

  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Well I am disappointed in my weigh in today. I am doing WW and have until July 22, which will be the end. One reason I came back to My Fitness pal, It worked for me in the beginning so am trying again. I reset my goals back to 0 so I can see how I am doing from this point. I was so excited to find an app for my iphone that is a pedometer that connects to MFP. I started today and will definatley have to move more It will even keep track of my steps if the phone is in my purse. But guess what it can't keep your steps if your purse is in the cart. Went shopping today and duh put it in my bra after I realized it was in my purse. Had a good Saturday got to have lunch with my son and my 2 grandkids DIL was out of town. So nice to spend time with him. He works nites so i try not to invade their family time on the weekends. I see my DIL and GKs a lot for dinner so I felt like I got an early birthday present today.
    Went to the health food store, does anyone drink Aloe Vera juice? What are your thoughts?

    Keep up the good work ladies, me on the other hand back to salads, fruits and eating better I knew I blew it with food this week.

    So CA

    Hi Sherry,
    I too am doing WW and I have to switch things up all the time...right now I am going for the in person support and I am counting calories and working out more. You just need to find what your body needs and where that place is that you loose weight every week. It took me a long time to find it and I am not exactly there, but I started limiting myself 1400 calories a day (except Saturdays..havent gotten that part down yet, lol) and try to get to the gym 5 days a week. I am starting my third week so far so good, lol.

    So dont beat yourself up, enjoy life and make some changes a little at a time and you will get there :-)

    Phyllis in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 366 Member
    Good morning Everyone!

    It is a beautiful morning again, but will be hot later. Today is Hubby's birthday. We went to church last night so I can make his favorite brunch today. A place we used to go to (closed now) used to make a Brazilian omelette. They had avocados, cream cheese, pineapples, and bacon. I didn't have bacon on mine, but today I will use veggie bacon. Unusual combo but really delicious! I will also roast red potatoes as well.

    Thank you all for the complements on my drawing. This is one of my passions. I choose subjects that depict innocence. I have done graphite pencil since I was a child. I am learning colored pencil, albeit slowly. Art is a great escape of mine.

    Meg, thank you! This piece is graphite. I am using different hardnesses of pencils to get the different shades of gray.

    Pam, the drawing is on my profile page. I am not finished with it yet. I still need to complete her hair and the background. Tell us about your drawings.

    Jb, praying for Mariah and your family.

    Michele, I use a foam roller too. So helpful. I love salmon, how long to you marinate yours? I am intrigued since you said "later this week".

    Yanniejannie, Im so sorry about your DD, ouch! I also hope your back is better.

    Drkatiebug, I hope your wrist gets better. We just don't heal from injuries like we used to do we......

    Best wishes and hugs to all I missed.

    Welcome everyone new.

    One more thing. I read about a miracle weight loss pill. The ingredients are 10% diet, 10% exercise, 80% knowing you can do it. We can ladies!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Cindy in OK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brenda: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. You are so lucky your family is working on healthy eating as a group. My kids are grown and gone, but DH and I are on this quest to improve our health together and it makes a world of difference. This group is supportive and positive. People share their own situations, ask questions, and support one another. We have people from all over the world and like to know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I am impressed with all of your steps and glad that you are feeling better. I love the joke and read it to DH. He laughed, too.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Heat after all that rain must be like living in a sauna. I hope things improve soon. I like the fruity sweetness of Sangria well enough, but not the pounding headache and digestive upset afterwards. I won’t be having it again any time soon.:noway:

    Yanniejannie: Sorry to hear about your back pain. I hope it eases away soon. I’d tell the yoga instructor next time I go if I was in your place. Perhaps s/he will watch you to see if you’re taking the poses correctly. My yoga instructor has kicked up the intensity just a little since we attracted some new students. I’ve had some aches, but they’re the good kind that let me know I’m getting stronger. I agree with you about the hitchhiking. NO, NO and HECK NO.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: Six pm does seem like a strange time to start a wedding. Will the wedding celebration include a meal? I attended only one wedding that included a sit down meal. It was quite nice and the meal was a luncheon.:flowerforyou:

    Kim in N. CA: It seems as though Arizona weather has moved to CA and Northern CA weather has moved here. Congratulations on the fabulous NSV! Pull-up jeans will soon be fall-down jeans. You may be forced to buy a smaller pair. :wink: :bigsmile: I like your landscape plan with the native grasses and dry creek. Will it fit nicely within your neighborhood? You may end up inspiring others.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I’m so glad you were able to bond with DGS. :love: I am happy that you are getting some positive time with your mom, and grateful that technology makes it possible. I don’t know about paradise, but I always think of Victoria as the magic kingdom. It is paradise in the summer, but I haven’t been through a winter there so don’t know about that. Summer evenings are long and lovely but I imagine the short days of winter would be even shorter there than they are here. Your ice-cream stop with your DH sounds like a wonderful treat.:flowerforyou:

    Sherry in S CA: Please read the message on your iphone about radio frequency exposure. It is found under Settings, About, Legal, RF Exposure. I love my iphone but would never put it in my bra, especially not habitually.:noway:

    Dr Katie: Since we both broke wrists I’ll share that my doctor told me to avoid putting weight on my broken wrist in a bent back position for at least a year. (No open handed push-ups.) Wrists take a long time to heal and I suppose it is because they’re always in motion and used hard. In yoga, I have to keep the wrists straight and positions like downdog require me to rest my weight on the backs of my fingers with my hand in a sort of fist to keep my wrist straight. I do the same with the uninjured arm so that I’ll balance. I’m getting used to it but will be glad when my year is up.:flowerforyou:

    BJ: We love to go to farm stores on Sauvie Island, between here and Portland. There are three we’ve been to and two of those we go to more regularly. One is organic. In all three cases, they seem to sell products from their own farm along side those grown elsewhere.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I have admired lots of things about you, including your energy and willingness to work hard. The river rock is beyond anything I would consider doing. Can you find workers to help you finish, or is the satisfaction of doing it yourselves worth the effort?:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: I know what you mean about feeling sad yesterday was the longest day of the year, because now the days will start to get shorter. I thrive on light. The good news is that we have beautiful summers and often have lovely falls, as well. Then the rain sets in, and I am grateful for solar temperature light bulbs.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your comments on selective memory strike a chord and have me thinking about my own memory. I seem to remember in visual images. When I “see” the scene, all sorts of details come into my mind, sometimes including things that were said and remembered emotions. How big is your village? I can’t imagine neighbors as first responders here, and if we didn’t have excellent paramedics in our fire department I would’ve become a widow this year. DH has been diabetic since he was a teen, and he had two insulin reactions that were so severe I almost lost him and would have without the fire department's paramedics. I guess if I lived in a remote location I’d woman-up and learn how to do it.:flowerforyou:

    This is likely to be a catch all day. DH wants to launch the fishing boat, I want to check on the sailboat, and we need to clean house. DS and DDIL will be here tomorrow for an over night because DS will be having surgery Tuesday morning in a Portland hospital. He expects to be released the same day. I pray that it goes that well.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,301 Member
    Katla - my village is quite small. I don't think the First Responders have to save lives very often :noway: , but they do have a defibrillator with them so they can start resuscitation just a few minutes earlier than a paramedic can get there. It's definitely not instead of a paramedic! Minutes count with cardiac arrest. They are trained in other things, but I guess that mainly it is just reassuring to a patient that someone is there as early as possible.

    I went to my big store today, looking for a top to go with my new skirt. I tried on 9 tops, but took the 2 most basic off white and black half sleeved ones and a sleeveless vest. I can always jazz them up with jewellery. Will I EVER wear the skirt this summer? ? ? ? Hhhmmm!:tongue:

    Kim - the dress is my ONLY summer dress and I am wearing it last June for my DSIL'S 60th. I am currently about 13 lbs lighter than I was then. :bigsmile: So now I have one dress and one skirt and just live in trousers (pants). :laugh: One problem is that I hate taking my socks off unless it is 85 degrees. :laugh: I always have cold feet and wear socks in bed even in the summer.

    I will be making an omelette tonight with the eggs my cleaner gave me. Red pepper, tomatoes, scallions, garlic and our own broad beans I think, served with British asparagus and new potatoes for DH.

    Good luck Kim with the teaching next week!:flowerforyou:

    Heather in hot and dry Hampshire UK
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Sherry in S CA: Please read the message on your iphone about radio frequency exposure. It is found under Settings, About, Legal, RF Exposure. I love my iphone but would never put it in my bra, especially not habitually.noway

    Thanks for the reminder :)

    Today is a new day, off to the store for vegies and fruit and yogurt, lots of lunch stuff.

    Renny love that Grandbaby they are the best.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's a beautiful day here, if you're looking out the window, but the heat and humidity is unbearable today. We are at the lake and hubby went out this morning to mow the grass with our little electric push mower. He kept coming inside every few minutes dripping with sweat to get water and cool off a little. While he was out there mowing, maybe 30 feet from the windows, two deer walked right by between him and the windows. A mother and a fawn. It's unusual that they get so close to people. Our dogs barked a little, but mostly seemed confused. They just strolled by, like they didn't have a care in the world.

    Here is today's joke:


    His father sends a small boy to bed. Five

    minutes later....


    "What?" "I'm thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?" "No. You had your

    chance. Lights out."

    Five minutes later: "Da-aaaad....."


    "I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??"

    "I told you NO!" If you ask again, I'll have to spank you!!"

    Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad....."


    "When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?"


    Have a great day.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,077 Member
    Happy Summer to all :flowerforyou: ,

    Cindy love the can do! Add my voice to what a splendid drawing. Very talented.

    Michele we added a layer of rock to put over our old rock about five years ago, so I know how heavy and how much work it is to use rock. The upside is I lost five pounds when we did that project. I just went out and vacuumed part of it yesterday. It is so much easier to do that than to put down or clean out rock by removing, cleaning, and putting it back. I learned the hard way rock is low maintenance but not no maintenance. I also learned to wear good supportive shoes when walking on this rock. One year after vacuuming with bad shoes I ended up with tendonitis. We do love how it looks and you do not get the bugs like you do with mulch. Over all worth the hassle.

    Just had another rain storm. We could have used this in about a week. We have had so much rain that is making it difficult to go swimming and boating in our many lakes and rivers. Too much run off and nasty things are getting in the water and lake levels are so high there are no wake restrictions,so boaters cannot go very fast. Currents are also very strong.

    Slept well last night. I had about 6 ounces of black cherry juice before bed. I notice when I sleep better I eat better and have more energy for the day.

    On this rainy day I will get some house projects done, so tomorrow I wake to a more organized home.

    2014 word: Contentment
  • bschwartz2000
    Thank you all for the warm welcome. THis seems like a great board to join. Daughters are at a birthday party today so hubby and I are headed out to a movie together. We live in Southern California in Thousand Oaks. It is just NW of LA. Weather is dry, warm, and sunny.

    Somebody mentioned letting there grass die out and putting in natural landscape. You may already be aware of this but just in case, if you take a picture before it is completely dead some water departments and cities will give you an incentive for going native.:happy: We were checking into making our backyard a natural habitat and that came up in the research.

    Have a great day every one.

    Brenda in Thousand Oaks, CA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,809 Member
    Good Sunday morning from wet and raining Nebraska.:tongue: Woke up to a nice rain and so wanted to stay in bed. But I am off tomorrow so can sleep in. The wedding last evening was very nice. I realized I have know the bride since she was born. Makes me feel so old.

    Renny--glad you are getting in enjoy DGS. Prayers and Hugs to you and your mom.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Kim--congrates on the pull of jeans. I have a pair like that and love the feeling as know I am getting smaller.:flowerforyou:

    How do I connect my fitbit to MFP? Will it take what I log for food and put in the fitbit log? Sometimes I am so slow on figuring out how to do things on the computer.

    Cynthia--Chicken toothpaste, that is funny. I did not know they made anything like that.:laugh:

    Heather--Thanks for the idea of keeping a list on my phone of books I want to read when they come out. I had all these papers in my billfold and drove me crazy trying to keep them in order. Using my phone is great idea. So have started a list. Thanks

    Katla--they did have a sit down dinner after the wedding, It was a strange menu. Potato chips, pulled pork with BBQ and beans. I ate very little so that part was good. I did feel bad as they put alot of work into the wedding and had very few quests. Part of that I think was the time and then the weather was funny.
    Prayers for DS that his surgery goes as planned and he is home the same day.

    Sylvia--I can just picture the deer strolling along. Thanks for sharing and the joke was cute as always. You brighten my day!:drinker:
    DH came and had lunch with me as he got off at noon today. He usually doesn't work Sundays, but they were short. He was going home to shampoo carpets. He does since a good job and with the dogs it sure makes a difference. Well enjoy your day and remember we are in this together.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,759 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I am home and exsausted:yawn: woke up at 1:30 yesterday, am and this morning at 1:30 am , what gives.... the lake was just lovely.. but this morning it was like maybe 40-42 outside.. holy cow...let me just tell you I will be packing my woolies to take up with us..
    went out on the screened in porch at 1:30 am for a few minutes, then went in and swept and swiffered the 2 bedrooms and small kitchen.. the lake beach on our property where you go in swimming isnt raked so it is mucky with leaves, if the girls want to go swimming they can rake it.. Sean and I put the firpit together, I went to visit my eldery aunt while DB was lying down.. he hasnt been feeling well. tummy troubles.. poor guy.. did take him out to dinner last night and I was bad... had a 1/2 lb cheeseburger and fries:noway: but didnt each much more than that yesterday... we drove a couple hrs down this morning to the cottage in Hampton.. Oh my word... it is getting so delapitated.. my father is proud and will not accept help from either Sean or Jean financially but this place is a huge eyesore... shingles falling off,screens falling out, the water isnt working right, and he wants to rent this place out.. now he see's it as he saw it growing up, it isnt that anymore. it needs ALOT of work, Jean bless her heart,loves the place as much as we all do and since her father passed ,her mom is in charge of the cash flow, and has offered to give Jean and Sean money to help fix it up... but my father wont take it.. we will be going down there after going to the lake and I pray Sean and my dad can at least get up there and get the water flowing right.. I swept some and vacumed...but couldnt really wash floors or anything again because the water is turned off, until leaks are fixed. the grass that is around is like 2 feet high...
    ok enough of the crabbing.. I heard the loon's wailing this morning.. so enjoyed watching the lake wake up... and the time with my brother... now I have 3 days of work then off on vacation...
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Good Sunday afternoon,
    Well we took my dd,sil and grandson to the airport yesterday, they made it to Colorado safely. They will
    be living in a hotel until they find a place to live, I can't imagine my 3 yr old grandson living in a hotel very
    long, he has tons of energy. My heart is so heavy right now, I miss them terribly. My husband is taking it harder
    than me right now. I can't wait until dd calls me so I can hear him call me Geemaw. He knew something big
    was going on, he gave me the longest hug and kiss ever at the airport. Sorry for rambling, it helps to talk about it.
    I want to thank everyone for their supportive remarks and suggestions about skyping. Your support has been so
    appreciated. It's been awhile since I posted, when things get me down my first instinct is to shut down and sleep
    a lot. But since being on mfp and this thread I've been doing pretty well.

    After reading the posts of how everyone deals with stress eating and everyday stuff, when I have a situation that
    I'm not sure how to deal with. It never fails that I'll remember something I read on here to help me make better
    Choices. The last few weeks have been tough but I was still able to get in my exercise and still lost some wght.
    I'm hoping with my extra free time w/o gs I can refocus on my wght loss. I'll be flying out in 2 months to see them
    so I want to be as fit as possible so I can do anything he wants, right now he loves being chased. Thanks for letting
    me vent.
    Brenda from Md
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Renny – what a nice outing – I have never been to Vancouver is it on my bucket list!:flowerforyou:

    Joyce – thanks! I did too….

    Wizzywig – Joyce’s smile was about my NSV – pull-ups!

    Cynthia – love the “wrong” toothpaste story! How exciting to be ready in your relationship to live together, congrats. :smile:

    Heather – we have a volunteer program via our police department, that I have always wanted to get involved with but it is 6 weeks of training (1 evening aweek) and I just have not fit it into my schedule. Is british asparagus different than American asparagus???

    Cindy – that omelet sounds good, in a weird way!

    Katla – One of neighbors are already having a cow:grumble: that I am letting the grass die, it is what our water district has requested, but the rest of them are used to me doing different things with my yard,:happy: I have an arch and tore out the straight path and put in a curved one… have 3 big trees… generally do not have the typical yard… but I love it. :heart:

    Brenda - I was the one going native, I did check into the rebate and our water district requires 100% native plants, which would mean I would have to tear out a 50 year old Japanese maple – NOT going to do that… and they are being sticklers with the rules, probably because so many are applying:smile::smile:

    Alison - Ok that is on my bucket list too to hear and see a Loon…. It sounds like such a haunting thing… :smile:

    I am loving that I have the car all packed and ready (except for refridge stuff) I have thought of a few things I had forgotten that would make it easier. I'll go tuck those in... I embroider for a fund raiser that a local high school band does, it is a ton of purple things, with the school logo on them...shirts, jackets, hats ect... it is about $3,000 worth of product - today I am meeting with the new coordination gal, so spent 3 hours this morning working up a suggestion list, things we have done before and possible things for next year. She should be here in about an hour. I am liking that she wants to get an early start, it takes a ton of time to embroider all of the items and 4-6 weeks is really helpful, school starts here the 3rd week of August.

    I am freaking out just a bit... My god-son is graduating from college in Seattle next June, so I thought I would make a hotel reservation and every hotel close is booked...:grumble: GRRRRR:noway: anyone close enough to want a guest next June? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I was hoping to fly in and not get a car, but I have to have a car now as everything available is by the airport or even farther. He is at Seattle University.

    Well off to make sure everything is ready for my client.
    Kim in N.California

    PS Brenda from MD - sending you a big (((HUG)))) vent all you want! 2 months will go quick! and just think maybe you will be down 4-5 more pounds --
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone, again! I had a great start to my new year, lost 12 lbs. in January, but then went downhill. I lost 80 lbs. in 2010, and had prided myself that I had gained some back, but not ALL. Well, guess what?:sad: I am feeling very unhealthy, this must be my ultimate unhealthy weight, because so many of my systems scream at me, until I finally listen. That has me back, plus 90% of my closet won't fit me, including 2 new pair of jeans, that are the same size as the ones I wear, which must be stretched out.

    Also, a great goal in going back to Hawaii at the end of September for our 25th anniversary, we went there for our honeymoon. I want to look and feel better in a swimsuit, and also fit in the airplane seat! :smile:

    Thanks for being so accepting when people come back!:ohwell:

    I am going to try to catch up with your lives here! Things are pretty good for me, my daughter chose her university from many places she was accepted, and we feel she made the right choice, in picking the one only 90 minutes away, and it's where she received one of her best scholarship offers, and it's also where our son will be a senior next year! :happy: So, a busy couple months are ahead, with vacation, and family coming to visit, etc., and then it will be very quiet around here. :cry: Actually, there has been some tension with my daughter, nothing terrible, just her trying to find herself, and thinking she is right about so many things,.... so part of me is looking so forward to her going out and finding herself. :drinker:

    Big hugs to all! Glad to be back!:flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. So much going on here, it's almost intimidating to me. For some reason I'm just not comprehending anything today.

    Yes, winny, I was laughing about Kim's pull ups! Struck me as really funny. I have 2 nephews that have children that are just now going into pull ups and just visualizing Kim in them was funny.

    Remember I told you about my episodes standing in the choir lost when I would get dizzy? Well this morning when I was taking my shower while getting ready for church I was dizzy in the choir. I got out and sat down for awhile. But as I was drying my hair it was really bad. I took my B/P and it was 73/50. I realized then that I was not going to church. What really bothers me is that years ago when I was attending church and stopped, it all stopped that way. One Sunday I would be really tired and I would blame it on my MS. It eventually became so easy for me to just stop going. I do not want that to happen again. I just hope I have the emotional strength to get through it. I asked my husband to make sure that he encouraged me and helped me through it and he was very nonchalant about it. He said it was my decision. I just haven't felt well all day. I take 3 B/P pills every morning and two at night. One of the pills pulls double duty because it takes care of my high heart rate so I left off the other 2 pills this morning.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi Friends,

    Kim: Pull ups!! Congratulations, and thanks for the laugh. :laugh: :laugh: Good luck with the cooking classes.

    Michelle and Yannie Jannie: I use a foam roller now and then for my hips (I think my massage therapist calls it ITB band). Hurt like h--- when I first lay on it, then it’s more like scratching an itch as I work through all the sore spots.:tongue: Definitely helps my condition. Have also heard using a tennis ball on the sore spots brings relief.

    Barbie: I got a mean urge for coleslaw, so on your advice will be trying Marie’s dressing tonight. :drinker:

    Renny: So glad you are feeling better and bonding with the new GS. :smile:

    Heather: Thanks for sharing your knee exercises. My trainer has just recommended the clamshell one to target my outer thighs, which need a lot of help. :ohwell: You’re so right about the need to work on balance and core. I started late, but have improved significantly. My goal now is to get on and stay on a stand up paddleboard.

    Gloria: Hope that your son enjoys Disneyworld. I grew up going to Disneyland almost every year, and those trips are some of the sweetest memories of my youth. :happy: :happy:

    Meg: I too need to learn to brush my cat’s teeth. Mars just had his annual physical, and the vet pointed out the start of gum disease…yikes. :sick: On the positive front, he weighs 13 pounds, and has not gained in a year.

    Brenda from Thousand Oaks: Welcome to the community, and keep coming back. I grew up in SoCal, North Hollywood, now referred to as NoHo, very close to Universal Studios. :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Your lake house sounds so serene. Hope Sean and your dad can find a win-win agreement about dad’s house. :smokin:

    Brenda from MD: Pat on the back to you for coping gracefully with your heartache. Vent here anytime. Two months will fly by. Soon you’ll be back in the embrace of your DGS, as well as enjoying the sights of Colorado in late summer. If you come through Denver, let me know! :wink:

    Seasonsofjoy: Welcome back!

    Yesterday was the start of my one week ‘stay-cation’. Have all kinds of home improvements and volunteer work to attend to, but also fully intend to play outside, weather permitting. Yesterday, DH and I went to a fun classic car show that also included live classic music and beer tasting (anyone else love microbreweries?). Also made it to the Farmers Market for golden beets, cucumbers (which I’ve been slicing and infusing into my drinking water…delish!), and this wonderful organic, grass fed beef. Today, I got to spend two hours reading the Sunday paper out by the pool. Would have stayed longer but our daily afternoon storms started moving in. Much as I love my job and the wonderful places my business travel takes me, it’s been fantastic being home! I could get used to this.

    Stay well,

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    June Goals and Progress to Date
    Strength training 90 minutes per week. B+
    Try out an aquatics class and check out Masters swim. - Not yet!
    Three times a week, consume fewer than 50 carbs. Less wheat the better.> B+
    Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in. > C
    On a daily basis, list 5 things I’m grateful for. > B
    My word for 2014 = Release
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sun!!
    Went to church and ran errands.
    Violet is having a sleepover:smooched: .
    Found out the house we are renting is gonna be sold,so looking for a place again.This is the 5th move in 3 years.:cry:
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Joyce, o.k. I am not a physician but maybe you would look into making a Dr. Appt. This sounds really serious ! Are you getting enough nutrition? I will say a prayer for you!

    I worked today.. lately driving home I get teary eyed missing my father , he passed March 5 and I keep thinking about him, he had alzhimers and personally I do not think he did, he was just blocking out my mother who rode him like a leased mule. Do not get me wrong, they would of been married 61 years April 7, and had their own dance if you know what I mean but he was the kindest loving giving person I have ever known , it just does not seem possible that Pappa Cal is gone. I am great full for
    this group, it helps me to stay focused on ME and my healthy path, I shared with my hubby today my sadness and how I keep thinking about my mom mistreating my father in the last few year's but the answer I get from him is, you have to stop thinking about it....in a word, Bull ! Isn't this part of the morning process ?

    I am sad today and I think that is all right. I am not stuffing my feelings with food or wine and that is a good thing

    well enough of my belly aching, it is nice out and I am going to catch some sun !

    Carol in Monroe
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Carol, so sorry for the loss of your father. Like you, I listen for messages from my loved ones who have passed, and I do hear them! I see signs, too, and it is comforting, isn't it? He is there with you.

    I decided to consistently use EFT, which is the Emotional Freedom Technique. You do this tapping on pressure points, like your eyebrows, for example, several times a day, while saying positive messages to yourself. When my husband quit smoking many years ago, and went to a hypnotist, he was taught this method to keep up the self-hypnosis, but he didn't do it. I figure it is going to work for me, I am doing this!:drinker: Has anyone ever used this technique?

    I forgot to say I am Nancy, from sunny Gilbert, AZ (Phoenix suburb).
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Happy Sunday! It's a stormy day today but no matter. Hubby and I got up and did the Purple Stride Denver 2014 5K walk today. It took me over an hour to do, but I did it. Tonight is bowling. And I still have about 300+ cals left to eat. I'm feeling very positive right now. I'm sending all those positive vibes out to all you ladies here!
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,The world cup USA game jut ended in a tie, UGH!! I thought we had it. What a game.
    I've had a really busy day, got up this morning and took a bike ride, came back and mowed the yard and did the trimming. Then I picked up the DGD's and took them up to my DD's for a visit. After that I went to my DS to pick up some fresh herbs, went to the grocery, came home and did laundry, cooking for the week, chopping fruit and veggies, and finally cleaning up the kitchen and kicking back for the evening. I made a slaw with cabbage, red, yellow, and orange peppers, cilantro, carrots and green onions. I used fresh lime and olive oil to tie it together. So fresh and yummy. It is awesome!
    If my daughter doesn't go in to labor before hand she will have the baby Friday.

    Pam Netherland, Congrats on the weight loss!

    Katla NW Oregon, Glad you survived.

    Welcome Brenda, I have twin teen granddaughters.

    Sylvia, So funny!

    YannieJannie, I hope your daughter is doing OK.

    Cindy, so talented, what a gift.

    Back to work tomorrow, everyone have a nice evening.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH