Diet / Weightloss pills that actually work?



  • They dont actually help you lose weight. They may give you energy/ take away your appetit, but regardless.... they really arn't worth the slight amount of energy you may get from them. So, not worth it.
  • Phentermine 37.5 really works along with some cardio. Far as eating not to much to worry about. It really curbs your appetite
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    Hello I'm another one who tried everything in the past diet pills don't work ...i been going to a dietary doctor and getting B-12 shots or u can take b-12 pills the doc gives you & a pill that suppress your hunger & I'm amazed I lost 20lbs the first months yes you still need to workout & eat right & lots of water ..I seen other people to that lost a lot of weight doing this ...hope it help u can send me a msg if ya want .deb

    b12 injections are great!

    If you have pernicious anaemia.

    Also sometimes used in treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

    They do nothing for weight loss and I would be very skeptical about any doctor giving them for that reason
  • ambience13
    ambience13 Posts: 23 Member
    Pseudoephedrine has always killed my appetite completely..
  • Grannyfan
    Grannyfan Posts: 11
    Ephidrine has been banned in most countries and for very good reason. It can leave you with serious heart damage, and as soon as you stop taking them , you will regain the weight you did loose while you were on them . They are very harmful and they are dangerous. Some times the bad effects of taking them do not show up until much later . Don't do it , that is my advice to you.
  • dmel17
    dmel17 Posts: 1
    i took abidexin for a month and lost a TON of weight and noticed a HUGE difference in my body.
    i really dont keep track of all my foods and weight loss on here because i get distracted.
    but if youre going to try a pill take ABIDEXIN. its a little pricey but its worth it. it really suppressed my appetite where eating just a small snack would fill me up. The first day for two i felt a little nauseous but the feeling goes away once your body gets used to it.
  • fairfsmith
    fairfsmith Posts: 2 Member
    Phentermine works if your doctor will prescribe it. It makes you not eat but I got very moody on it and felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. It wasn't worth it for me but my room mate lost 30 pounds with it.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    How does one get ephedrine in the USA?
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I used to take Fastin (actually, the generic form) in the 1990s off-and-on. I knew a doctor who would prescribe them for me any time I weighed 125 or more. I lived in the Washington, DC part of the world and me and 2 friends would drive 400 miles round-trip for the Fastins because even though Karen and Lisa were medically obese at 5' 0" and 5'1" respectively and each of them were in the 200-pound range, in the DC area you couldn't get Rx diet pills at 200 lbs., you had to be like 300 lbs. The Fastins did help me. I couldn't take just the one tablet per day as prescribed, however, and feel any reduction of appetite. So I took 1 tablet at about 11 a.m. and another at around 2 p.m. and always with a caffeinated beverage to boost the effect. I told Lisa and Karen about the caffeine and it worked for them as well. I was still hungry all the time but what the Fastin did was take the edge off my appetite enough so that I wasn't constantly thinking about food. Back then, I crash-dieted, usually 400 calories/day. I never had any side effects whatsoever.I would definitely recommend Fastin.When I was 15 that same doctor prescribed me a different diet pill that also worked well but I don't know the name of it. He had initially prescribed another diet pill that had no effect, so I told him and he gave me a stronger pill. I certainly would not waste money on any non-prescription diet pills becauae they do NOTHING.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Stop listening to Dr. Oz, get off your *kitten* and work for it. If you aren't willing to do it the right way then you really don't want it that bad.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    How does one get ephedrine in the USA?

    Presumably through a doctor and then closely monitored. Horrible potential side effects though and many pile the weight back on after stopping taking it.
  • LSinVA
    LSinVA Posts: 60 Member
    Please don't do it. I've tried everything, looking for a quick fix and none of them helped. The only one that did anything was ephedrine and I gained every bit of the weight back and then some. I wasted so much time only to end up in failure.

    You need to learn how to eat properly and be active. Don't look for an easy way out because there isn't any. You're changing your life. Anything that would get the weight of quickly is temporary because your habits haven't changed. It's going to take time and dedication and a massive desire to *never* be fat again.
  • paymentm
    paymentm Posts: 105 Member
    Diet pills don't work but sometimes especially for women losing weight is difficult due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D. Taking a multivitamin or a tablet of the two may help a bit but you still need to eat right and exercise.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    -Dr Oz seems pretty reliable.

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... That's why Congress called him to the carpet for his false claims.
    ""I get that you do a lot of good on your show," McCaskill told Oz, "but I don't get why you need to say this stuff because you know it's not true."

    Oz insisted he believes in the supplements he talks about on his show as short-term crutches, and even has his family try them. But there's no long-term miracle pill out there without diet and exercise, he said."
    Last I checked the two things > raspberry keytone Vitimins (not the diet pill but the vitamin) and green tea vitimin are good for you. KETONE.aspx?activeIngredientId=1262&activeIngredientName=RASPBERRY KETONE
    "Raspberry ketone became popular for weight loss after it was mentioned on the Dr. Oz television show during the segment called “Raspberry ketone: Miracle fat-burner in a bottle” in February 2012. Even though it is touted as a “miracle” for weight loss, there is no reliable scientific evidence that it works for improving weight loss."
  • Only prescription diet pills actually work. Be careful about mentioning prescription diet pills on these forms people on here will bash you and tell you you're stupid.
    A lot of people on here don't find them socially acceptable but think it's perfectly okay to go get surgery and cut out your stomach.

    I am on Adipex P. I am on month 2 and down 18 lb using them. I plan only to use them for no longer than 4-6 months. They are not suggested and a doc should no prescribe them for any longer because long-term use can cause heart problems.
    What I am on is the cheapest of the prescription diet pills. Insurance will not cover them, but they only cost $33-$40 where I live for the prescription depending on where you get it filled.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    2013 THREAD
  • Anyone here use
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    nope. no quick fixes.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    edited January 2015
    ....I didn't realize how old this post was when I first commented. Wow. Nvm.