Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    Wow guys you are so depressing. I got the mirena sometime in February or March of this year, I have lost somewhere around 40 some pounds since then. I take Wellbutrin so I have been pretty happy. Since this I now weigh what I did in High School, know I can't get pregnant, and more limber than ever now that I am more fit..I can't say enough good things about Mirena. Reading past posts everyone complains about sex drive, depression, and weight gain, I just debunked all of it. Before my son was born in December (and the 9 months and 16 days prior to his birth) I had the Mirena for three year's and I yo yoed on weight and was happy and sad at different points in life. I guess what I am trying to say, is the Mirena didn't change me, life went on like normal.

    Everyone is different. Just because you (one out of many) have had good luck with it doesn't mean the rest of us are making it up. I am happy that you have had a great experience, but don't knock those who haven't. Walk in my shoes and sing a different song.
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    Some people don't have any problems with the Mirena. My cousin loves it. Some people have side effects pretty soon after getting it, and some people don't experience symptoms until a couple years down the road. My stomach bloating is not just a little bloated, it is ALOT bloated! It is bloated like I have never experienced before. I thought something was wrong so I went to different doctors and tried different cleanses, and tried no dairy or gluten for a few weeks. I went through so much trouble and spent so much money trying to figure it out, when now I realized it started a week after taking the Mirena. I even went to the gyono that inserted it. All of these doctors kept saying "just keep tweaking your diet." Ha! What I'm tired of is when doctor give you medicines (or something like Mirena) and you go back and tell them you are having side effects from it, they say, no it's not the medicine that is causing it. Even the side effects lists say it can cause that side effect. Doctors don't get any feedback after they prescribe meds (or things like Mirena). They just give it to you and move on to the next person. They don't get feedback or have time to read message boards or blogs from people that are having issues. I have read numerous posts that said their doctor said that their side effects were not from the Mirena, when clearly it was. I had it taken out 5 days ago. Anyone that had stomach bloating, how long did it take for it to go away after removal? I look pregnant and I'm not.
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    Has anyone tried anything to detox their body after Mirena? If so, what, and did it work?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Has anyone tried anything to detox their body after Mirena? If so, what, and did it work?

    Your body doesn't need a "detox" that is what your kidneys and liver are for.
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    Anyone that had stomach bloating, how long did it take for it to go away after removal? I look pregnant and I'm not.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Anyone that had stomach bloating, how long did it take for it to go away after removal? I look pregnant and I'm not.

    My bloat started to go away after the first week. I was like you, I felt like I was 6 months pregnant...huge bloat.

    I went to a naturopath and he put me on some stuff to help my body eliminate all the chemicals from the Mirena. I know it helped me get back on track faster.
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! I have hope. Part of me feels like it will never go back to normal, that I will be stuck this way forever.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I totally understand Angierose... I felt like that too.

    I am still working on the weight loss, it is finally coming off, but very slowly!

    My hubby just said to me this weekend that I am finally acting like I used to. My house is cleaner, my energy level is still not what it was but way better than it has been. I am happier and more interested in life and my family!

    It takes time, but its definitely getting better!
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for the hope and encouragement. I'm happy for you that you are finally becoming your normal self again.
  • trz879
    trz879 Posts: 1 Member
    ok I am so freaked out that I didn't research the Mirena before getting it. I see my cardiologist every 3 months and see GYNO every year. I am 52 years old and had my 4th and last child in 2004. wanted my tubes tide but because I didn't sign papers in time....couldn't be done. last 2 years I thought I was going nuts. told every doctor please check for pregnancy. as I am writing this I feel kicking in my belly. so visit to cardio doc says "stop eating, your not pregnant". then rash on leg that 2 dermatologists cant diagnose what it is. scatter brain is so bad I cant believe I have been able to keep my job. finally went to GYN and guess what...they cant find the IUD. surgery will be Tuesday. I am scared. they took sonogram and think they know where it is but I think my body is probably rejecting this foreign thing in my body. I pray all goes well and I can look in the mirror again and I am so ugly and sad. :sad: :yawn:
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Bu p to read later
  • eagleandthecrow
    eagleandthecrow Posts: 7 Member
    I've gotta say, I LOVE my mirena. I didn't gain weight because of it. I gained weight because I was a Fatty McFatFat and ate everything in sight. I also haven't had any problems losing weight. I love the fact that I don't have periods with it, too. I never worry about TOM weight/bloating. [:

    I second this! i adore my mirena, and while I did gain a bit of weight, it wasn't because of the Mirena, it was because of all the traveling I was doing and all of the OM NOM NOM I would do at airports.

    I also had the Paragard, and while I felt great on the Paragard, I had 8 day periods and 24 day cycles. I was CONSTANTLY on my period. I didn't have any of the nasty painful side effects with Paragard, though, which is why I had it for almost 5 years.

    Anyhow, glad I made the switch to Mirena! :)
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    Has anyone taken Chaste berry (Vitex) after getting the Mirena removed to balance hormones?
  • terriedh
    terriedh Posts: 1
    Had the mirena in 07 after my third child. The doctor promised me I would not gain weight (Was already to prepregnacy weight) Since all bc caused severe weight gain with me. Within 2 weeks of having it put in I gained 10lbs. I went back and they I was just not eating right. I eat like a bird. 5'1 135lbs. Then 4 months later I gained 30lb. Went to 2 different doctors begging to have removed and all said it was my lifestyle. I ate 1000 calories and exercised 3 times a week. Weight had never been an issue. Atkins even failed. A year and half I begged to have it removed. Finally local health department said they would. The nurse was a family friend and bout fell over when she saw me. My weight was up to 210, my face covered in brown blotches, and was diagnosed with pcos after it was removed. I never had any issues with blotches, hormones, or weight. Now 7 years later countless blood test, phentermine pills, atkins,metformin and still eat like a bird not one pound has been lost. I think the last couple of years I have given up. I hate sweets, drink 1 pop if that every couple of months, eat well under the calories im supposed to and no success. I blame the iud for my horrible weight, skin, and every 2-3 weeks I have a period (periods started right after mirena was removed). I did have a child in 09 and lost that weight and without fail stopped at 210. I pray God works and keeps me healthy even if overweight. I have never had depression due to my body. Bout to try 1 last ditch effort and try shakeology with my vegan eating. Prayers and encouragement please. I wish I could sue mirena. So glad I found this forum.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    No problems with mirena in, have to update my ticker, have lost 15 pounds. I also work out a lot, watch what i eat. No brainer.
  • Shebri11
    Shebri11 Posts: 7
    Terriedh - Have you been tested for an underactive thyroid?
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    Terreidh: I'm sorry to hear about your story. My heart goes out to you and I will pray you can return back to normal. You probably already took alot of tests, but it's true, test your thyroid. I think Mirena causes thyroid problems. Also maybe you need to take something natural to help build your natural progesterone back since Mirena messes with hormones. Maybe you already looked into all of this, but just wanted to put that out there.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Terreidh: I'm sorry to hear about your story. My heart goes out to you and I will pray you can return back to normal. You probably already took alot of tests, but it's true, test your thyroid. I think Mirena causes thyroid problems. Also maybe you need to take something natural to help build your natural progesterone back since Mirena messes with hormones. Maybe you already looked into all of this, but just wanted to put that out there.

    No it doesn't mess with your thyroid.

    Mirena is a low dose BC method and has less hormones released than the pill.

    Odd a member since April 2011...finally found this post...most interesting.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Terreidh: I'm sorry to hear about your story. My heart goes out to you and I will pray you can return back to normal. You probably already took alot of tests, but it's true, test your thyroid. I think Mirena causes thyroid problems. Also maybe you need to take something natural to help build your natural progesterone back since Mirena messes with hormones. Maybe you already looked into all of this, but just wanted to put that out there.

    No it doesn't mess with your thyroid.

    Mirena is a low dose BC method and has less hormones released than the pill.

    Odd a member since April 2011...finally found this post...most interesting.

    I'm sorry to tell you my dear, but yes the Mirena does mess with thyroid function....


    It messes with a lot of things!

    Read what this poor woman has been through before you keep putting the rest of us down.


    What does when she found the post have to do with anything? I have been a member since 2010 and just found this post in January....???
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member

    I'm sorry to tell you my dear, but yes the Mirena does mess with thyroid function....


    It messes with a lot of things!

    Read what this poor woman has been through before you keep putting the rest of us down.


    What does when she found the post have to do with anything? I have been a member since 2010 and just found this post in January....???

    I am looking at the links you posted for information about how the Mirena "messes" with thyroid function.

    Per your drugs.com link:
    Estrogens/Progestogens (Includes Mirena) ↔ Thyroid Function Tests
    Moderate Potential Hazard, Moderate plausibility
    Applies to: Thyroid Disease
    When administering estrogen and/or progestogen therapy in patients with thyroid disorders, clinicians should be aware that these hormones may affect thyroid function tests. Changes have mostly been reported with the use of combination oral contraceptives. Specifically, thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) may be increased, resulting in elevated circulating total thyroid hormone, as measured by PBI (protein-bound iodine), T4 by column or radioimmunoassay, or T3 by radioimmunoassay. Free T3 resin uptake may be decreased. On the contrary, a decrease in TBG and, consequently, thyroxine concentration, has been reported by the manufacturers of the progestin-only (norethindrone) oral contraceptives.


    "Product Information. Ortho-Est (estropipate)." Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical, Raritan, NJ.
    "Product Information. Deltasone (prednisone)." Pharmacia and Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI.
    "Product Information. Estratab (esterified estrogens)" Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc, Marietta, GA.

    Read the first sentence - it says in patients with thyroid disorders, XYZ may happen or have been reported. Mirena's product information is also not cited anywhere in their references. 24 references were provided in the expanded version.

    That would indicate to me that if one has not had a thyroid problem in the past, the Mirena itself would not cause thyroid problems.

    I would also like to point out that the blog you posted was last updated in 2009. She wrote "I have really struggled to lose the weight I gained with the Mirena, which has never been an issue for me before. I am convinced something about that thing changed my body chemistry, but maybe I'm wrong. I somehow doubt it. I will spare you the details, but even switching to a vegetarian diet with no processed or fast foods hasn't worked. The good news is that I started Medifast less than a week ago, and the pounds are starting to shed like crazy, so it seems like my journey with this is going to come full circle.".

    There is nothing wrong with her body causing an inability to lose weight. As she says herself, when she went on Medifast, the "pounds started to shed like crazy". Meaning that her lack of a caloric deficit would have been why she did not lose weight. A vegetarian diet would have had nothing to do with it if she wasn't in a caloric deficit.

    Edited to clarify references.