Tell me something interesting about you



  • gononi
    gononi Posts: 6 Member
    How cool!
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I can get almost any dog to listen to me and do what I want them too.

    I can walk difficult dogs, usually in just a few minutes. I can calm down and get large and small aggressive dogs to trust me, and get dogs to sit, stay or come, often in just a few minutes.

    I like to help people with their dogs and I am considering trying to make a living from this but the certification can be expense and takes some time......yadda yadda...just excuses....... like why I cant lose those last few pounds.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I have Monosomy X, or Turner Syndrome. Girls who have it are very short, and have one X chromosome (or sometimes partial XX) and are sterile. I got lucky and have enough of both Xs to have had a son. My OB/Gyn literally did NOT believe me when I told him I have it. :laugh:
  • Lolita_Haze
    I have a twin
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    Not terribly unique, but I raise pet chickens & ducks in my backyard smack dab in the middle of town. They all come to their names & are as sweet as can be!
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Lance, you're more than welcome to come practice on mine. I have six and they're all horribly behaved, but I love em.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    This was an interesting thread, unfortunately, I can't think of anything interesting about me.
  • mybeesknees
    mybeesknees Posts: 633
    Yes. That's him. We worked together in upstate New York at prison hospital.

    Lucky! You have my respect for your career and for working with him. Freaking badass (in a good way)!

    I forgot to welcome you, Chris, to the website. Where are my manners? Feel free to add me and welcome to the MFP family. :happy:
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I am an identical twin that loves to surf...and today I hit 1,175 days straight logging on MFP. I hope you find great success here and the people can be very helpful, supportive and motivating. So definitely add some good friends!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I've been in cat rescue for 25 years.

    I broke my middle finger in the door of a 67 Chevy Impala when I was 8

    I was an all state french horn player in high school but never touched it again after I graduated 30 years ago..

    I've been a movie extra, and I might be in a Supernatural documentary coming out in the future. Not sure how much of my part they'll be using though..

    Those are the only ones I can think of now.. I'm mostly ordinary. :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I disarm bombs and poke dead bodies (trying to figure out how they died) for living! :noway:

    P.S. If you would have told me I would be doing this as a living 20 years ago I'd have called you crazy!!! :bigsmile:

    I've always been fascinated by forensic sciences. .. but I have to just read about it. I could never do it for a living. I'm too squeamish. ..being around bodies in states of decay would have me losing my lunch daily.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    I design elaborate costumes to cosplay at
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I once shot myself in the face.
    With a bow.

    Dude.. there MUST be a good story here. :bigsmile:
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I was almost kidnapped when I was 4 or 5. Younger brother was with me but I was the only one the creepy *kitten* was going after. We were watching the movie version of IT by Stephen King when my mom asked me to go across the street and ask the neighbors for sugar... I vividly remember certain scenes from that movie now. Particularly the one that was on right before I left the house.

    Oh, thought of a better one. I will get a massive wave of nausea, so bad I feel like I need to go to the bathroom.. and Then I just sneeze. It sucks lol
  • blazingsun14
    blazingsun14 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me to share fitness stories/successes.

    Hmmm... something interesting about me.... Well I don't know if this is interesting, but I grew up on a remote Gulf Island in British Columbia, Canada. I had to catch 4 buses, 2 ferries and walk 10-15 mins just to get to high school back in the day. Boy am I glad those days are over.
  • LeopardSpottedWombat
    I have extremely talented feet... I can draw with them, use video game controllers and win the games with them, pick up anything and toss it up to my hands, open doors and drawers, etc. But I have a tendency to fall down a lot when I try to use them for feet things, such as walking.

    My eyes are extremely sensitive to light so I get headaches a lot during the day, but I can read or do art or move around a messy room in almost total darkness.

    The first and only time I ever shot a gun, at the insistence of my gun-loving Texan uncle, I hit 9 consecutive bulls-eyes. I can also hit consecutive bulls-eyes with daggers, darts, and crossbows.

    When I was 6, I broke my thumb at the dinner table. I was sitting in the chair and then suddenly the chair flew up and fell on me. It happened instantly and no one at the table had any clue what happened. The doctors accused my whole family of lying and my parents almost got arrested for suspected child abuse.

    I heal so fast externally that one time I completely sliced my palm open accidentally on a tin can and in two days there wasn't even a mark from it.

    I have high functioning schizoaffective bipolar 1 disorder (think manic-depressive meets schizophrenic).

    Oooh ooh I play the harp.

    I have no idea if these are interesting facts. :huh: :smile:
  • LeopardSpottedWombat
    Welcome! Feel free to add me to share fitness stories/successes.

    Hmmm... something interesting about me.... Well I don't know if this is interesting, but I grew up on a remote Gulf Island in British Columbia, Canada. I had to catch 4 buses, 2 ferries and walk 10-15 mins just to get to high school back in the day. Boy am I glad those days are over.

    That... is ridiculously impressive. I'm amazed you had the patience. It was probably a beautiful place to live, though?
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    My interesting thing. I'm sitting in NASA's Mission Control right now.
  • vanginmi
    vanginmi Posts: 41
    I collect and fix vintage sewing machines. And sew ALOT :). Love reading this thread.
  • velvetteddylove
    I am a retired forensic psychiatric registered nurse. I worked with serial killers, severely mentally ill psychopaths who took insanity defense for their crimes. I did this for 25 yrs. I was never bored. Worked with a famous doctor who had his own show on Discovery ID. Dr. Michael Stone. The show was based on his belief that not all psychopaths were mentally ill and believed strongly in some being just plain evil. How's that for interesting????

    wow, sounds like my cup of tea! love it

    Welcome to MFP, feel free to add me, you'll get so much motivation you won't even know what hit you :tongue:

    I guess my interesting fact is when I was younger, I was in Broadway on Ice. Fiddler on the Roof to be exact, haha :blushing: embarrassing