I've only had 800 cals but I'm so FULL :(



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    As for why you are getting the eye-roll posts here is why:

    You entered a forum designed to provide a support community to a group who is attempting, often struggling, to lose weight. You then post something about how HARD it is to eat more than 800 calories.

    If you don't see the issue here or why this would spur some of the reactions you got let me use an analogy. Lets say you went to a forum dedicated to sufferers of severe acne and excema and proceeded to complain bitterly about how hard it is to rub all this lotion into your glisteningly perfect porcelain flesh. Not only is it a first-world problem it is a first-world problem that is pretty much in exact contradiction to the problem most of the people on said forum are struggling with. So yeah, you are going to get some flak for that and its not surprising because to some it is going to seem like an intentional trolling or a bid for attention.

    Now I feel like a huge a*shole.

    I'm sorry for complaining about having trouble not getting enough calories. It's something I'm working on, and will keep to myself in the future.

    Lol I was actually refering to the OP's post, didn't even notice yours...where did you say you struggle to eat 800 calories? So far every one of your posts I have read has been gold Virgodess so let me apologies to you if I made you feel bad.

    No apology needed - you have a point. I don't have trouble with 800 - but I'm sure it's annoying when you're trying to cut back when someone whines about having trouble eating enough.

    Yeah and I wanted to draw attention to that so people at least would recognize that. That said if its a problem you are having it is a problem you are having and it is rude of me to be dismissive. I had a bit of a knee-jerk response there.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    As for why you are getting the eye-roll posts here is why:

    You entered a forum designed to provide a support community to a group who is attempting, often struggling, to lose weight. You then post something about how HARD it is to eat more than 800 calories.

    If you don't see the issue here or why this would spur some of the reactions you got let me use an analogy. Lets say you went to a forum dedicated to sufferers of severe acne and excema and proceeded to complain bitterly about how hard it is to rub all this lotion into your glisteningly perfect porcelain flesh. Not only is it a first-world problem it is a first-world problem that is pretty much in exact contradiction to the problem most of the people on said forum are struggling with. So yeah, you are going to get some flak for that and its not surprising because to some it is going to seem like an intentional trolling or a bid for attention.

    Now I feel like a huge a*shole.

    I'm sorry for complaining about having trouble not getting enough calories. It's something I'm working on, and will keep to myself in the future.

    Oh okay VirGoddess I see the post you are referring to. Its not just saying it, its the approach to saying it (filled with drama and woe-is-me) that I was refering to more in the OP's post, hadn't even seen yours. Advice is similar though. If you find yourself struggling to eat enough then my first assumption is that you are trying to eat "clean" or "healthy" and what many people do when they do this is to try to avoid all fat and stick to things that are high fiber. They switch from pasta to brown rice, they eat lots of vegetables, they eat only very lean cuts of meat like chicken breast. All that is well and good but one of your requirements is calories themselves and if you find yourself full before you hit your calorie goal then it is up to you to recognize that as a problem and CHANGE your diet to address that problem. In this case it would be a matter of cutting out some of that fiberous low cal foods and subbing in some high calorie foods like peanut butter or nuts or <gasp> a Doctor Pepper.

    Proper nutrition isn't about cutting out everything that one views as unhealthy, its about moderation and finding a balance you can live with. So therefore if you have issues eating enough, sub back in one of those "Bad" foods that you decided to avoid and that should help you attain your calorie goal.

    Sorry if I cast a wider net than I intended to with my post, I was irritated by some aspects of the OPs post...not yours.

    I don't eat clean or anything like that - I still eat bread and pasta and other deliciousness. In fact I haven't cut anything out except the excess Dr, Pepper and coffee - I allow myself half a serving of each a day. The only thing I changed about my diet was to try to incorporate more veggies (I'm bad with those). It's just I can't eat much at one time - I never used to eat lunch at all and my "meal" has usually been dinner. So I'm now trying to spread my food into snacks every hour or so. I pre-log so I can get a feel for what I need to eat to meet my goals. My diary is open (Wendy's two days in a row - don't judge me ;) ), so you're welcome to take a peek. I do realize this isn't the best way to lose - and I'm making an effort to change it.

    Thanks for your feedback :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    The "i'm totally stuffed but I've only been able to eat X calories and my goal is Y" people I have seen have invariably taken an approach to dieting that involves doing things like eating a ton of vegetables because eating vegetables is healthy right? Yeah, actually eating balanced and getting enough calories is healthy. Vegetables can have good nutrients, the fiber can help with your digestive track, but you don't need to eat lots of vegetables you can eat a few and be good.

    If you can't get yourself to eat enough calories eating things like 10 vegetables and 2 chicken breasts then instead eat 5 vegetables, 1 chicken breast, a piece of steak and some pasta. There is nothing wrong with that. Chances are you are still going to get all the nutrition AND you will get the macros your body needs as well. Don't need to go nuts on the vegetables.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    As for why you are getting the eye-roll posts here is why:

    You entered a forum designed to provide a support community to a group who is attempting, often struggling, to lose weight. You then post something about how HARD it is to eat more than 800 calories.

    If you don't see the issue here or why this would spur some of the reactions you got let me use an analogy. Lets say you went to a forum dedicated to sufferers of severe acne and excema and proceeded to complain bitterly about how hard it is to rub all this lotion into your glisteningly perfect porcelain flesh. Not only is it a first-world problem it is a first-world problem that is pretty much in exact contradiction to the problem most of the people on said forum are struggling with. So yeah, you are going to get some flak for that and its not surprising because to some it is going to seem like an intentional trolling or a bid for attention.

    Now I feel like a huge a*shole.

    I'm sorry for complaining about having trouble not getting enough calories. It's something I'm working on, and will keep to myself in the future.

    Oh okay VirGoddess I see the post you are referring to. Its not just saying it, its the approach to saying it (filled with drama and woe-is-me) that I was refering to more in the OP's post, hadn't even seen yours. Advice is similar though. If you find yourself struggling to eat enough then my first assumption is that you are trying to eat "clean" or "healthy" and what many people do when they do this is to try to avoid all fat and stick to things that are high fiber. They switch from pasta to brown rice, they eat lots of vegetables, they eat only very lean cuts of meat like chicken breast. All that is well and good but one of your requirements is calories themselves and if you find yourself full before you hit your calorie goal then it is up to you to recognize that as a problem and CHANGE your diet to address that problem. In this case it would be a matter of cutting out some of that fiberous low cal foods and subbing in some high calorie foods like peanut butter or nuts or <gasp> a Doctor Pepper.

    Proper nutrition isn't about cutting out everything that one views as unhealthy, its about moderation and finding a balance you can live with. So therefore if you have issues eating enough, sub back in one of those "Bad" foods that you decided to avoid and that should help you attain your calorie goal.

    Sorry if I cast a wider net than I intended to with my post, I was irritated by some aspects of the OPs post...not yours.

    I don't eat clean or anything like that - I still eat bread and pasta and other deliciousness. In fact I haven't cut anything out except the excess Dr, Pepper and coffee - I allow myself half a serving of each a day. The only thing I changed about my diet was to try to incorporate more veggies (I'm bad with those). It's just I can't eat much at one time - I never used to eat lunch at all and my "meal" has usually been dinner. So I'm now trying to spread my food into snacks every hour or so. I pre-log so I can get a feel for what I need to eat to meet my goals. My diary is open (Wendy's two days in a row - don't judge me ;) ), so you're welcome to take a peek. I do realize this isn't the best way to lose - and I'm making an effort to change it.

    Thanks for your feedback :)

    Here is my opinion on this. Note opinion, not fact...take it or leave it.

    Vegetables are the filler that you use to make sure you are satiated by the time you hit your calorie goal.

    Lets say my calorie goal is 2200 calories a day (mostly because it is). Lets say I get there by eating some pasta, a piece of steak, some buttered toast and a head of brocolli etc etc. At the end of my 2200 calories I am still starving. Well, I note than and say to myself...I need to cut down on a low fiber high calorie item and add more veg and a high fiber item. So I switch pasta for brown rice and add carrots and celery on top of the broccolli. I eat 2200 and at that point I'm full, problem solved.

    Lets say instead at 2200 calories a day as a goal I get to 1800 and I'm just stuffed. I look at that pile of mashed potatoes and I just can't have it, way to full. Well I take that into account and I look at my diet. Say to myself well, lets stop eating that broccoli and switch some of these lentils for some white rice. Now I can make that 2200.

    Long story short your calorie goal is your goal, it is what you should aim for. Eating less than your calorie goal isn't a victory, its missing your goal same as if you had gone over.

    If you go over your goal regularly or are hungry, add more fiber more lean protein and more veg.
    If you go under your goal regularly or are stuffed, subtract fiber and veg and add something fatty or at least calorie rich that is low fiber.

    I get the feeling that people who don't eat enough at some level know this is true but on another level actually have some pride or hope in their exceedingly low calorie days that it will give them some sort of edge on weight loss. Honestly though it is just missing your goal and if you notice it happening a lot you should change things to fix the problem.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    As for why you are getting the eye-roll posts here is why:

    You entered a forum designed to provide a support community to a group who is attempting, often struggling, to lose weight. You then post something about how HARD it is to eat more than 800 calories.

    If you don't see the issue here or why this would spur some of the reactions you got let me use an analogy. Lets say you went to a forum dedicated to sufferers of severe acne and excema and proceeded to complain bitterly about how hard it is to rub all this lotion into your glisteningly perfect porcelain flesh. Not only is it a first-world problem it is a first-world problem that is pretty much in exact contradiction to the problem most of the people on said forum are struggling with. So yeah, you are going to get some flak for that and its not surprising because to some it is going to seem like an intentional trolling or a bid for attention.

    Now I feel like a huge a*shole.

    I'm sorry for complaining about having trouble not getting enough calories. It's something I'm working on, and will keep to myself in the future.

    Oh okay VirGoddess I see the post you are referring to. Its not just saying it, its the approach to saying it (filled with drama and woe-is-me) that I was refering to more in the OP's post, hadn't even seen yours. Advice is similar though. If you find yourself struggling to eat enough then my first assumption is that you are trying to eat "clean" or "healthy" and what many people do when they do this is to try to avoid all fat and stick to things that are high fiber. They switch from pasta to brown rice, they eat lots of vegetables, they eat only very lean cuts of meat like chicken breast. All that is well and good but one of your requirements is calories themselves and if you find yourself full before you hit your calorie goal then it is up to you to recognize that as a problem and CHANGE your diet to address that problem. In this case it would be a matter of cutting out some of that fiberous low cal foods and subbing in some high calorie foods like peanut butter or nuts or <gasp> a Doctor Pepper.

    Proper nutrition isn't about cutting out everything that one views as unhealthy, its about moderation and finding a balance you can live with. So therefore if you have issues eating enough, sub back in one of those "Bad" foods that you decided to avoid and that should help you attain your calorie goal.

    Sorry if I cast a wider net than I intended to with my post, I was irritated by some aspects of the OPs post...not yours.

    I don't eat clean or anything like that - I still eat bread and pasta and other deliciousness. In fact I haven't cut anything out except the excess Dr, Pepper and coffee - I allow myself half a serving of each a day. The only thing I changed about my diet was to try to incorporate more veggies (I'm bad with those). It's just I can't eat much at one time - I never used to eat lunch at all and my "meal" has usually been dinner. So I'm now trying to spread my food into snacks every hour or so. I pre-log so I can get a feel for what I need to eat to meet my goals. My diary is open (Wendy's two days in a row - don't judge me ;) ), so you're welcome to take a peek. I do realize this isn't the best way to lose - and I'm making an effort to change it.

    Thanks for your feedback :)

    Here is my opinion on this. Note opinion, not fact...take it or leave it.

    Vegetables are the filler that you use to make sure you are satiated by the time you hit your calorie goal.

    Lets say my calorie goal is 2200 calories a day (mostly because it is). Lets say I get there by eating some pasta, a piece of steak, some buttered toast and a head of brocolli etc etc. At the end of my 2200 calories I am still starving. Well, I note than and say to myself...I need to cut down on a low fiber high calorie item and add more veg and a high fiber item. So I switch pasta for brown rice and add carrots and celery on top of the broccolli. I eat 2200 and at that point I'm full, problem solved.

    Lets say instead at 2200 calories a day as a goal I get to 1800 and I'm just stuffed. I look at that pile of mashed potatoes and I just can't have it, way to full. Well I take that into account and I look at my diet. Say to myself well, lets stop eating that broccoli and switch some of these lentils for some white rice. Now I can make that 2200.

    Long story short your calorie goal is your goal, it is what you should aim for. Eating less than your calorie goal isn't a victory, its missing your goal same as if you had gone over.

    If you go over your goal regularly or are hungry, add more fiber more lean protein and more veg.
    If you go under your goal regularly or are stuffed, subtract fiber and veg and add something fatty or at least calorie rich that is low fiber.

    I get the feeling that people who don't eat enough at some level know this is true but on another level actually have some pride or hope in their exceedingly low calorie days that it will give them some sort of edge on weight loss. Honestly though it is just missing your goal and if you notice it happening a lot you should change things to fix the problem.

    I feel like when I don't eat enough, I've failed. I went from netting about 900, and I'm up to 1,100 - so I'm making progress. Protein bars and shakes really help me.

    I changed my goal from 2 pounds a week, to 1.5 pounds. It bothers me that I'm probably losing weight in a non-sustainable way, and I want to KEEP it off.

    I'm going to try to work on my fat intake - I'm good on carbs, so fat seems like the right path. The typical fats suggested are things like avocado, peanut butter, cottage cheese, etc - all things I'm not a fan of. I'm going to keep trying new foods.

    I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me about it. <3
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    1) you've been eating low cal for so long that your body is tampered with and needs repairing. search thermogenesis on these boards.

    2) you worked out today and your appetite is squelched and tomorrow it will be voracious. look at your week as a whole rather than daily.

    3) your measuring is innacurate. get a food scale and measuring spoons and cups.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    As for why you are getting the eye-roll posts here is why:

    You entered a forum designed to provide a support community to a group who is attempting, often struggling, to lose weight. You then post something about how HARD it is to eat more than 800 calories.

    If you don't see the issue here or why this would spur some of the reactions you got let me use an analogy. Lets say you went to a forum dedicated to sufferers of severe acne and excema and proceeded to complain bitterly about how hard it is to rub all this lotion into your glisteningly perfect porcelain flesh. Not only is it a first-world problem it is a first-world problem that is pretty much in exact contradiction to the problem most of the people on said forum are struggling with. So yeah, you are going to get some flak for that and its not surprising because to some it is going to seem like an intentional trolling or a bid for attention.

    Now I feel like a huge a*shole.

    I'm sorry for complaining about having trouble not getting enough calories. It's something I'm working on, and will keep to myself in the future.

    Oh okay VirGoddess I see the post you are referring to. Its not just saying it, its the approach to saying it (filled with drama and woe-is-me) that I was refering to more in the OP's post, hadn't even seen yours. Advice is similar though. If you find yourself struggling to eat enough then my first assumption is that you are trying to eat "clean" or "healthy" and what many people do when they do this is to try to avoid all fat and stick to things that are high fiber. They switch from pasta to brown rice, they eat lots of vegetables, they eat only very lean cuts of meat like chicken breast. All that is well and good but one of your requirements is calories themselves and if you find yourself full before you hit your calorie goal then it is up to you to recognize that as a problem and CHANGE your diet to address that problem. In this case it would be a matter of cutting out some of that fiberous low cal foods and subbing in some high calorie foods like peanut butter or nuts or <gasp> a Doctor Pepper.

    Proper nutrition isn't about cutting out everything that one views as unhealthy, its about moderation and finding a balance you can live with. So therefore if you have issues eating enough, sub back in one of those "Bad" foods that you decided to avoid and that should help you attain your calorie goal.

    Sorry if I cast a wider net than I intended to with my post, I was irritated by some aspects of the OPs post...not yours.

    I don't eat clean or anything like that - I still eat bread and pasta and other deliciousness. In fact I haven't cut anything out except the excess Dr, Pepper and coffee - I allow myself half a serving of each a day. The only thing I changed about my diet was to try to incorporate more veggies (I'm bad with those). It's just I can't eat much at one time - I never used to eat lunch at all and my "meal" has usually been dinner. So I'm now trying to spread my food into snacks every hour or so. I pre-log so I can get a feel for what I need to eat to meet my goals. My diary is open (Wendy's two days in a row - don't judge me ;) ), so you're welcome to take a peek. I do realize this isn't the best way to lose - and I'm making an effort to change it.

    Thanks for your feedback :)

    Here is my opinion on this. Note opinion, not fact...take it or leave it.

    Vegetables are the filler that you use to make sure you are satiated by the time you hit your calorie goal.

    Lets say my calorie goal is 2200 calories a day (mostly because it is). Lets say I get there by eating some pasta, a piece of steak, some buttered toast and a head of brocolli etc etc. At the end of my 2200 calories I am still starving. Well, I note than and say to myself...I need to cut down on a low fiber high calorie item and add more veg and a high fiber item. So I switch pasta for brown rice and add carrots and celery on top of the broccolli. I eat 2200 and at that point I'm full, problem solved.

    Lets say instead at 2200 calories a day as a goal I get to 1800 and I'm just stuffed. I look at that pile of mashed potatoes and I just can't have it, way to full. Well I take that into account and I look at my diet. Say to myself well, lets stop eating that broccoli and switch some of these lentils for some white rice. Now I can make that 2200.

    Long story short your calorie goal is your goal, it is what you should aim for. Eating less than your calorie goal isn't a victory, its missing your goal same as if you had gone over.

    If you go over your goal regularly or are hungry, add more fiber more lean protein and more veg.
    If you go under your goal regularly or are stuffed, subtract fiber and veg and add something fatty or at least calorie rich that is low fiber.

    I get the feeling that people who don't eat enough at some level know this is true but on another level actually have some pride or hope in their exceedingly low calorie days that it will give them some sort of edge on weight loss. Honestly though it is just missing your goal and if you notice it happening a lot you should change things to fix the problem.

    Thank you !

    Best post I have read in a while......almost wish I had written it.

    I often wonder why so many people are unaware of the fact that they are in control of their diet and that " wow-congratulations-you-ate-500-calories-under-daily-goal " ( or 200 or whatever ) is actually nothing to be proud of. I know it is difficult to eat the exact calories ( and in 440 days it has happened to me twice by sheer coincidence ), but being as close as possible is much better than staying under as much as we can get by with.

    Again, great post !,
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    As for why you are getting the eye-roll posts here is why:

    You entered a forum designed to provide a support community to a group who is attempting, often struggling, to lose weight. You then post something about how HARD it is to eat more than 800 calories.

    If you don't see the issue here or why this would spur some of the reactions you got let me use an analogy. Lets say you went to a forum dedicated to sufferers of severe acne and excema and proceeded to complain bitterly about how hard it is to rub all this lotion into your glisteningly perfect porcelain flesh. Not only is it a first-world problem it is a first-world problem that is pretty much in exact contradiction to the problem most of the people on said forum are struggling with. So yeah, you are going to get some flak for that and its not surprising because to some it is going to seem like an intentional trolling or a bid for attention.

    Now I feel like a huge a*shole.

    I'm sorry for complaining about having trouble not getting enough calories. It's something I'm working on, and will keep to myself in the future.

    Oh okay VirGoddess I see the post you are referring to. Its not just saying it, its the approach to saying it (filled with drama and woe-is-me) that I was refering to more in the OP's post, hadn't even seen yours. Advice is similar though. If you find yourself struggling to eat enough then my first assumption is that you are trying to eat "clean" or "healthy" and what many people do when they do this is to try to avoid all fat and stick to things that are high fiber. They switch from pasta to brown rice, they eat lots of vegetables, they eat only very lean cuts of meat like chicken breast. All that is well and good but one of your requirements is calories themselves and if you find yourself full before you hit your calorie goal then it is up to you to recognize that as a problem and CHANGE your diet to address that problem. In this case it would be a matter of cutting out some of that fiberous low cal foods and subbing in some high calorie foods like peanut butter or nuts or <gasp> a Doctor Pepper.

    Proper nutrition isn't about cutting out everything that one views as unhealthy, its about moderation and finding a balance you can live with. So therefore if you have issues eating enough, sub back in one of those "Bad" foods that you decided to avoid and that should help you attain your calorie goal.

    Sorry if I cast a wider net than I intended to with my post, I was irritated by some aspects of the OPs post...not yours.

    I don't eat clean or anything like that - I still eat bread and pasta and other deliciousness. In fact I haven't cut anything out except the excess Dr, Pepper and coffee - I allow myself half a serving of each a day. The only thing I changed about my diet was to try to incorporate more veggies (I'm bad with those). It's just I can't eat much at one time - I never used to eat lunch at all and my "meal" has usually been dinner. So I'm now trying to spread my food into snacks every hour or so. I pre-log so I can get a feel for what I need to eat to meet my goals. My diary is open (Wendy's two days in a row - don't judge me ;) ), so you're welcome to take a peek. I do realize this isn't the best way to lose - and I'm making an effort to change it.

    Thanks for your feedback :)

    Here is my opinion on this. Note opinion, not fact...take it or leave it.

    Vegetables are the filler that you use to make sure you are satiated by the time you hit your calorie goal.

    Lets say my calorie goal is 2200 calories a day (mostly because it is). Lets say I get there by eating some pasta, a piece of steak, some buttered toast and a head of brocolli etc etc. At the end of my 2200 calories I am still starving. Well, I note than and say to myself...I need to cut down on a low fiber high calorie item and add more veg and a high fiber item. So I switch pasta for brown rice and add carrots and celery on top of the broccolli. I eat 2200 and at that point I'm full, problem solved.

    Lets say instead at 2200 calories a day as a goal I get to 1800 and I'm just stuffed. I look at that pile of mashed potatoes and I just can't have it, way to full. Well I take that into account and I look at my diet. Say to myself well, lets stop eating that broccoli and switch some of these lentils for some white rice. Now I can make that 2200.

    Long story short your calorie goal is your goal, it is what you should aim for. Eating less than your calorie goal isn't a victory, its missing your goal same as if you had gone over.

    If you go over your goal regularly or are hungry, add more fiber more lean protein and more veg.
    If you go under your goal regularly or are stuffed, subtract fiber and veg and add something fatty or at least calorie rich that is low fiber.

    I get the feeling that people who don't eat enough at some level know this is true but on another level actually have some pride or hope in their exceedingly low calorie days that it will give them some sort of edge on weight loss. Honestly though it is just missing your goal and if you notice it happening a lot you should change things to fix the problem.

    Thank you !

    Best post I have read in a while......almost wish I had written it.

    I often wonder why so many people are unaware of the fact that they are in control of their diet and that " wow-congratulations-you-ate-500-calories-under-daily-goal " ( or 200 or whatever ) is actually nothing to be proud of. I know it is difficult to eat the exact calories ( and in 440 days it has happened to me twice by sheer coincidence ), but being as close as possible is much better than staying under as much as we can get by with.

    Again, great post !,

    Agreed! This perfectly expresses something that has really bugged me about these threads. It almost seems that the "Help! My wee tummy is just so full!" people take some sort of masochistic pride in depriving themselves and letting others know about it, as if they expect a pat on the back instead of the stern talking-to they invariably get.
  • Wkwthme
    Wkwthme Posts: 8 Member
    Haven't read all the posts...and maybe this isn't the best thread for me to make my first post but....here goes!

    I notice this happens to me during that TOM. Usually I am the girl assessing food choices and calories to avoid hunger and hit macros...kinda over and over again. (I am new to this balanced eating thing but have finally figured out the protein can be yummy, healthy and really satiates appetite). But the week before TOM, for at least one day, I have to ignore the calories and eat the <insert craving food here>. But I balance out the next week as, for a few days, Infind myself not completely and totally ready for that next snack or meal.

    Throwing this out for OP if she hadn't considered that it could correlate to her cycle. And yes, I completely boo-hoo'd these posts before I became aware of this myself.

    Wanted to add that I am so thankful for this site! After 22 years of being overweight, I am 13 pounds away from goal weight in great part because of these forums.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    As for why you are getting the eye-roll posts here is why:

    You entered a forum designed to provide a support community to a group who is attempting, often struggling, to lose weight. You then post something about how HARD it is to eat more than 800 calories.

    If you don't see the issue here or why this would spur some of the reactions you got let me use an analogy. Lets say you went to a forum dedicated to sufferers of severe acne and excema and proceeded to complain bitterly about how hard it is to rub all this lotion into your glisteningly perfect porcelain flesh. Not only is it a first-world problem it is a first-world problem that is pretty much in exact contradiction to the problem most of the people on said forum are struggling with. So yeah, you are going to get some flak for that and its not surprising because to some it is going to seem like an intentional trolling or a bid for attention.

    Now I feel like a huge a*shole.

    I'm sorry for complaining about having trouble not getting enough calories. It's something I'm working on, and will keep to myself in the future.

    Oh okay VirGoddess I see the post you are referring to. Its not just saying it, its the approach to saying it (filled with drama and woe-is-me) that I was refering to more in the OP's post, hadn't even seen yours. Advice is similar though. If you find yourself struggling to eat enough then my first assumption is that you are trying to eat "clean" or "healthy" and what many people do when they do this is to try to avoid all fat and stick to things that are high fiber. They switch from pasta to brown rice, they eat lots of vegetables, they eat only very lean cuts of meat like chicken breast. All that is well and good but one of your requirements is calories themselves and if you find yourself full before you hit your calorie goal then it is up to you to recognize that as a problem and CHANGE your diet to address that problem. In this case it would be a matter of cutting out some of that fiberous low cal foods and subbing in some high calorie foods like peanut butter or nuts or <gasp> a Doctor Pepper.

    Proper nutrition isn't about cutting out everything that one views as unhealthy, its about moderation and finding a balance you can live with. So therefore if you have issues eating enough, sub back in one of those "Bad" foods that you decided to avoid and that should help you attain your calorie goal.

    Sorry if I cast a wider net than I intended to with my post, I was irritated by some aspects of the OPs post...not yours.

    I don't eat clean or anything like that - I still eat bread and pasta and other deliciousness. In fact I haven't cut anything out except the excess Dr, Pepper and coffee - I allow myself half a serving of each a day. The only thing I changed about my diet was to try to incorporate more veggies (I'm bad with those). It's just I can't eat much at one time - I never used to eat lunch at all and my "meal" has usually been dinner. So I'm now trying to spread my food into snacks every hour or so. I pre-log so I can get a feel for what I need to eat to meet my goals. My diary is open (Wendy's two days in a row - don't judge me ;) ), so you're welcome to take a peek. I do realize this isn't the best way to lose - and I'm making an effort to change it.

    Thanks for your feedback :)

    Here is my opinion on this. Note opinion, not fact...take it or leave it.

    Vegetables are the filler that you use to make sure you are satiated by the time you hit your calorie goal.

    Lets say my calorie goal is 2200 calories a day (mostly because it is). Lets say I get there by eating some pasta, a piece of steak, some buttered toast and a head of brocolli etc etc. At the end of my 2200 calories I am still starving. Well, I note than and say to myself...I need to cut down on a low fiber high calorie item and add more veg and a high fiber item. So I switch pasta for brown rice and add carrots and celery on top of the broccolli. I eat 2200 and at that point I'm full, problem solved.

    Lets say instead at 2200 calories a day as a goal I get to 1800 and I'm just stuffed. I look at that pile of mashed potatoes and I just can't have it, way to full. Well I take that into account and I look at my diet. Say to myself well, lets stop eating that broccoli and switch some of these lentils for some white rice. Now I can make that 2200.

    Long story short your calorie goal is your goal, it is what you should aim for. Eating less than your calorie goal isn't a victory, its missing your goal same as if you had gone over.

    If you go over your goal regularly or are hungry, add more fiber more lean protein and more veg.
    If you go under your goal regularly or are stuffed, subtract fiber and veg and add something fatty or at least calorie rich that is low fiber.

    I get the feeling that people who don't eat enough at some level know this is true but on another level actually have some pride or hope in their exceedingly low calorie days that it will give them some sort of edge on weight loss. Honestly though it is just missing your goal and if you notice it happening a lot you should change things to fix the problem.

    Thank you !

    Best post I have read in a while......almost wish I had written it.

    I often wonder why so many people are unaware of the fact that they are in control of their diet and that " wow-congratulations-you-ate-500-calories-under-daily-goal " ( or 200 or whatever ) is actually nothing to be proud of. I know it is difficult to eat the exact calories ( and in 440 days it has happened to me twice by sheer coincidence ), but being as close as possible is much better than staying under as much as we can get by with.

    Again, great post !,

    Agreed! This perfectly expresses something that has really bugged me about these threads. It almost seems that the "Help! My wee tummy is just so full!" people take some sort of masochistic pride in depriving themselves and letting others know about it, as if they expect a pat on the back instead of the stern talking-to they invariably get.

    Hence my frustration and pissiness. Perhaps I read to much into these sorts of posts but it does seem to me like this is a real REAL simple fix, you just swap out low calorie dense foods for high calorie undense foods and there you go. So when I see a post like this I feel as you do, that it is somewhat attention whoring for a pat on the back and assurances that somehow repeatedly missing your goal is okay. Will it kill you...no...but its missing your goal and you have every ability to fix that if you just act.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member

    Agreed! This perfectly expresses something that has really bugged me about these threads. It almost seems that the "Help! My wee tummy is just so full!" people take some sort of masochistic pride in depriving themselves and letting others know about it, as if they expect a pat on the back instead of the stern talking-to they invariably get.

    Hence my frustration and pissiness. Perhaps I read to much into these sorts of posts but it does seem to me like this is a real REAL simple fix, you just swap out low calorie dense foods for high calorie undense foods and there you go. So when I see a post like this I feel as you do, that it is somewhat attention whoring for a pat on the back and assurances that somehow repeatedly missing your goal is okay. Will it kill you...no...but its missing your goal and you have every ability to fix that if you just act.

    While I am not in disagreement with you...I wonder...does MFP play a role in encouraging this. One thing that I have noticed...at the end of the day if I go to my home page and glance at what is on that news feed about people on my friends list...I see...

    "So and So is under their calorie goal". (Then I see all the pats on the back from all of their other friends...)

    You never see...

    "So and So is over their calorie goal".

    Nor do you see...

    "So and So has met their calorie goal for the day".

    Wording is everything to people that need some validation...even if it doesn't mean what they think it means.

    Just my opinion...seems as if "eating under their calorie goal" has become a badge of honor.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    Agreed! This perfectly expresses something that has really bugged me about these threads. It almost seems that the "Help! My wee tummy is just so full!" people take some sort of masochistic pride in depriving themselves and letting others know about it, as if they expect a pat on the back instead of the stern talking-to they invariably get.

    Hence my frustration and pissiness. Perhaps I read to much into these sorts of posts but it does seem to me like this is a real REAL simple fix, you just swap out low calorie dense foods for high calorie undense foods and there you go. So when I see a post like this I feel as you do, that it is somewhat attention whoring for a pat on the back and assurances that somehow repeatedly missing your goal is okay. Will it kill you...no...but its missing your goal and you have every ability to fix that if you just act.

    While I am not in disagreement with you...I wonder...does MFP play a role in encouraging this. One thing that I have noticed...at the end of the day if I go to my home page and glance at what is on that news feed about people on my friends list...I see...

    "So and So is under their calorie goal". (Then I see all the pats on the back from all of their other friends...)

    You never see...

    "So and So is over their calorie goal".

    Nor do you see...

    "So and So has met their calorie goal for the day".

    Wording is everything to people that need some validation...even if it doesn't mean what they think it means.

    Just my opinion...seems as if "eating under their calorie goal" has become a badge of honor.

    That may play a role, but I think the overall mentality of dieting plays a big role in it as well. Swapping out higher calorie foods may seem like an obvious solution, people are conditioned to think dieting means restriction and high calorie is bad. We are bombared with labels, commercials, books and magazine articles that encourage us to buy products because they supposedly healthier, many by the simple fact that they are lower in calories or fat. Losing weight is equated with deprivation and sacrafice.
    It is hard to let that go, I know it was for me.

    The phrase "I am eating healthier" to me is a red flag. Most of the time you see low calorie, low fat foods or those versions of foods in the diary (if open).
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member

    Agreed! This perfectly expresses something that has really bugged me about these threads. It almost seems that the "Help! My wee tummy is just so full!" people take some sort of masochistic pride in depriving themselves and letting others know about it, as if they expect a pat on the back instead of the stern talking-to they invariably get.

    Hence my frustration and pissiness. Perhaps I read to much into these sorts of posts but it does seem to me like this is a real REAL simple fix, you just swap out low calorie dense foods for high calorie undense foods and there you go. So when I see a post like this I feel as you do, that it is somewhat attention whoring for a pat on the back and assurances that somehow repeatedly missing your goal is okay. Will it kill you...no...but its missing your goal and you have every ability to fix that if you just act.

    While I am not in disagreement with you...I wonder...does MFP play a role in encouraging this. One thing that I have noticed...at the end of the day if I go to my home page and glance at what is on that news feed about people on my friends list...I see...

    "So and So is under their calorie goal". (Then I see all the pats on the back from all of their other friends...)

    You never see...

    "So and So is over their calorie goal".

    Nor do you see...

    "So and So has met their calorie goal for the day".

    Wording is everything to people that need some validation...even if it doesn't mean what they think it means.

    Just my opinion...seems as if "eating under their calorie goal" has become a badge of honor.

    Yeah I've noticed that as well, along with all the "thumbs up" you get from friend for being under your goal that you don't get if it just says you completed your diary. Of course that said even if you are "under" by 10 calories it says that so in many cases it doesn't actually speak to a problem.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Maybe some of these responses aren't directed at my post, but since my post is quoted, I feel the need to defend myself.

    I did ask for help on here. I was brand new to this weight loss thing. I haven't really changed my eating habits at all - I just quit drinking so much soda/coffee. So I was really worried when I realized I was far below my goals. So I asked on here for ways to increase my intake, without increasing my food (because I do eat when I'm hungry and until I'm full - adding extra food in when you're not hungry isn't an option - I wanted more calorie dense foods, though I didn't know that term at the time). I was made fun of, asked how I got so fat, and told I was a liar.

    I'm not proud of being under my goals, I'm not attention seeking. I wanted help, but everyone was too caught up in their "rightness" to actually listen to me - and it sucked. I realized that how I was losing wasn't the right way and I wanted to correct it.

    So while I'm sure lots of people have other motives, sometimes people actually just need some help because they were never taught how this stuff works and they want to learn how to do it the correct, safe way.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Maybe some of these responses aren't directed at my post, but since my post is quoted, I feel the need to defend myself.

    I did ask for help on here. I was brand new to this weight loss thing. I haven't really changed my eating habits at all - I just quit drinking so much soda/coffee. So I was really worried when I realized I was far below my goals. So I asked on here for ways to increase my intake, without increasing my food (because I do eat when I'm hungry and until I'm full - adding extra food in when you're not hungry isn't an option - I wanted more calorie dense foods, though I didn't know that term at the time). I was made fun of, asked how I got so fat, and told I was a liar.

    I'm not proud of being under my goals, I'm not attention seeking. I wanted help, but everyone was too caught up in their "rightness" to actually listen to me - and it sucked. I realized that how I was losing wasn't the right way and I wanted to correct it.

    So while I'm sure lots of people have other motives, sometimes people actually just need some help because they were never taught how this stuff works and they want to learn how to do it the correct, safe way.

    I may have responded to a post that yours was quoted in, but mine was just a general comment, not about anyone in particular. I was actually responding to the last one or two posts in the one I quoted, I was just to lazy to edit. I definitely wasn't directing it at you because your situation is a little different (if I recall correctly, this thread has been going on awhile and I follow a bunch). :flowerforyou:
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Maybe some of these responses aren't directed at my post, but since my post is quoted, I feel the need to defend myself.

    I did ask for help on here. I was brand new to this weight loss thing. I haven't really changed my eating habits at all - I just quit drinking so much soda/coffee. So I was really worried when I realized I was far below my goals. So I asked on here for ways to increase my intake, without increasing my food (because I do eat when I'm hungry and until I'm full - adding extra food in when you're not hungry isn't an option - I wanted more calorie dense foods, though I didn't know that term at the time). I was made fun of, asked how I got so fat, and told I was a liar.

    I'm not proud of being under my goals, I'm not attention seeking. I wanted help, but everyone was too caught up in their "rightness" to actually listen to me - and it sucked. I realized that how I was losing wasn't the right way and I wanted to correct it.

    So while I'm sure lots of people have other motives, sometimes people actually just need some help because they were never taught how this stuff works and they want to learn how to do it the correct, safe way.

    Yeah I think some of the regular posters on these boards, myself included, get frustrated by the re-occuring topics and tend to carry a lot of baggage with them whenever that same thing comes up again. Can result in coming out of the gate "annoyed" or expecting defensiveness or attitude from the OP. Its not good but it happens and honestly I think its understandable as I've experienced it myself.

    That said it is unfair to those who genuinely could use some guidance and for that I apologize, I think you are well spoken caring and blunt and I appreciate all of that. If you still want/need suggestions let me know and I will take them seriously and try to give advice if I have any.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Maybe some of these responses aren't directed at my post, but since my post is quoted, I feel the need to defend myself.

    I did ask for help on here. I was brand new to this weight loss thing. I haven't really changed my eating habits at all - I just quit drinking so much soda/coffee. So I was really worried when I realized I was far below my goals. So I asked on here for ways to increase my intake, without increasing my food (because I do eat when I'm hungry and until I'm full - adding extra food in when you're not hungry isn't an option - I wanted more calorie dense foods, though I didn't know that term at the time). I was made fun of, asked how I got so fat, and told I was a liar.

    I'm not proud of being under my goals, I'm not attention seeking. I wanted help, but everyone was too caught up in their "rightness" to actually listen to me - and it sucked. I realized that how I was losing wasn't the right way and I wanted to correct it.

    So while I'm sure lots of people have other motives, sometimes people actually just need some help because they were never taught how this stuff works and they want to learn how to do it the correct, safe way.

    FWIW, Virgoddess, your posts didn't bother me at all. I get annoyed with posts like the OP's because it feels like a humblebrag.

    Oh, look at me everyone! I can't eat another bite, I'm SO "good."

    Whereas, you've never made an attention-seeking post like that AND you explained your issues quite articulately. I think some great advice has been provided in this thread by Aaron, I hope it helps! :smile:
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Maybe some of these responses aren't directed at my post, but since my post is quoted, I feel the need to defend myself.

    I did ask for help on here. I was brand new to this weight loss thing. I haven't really changed my eating habits at all - I just quit drinking so much soda/coffee. So I was really worried when I realized I was far below my goals. So I asked on here for ways to increase my intake, without increasing my food (because I do eat when I'm hungry and until I'm full - adding extra food in when you're not hungry isn't an option - I wanted more calorie dense foods, though I didn't know that term at the time). I was made fun of, asked how I got so fat, and told I was a liar.

    I'm not proud of being under my goals, I'm not attention seeking. I wanted help, but everyone was too caught up in their "rightness" to actually listen to me - and it sucked. I realized that how I was losing wasn't the right way and I wanted to correct it.

    So while I'm sure lots of people have other motives, sometimes people actually just need some help because they were never taught how this stuff works and they want to learn how to do it the correct, safe way.

    FWIW, Virgoddess, your posts didn't bother me at all. I get annoyed with posts like the OP's because it feels like a humblebrag.

    Oh, look at me everyone! I can't eat another bite, I'm SO "good."

    Whereas, you've never made an attention-seeking post like that AND you explained your issues quite articulately. I think some great advice has been provided in this thread by Aaron, I hope it helps! :smile:

    Yes, this...this is how I feel as well and why I've responded differently to you VG than to other posts. You don't sound like you are humblebragging.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Maybe some of these responses aren't directed at my post, but since my post is quoted, I feel the need to defend myself.

    I did ask for help on here. I was brand new to this weight loss thing. I haven't really changed my eating habits at all - I just quit drinking so much soda/coffee. So I was really worried when I realized I was far below my goals. So I asked on here for ways to increase my intake, without increasing my food (because I do eat when I'm hungry and until I'm full - adding extra food in when you're not hungry isn't an option - I wanted more calorie dense foods, though I didn't know that term at the time). I was made fun of, asked how I got so fat, and told I was a liar.

    I'm not proud of being under my goals, I'm not attention seeking. I wanted help, but everyone was too caught up in their "rightness" to actually listen to me - and it sucked. I realized that how I was losing wasn't the right way and I wanted to correct it.

    So while I'm sure lots of people have other motives, sometimes people actually just need some help because they were never taught how this stuff works and they want to learn how to do it the correct, safe way.

    I think most of was speaking in general...not pointing fingers at any one person.

    Having said that...

    I looked at your diary for the last few days.

    To get your fat up...try slices of avocado...cheese...on your sandwiches.

    To help with proteing...though I don't like plain Greek yogurt I do like these...


    They are only 80 calories but have 12g protein. They are a great way to meet your protein goals even when you don't have many calories left.

    I am addicted to the caramel macchiato!!! I love the Starbucks caramel macchiato but can rarely afford the calories for one...this little tub of Greek yogurt...satisfies me!

    My other suggest would be to cook at least some of your own meals. You can control what goes in and what you leave out. I do pasta and cheese casseroles a lot...add some type of chicken...ground turkey...fish and you have hit all of your macros.

    This is a site that I use for ideas...


    I alter the recipes to fit my taste and enter them here on MFP. I weight and measure them so that I know the serving size and calories. I have enjoyed most of the recipes that I have used and they are really easy to make substitution on. She gives you the WW points plus the calories per serving and the macro break downs. I would advise though calculating your own but they at least give you an estimate to start with.

    I don't know if you live alone but on casserole would give you meals for several days...most recipes are for 6 servings.

    Hope this at least gives you some ideas.