WANTED: People that need to lose 50lbs.



  • tori7754
    tori7754 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm new again to MFP. I am looking to loss 55 pounds to reach a goal weight of 135. I think that would be best for me being 5'4'' I am motivated to get this done this time around, since I'v just had my 4th child a little over 7 weeks ago. I do at times forget to get on here and log my food and exercise, but I am on every couple days to update everything. Doing this alone is harder than I thought, and any extra support would be greatly appreciated!
  • PrincessPoquilaPie
    PrincessPoquilaPie Posts: 16 Member
    Have more than 50 to lose.
    6'3" with 121 lbs to go.

  • Today I went to the MD and realized I am at my highest weight ever. I need to lose 50 pounds, absolutely. Maybe even more, but 50 would be amazing. Please add me too.
  • amakayg
    amakayg Posts: 172 Member
    I started out needing to lose 56 lb. I have lost 26 so far! The key is to eat right and give your body the nutrition it needs! Exercise is only a small part of it! I lost the first 20 lbs. using wii active 2 on the 9 week challenge. After that wasn't enough I started working out through a place called skinny's nutrition that gives free workouts and a coach. We don't use machines though (just a set of dumbbells and a yoga mat). I'm not sure if they offer that in your area because I am from mississippi but it is called 24 Fit Camp. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • hill1angel
    hill1angel Posts: 37 Member
    Do you have 50lbs. to lose? Are you highly motivated to lose it? Then I would like to be your friend. I am on here everyday and am exercising almost everyday. I am very commited to losing this time:) Thanks!! Together we WILL do this!!!

    I have not read everyone's post just the first page so far and......

    So I am not at the 50 mark. I need to loose 30lb and need just as much support becuase I purchased one of my favorite popcorns yesterday from COSTCO sweet and salty...Lets say I had too many handfuls and did not go to the gym. Today is a new day so starting over and getting ready to go have my oatmeal and plan to mow the lawn later today.

    Let me know if you can add me andlet me know how you begin... I was thinking about 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels or Ian Smith Book Called Shred... I am not sure how I should start except I know eating that popcorn is not going to do it!
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member

    I have not read everyone's post just the first page so far and......

    So I am not at the 50 mark. I need to loose 30lb and need just as much support becuase I purchased one of my favorite popcorns yesterday from COSTCO sweet and salty...Lets say I had too many handfuls and did not go to the gym. Today is a new day so starting over and getting ready to go have my oatmeal and plan to mow the lawn later today.

    Let me know if you can add me andlet me know how you begin... I was thinking about 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels or Ian Smith Book Called Shred... I am not sure how I should start except I know eating that popcorn is not going to do it!

    Lay off the popcorn. No point eating something that will make you feel guilty. We all have our moments of weakness that leads to temptation. But stay strong.

    I'm doing 30 day challenges for back, arms, love handles and a LBD challenge. I do these in the evening. In the morning, i'm doing HIIT workouts and added some leg work because i so wanna rock my SKINNY JEANS!!!!
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    There is a group called Let's Lose 50+, and so far people there seem pretty open and friendly.
  • derik999
    derik999 Posts: 73
    50 in 6 months is the plan.
  • Pete1964AK
    Pete1964AK Posts: 85 Member
    I'm looking to lose at least 50, probably closer to 65 depending on how I look and feel.
    I've been on here 4 weeks, lost 11 pounds and that target seems a very long way off.

    I'm looking to add some friends who are heading in the same direction - downwards - at whatever pace we are all managing it, but downwards for sure.
  • leewaltonuk
    leewaltonuk Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose just over 50 lbs. Started cycling in earnest, and trying to get plenty of time on an indoor bike too, but really need to stay motivated, as I've fallen off the horse before (metaphorically speaking)!
  • debsters75
    debsters75 Posts: 9 Member
    I need to lose 50!! We can do this!!!
  • Mystique225to504
    Mystique225to504 Posts: 11 Member
    I did 30 day shred. It is killer but I lost about 5 pounds the first month. I would recommend t25 or Insanity to anyone. It is hard but I lost 10 pounds in three weeks. I thought it was water but I went down 1 dress size and 2 pants. Love it. Add me!!
  • Claire8614
    Claire8614 Posts: 157 Member
    I would like to lose at least another 28 lbs. you are welcome to add me as a friend.

    Having loads of friends on here and seeing their journey keeps me motivated, well most of the time :)
  • mymishi
    mymishi Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose 90lbs........ Just weight myself after a long time. If that wasn't motivation I dpnt know what is. Back to counting calories.
  • hemajai
    hemajai Posts: 1
    i want to lose 50lbs. started walking and aerobics
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Yes, I need to lose at least 50 lbs!
    Lost most of it hen gained it back when i left MFP
    Please do add me as a friend!
  • itz_fiyah
    itz_fiyah Posts: 15 Member
    please add me. my goal is to lose 70 pounds!
  • babykizzy
    babykizzy Posts: 9
    I need to loose 50 pounds that's my first goal feel free to add me
  • cass_wilson
    cass_wilson Posts: 31 Member
    I'm looking to lose over 50! Cloaser to twice that.
  • I've got 46lbs to lose ... is that close enough?