Stomach bloat after eating ANYTHING.



  • rquinneypuente
    Ive been having this problem for years and I finally found a prebiotic that is working. it has really helped with the bloating and the sugar cravings. Its called probiotic5. You can order it by going to
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Happy to report that I have found something that works for me. Unhappy to report it is expensive... Anyone else tried Align? It works, but at almost 1.50 CAD it is expensive to take a pill a day :-(

    I use Align every other week and it helps immensely. I get a month's worth, take it for a week, rest for a week, take it for another week, rest for a week, etc. This makes it last for two full months instead of just one which makes the price tag easier on my pocketbook. However, I do notice a marked decrease in symptoms on the weeks that I am taking Align.
  • whoafitspo
    whoafitspo Posts: 17 Member
    Glad I found this thread-- I'm having the same problem. I'll report back if I find something that works.
  • sommersereyka
    I have the EXACT same problem but worse! I've been tested for celiacs, blood tests for any kind of bacteria, a scope, had my gallbladder removed, and numerous ultrasounds. STILL no results. I can't even have a sip of water without my stomach being distended and looking like I'm about to give birth! I'm on 2 medications and neither helps too. This is such a frustrating thing especially when it comes to clothes because I always have to wear loose fitting shirts so the bloating doesn't show. Now I'm convinced it can be peritonitis. Hopefully one day I can wake up and it'll magically disappear. I'm a sophomore in college, my body shouldn't be this unhealthy. Especially since this has been going on since I was about 14.
  • julielm75
    julielm75 Posts: 1
    I have this same issue and lived miserable with it for a long time. I recently started to wonder if it was dairy so i cut back. I felt a little better but not 100%. Then I cut out carbs and sugars and I feel tons better. I never have the bloat anymore as long as I stick to that.

    I did try probiotics as well but they didn't work either.
  • Timimbo
    Timimbo Posts: 14 Member
    I bloat up pretty easily from certain foods, mostly carb related. I started to take digestive enzymes in the morning after my 1st meal and have seen a difference! Stomach issues run in my family and I have always hated how bloated I become after a meal and just sticking with the enzymes made a world of difference. I eat a high protein, mod carb and fat diet and have been sticking to this for the lats 2 months with success. I also have been taking in more Fiber to keep things "moving" and that helps a good amount as well.
  • Salondlali
    How are u feelng taking probiotic ?
  • Salondlali
    How is it working for you bitter charcoal? Thanks
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    This is exactly why high waisted pants should be banned! You put them on in the morning and they fit. By evening you have to wear them unbuttoned and unzipped!

    I'm so glad that I discovered low rise pants (and I'm glad they have been fashionable for awhile)! At least I'm comfortable even if I bloat! I hear that "they" are trying to bring back high waisted pants and jeans. No. Just no.
  • gilliantng
    i have exactly the same problem and all i can do is wear loose fitting clothes all the time. this is really upsetting. ive seen my general practitioner who told me it might be stress related (i'm guessing he doesnt know as well since this bloating can be triggered off by almost anything and everything!).

    the funny thing is that on weekends, it stays flatter than on weekdays after eating, though it still bloats. /:

    i've tried to cut out milk and it helps but only a small bit...anyone else has any good remedies to share?
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    I have to give another yes vote on the Gluten here. That used to always happen to me before I stopped.Try a couple of weeks without and see if its better.
  • mehranabdullah5
    I have spent 1 hr to read all posts, but sorry to say none found w final statement, so here I am going to put that...
    What ever Its IBS/Candida/Intestine issue,

    Do this, Use High Protine diet, Use fiber almost daily to let the things move, and if requied use probiotics or digestive enzyme.:love:

    And add some good habits in your life style, dont drink any thing after eating food for 30-60 mins, it depends on you.
    Walk for just 2-3 mins after eating and then take rest for 30-60 mins.
    Now you are ready to digest your food so do it, walk for at least 30 mins.
    Now you are raedy to drink water, so Drink planty of water.

    Wish you a healthy life..

    Mehran Kh.
  • mtrainier2015
    I have the same issue, although I am 50, had a hyterectomy in 08...between 08 and now it when it started. I am overweight, but it worse when I only have a 1/4 cup here and there of food or drink and my stomach bloats up to 3 inches larger and I can't breath either.
  • CajunMixedBelle92
    I have the same problem. Actually suffering now haven't eaten much all day and after dinner boom!!! 6 mths preggo and not to mention that stabbing pain in my upper stomach ugh!! I will do anything to get rid of this problem
  • MaHelper
    There is a 100% all natural way to cure this problem of bloating. Best way is in the morning on an empty stomach eat 1 or 2 table spoons of Raw Natural Honey when i say Raw or Natural i mean the stuff that is pure 100% non pasteurised non filtered honey the pure kind the organic one. And have a pinch of black seeds 7 seeds or so like a pinch and eat it together with the honey. after that walk around start your day and it will protect your stomach from anything and burn the belly fat and flatten the stomach. Power walking speed fast walking also will help with the bloating also when eating a meal you can have a table spoon of raw natural apple cider vinegar that will burn fat and also make your stomach loose bloat it will fix the stomach. Also Polmagrante juice freshly squeezed or eaten raw will do the job with bloated stomach drink daily morning or night. Also to make bloating go away is yogurt fresh organic yogurt for breakfast everyday for a week sometimes 2 will fix and cure your bloating and you could eat as you like as you wish not to worry of bloating with what i'm telling you don't need to cut anything from your diet unless its unhealthy but in general you could eat like how you want and still see a nice stomach from this. Also on an Empty Stomach in the morning have 1 or 2 table spoons of Raw Honey with a pinch of black seeds 7 seeds or so and a tea spoon of cinnamon in water. But if the water is gonna be boiled eat a spoon of honey first then add it to the boiled water since you want the enzymes to be alive in your stomach. And continue this process for 2 weeks every morning raw honey 1 or 2 table spoons with a pinch of black seeds daily you will be surprised. Also Raw non pasteurised milk believe it or not Camels milk or Sheep's milk will make your stomach like super digestive and make bloat unknown to you. But if you aren't used to the camels milk or if your stomach is sick you might get an upset stomach and go to the bathroom few times thats because camel milk cures what ever was wrong but after that you will be able to drink it normally. But you must drink it on an empty stomach in the morning Camels milk Raw thats if you can get your hands on some if not you still have the options i told you Honey and black seeds. All These work prevent and cure bloating it takes few days sometimes few weeks but in the end it will do the job and cure it making it flat for good every day you will see results.
  • MarieF0305
    Hi! I've had the same issue where I wake up with a flat tummy, I'll eat one small bowl of cereal and my lower stomach looks like a
    I swallowed a balloon. It drives me crazy and it happens when I eat the tiniest serving of food! I look huge! Has anyone found a solution to this or know why it happened in the first place? It just started last month out of the blue. Any ideas or tips please let me know! Thanks!
  • kalex121212
    Hi, unfortunately I have too, the exact same problem.
    Guys we are so much with this and we dont know why and what is it??
    I may have candida albicans because symptoms are the same. I cut starches, sugar, took oregano oil, probiotics, did acupuncture, diat adjustments, but it seems nothing helps. I am a vegetarian, practice seroiusly yoga everyday, I exercise a lot. When I get up from bed I feel exhausted and sleepy because of this problem. I have mood problem and it is hard to laugh and smile anymore, its like I am living in a shell. I pray for all of you to get better and for us to find a remedy to our problem.
  • muchi090
    Bloating is natural . When you eat food the hydrochloric acid in your stomach reacts with it and the result is bloating in a few hours it should return to size
  • arbmaced
    After YEARS of tests, my best friend was diagnosed with Gastropareses (GP for short.) My 9 yr old daughter was just diagnosed with something similar to GP and my friend recommended that I Google, "Crystal Saltrelli" or "Living Well with Gastroparesis". While online this morning, I came across your posts and thought I'd share this info with you since many of you seem to have similar symptoms. \

    Gastroparesis means, delayed gastric emptying, a condition in which your stomach cannot empty itself of food in a normal fashion. It is caused by damage to the vagus nerve, which regulates the digestive system. A damaged vagus nerve prevents the muscles in the stomach and intestine from functioning, preventing food from moving through the digestive system properly. Often, the cause of gastroparesis is unknown but a major change in diet is necessary to control symptoms.

    Common symptoms are:
    Abdominal bloating
    Heartburn or GERD
    Vomiting undigested food
    Passing of undigested food
    Feeling full quickly when eating
    Poor appetite and weight loss
    Poor blood sugar control

    Wishing you the best of health!
  • pomegranatemint
    pomegranatemint Posts: 37 Member
    I have this issue too. It's so depressing and plays tricks with my mind.

    I have done the FODMAP diet, but wasn't working and now I am on a low chemical elimination diet and slowly introducing food challenges.

    I am off lactose, gluten and was off most fruits and a lot of veggies.

    I just introduced back some salicylates and although I don't feel nausea (which has been the main issue with eating) I am getting constipated and more bloated than ever.

    So the main thing I have introduced back with the salicylates is a wider variety of fruit and vegetables and yup more constipated.

    I had issues with probiotics in the past (it made me very unwell for 6 months, like could not function at all) so a bit scared to try them again.

    I have also upped my water intake and I drink no caffeine or carbonated beverages, just water.

    So basically I think my stomach is screwed, because there is not much food groups to kick out.