thoughts on the 500cal diet



  • shaddowstorm
    shaddowstorm Posts: 155 Member
    didn't think this would get so much attention.

    I only asked and to be honest I have tried 500cals for one week before and I lost almost 3kgs which I have kept off .... so far.

    yes I am 5'7 and 60kgs atm would like to lose 2kgs and at the moment I am eating around 1000cals a day.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I found myself watching Big Rich Texas the other day ( I know, I know don't judge me) any way, this relatively fit looking woman was on it and she wanted to be a model so she went to see this woman who told her she was too big and could only be a plus size model. She then went to the doctors who advised her to go on a 500 calorie diet! I found this really quite disturbing, I mean what sort of message is this supposed to be sending out?!

    Also to the girl who seems to have a bit of an issue with exercising, if you're going to keep talking about it please learn to spell it .

  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    didn't think this would get so much attention.

    I only asked and to be honest I have tried 500cals for one week before and I lost almost 3kgs which I have kept off .... so far.

    yes I am 5'7 and 60kgs atm would like to lose 2kgs and at the moment I am eating around 1000cals a day.

    If you are really consuming only 1,000 calories per day, you're eating far too little. You are already at a healthy weight. A deficit that large is both unhealthy and unnecessary.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Less than 1200 calories a day will put you into starvation mode, thereby shutting down your metabolic rate. The worst part is then your body takes those 500 calories and stores them as fat. Fat cells have this habit of growing when you eventually increase your calories.

    Therefore these insanity diets just make you fatter. They are designed to lose weight quickly, the problem is you gain it back twice as fast as you lost it, plus some. So don't do it, stick with your recommended MFP calorie intake for long term, permanent weight loss success.

    BULL $****
  • unnamed101
    unnamed101 Posts: 14
    netting low calories has worked so far for me I dont feel hungry or hypoglcemic as I would if I simply dieted, I've netted very few calories over the month of June and that wasn't even including my BMR, I took a week off at the end and gained nothing back even after increasing my calorie intake to about 1400-1500 per day, most of my burns came from cardio and I lost 15 pounds that month so while EATING 500 calories per day is insane and definitely impossible for me, netting that isnt.
  • pamleac
    pamleac Posts: 7 Member
    My family doctor gave me a 1000 c. plan to follow and said to me, "Anyone can lose weight on a 1000 calories". There are lots of veggies on there that are free.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Thanks for clarifying that for me. I read this article, and I think it might disagree with what you are both saying, but I'll take your input into consideration.

    I think you're confusing the words nutrient and nutrition.

    No, I'm not.

    Whilst you are on the internet ... google exorcise
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

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