Planet Fitness



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    meh. I joined a PF about 1.5 miles away for the summer because my university gym has such craptastic summer hours.
    I'm a 49 year old woman, who doesn't do deadlifts (due to back issues), and only some, limited compound lifts.

    It's a gym. It's got cardio machines (which I don't use in summer, I'd rather run outside) and enough free weights for me and a chin up machine. Good enough for me for the summer.

    Staff is very nice. Place is very clean. TEN bucks a month. Good enough for now.

    Do what works for you.

    As for your question: its 10 bucks, with an annual fee that's cheap, but you have to quit IN PERSON. That's the primary thing to remember.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I heard bad things about some PF being way too strict and over zealous with how people work out. The one I go to I enjoy and have had no issues doing deadlifts or compound lifting. What I don't suggest doing is powerlifting or wide range of motion workouts like power clean, full power clean, etc, just because I can see a person getting in trouble with that purely because it's usually so packed it's unsafe to do that so close in proximity to people.

    There are some positives:
    1. it's cheap
    2. they've got plenty of beginner friendly equipment with pictures to tell you what each machine is working out.
    3. they have circuit areas that are pretty nice for some that don't want to go and lift or run.
    4. the management / staff (in my experience) are very friendly and welcoming.
    5. you won't feel like you are the weakest person at the gym, - not that it matters or that you should be judging anyone else but the big bonus is that there are a LOT of beginners to working out that go there, so you feel like you're not alone in the journey, whereas at some gyms ive been to before it was filled with guys that could bench press two of me and was very intimidating.

    1. Limited barbbells / dumbbells / specific machines. - especially bc it's so busy , I have to usually wait for someone else to be off of the (I believe 2 or 3) bench press, squat, or any of the universal machines and the dumbbells are almost always being used by the ppl over in the area - they've got plenty of 30+ but very few 20's 15's and 25's

    2. It's packed most of the time - I cannot stress how busy they can get at most places - specifically from experience I wound up going early in the morning rather than in the mid to late afternoon, as many people know at other gyms - it's very busy with people around those times - and with the limited number of machines and increased amount of people lifting, cardio tends to be the only way to get a work out in aside from waiting 5-10 minutes for a machine to open up,

    3. Cardio equipment is meh - I was specifically looking to use a stairmaster to do my pre workout warm up but when I go upstairs, it tends to be flooded with people using the ellipticals and treadmills (I dont get the whole elliptical thing - I'm not coordinated enough to use them, but it looks a little goofy and has an unrealistic motion to it for my taste)

    4. You have to wait to use a machine most of the time. I know i said this already, but it really can be annoying if you go during peak hours.
  • romancefan1983
    romancefan1983 Posts: 88 Member
    I think each franchise location is different in terms of how strict they are. I'm a member of Planet Fitness and my gym is very relaxed. Girls wear stomach showing tops, people do deadlifts and squats (me included). My gym will do the lunk alarm for extremely loud weight drops (they understand that it does happen even when we're not meaning it too).

    While my location is awesome I know others really suck. I say try your location out and see what you think.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    My view is

    It doesn;t matter what machines etc the gyn has, it what you "put in" in the gym that counts

    It does for me, because my main goal is a 300lb+ deadlift and that's not going to happen in a gym that won't allow deadlifts, dropping of weights on the floor or grunting.

    Is PLanet Fitness = Globo Gym?

    Thats mental. My gym €29 a month, no contract, do whatever you want, hamemrs, tires, you name,

    dunno what globo gym is, but at PF they have a "lunk alarm" which they sound if someone drops weights or grunts. And they banned deadlifts, and they have a policy that excludes squat racks.

    Your gym sounds great :drinker:

    This is my gym

    TRX up, punch bags, indoor green area, two 20metre running tracks. More weight than anyone could lift. open 24/7
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    hey guys.
    Anybody here a member of the planet fitness gym? Id recently been seeing their ads around saying that you could join their gym for only $10 a month so i did some checking around on their website to see if there were any catches. From what i could tell their were none. aide from their annual fee that i believe gets charged every october and even that isnt expensive, they gym membership really is only $10 a month.

    That is a killer deal for a gym considering others charge like $80 a month which is the reason i never joined a gym cause i could never afford to.
    My question is though, to you people that are members of the gym already is it a good place to go? I know the term is "You get what you pay for", or dont pay for in some cases, but what do you guys think personally about it from your own experiences?

    I believe the only "catch" is that it's a 12 month commitment. If you don't want to be committed for 12 months, it's like $15 per month instead. Still totally reasonable.

    I go to Planet Fitness and haven't had any issues. Their free weights/dumbbells only go up to a certain weight (say 80lbs, I don't remember what it actually is), but if I ever get there, it's going to take a while. Planet Fitness has everything that I need/want for my workouts. Maybe they don't fit everyone's needs but that's okay. If it works for you and is cheap, go for it.
  • CoolDad67
    CoolDad67 Posts: 324 Member
    I am a member of Planet Fitness. For me, it's what I need at a good price.

    Like a lot of other posters, I think it is probably very dependent on the franchise location. Ours isn't super crowded and I can get a decent workout without paying for a lot of extras that I probably wouldn't use.

    As for Pizza Night and Bagel mornings. Who cares. Nobody forces anyone to participate. If you never eat pizza or bagels outside of there, why would having it there hurt you?

    The lunk alarm?? I've only heard it a couple times at our location.
  • Dont ever expect to dead lift or squat...apparently they dont allow people who do anything else besides run on a treadmill...and I even think running is not allowed, as it may intimidate others.

    I am a member and squat 3x a week and deadlift 1 or 2x and have never had an issue. I have heard of people having problems if a weight is dropped it sets off the "lunk alarm". Otherwise I've never had an issue but i keep to myself there and get in and get out.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    My view is

    It doesn;t matter what machines etc the gyn has, it what you "put in" in the gym that counts

    It does for me, because my main goal is a 300lb+ deadlift and that's not going to happen in a gym that won't allow deadlifts, dropping of weights on the floor or grunting.

    Is PLanet Fitness = Globo Gym?

    Thats mental. My gym €29 a month, no contract, do whatever you want, hamemrs, tires, you name,

    dunno what globo gym is, but at PF they have a "lunk alarm" which they sound if someone drops weights or grunts. And they banned deadlifts, and they have a policy that excludes squat racks.

    Your gym sounds great :drinker:

    This is my gym

    TRX up, punch bags, indoor green area, two 20metre running tracks. More weight than anyone could lift. open 24/7

    That looks like an excellent gym... shame I live 4000 miles away :laugh: but yeah would probably join that gym if I lived locally...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My view is

    It doesn;t matter what machines etc the gyn has, it what you "put in" in the gym that counts

    It does for me, because my main goal is a 300lb+ deadlift and that's not going to happen in a gym that won't allow deadlifts, dropping of weights on the floor or grunting.

    Is PLanet Fitness = Globo Gym?

    Thats mental. My gym €29 a month, no contract, do whatever you want, hamemrs, tires, you name,

    dunno what globo gym is, but at PF they have a "lunk alarm" which they sound if someone drops weights or grunts. And they banned deadlifts, and they have a policy that excludes squat racks.

    Your gym sounds great :drinker:

    This is my gym

    TRX up, punch bags, indoor green area, two 20metre running tracks. More weight than anyone could lift. open 24/7

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    hey guys.
    Anybody here a member of the planet fitness gym? Id recently been seeing their ads around saying that you could join their gym for only $10 a month so i did some checking around on their website to see if there were any catches. From what i could tell their were none. aide from their annual fee that i believe gets charged every october and even that isnt expensive, they gym membership really is only $10 a month.

    That is a killer deal for a gym considering others charge like $80 a month which is the reason i never joined a gym cause i could never afford to.
    My question is though, to you people that are members of the gym already is it a good place to go? I know the term is "You get what you pay for", or dont pay for in some cases, but what do you guys think personally about it from your own experiences?

    I believe the only "catch" is that it's a 12 month commitment. If you don't want to be committed for 12 months, it's like $15 per month instead. Still totally reasonable.

    I go to Planet Fitness and haven't had any issues. Their free weights/dumbbells only go up to a certain weight (say 80lbs, I don't remember what it actually is), but if I ever get there, it's going to take a while. Planet Fitness has everything that I need/want for my workouts. Maybe they don't fit everyone's needs but that's okay. If it works for you and is cheap, go for it.
    The early cancelation fee is $59 right now, fwiw.
  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    I stopped going to PF as soon as I realized that...
    1) Almost everyone in the weight section never cleaned off the machines at my location
    2) They would set off that awful alarm as soon as someone remotely fit challenged him or herself to lift heavier than anyone else in the area.

    Also, someone brought a large water bottle (probably around 45-60 oz?) into the weight area and the alarm was set off & they were told to leave because they were "showing off". Sorry hydration is intimidating to you...?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I stopped going to PF as soon as I realized that...
    1) Almost everyone in the weight section never cleaned off the machines at my location
    2) They would set off that awful alarm as soon as someone remotely fit challenged him or herself to lift heavier than anyone else in the area.

    Also, someone brought a large water bottle (probably around 45-60 oz?) into the weight area and the alarm was set off & they were told to leave because they were "showing off". Sorry hydration is intimidating to you...?
    Wow. Srsly? Sounds like your PF was ridiculously stupid. I've been a member twice (two summers). Never had anything like this sort of absurd experience. Thank goodness.
  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    I stopped going to PF as soon as I realized that...
    1) Almost everyone in the weight section never cleaned off the machines at my location
    2) They would set off that awful alarm as soon as someone remotely fit challenged him or herself to lift heavier than anyone else in the area.

    Also, someone brought a large water bottle (probably around 45-60 oz?) into the weight area and the alarm was set off & they were told to leave because they were "showing off". Sorry hydration is intimidating to you...?
    Wow. Srsly? Sounds like your PF was ridiculously stupid. I've been a member twice (two summers). Never had anything like this sort of absurd experience. Thank goodness.

    Yeah it was really disappointing. As someone who isn't at a high level of fitness, I did enjoy the gym initially. I liked that the machines were self-explanatory and that I could hang around as long as I wanted to without feeling "judgement". Although, I've never been to a gym otherwise, so I'm not sure if there would be judgement to begin with. I'm happy your location has been a good experience for you. :)

    I think ours was just poorly managed and had staff with very mixed attitudes about the location while I had a membership. Some people who worked there were just amazing and helpful, others were there so they could work out for 5 hours a day at their job. To each their own! Just sent out a bit of a strange vibe to me as a customer.

    tl;dr I'm really glad your experience is better than mine! Best wishes
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I stopped going to PF as soon as I realized that...
    1) Almost everyone in the weight section never cleaned off the machines at my location
    2) They would set off that awful alarm as soon as someone remotely fit challenged him or herself to lift heavier than anyone else in the area.

    Also, someone brought a large water bottle (probably around 45-60 oz?) into the weight area and the alarm was set off & they were told to leave because they were "showing off". Sorry hydration is intimidating to you...?
    Wow. Srsly? Sounds like your PF was ridiculously stupid. I've been a member twice (two summers). Never had anything like this sort of absurd experience. Thank goodness.

    Yeah it was really disappointing. As someone who isn't at a high level of fitness, I did enjoy the gym initially. I liked that the machines were self-explanatory and that I could hang around as long as I wanted to without feeling "judgement". Although, I've never been to a gym otherwise, so I'm not sure if there would be judgement to begin with. I'm happy your location has been a good experience for you. :)

    I think ours was just poorly managed and had staff with very mixed attitudes about the location while I had a membership. Some people who worked there were just amazing and helpful, others were there so they could work out for 5 hours a day at their job. To each their own! Just sent out a bit of a strange vibe to me as a customer.

    tl;dr I'm really glad your experience is better than mine! Best wishes
    I've actually been a member at 2 different ones. The first: the staff was rather lax. Not the cleanest place, so I did my own cleaning before and after. But otherwise it was fine.
    The one I'm at this summer, is light, airy, NOT crowded, very clean (I see them cleaning stuff while I'm there), and the staff and members are friendly. Nothing weird at all. It's not the best for weights, but it's fine for me this summer.
    My university gym, which has great racks etc, is dirty, loud, hot, and has horrible LOUD music. So, it's a trade off.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    planet fitness is for beginners and/or people who are looking to do cardio and some weights.

    this is enough for women. (lol, not to be chauvinist), but i would never recommend this place to anyone who really wanted to make real gains but theyre mostly men anyway.

    So... Women can't lift heavy? Is that what you're saying?
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    hey guys.
    Anybody here a member of the planet fitness gym? Id recently been seeing their ads around saying that you could join their gym for only $10 a month so i did some checking around on their website to see if there were any catches. From what i could tell their were none. aide from their annual fee that i believe gets charged every october and even that isnt expensive, they gym membership really is only $10 a month.

    That is a killer deal for a gym considering others charge like $80 a month which is the reason i never joined a gym cause i could never afford to.
    My question is though, to you people that are members of the gym already is it a good place to go? I know the term is "You get what you pay for", or dont pay for in some cases, but what do you guys think personally about it from your own experiences?

    I believe the only "catch" is that it's a 12 month commitment. If you don't want to be committed for 12 months, it's like $15 per month instead. Still totally reasonable.

    I go to Planet Fitness and haven't had any issues. Their free weights/dumbbells only go up to a certain weight (say 80lbs, I don't remember what it actually is), but if I ever get there, it's going to take a while. Planet Fitness has everything that I need/want for my workouts. Maybe they don't fit everyone's needs but that's okay. If it works for you and is cheap, go for it.
    The early cancelation fee is $59 right now, fwiw.

    I think it must depend on the location because my membership was $10 a month, no contract, no cancellation fee. There was no $15 option, it just went straight to the $20 black card from there.

    ETA: That's the current offer they got going at ours, no fee unless you're a black card member. Room mate is a PF trainer by night, max muscle rep by day lol.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    hey guys.
    Anybody here a member of the planet fitness gym? Id recently been seeing their ads around saying that you could join their gym for only $10 a month so i did some checking around on their website to see if there were any catches. From what i could tell their were none. aide from their annual fee that i believe gets charged every october and even that isnt expensive, they gym membership really is only $10 a month.

    That is a killer deal for a gym considering others charge like $80 a month which is the reason i never joined a gym cause i could never afford to.
    My question is though, to you people that are members of the gym already is it a good place to go? I know the term is "You get what you pay for", or dont pay for in some cases, but what do you guys think personally about it from your own experiences?

    I believe the only "catch" is that it's a 12 month commitment. If you don't want to be committed for 12 months, it's like $15 per month instead. Still totally reasonable.

    I go to Planet Fitness and haven't had any issues. Their free weights/dumbbells only go up to a certain weight (say 80lbs, I don't remember what it actually is), but if I ever get there, it's going to take a while. Planet Fitness has everything that I need/want for my workouts. Maybe they don't fit everyone's needs but that's okay. If it works for you and is cheap, go for it.
    The early cancelation fee is $59 right now, fwiw.

    I think it must depend on the location because my membership was $10 a month, no contract, no cancellation fee. There was no $15 option, it just went straight to the $20 black card from there.
    Yup. That's what mine was last time. This (as far as I know) is the *current* offer (for the OP who's considering joining now). I joined again about a month ago. cheers
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    They're a gym which body shames people and have parties in which they serve doughnuts and pizza.

    It's mostly the same as any other gym - you get what you put into it. As long as you're not too skinny for their standards, and not too interested in working out, you'll be fine.
  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member
    I would love it if my gym had pizza! I always need extra calories with the carb and protein mix after I work out. If your trying to gain muscle pizza and bagels can be your friend. Because SOME women lift for gains.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member