom gave me her online tools for WW so I am going to see how that goes as far as points go. I am also tracking on here, it feels a little like over kill but it is putting things in perspective. I just hope I can see the scale go down soon and stay in that direction.

    If I forgot anyone sorry :flowerforyou:

    AFM- Went and did my swim last night and it went pretty well. I didn't do the last 6 100's since I had already been swimming for 45 minutes and I still needed a cool down. Since last night was the first time I have swam in a week I didn't want to kill myself and it was already 7:45 PM and the boy and I needed dinner. I had no appetite last night for some reason, I made sure to eat my salad and turkey patty but I was just not feeling it. This morning I made some yummy apple cinnamon oatmeal, it was super easy and really yummy, next time I will have to add some nuts for extra calories since I was hungry right when I got to work and ate some raw almonds anyways. Tonight I have run training so I brought all my gear to work with me since I am meeting the team at the track. It is going to be a long night but I know it is worth it. I just have to make sure I have snacks to hold me over. I woke up early and got stuff done, but I started feeling stressed out when I was leaving the house. I really need to get a hold on this stress factor, I know it is not good for me.

    Debating about entering the lottery for the NYC marathon.... I don't think I will get in but it could be awesome if I did.

    QOTD: Where did you meet your significant other if you have one? If you are flying solo, tell us a fun fact about yourself :heart:

    I met my BF on Myspace haha 5 years ago, we started chatting online and then we went on a date and the rest is history heheh.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    QOTD: Where did you meet your significant other if you have one? If you are flying solo, tell us a fun fact about yourself :heart:

    Tom and I met our first week of college he lived 2 doors down from me in our hall. I was still dating someone from highschool, but we broke up in early October. Tom and I started dating one week before halloween on 10/24/03, which I was dorkishly excited to figure out was the same anniversary as Xander and Anya from Buffy (same date, not same year gosh I'm such a nerd).
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    This is going to be a way short post and I know I will miss a lot of people...sorry!!

    spellbinder - compliments are always good!! And always welcome!! And great job turning down the cake!! Sweets are my weakness!! And it doesn't help that I love to bake.

    Skip - I am the same way...I want to be sore too!! And I keep those Fiber One bars and the Special K chocolate pretzel bars stocked in my drawer at work.

    Meag - I don't think you could ever have a fail day!! Your intentions are always there and you always put forth some sort of effort. Any day you've gotten out of bed and are doing something for youself, sounds like a good day to me!!

    Gonk & Mary - nice to see you guys back!!

    seripha - here is the link to the forum for the push-up challenge....

    QOTD - I met my boy on eHarmony. As a single mom, I strongly believe in online dating. I don't get very many opportunities to go out and when I do, I am usually at a bar with my friends and thats not my ideal place to meet someone. I like online dating cause you can get to know the person for who they are and kinda do it when you can fit it in your life. I had done eHarmony years ago but decided to stop paying for it cause I wasn't getting hardly anything out of it. I tried a free site for years and all I can say is that you get what you pay for. Decided to get serious about dating again and that I needed to get back on a paid site. Paid for a 3-month subscription and figured that if nothing happened in 3 months then I would cancel it and be done and over it. My boy was the first guy that I met in person this time around and I couldn't be happier!! my kickboxing class in last night. So thats 60 minutes of workout done for the week and 60 minutes to go. But I went out with the boy last night and we had some beers. I think I might have gone over a little but I was careful throughout the day cause I knew we would be going out last night.

    Happy hump day all!!
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Spellbinder - Nice job on the run! I hate it when stomach stuff interrupts your work outs though. Your tummy's digestion was probably kickstarted by that run and all of a sudden it was like "OMG. NO. I AM ANGRY AT YOU!!!!!"

    Bella - Welcome to the group! Wow a 7 day fast with your church? That's intense. I once did the 40 hour fast fundraiser with mine and I was dying at the end of it all. I have to agree with gonks and suggest that you let your body recover after your fasting and reassess your goals. You will be TIRED after it all and your body will probably have some issues digesting food again, so don't be discouraged if things aren't as quick as they were before.

    tjradd - Don't worry, I'm very careful with my workouts. My permanent damage is in my shoulders and I'm VERY protective of them when I work out. I am trying to slowly increase my strength my shoulders again though, but I'm doing it under my chiro's orders and including LOTS of stretching.

    Roo - Cool! I hope you find your new gym super fun. :)

    Gonks - I hope you get a nice rest day soon! I'm starting to feel my new work out sched in my body too and it's brutal to balance the need for rest and recovery and the drive to be OMGGGG I"M WORKING SO HARDZORZ!!!!

    QOTD - I met my boy through school / work. We met but didn't remember each other, and then met again but I was seeing some one else, and then met again and it was like "OH. You ARE cute." and then we had a whole month of not really knowing what was going on between us and then we finally kissed and it was official. :)

    AFM - I'm trying out this cleanse thingy I saw on tv when I was working out on the elliptical at work yesterday. I'm not usually a big fan of cleanses but this one kind of made sense. It just involves drinking a hot mug of water with lemon and cayenne pepper before breakfast every day. Apparently the hot water promotes digestion (cold water first thing inhibits it), and the lemon and cayenne pepper clean out your bowels of bad stuff. And you dont' have to go on a wacky diet in order to do it either - just eat healthily and exercise like normal. So I'm going to give it a go and see how it turns out for my IBS. I'm drinking it right now and it doesn't taste half bad. Anyone else ever do any cleanses worth mentioning?
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    QOTD- I met my hubby junior year of high school (2001) and we started dating that november. We went to separate colleges (about 6 hrs apart) survived that and got married 6 years after we started dating. Our anniversary is 11/11 so I am super excited for this year- 11/11/11 (10 years together 4 married). Now I feel old. :(
  • Roobean33
    Roobean33 Posts: 104
    QOTD - I met my husband, Steve, when I was a freshman in college. I actually was good friends with his roomie due to the fact that we had several of the same classes and several mutual friends. He urged Steve to ask me out but it took him about a semester to get the nerve up. Got engaged 2 years later and married 2 years after that. Married 7 months today!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Now I feel old. :(

    Why do you feel old? I'm the same age as you- The boy and I just didnt meet until 2003. This Oct is our 8th anniversary.

    On a related note- 11/11 is a cool anniversary.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Awwww What a love-filled QOTD! We should have saved this one for V-day! hahaha JK. That was lame. Feel free to shake your heads in my general direction :noway:

    QOTD - My boy and I met on OKCupid - I moved back with my parents in Aug 2009 after leaving the luxurious life of a grad student on full scholarship and winding up totally broke and unemployed. Absolutely worst case scenario, but probably the best decision I ever made since it landed me 18 months of unemployment and enough me time to get healthy, lose weight, and completely change my life around. When I moved back here after 5 years of living away I had exactly zero friends in the city, so after a while of flying solo, reading a whole bunch and getting a sweet tan, I caved and signed up to meet new friends (no romance intended). Met a few alright people and hung out a bit with them for a while, but nothing stuck. Finally on Canada Day, Tyler was stuck at work b/c his employer sucks and he has to work holidays and crazy overtime, so he was slacking off and signed up for OKCupid. That day (his first day on OKC) I messaged him for kicks and we chatted for an hour or so. Met for a mini-putt and walk-along-the-water date on July 2nd, and then everything just fell into place. It's crazy to think it's only been just over 6 months -- I really could not be any happier or imagine finding anyone that suits me as well as he does. It's been the easiest relationship I've ever had and I am extremely grateful to have met him. Looking forward to our future together, for sure :bigsmile:

    Gonks - Dork alert!! hahaha Love it. Your schedule looks good lady. Keep that running up :happy: I'm going to start the 1/2 training thread I promised to start before and never got around to because I'm a loser. I'll post the link on your profile and Melissa's as well. Jump in whenever. I know that exactly what you need is another thread to keep up with :tongue:

    Seripha - Glad to hear you're still eating! Let us know what you find with it... So long as you're still getting your cals, the cleanse could be helpful. But yea - I'm a bit skeptical. So keep us posted :happy:

    Guam - Great workout and yay for meeting online :bigsmile: It really is the easiest way to meet people these days, I think. Especially if you're busy and don't want to date people from work/school (which I never do). It's incredibly hard to approach people these days with everyone being in their own technological world, headphones and blackberries and the like. Online just makes sense. Prob is meeting people that aren't totally nuts... haha

    Chicken, salsa and veg in the slow-cooker for dinner. Made some homemade pico earlier, cooked black beans from dry, and prepped some food for later in the week. An hour in the kitchen helped to calm me down and make me feel a little less bummed out about my running. Going to head out and get a good burn (shoveling and then a steady run) before everyone gets home and disturbs my peace and quiet :wink:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Seripha--That's so nice that your work pays for half of your run! Despite training in the cold, the $70 entry fee for the 1/2 in St. Louis was a bit of a deterrent for me since I'm not working right now! You will be in fabulous shape to run it! I have never done a cleanse but I'm interested to hear how yours works out.

    spellbinder--Sorry your tummy cut your workout short! Major bummer! Hope you're feeling better.

    Melissa--Sounds like Jillian is a great workout! I may have to try that sometime. Hope you got your snow day!

    Bella--Welcome! Hope you like our group!

    Tara--Great job making up for your little "binge" with a workout! I think that is so important and something I need to work on. If I want to have a cheat day, fine, but I need to put in a little extra effort at the gym to cover it!

    Mary--OMG I want to join CrossFit so bad!!!!! Once I actually start working again I am definitely going to do that. I can't wait to hear all about it!

    Meag--I admire you for even getting a workout in after being locked out! I probably would have said forget it. I'm so glad your interview went well! I hope your evening with your bro goes smoothly. That shoveling will make up for taking the tempo out of your run! My hubby and I have refused to purchase a shovel since we moved to St. Louis 3 years ago (from Atlanta). He has an SUV so he just drives back and forth over the snow pile that covers our driveway after they clear the road so I can have a path to get out in my little car. Atlanta, by the way, is currently completely shut down due to 5 inches of snow! Are you laughing yet?? It snowed over the weekend and schools are still closed and tons of people are still not going to work!

    Gonks--:laugh: Love the slim shady joke! I don't feel deprived anymore. Awesome run girl!!!

    Aly--You should totally try to get in the NYC marathon! That would be so cool! Your swimming is so impressive, by the way.

    Guam--Good job planning your day to save room for your night out!

    QOTD--My hubby and I met at work and had a super secret relationship until I left the company! We told HR, but no one else. It was funny to pass him in the hall and not even make eye contact even though I had spent the night at his place the night before! After I put in my 2 weeks, his boss thought it would be a good idea to announce at the office party that we had been dating for 6 months... Everyone was shocked, and I was so embarrassed and proceeded to get drunk. Good times!

    AFM--I did weights and the stairmaster at the gym today. That stairmaster kicks my fanny. I was sweating buckets! I STILL weigh 125 and am dying to see the scale move. I knew it would be harder now that all my faux weight is gone and I'm attacking the good stuff. I know it will move, just gotta have patience!